View Full Version : What kinds of braids do you do for braidwaves?

March 12th, 2024, 05:17 PM
Other than basic 3 strand braids, what braids do you do? And what kind of waves do you get when you take them down? I like doing two 4 strand round braids overnight, it gives you more natural looking waves rather than the crimps you get from 3 strand braids

March 12th, 2024, 06:59 PM
Sometimes I do dutch twists into a standard 3 strand braid on both sides. So I'll use two sections and add chunks of hair until I have about 1/3 of my hair that isn't in the braid. Then I will use the last third and switch to a 3 strand braid

March 12th, 2024, 07:55 PM
I'm still figuring out what works best, but most recently, I parted my hair in front of my ears and did 6 larger braids in the back, and six small ones around my face, (with a gel to help it set) and took it out after two days, and my braidout looked and felt amazing.

I also like the results I get from doing a crown/dutch braid combo. I tend to stick to three-strand, but the more waves/definition I want, the more braids I'll do with three-strand.