View Full Version : I got to my goal length and hated it. Old member update.

May 21st, 2024, 09:55 PM
I was active here some time ago and I got to hip length around 2021. Anyway I chopped it all off in April this year. Hip to jaw length bob. Honestly I’m really happy. I was kind of over the long hair. I donated to Wigs for Kids.

I use all kinds of heat now. I do ponytails.

I think my hair type isn’t suited to long hair. I hate fairytale ends on me.

May 22nd, 2024, 06:03 PM
At least you now know. Good for you for finding a length that works for you!

May 23rd, 2024, 05:17 PM
After years of growing and cutting, I know that I appreciate the extra long hair on others more than myself. I just can't do the styles required to make it look pretty, so I don't love it on me. I do still want a bit of length - maybe BSL? - but I'm not sure that I can look after that because of my health now, so it might be shoulder-length or shorter for me. I don't really mind and I just want to see what looks best.

Enjoy whatever length you want!

Lady Winchester
May 23rd, 2024, 05:43 PM
I'd hate it that short, since I'd look like a poodle dog with my natural curl, so nope, keeping my hair long, even if I have to switch up the style to give my neck muscles a bit of a break. I'm sure there's lots of people with your hair type with long hair, so perhaps you just don't like it on you? I don't mind fairy tale ends, since I have natural curl, and I usually don't get a trim for about six months to a year and a half (though I had to wait twice as long when I was growing it back from losing it to chemo, since there was no way I was getting a trim before it grew back to its former length, which was mid-back range).

May 23rd, 2024, 08:04 PM
Good for you that you're happy with the length you have right now! Whatever makes you happy!

Lazy Loop
May 26th, 2024, 08:39 AM
Wow, hip would be extreme length for me! I like reading this, because it’s not the end, if you cut hair short. I’m not very patient and I don’t “enjoy the journey” enough. I’ve been short and hated it but end up with bad short hair again, regret!!! But I admire a nice jaw bob:blossom:

May 31st, 2024, 04:15 PM
"I think my hair type isn’t suited to long hair. I hate fairytale ends on me."

This sums up exactly how I feel about my own hair.

I'm glad you're happy with your hair now. I am too. Like you I now have a jaw length bob which I love.

June 1st, 2024, 06:37 AM
After my mom fractured her foot in 2 places (falling down the hallway stairs, missing the last step!), I had so much pressure put on me (she is one of my main caregivers), that the hair just had to go. My mom did her utmost caring for me, but this just had to go. It is what it is, I guess. :shrug:

Cut back to BSL, initially. And have been APL for over a year now, still liking it. I discovered about 70% of my midlengths were just broken off from bunning all the time. Apparently not too tight is still too tight. It's growing back nicely, but it needs its time.

I typically cut in 2 pigtails to the side (split down the middle all over), so above the ear, then on to the side. It's super simple. We go in after with Feye's for trimming the edges straight underneath. I absolutely stinkin' love it.

And you can clearly see the demarcation of the thicker bits growing in and the thinner ends. My God, long hair like that? Badly kept, destroyed from bunning? Not worth it, in my book. Not at all costs. I appreciate a nice head of hair, and in my signature picture, that I'm proud of, I still loved it, it was as thick as ever, but sadly... that's no longer the case.

It's often not easy getting judged on your appearance, I know. But just to say, there is nothing whatsoever wrong with cutting back to a length that you are comfortable with. That's a good place to be and a possible nice start!

June 1st, 2024, 08:19 AM
I typically cut in 2 pigtails to the side (split down the middle all over), so above the ear, then on to the side. It's super simple. We go in after with Feye's for trimming the edges straight underneath. I absolutely stinkin' love it.

I forgot to tell you, lapushka, that I figured out a simplified way of doing pigtails cut;)
I tie the pigtails behind my ears, then comb them forward and tie them together in one central ponytail that lies under my nose and above my mouth. Then I cut the ends.
It basically gives me slight layering on the ends and a gentle V shape. I would say it's an equivalent of doing 45 degrees cut.