View Full Version : Do you get sort of grossed out by all the hair everywhere?

November 19th, 2008, 06:02 AM

I know this is a normal part of having longer hair but gosh I just find more and more hair everywhere the longer it gets. One thing is my hair has never been this long before so I have never experienced it. But sometimes it just creeps me out like in the shower when I am detangling and I take all that hair out of my comb and then it sticks to everything and it's like :eek: Yesterday I was picking something up off the carpet in the bedroom in front of the sink and there was a mass of hair there that I just kept scooping up that had been invisible before. (oops that is a dead giveaway to my terrible housekeeping isn't it :o ?) Oh and then the wet/damp hair that sticks to you that you cannot get off ACCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!


November 19th, 2008, 06:11 AM
As long as I stay on top of the cleaning, the hair is quite manageable. Having no carpet really helps! I use a strainer in the tub and it is a bit gross to clean that out but I do it every time time after I wash my hair which keeps it from getting too bad. I do occasionally still find hairy dust bunnies in out of the way spots like under the bed, but it's not that big a deal to pick them up by their scruff and remove them. As for the hair stuck to me after showering: our shower is the style where you have a plunger mabob to switch from shower to spigot, I turn off the water but don't push down the plunger. Then I run my hands along the usual hair catching spots grabbing the vagrants as I go. Then I stick my hand under the spigot and push the plunger, releasing that last bit of water in the pipe which is enough to wash to hair off my hand into the drain trap. Then I can let the trap and it's easier to get the hair out.

November 19th, 2008, 06:25 AM
I'm not getting grossed out, but Mr. Wonderful sure is. Yet, any time I mention cutting it off he says, "Noooooo!" :D The only time I really notice it is when I'm cleaning the bathroom floor. It's a small bathroom so I wet clean it by hand. It gets uh...a bit hairy in there.

November 19th, 2008, 06:27 AM
OMG curlsgirl, try being a HAIRDRESSER!!!!! You get used to hair being everywhere really quickly. So to answer your question, no not really. I'm used to it!

November 19th, 2008, 06:28 AM
OMG curlsgirl, try being a HAIRDRESSER!!!!! You get used to hair being everywhere really quickly. So to answer your question, no not really. I'm used to it!

I imagine so!!!

November 19th, 2008, 06:28 AM
I hate the wet hairs right when I get out of the shower and there will be some sheds stuck to me. Esp in certain body parts I'd really prefer not to be digging shed hairs out of. :p

November 19th, 2008, 06:32 AM
I am. And I wish my lovely flatmates with coarse black hair would kindly clean up after themselves in the bathroom, not leave hairbrushes full of their hair on the counter near the toilet paper, not leave wads of hair clogging up the drain, etc. The kitchen is full of their hair, too, I am always picking up hairs from the dish rack and the stove!! Oh, and did I mention black hairs hanging out of the toilet unto the seat? :tmi:
Okay, before you are even more grossed out, I'll shut up. But seriously... :rant:

November 19th, 2008, 06:32 AM
I absolutely do! Especially wet shed hair icks me out to no end!

November 19th, 2008, 06:32 AM
I hate the wet hairs right when I get out of the shower and there will be some sheds stuck to me. Esp in certain body parts I'd really prefer not to be digging shed hairs out of. :p

ya know, I couldnt agree more... that's when I get bugged out myself!!
The other place is in my office. I dont brush or comb my hair in the office, so Im a bit freaked out by the fact that there are little mats/knots of my henna'd hair on the carpet......
I think they are plotting to take over myself...

November 19th, 2008, 07:02 AM
Cleaning out the drains gross me out. But that's more because of all of the ickiness on the hairs, not the shed hair itself. If it was just a clump of wet hair then no I wouldn't be grossed out. It IS upsetting as far as thinking that all that used to be on my head and now it's not. My hair would be a lot thicker if it was still there.

I live with 2 golden retrievers and all 3 of us leave our hair all over the house. I'm used it. It's not a big deal. There is my hair or dog hair on EVERYTHING in my house. I'm VERY casual about housecleaning :p so I just live with it and accept that it's just part of my life. I'm not about to cut my hair short to alleviate the issue. When I find hair in my food at home, I know it's mine or the doggie's so it doesn't bother me. If it's over a foot long, I know it's mine and if it's in the 3-6" range and a little wave to it, I know it's theirs. I just pull the hair out and finish my meal. This happens quite often so it's just not a big deal. Hair all over the place is just a fact of life at my house.

November 19th, 2008, 07:11 AM
Doesn't bother me at all! :D

On the other hand, I am sometimes vaguely horrified to see what look like clumps of hair being pulled out of my head when I detangle in the shower - though I *know* (have counted them!) that it's no more than 10-15 long, coarse hairs!

ETA: Oh, I forgot to mention my 2 (semi) longhair cats who shed white and ginger hairs everywhere... My poor SO is doomed! :p

November 19th, 2008, 07:19 AM
I don't get grossed out, just annoyed. Especially when sheds get wrapped around my toes. I freak out. Or when I'm washing dishes and a hair wraps around my fingers and I can't get it off. :mad:

I'm actually surprised that no one else in the house gets annoyed and grossed out by my hair. It gets everywhere... even thought I wear it up all the time.

November 19th, 2008, 07:23 AM
I am noticing long stray hairs more often of late, the last one i found was last week and it was in the crack of my erm...bum, i pulled it and there were nearly 2 of me and it does gross me out, like how did it get there anyway?

November 19th, 2008, 07:28 AM
It's just hair.

What does get me is the slimey stuff of it when you pull it out of the shower... even if I know it's only conditioner.

November 19th, 2008, 07:33 AM
Gotta love those bodily hair traps eh? :D

November 19th, 2008, 08:04 AM
I'm usually not very grossed out by it. I do keep it clean, after all. It only really bothers me when it sneaks up and attacks me and I think it's a creepy crawly at first.

November 19th, 2008, 08:22 AM
Ugh, I hate it. I comb my hair sitting on my desk chair and all the hairs stick to it. It's gross.

November 19th, 2008, 08:27 AM
I don't find it gross, but my hair is long enough that it seems to act as a binding agent -- it gets tangled up with any other hair that's around (cat hair, Shetland Sheepdog hair, roomates' hair...) and forms megaclumps the size of softballs. Talk about poor housekeeping...

November 19th, 2008, 08:42 AM
I do yuck all that long dark hair everywhere even the couch when I sit it's like I cant put my hand down without feeling hair I hate it.

November 19th, 2008, 08:47 AM
I don't get grossed out, just annoyed. Especially when sheds get wrapped around my toes. I freak out. Or when I'm washing dishes and a hair wraps around my fingers and I can't get it off. :mad:

The dish washing with a hair stops me in my tracks every time!

For the majority though, shed hairs don't get to me but DH would say the opposite. He's the only short hair here! :D

November 19th, 2008, 08:54 AM
BF is also a long hair, so we never know whose hairs they are. Our landlady did install light colored carpets for some dumb reason, and the long, dark blonde hairs collect and meet there, making the carpets look dirty. It is hard to pick them up, but more annoying than gross.

I hope our kid also wants long hair, but then we will be three, all with long, dark blonde, wavy hair. Oh, and if we do get a cat...! Guess we need a new vacuum cleaner!

November 19th, 2008, 09:07 AM
What really grosses me out is that sometimes it seems that the 2 dogs go around the house licking up hair because I've had to get a paper towel and help them get it through the other side from time to time. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

November 19th, 2008, 09:11 AM
It's just hair.

What does get me is the slimey stuff of it when you pull it out of the shower... even if I know it's only conditioner.

I second that. Though even the slimy stuff isn't too bad, I've had to deal with worse in lab or garden.

November 19th, 2008, 09:16 AM
What really grosses me out is that sometimes it seems that the 2 dogs go around the house licking up hair because I've had to get a paper towel and help them get it through the other side from time to time. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

No matter how hard I try to keep my runaway hairs contained to one bathroom, inevitably the dog gets ahold of a clump from time to time... My husband and I call these "bad hair days."

November 19th, 2008, 09:51 AM
No matter how hard I try to keep my runaway hairs contained to one bathroom, inevitably the dog gets ahold of a clump from time to time... My husband and I call these "bad hair days."

You made me laugh out loud. Too true.

Ohio Sky
November 19th, 2008, 09:55 AM
The only time my hair really creeps me out is when it ends up wrapped around my clothes in the dryer. I pull at least one pair of underwear out each laundry day that have been hopelessly tangled up in my hair.

My hair everywhere doesn't gross me out but other people's do. I don't mind cleaning my black hair out of the shower drain, but if it's blond hair, eww!

heidi w.
November 19th, 2008, 10:13 AM
uh yeah. My long haired chihuahua and me....hairballs we are!


Lady Grace has a panel of slippery rayon fabric she lays out to detangle her hair. Good idea for uber long lengths to slide; but also, excellent for collecting the strays (the bulk of it anyway). I detangle in one room in my house only to try to keep it in check. Somehow it still ends up places. ETA: like this morning between my little toe and the next one in as I raised my foot up to put on my socks. Maaaan!

Then there's the dog. How to get her to shed in one room is a bit harder. LOL
Shed, boo-boo, Shed! Shed Now!, Stay; Shed! Good boo-boo. Nawww, don't think that'll work. I can see her big round brown saucer eyes looking up at me with the bubble over her head: Who are you? Did someone else invade you and take over? Just hand over the meat and we'll get along fine!

I love fantasy scenarios. They crack me up. I do it all the time. Like running a movie scene in my head.

heidi w.
ETA2: the truest ickiest ick of all is pulling out a hairball out of the shower drain. Now that IS truly Gross! Braghk.

November 19th, 2008, 10:15 AM
I am crocheting hair into my items I am making, I cannot clean my bathroom with out swishing around several hair with my rag when cleaning my toilet.
I have a front loading washer and hair collecting in there too, in the front, where small items will fall. It does drive me nuts. LOL
But worth it, I guess.

heidi w.
November 19th, 2008, 10:16 AM
No matter how hard I try to keep my runaway hairs contained to one bathroom, inevitably the dog gets ahold of a clump from time to time... My husband and I call these "bad hair days."

I can identify, especially when my little pooch is trying to get it out of her mouth!

Oh, gotta love life. Sometimes I'm glad not to be the dog.

heidi w.

heidi w.
November 19th, 2008, 10:17 AM
What really grosses me out is that sometimes it seems that the 2 dogs go around the house licking up hair because I've had to get a paper towel and help them get it through the other side from time to time. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

I'm dyin' here -- dyin'!
heidi w.

November 19th, 2008, 10:25 AM
I comb my hair standing outside on the veranda quite often. Recently I painted the beams and found several of my hairs had floated up and gotten snagged on rough wood or in spider webs. I was surprised. I always thought of shed hairs as going down, not up.

November 19th, 2008, 10:46 AM
Yeah kinda! I don't wash in the shower (it just never works out when I do), I wash in the sink and there's always the 'main' clump, lol, from combing the hair out. But after, there are always tons of extra little hairs all over, and more get on the towel when I towel dry and end up all over the floor, eventually. I gotta be careful about this when I stay at my s.o's place, too-don't wanna gross him out! I usually just gather up all the hair and wrap it in tissue, then toss it instead of just the hair.

It's the price we must pay for gorgeous hair, I suppose...

November 19th, 2008, 11:05 AM
Sometimes, more annoying though. I'm more worried about other people.

November 19th, 2008, 11:49 AM
No. My hair has shed/broken all my life. It just makes me sad now because so many of the hairs are clearly broken and not shed. :cry:

November 19th, 2008, 12:28 PM
Didn't there used to be a thing called a combing shawl, to cut down on this, at least for the hairs shed during combing?

November 19th, 2008, 12:31 PM
Nah. I know where my shed hair tends to convene so each night I wander over to their individual lodges and clean house so to speak. It's hair. I know I shed it, I know others shed it, so it really isn't that big a deal. It's not like they'll sneak up on me and start chewing on my arms or act like moths and eat my clothes. The only times I get grossed out it's more of a surprise really. Shed hair really enjoys gathering in balls and sometimes if I forget to clean up in a location I know has been a hair repository so to speak I'll walk there barefoot and get a wad to cling to my foot. Eek. Then I go "oh dang" and toss it out. I guess I'm becoming immune or something! Maybe it's also because I know whose hair it is. That's important!

November 19th, 2008, 12:34 PM
It doesn't gross me out so much, but man, can it ever be annoying. My shed hairs have this amazing tendency to find their way into my bra, and inevitably start tickling me when I'm somewhere that it would be entirely inappropriate to retrieve them. Like during meetings at work. :silly:

November 19th, 2008, 12:41 PM
The only time I get grossed out by hair, is picking it out in my food, or cleaning my brushes and all this matted hair comes off of it. Wait, I just thought of another.. getting old hair all gunked up with other junk out of the shower drain. Now that is really NASTY! EWW! lol!! Other than that, I"m fine. :)

November 19th, 2008, 12:57 PM
I am more annoyed than grossed out. I hate them in the shower and have a little drain screen trap thingy that works quite well. I also brush brush brush *before* washing my hair - if it's coming off, I want it in the Brush not in the Drain!

I had a friend who used to finger comb - it was a habit like nail biting, she did it without thinking. Her hair (bleached fried shoulder length) was *everywhere* and that did gross me out pretty badly.

But I have two longhair cats and have lived with two golden retrievers in the past so I know about shed hair from years ago. I sweep often.

As has been said before, dog dingleberries are Nasty Bad. Yeccchhh. :(

When I was a kid and went to camp we had inspection every morning and one thing inspected was the hairbrush - were there any hairs in it. I learned early to clean out the brush and comb every time I used them, which really helps I think. That shed hair gets confined to the trash can at once before it can wander off and get into trouble. ;)

November 19th, 2008, 01:00 PM
I'm not bothered by it, nor is my DH... unless it has wrapped itself around something very dear to him... He will text or email me with "Why did you leave a garrote (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/garotte) in my boxers?" Then I have to explain why I'm laughing hysterically to my co-workers. :D According to hubby, I have REALLY strong hair!


November 19th, 2008, 01:04 PM
I am sure if I did brush I wouldn't have so many shed hairs. I cannot brush because of my curly hair. I also finger comb some when I am in my recliner and am very careful to put them in the little trash can next to me. Still I find hair in my office on the chair and carpet all the time too and mine doesn't seem to navigate to clumps like some of you said except in the bathtub or the washer. I have started wearing my hair up when I go to stay in other's homes to avoid having so much shed everywhere since I don't know how the person feels about it. My husband doesn't seem to mind at all in fact he says he almost always finds a couple of long blond hairs on him when he gets to work and he thinks of me :love:

November 19th, 2008, 01:10 PM
I'm not bothered by it, nor is my DH... unless it has wrapped itself around something very dear to him... He will text or email me with "Why did you leave a garrote (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/garotte) in my boxers?" Then I have to explain why I'm laughing hysterically to my co-workers. :D According to hubby, I have REALLY strong hair!

Crinita:laugh: Funny!!!

November 19th, 2008, 01:45 PM
Ladies, how often do you usually wash your hair? Is it normal to lose more if I don’t wash it very often?
When I clean my apartment hairs are everywhere…pretty scary:( and it’s been like this for about 3 years…but the volume of my hair stays the same…maybe it’s normal then?:confused:
I also had another question. I almost always wear my hair up and part it on one side but now (for a long time) Sometimes it seems to me that I have a bit less hair on this side than before. Could it be because I part it on one side always? Is it important to chage the part from time to time?
Thank you very much and sorry for my English!

November 19th, 2008, 01:51 PM
Ladies, how often do you usually wash your hair? Is it normal to lose more if I don’t wash it very often?
I think it is. Think about it, if you wash it every day, you lose x amount at once. If you wash it every fourth day, you lose 4 times x amount at once, because loose hairs accumulate between washes/combings.

When I clean my apartment hairs are everywhere…pretty scary:( and it’s been like this for about 3 years…but the volume of my hair stays the same…maybe it’s normal then?:confused:
If there is no noticeable thinning, I think it is normal. :)

I almost always wear my hair up and part it on one side but now (for a long time) Sometimes it seems to me that I have a bit less hair on this side than before. Could it be because I part it on one side always? Is it important to chage the part from time to time?
Thank you very much and sorry for my English!
I think your English is just fine! :) (I am a non-native speaker, too.;)) If you part your hair on the same spot always, it is possible that the parting "grows" - there might be some thinning on that area, since you pull the hair always in the same place. Try parting your hair in a slightly different place, or just comb it back some days without parting.

November 19th, 2008, 02:07 PM
I get grossed out by my hair everywhere but on my head. Especially hair wrapped around the rotating brush of my vacuum. It's really gross. Whenever I pull them out, EEK! It's a disgusting ball of black fuzz!:(

November 19th, 2008, 02:33 PM
Lamb, thank you very much!:)You calmed me down:)

November 19th, 2008, 02:58 PM
In a word,YES. Im contemplating trimming a few inches off so they arent quite as long
and disgusting. Its really beginning to annoy me. Its just so much hair.........everywhere.


November 19th, 2008, 03:17 PM
My cat is having dingleberry problems. I thought he was just not getting to his box in time, but the other morning I noticed one of my hairs sticking out of his little butt. I pulled it out, but mystery solved!

The hairs between my toes drives me nuts and the little hair mattes that look like spiders are really nasty. I have to use a broom on my carpets before I vacuum because of burning belt problems. I had to buy two more today. :(

November 19th, 2008, 04:42 PM
Eh, I'm used to it. Granted, I probably don't shed as much as you guys and the hairs aren't as long.

My mum, on the other hand, gets very grossed out. So do my other relatives.

Maybe I'm just a slob?

November 19th, 2008, 05:13 PM
I haven't been finding it everywhere yet. It seems to stay where I play with it, in the bathroom.

November 19th, 2008, 05:33 PM
Well...its not gross...but it's so annoying! For me, I'm starting not to mind it anymore, but I live with my parents and my brother. So they get more grossed out and fed up with it whenever they find my long hairs on the floor, clothes, etc.

I make sure that when I comb my hair I catch all the hairs that are falling, and sweep up the floor after I'm done. But the shower...well I'm not gonna ramble about that one..

November 19th, 2008, 05:47 PM
I HATE how my hair seems to get everywhere!

Stuck to the dish sponge, wrapped around my fingers, stuck to the inside of the fridge, woven through my clothes, knotted in my pockets, stuck in my dog's butt, in my glass, in my food, EVERYWHERE! GAAAH

November 19th, 2008, 05:52 PM
I'm told by the dh that I have always had a shed problem and I'm just now noticing my hair all over. The wet hair glue to the body - I agree ick and nothing seems to peel it off! Tub/shower strainer same thing, but I clean out after every wash - because I usually stop up the thing while rinsing! (esp after an smt) The dust bunnies seem to like my hair - no matter how much I vacuum they find their way into corners. I found a "baby dust bunnie" a few days ago captured the creature and proudly showed him off to the dh - who thought I was off my rocker.... but promptly went in to the mutual of omah "look out Jim he's.... " you have to be old to get that joke....
I like what someone else said their SO said about memory markers when they found a long hair on their clothes or belonging. I figure it's only going to get worse - so I'll find a way to live with it.

November 19th, 2008, 05:53 PM
My hair is everywhere. The cat pulls my hair off him all day. lol!

It does gross me out. It looks like small wild animals or tumbleweeds blowing about.
FXV-II (http://www.toyota-wiki.com/wiki/Toyota_FXV-II)

November 19th, 2008, 07:22 PM
Not really, but I do hoover up so much of my hair and the cat's that it amazes me that we both aren't bald.

November 19th, 2008, 07:38 PM
No, I don't feel that at all, I could chew on my hair balls ans still not find it gross :lol:

November 19th, 2008, 09:03 PM
I don't find it gross, but I do find it annoying! My hair isn't even that long yet, but I am starting to notice hair everywhere and I don't like it. :mad:

November 19th, 2008, 10:04 PM
... My hair everywhere doesn't gross me out but other people's do. I don't mind cleaning my black hair out of the shower drain, but if it's blond hair, eww!

I could have written this, but the color is the opposite for me ... if I find dark hairs, I freak out (former roommate's hair - you'd be amazed at how resistant hair can be to the vacuum cleaner!), the blonde ones don't bother me because I know they're mine!

November 19th, 2008, 10:36 PM
No, I don't find it gross. A bit annoying at times. DH is not too happy but I always say, that if we had a cat or a dog it would basically the same: hair all over the place. I mean I limit brushing and combing and fiddling to the bathroom only which gets cleaned every other day so what? Besides, it's not my hair which sticks everywhere :D, because I clean out the tub and the basin when I'm done.

It also helps that we don't have carpets in the house. I find the hairy dust bunnies relatively early before they have time to breed.

The only thing which bugs me a bit is why do I find little clumps of hair in the wash when I'm taking the whole lot out of the machine?

November 19th, 2008, 10:43 PM
I love my cats, but their hair is by far more annoying. It gets EVERYWHERE!

November 20th, 2008, 01:49 AM
Eh i don't really get grossed out. Just used to it i guess. :)
My hair always gets wrapped around my socks and seems to stitch its self inside them. I try pulling them out but its a lost cause so i just put them on. I'm pretty used to it and it doesn't bother me unless one gets wrapped around my toes.
I do have the occasional hair that travels -.-
We have a little thing that catches hair as well but i usually clean it out every time.
I suppose we do have a lot of hair around the house. Dog hair, my grandmas hair, and my hair. She sheds a lot more then i do so its likely that i will find white and black hairs anywhere even on myself when i am at school.
I usually comb my hair in this seat by my desk then run my hands down it to get any shed hairs and put them in the trash. Although i recently combed the carpet below me and wooo got a couple big hair balls.
I never really understood why people put their hair on the walls of showers. Though when i rarely see my hair on the shower walls i try to make hearts. lol
I usually rinse the shower out after wards but when i am at peoples house and their is hair everywhere i don't really get it. Or when people have used my shower and left hair on the walls. I comb my hair before i shower but none the less i still shed in the shower. I just let it go on the little stopper thing. Sometimes i have like 1 long hair that i missed when putting my hair up and someone will think its not attached and go to get it off my back when really..it is.
i don't mind it much i guess. We also had a bunny a few years back. Now he would shed loads!

November 20th, 2008, 03:52 AM
It does not bother me too much and DH is getting used to it. He has a choice - long hair which goes everywhere or short hair - and he detests my hair short, so he lives with the long hair.

I do try and remove it from drains and where ever I see it lying so that neither him nor my boys have to deal with it - but it still manages to get everywhere.

Imagine how much fun it will be when it gets to my goal of classic!!

November 20th, 2008, 06:32 AM
The longer my hair gets, the more annoying it gets. I especially hate pulling all the shed hairs off my shirt after combing my hair.

November 20th, 2008, 06:44 AM
No because it is my own.Guess that makes me the odd one.Now if it was someone elses that is different.

November 21st, 2008, 10:22 PM
It kinda grosses me out, like it's taking over the house! The longer it gets, the more it appears in weird places. I guess it was always in the same places, just more noticeable as it grows.

Does anyone else get a "fur rug" in their bathroom? :cool:

November 21st, 2008, 10:27 PM
Heheh, yes, I do get a bit grossed out. It was even worse when I had really really long hair. It's so worth it, though! :)

November 23rd, 2008, 08:12 PM
It kind of grosses me out, mostly when I finish showering and I've got wet hairs stuck to my body. That oogs me out more than anything, except maybe unclogging the drain--YUCK!

Other than those things, if I vacuum regularly it doesn't bother me too much.

November 23rd, 2008, 08:22 PM
It's never bothered me, but when I was an Au Pair in England (back in '97/'98) the kids that I looked after used to get grossed out by it. They would freak out whenever one of my hairs left in the bath would find its way onto them. I never really thought of it as an "issue" until then, and after that I made sure that I would clear the bathtub of my stray hairs after I washed in the morning!

November 23rd, 2008, 08:32 PM
I don't really... My roommate seems to enjoy doing a weekly scouring to get the hair off the carpet, and so it's a bit embarrassing when I see the results but aside from that, I'm not really bothered by it. :shrug: