View Full Version : turbie on backwards!
March 23rd, 2008, 05:40 PM
ive been a little frustrated with my turbies lately... i have to get all the hair to go foward into the turbie... this causes me to have tangles and to shed lots of hairs when it dryes and i have to comb it out... so i combed my hair in the bath and gently squeezed out the exess water... it was totally detangled... and i thought isnt it a shame to put my new tangle-free hair foward into a turbie... then i thought WHAT IF I PUT ON THE TURBIE BACKWARDS!!! so i gathered up my hair at the nape of my neck with one hand and placed the turbie backwards on my head with the otherhand and twisted it up and stuck it through the little elastic loop... i was immediatly happy i had done it because i didnt feel any of the pulling at the front that i usually get when i turbie my hair... and when i undid the turbie an hour later i had no knots and my hair was still perfectly parted...:cheese:
i think im going to turbie my hair backwards from now on... it just seems more hair friendly and its more comfortable too...
will anyone else give this a try? im sure you wont be dissapointed....has anyone else had trouble detangling after turbieing your hair?
March 23rd, 2008, 05:44 PM
This is the only way I use my turbie twist. I haven't had a problem with tangles this way.
March 23rd, 2008, 05:45 PM
Yup, this is how I always used mine. Now my hair is too long to use it comfortably (I don't like to fold my hair up), so I do a different wrap with a long hair towel. But backwards turbies rock.
March 23rd, 2008, 05:47 PM
What is a "turbie"?
March 23rd, 2008, 05:54 PM
Yup, this is how I always used mine. Now my hair is too long to use it comfortably (I don't like to fold my hair up), so I do a different wrap with a long hair towel. But backwards turbies rock.
what kind of long hair towel do you use?? and where did you buy it? i ask because im sticking out the end of my turbies now. yay backwards turbies!:)
This is the only way I use my turbie twist. I haven't had a problem with tangles this way.
im glad im not the only one to think of this!
What is a "turbie"?
this is a turbie twist (
ofcourse i got mine for 2$ each at biglots
March 23rd, 2008, 07:20 PM
This is how I get the water out of my hair when it's going up right out of the shower. I don't have a turbie, but I have a microfiber towel that I do about the same way. I bring the ends with my hair wrapped in them up to my forehead and clip it. Then, I just get dressed, take care of my face, and when I take down the hair, voila! Just damp and ready to go.
Feisty Redhead
March 23rd, 2008, 07:40 PM
I don't have a turbie but I think I'll give this a try with my regular towel tomorrow and see how it goes. :D
Silver & Gold
March 23rd, 2008, 09:39 PM
I've used my turbie backwards as well. I also read a tip from someone with very long hair who twisted the hair a bit at the nape and brought the hair forward over the scalp and then put the turbie on the conventional way from there. To my mind it would have the same effect as putting it on backwards and it would also make the turbie easier to use on very long hair. Although my hair isn't all that long, I tried the method for the very reason you state, to keep from all the tangles and it works just as well as putting the turbie on backwards. Thought I would mention this for all of you who have very long hair.
March 24th, 2008, 05:26 AM
I had given up on my turbie because I didn't like turning my hair upside down when wet. I'll give this a go next time I wash my hair.
March 24th, 2008, 08:45 AM
I had given up on my turbie because I didn't like turning my hair upside down when wet. I'll give this a go next time I wash my hair.
tell us how it turns out?
March 24th, 2008, 10:46 AM
Interesting. I gather my hair into a low pony, then fold it over my head (rather than just tipping my head over). Then wrap up the normal way with a regular towel.
Do these turbie things make much of a difference over ordinary terrycloth?
March 24th, 2008, 11:34 AM
Interesting. I gather my hair into a low pony, then fold it over my head (rather than just tipping my head over). Then wrap up the normal way with a regular towel.
Do these turbie things make much of a difference over ordinary terrycloth?
it obsorbs as much or maybe even more water than regular towels without being so bulky.... i like that i can get dressed with a turbie on my my head... you can walk around with a turbie on your head for an hour without the neck pain you get from a regular big towel.
March 24th, 2008, 11:45 AM
Great tip. Now I just gotta get my hands on a turbie twist.
March 24th, 2008, 12:12 PM
Do these turbie things make much of a difference over ordinary terrycloth?
it obsorbs as much or maybe even more water than regular towels without being so bulky
Exactly. And I especially like using microfiber towels and t-shirts because I get SOOOO much less frizz on my 3A hair than with terrycloth. I honestly think the switch resulted in the single biggest instant drop in poofy frizz I've ever had--better than any product.
March 24th, 2008, 03:45 PM
I'm going to try this the next time I wash my hair-- either tonight or tomorrow!
I get some pulling at the front too, but I didn't know how to deal with it, and my hair takes too long to dry without a turbie, so I've been just dealing with it.
March 26th, 2008, 02:19 PM
what kind of long hair towel do you use?? and where did you buy it? i ask because im sticking out the end of my turbies now. yay backwards turbies!:)
I use an Aquis long hair towel. It was not particularly cheap, but I love it. I wrap my hair up in it, and take it off after about half an hour and the towel is so heavy with all the water it sucked up, it's great.
One of these:
but I got mine locally at a Bed Bath and Beyond.
I had one for years when I was little and it lasted a good long time. I just got lost in my latest move.
I wrap in a weird way though, so it probably depends on exactly how you wrap how well it will work for you.
March 26th, 2008, 02:43 PM
If you use it backwards, do you find it flattens your hair in the front too much? I've found much less tangles doing it backwards, but I feel like I had a little more "lift" at the front when done the other way.
March 30th, 2008, 11:48 PM
I got mine at bed bath & beyond too.
I'm a curly and I've always only worn mine backwards. For me, it's perfect for preserving my curls in their scrunched state. Comfy enough to sleep in overnight if I need to.
I'm only BSL, but it seems to me that wearing the turbie backwards affords a whole lot of space for lots of hair.
I like mine!
March 31st, 2008, 06:19 PM
If you use it backwards, do you find it flattens your hair in the front too much? I've found much less tangles doing it backwards, but I feel like I had a little more "lift" at the front when done the other way.
yes it does flatten me a bit but if you only leave it on for say15 minutes while you get dressed and eat a snack you can take it off and sort of fluff the roots with your fingertips to get some volume
March 31st, 2008, 07:47 PM
ive been a little frustrated with my turbies lately... i have to get all the hair to go foward into the turbie... this causes me to have tangles and to shed lots of hairs when it dryes and i have to comb it out... so i combed my hair in the bath and gently squeezed out the exess water... it was totally detangled... and i thought isnt it a shame to put my new tangle-free hair foward into a turbie... then i thought WHAT IF I PUT ON THE TURBIE BACKWARDS!!! so i gathered up my hair at the nape of my neck with one hand and placed the turbie backwards on my head with the otherhand and twisted it up and stuck it through the little elastic loop... i was immediatly happy i had done it because i didnt feel any of the pulling at the front that i usually get when i turbie my hair... and when i undid the turbie an hour later i had no knots and my hair was still perfectly parted...:cheese:
Holy smokes, how weird is that?! I was just trying to do this very thing yesterday!
I don't get a problem with tangles, but I do get some waving in my hair (and I want to see what my hair is REALLY like straightness-wise, without being twisted for 20-30 minutes all the time), and also it was putting unfortunate shapes in the front of my hair. I started to leave the turban in for only around 10 minutes, then letting the hair hang to dry (which I don't really like having that wet hair hanging on my back, even when I do have a towel under just bugs me).
So, yesterday I tried doing the turban backwards. Like you, I was often bugged that my hair was hanging so nice and smooth down my back before I flipped it to put it in the turban.
I couldn't get it to work with what fiddling I did.
When you say you twisted "it" up and through the loop, I'm clear on what you mean: is it the hair or some part of the turban that went through the loop?
March 31st, 2008, 08:46 PM
Holy smokes, how weird is that?! I was just trying to do this very thing yesterday!
When you say you twisted "it" up and through the loop, I'm clear on what you mean: is it the hair or some part of the turban that went through the loop?
i took the hair and twisted the turbin around it and pulled the turbin covered hair through the turbie loop... some off brand turbies have buttons... but real turbies have elastic loops that you pull the towel ends through to secure...
you know how to apply a turbie fowards right?? just do the same thing backwards...
April 1st, 2008, 09:46 AM
i took the hair and twisted the turbin around it and pulled the turbin covered hair through the turbie loop... some off brand turbies have buttons... but real turbies have elastic loops that you pull the towel ends through to secure...
Ahhh, ok, hence my confusion! The ones I have have a button. Thanks for the clarification!
April 4th, 2008, 08:55 PM
Interesting. I gather my hair into a low pony, then fold it over my head (rather than just tipping my head over). Then wrap up the normal way with a regular towel.
Do these turbie things make much of a difference over ordinary terrycloth?
ohhhhhhhh, I like that way of doing a towel turban! I must try it!
I find the microfibre ones make my hair dry alot faster.
April 4th, 2008, 09:28 PM
Usually I squeeze my hair with a regular towel to get the wetness out while I'm still in the shower, then put it in a faux turbie till I get out. I started switching to a second one once out of the shower because the first one would soak up so much water and I'd be wandering around with this damp thing on my head.
I thought wrapping it was giving me a wave so now I just leave it down after taking the first turban off (and I've switched to backwards). It's drying alot faster now, too, which is a bonus. I didn't have an issue with the wave, but I wanted to know what my REAL hair type was. I noticed today my hair is even WAVIER than I thought!! LOL I'll do it a few more washes and check it...I may have to re-think my hair type on the profile.
I've done the backwards thing a few times now. I think that's helping. I'm having a heck of a time getting it to work, so I don't leave it wrapped long. The last couple of times, my hair wasn't so much wrapped BY the towel as it is wrapped AROUND the towel.
How do you get it sit right? My hair isnt' that long (28"/a couple of inches to waist) but I can't do it from behind my head and have the hair stay wrapped inside the towel. Today I brought it over the shoulder, but the turbie kept getting moved out of position so I gave up, let the hair wrap *around* the fabric and buttoned it up....up the SIDE of my head since the thing had shifted. I guess that's workable, but looks a bit silly. :) And once it's dry I'll know if it did anything weird the front hair from moving it around.
April 4th, 2008, 09:33 PM
How funny that someone else discovered this. I've been doing this for about a year and a half. I found that flipping my hair at all was just causing me endless amounts of tangles. Using it backwards works and there are no tangles. I have lately moved to doing a towel wrap around my length and then wrapping that around my head which seems to balance better for me, but I still do the backward turbie on occasion.
Cinnamon Hair
April 4th, 2008, 10:09 PM
Interesting. I gather my hair into a low pony, then fold it over my head (rather than just tipping my head over). Then wrap up the normal way with a regular towel.
Do these turbie things make much of a difference over ordinary terrycloth?
I do this but with a Turbie Twist instead of a regular towel. Here are some step-by-step photos ( to illustrate.
When I had an Aquis towel (with the button & loop) I would use them backwards, but it doesn't work for me with the Turbie.
April 22nd, 2008, 01:42 PM
ok, so i just got a turbie like thing off ebay and i have a question: what i've got is microfibre alright, but still terry cloth style, ie a loopy fabric. i haven't used it on my hair yet but running my hand over it, the fabric feels slightly 'sticky' if that makes any sense? in a typical microfibre way...
now, i worry if this isn't likely to snag my hair / cause it to frizz *more* than ordinary cotton terry?
for those of you who have used the aquis towel, is that a different, smooth type of microfibre? or are there smooth cheap turbies also and i just have a duff one?
what are your microfibre towels like, texture wise? should i be worried about using terry microfibre on my hair?
kaz x
April 22nd, 2008, 02:06 PM
I have a MF towel and I love it! I normally use the MF towel to squeeze the excess water out of my hair then put my turbie on backwards...Umph, I didn't know wearing it the wrong way was so popular...I tried it the "right" way, and it didn't work at all...One big snarly mess, love wearing it backward.
MF towels have a very tight weave and are very absorbant; and leave your hair less frizzy looking than say a terry cloth towel...What is important w/the MF towel; though is not to use any fabric softener or heat drying them...I guess that messes them up; that's the rule I follow, I don't want mine to get messed up trying to find out for myself.
Oh, and my MF towel is the waffle weave, it looks like a honey comb, not sure the difference, but LHC'rs were swearing by the waffle weave as being even more absorbant and less frizz; both of which appealed to me...Not sure if that answers all your ?? but hope that helps.
April 22nd, 2008, 04:57 PM
I've been doing this for a while (a few of you might remember the "Tabitha says Eh-Oh" photo ... :rolleyes:) and have just reached the stage where I have to double up the ends, as my hair is now too long and sticks out of the bottom.
April 22nd, 2008, 05:13 PM
ok, so i just got a turbie like thing off ebay and i have a question: what i've got is microfibre alright, but still terry cloth style, ie a loopy fabric. i haven't used it on my hair yet but running my hand over it, the fabric feels slightly 'sticky' if that makes any sense? in a typical microfibre way...
now, i worry if this isn't likely to snag my hair / cause it to frizz *more* than ordinary cotton terry?
for those of you who have used the aquis towel, is that a different, smooth type of microfibre? or are there smooth cheap turbies also and i just have a duff one?
what are your microfibre towels like, texture wise? should i be worried about using terry microfibre on my hair?
kaz x
I have a microfibre turban (a turbie knock-off, I guess, with a button). It's smooth on the inside, and kind of loopy on the outside, though not as much as a regular terry cloth towel.
For a few weeks I've been wearing it backwards, and for only up to 30 minutes, usually only 10-20. My hair is alot smoother either from wearing it backwards, or from wearing it less time. Yesterday I left it on for almost 2 hours (trying a "plopping" experiment) and my hair was really frizzy and now I remember that it was doing that before I shortened the wrap time.
I loved these microfiber gets so much moisture out of my hair quickly! Now that I'm leaving it on less time, once I let it hang to dry it's not soaking my back.
April 22nd, 2008, 05:18 PM
Has anyone tried rinsing their hair flipped over, so that it's already flipped before putting it in the turbie "forward"?
I had done that yesterday to get it ready for the plopping experiment. Yesterday I rinsed the conditioner out then flipped and rinsed some more. I'm thinking maybe flipping with conditioner in (and maybe using a detangler comb at that stage) may leave the hair less tangled.
Backwards works for me, but I can't contain the hair in the "tail" portion because it's too awkward...I just twist the hair and the tail, basically, and let it out after around 10-20 minutes.
April 23rd, 2008, 01:36 AM
Try cutting off the pointie end of the turbie and sewing on a rectangular micro-fiber towell--
Great for side or down the back wet hair. You can just wrap the towell around the hair, then wrap it all around the head to damp dry in the "towell". I still have length available for more growing of my thigh length hair.
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