View Full Version : Pictures of your hair shed during detangling/wash day!

March 12th, 2024, 01:07 PM
Alright, this may be gross...

But I cannot be the only person who collects my fallen hair on the side of the shower. It's a win-win, I see how much hair fall I have, AND it's less hair to clog my drain. I find it fascinating how much hair I can lose without going bald.

So anyways if anyone else does this, feel free to show your own personal hair ball from wash day, off your brush, or after detangling.

Here's mine (and your final warning if it'll gross you out)
https://i.postimg.cc/4KjBTNR2/20240312-105949.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4KjBTNR2)

March 12th, 2024, 02:59 PM
I don't think it's gross. It's pretty reasonable. If I don't collect the hairs and stick them to the walls then they clog up the drain. But it does look kind of scary in there when I'm done. Kind of like those old cartoons where the animal gets so scared and runs so fast, all their fur just stays behind....
I'll have to remember to take a picture of my hair ball the next time I wash my hair.

March 12th, 2024, 08:00 PM
Chasemi, you need to watch curly/natural hair youtube wash day vids. :D All the girlies are quite happily showing off their shed hair balls. (Including me, lol, the following pic is a screencap from an upcoming vid where I dry detangled and was comparing my shed using that method vs wet detangling.)

https://i.ibb.co/9yJZfz1/IMG-2041.jpg (https://ibb.co/9yJZfz1)

March 12th, 2024, 08:33 PM
I roll my shed shower hair into small hair rats. I do this to measure how much I lose each wash. I know. Weird. But it's very helpful to track the progress. Basically I roll them into a ball in my hands and keep rolling them into elongated rats. The smaller the less shed obviously. I like when they are thin and small.


March 12th, 2024, 08:48 PM
I roll my shed shower hair into small hair rats. I do this to measure how much I lose each wash. I know. Weird. But it's very helpful to track the progress. Basically I roll them into a ball in my hands and keep rolling them into elongated rats. The smaller the less shed obviously. I like when they are thin and small.


It's not weird at all. I do this, too. :lol: And for the same reason as you, with the addage that it's also for my vacuum cleaner as well. I spend much less time spent cutting the hair off the brush this way. I've just passed my wash day, so I'll chime in too when the next one comes up!

March 12th, 2024, 10:23 PM
Chasemi, you need to watch curly/natural hair youtube wash day vids. :D All the girlies are quite happily showing off their shed hair balls. (Including me, lol, the following pic is a screencap from an upcoming vid where I dry detangled and was comparing my shed using that method vs wet detangling.)

https://i.ibb.co/9yJZfz1/IMG-2041.jpg (https://ibb.co/9yJZfz1)

Ooo, if you have any recommendations for channels, I LOVE hair videos! That's such a cool comparison too! What'd you ultimately determine? I imagine wet detangling is better suited for your hair?

I don't think it's gross. It's pretty reasonable. If I don't collect the hairs and stick them to the walls then they clog up the drain. But it does look kind of scary in there when I'm done. Kind of like those old cartoons where the animal gets so scared and runs so fast, all their fur just stays behind....
I'll have to remember to take a picture of my hair ball the next time I wash my hair.

Haha I love your comment about the cartoons! My shower wall can definitely look scary too, especially when I forget to throw away the hair and its now dry and stuck to the wall... not so cute. I hope you do get a picture though!

March 12th, 2024, 10:24 PM
I roll my shed shower hair into small hair rats. I do this to measure how much I lose each wash. I know. Weird. But it's very helpful to track the progress. Basically I roll them into a ball in my hands and keep rolling them into elongated rats. The smaller the less shed obviously. I like when they are thin and small.


Wow I've never even thought about that! So cool!

March 13th, 2024, 07:25 AM
Ooo, if you have any recommendations for channels, I LOVE hair videos! That's such a cool comparison too! What'd you ultimately determine? I imagine wet detangling is better suited for your hair?

Haha I love your comment about the cartoons! My shower wall can definitely look scary too, especially when I forget to throw away the hair and its now dry and stuck to the wall... not so cute. I hope you do get a picture though!

Sure! Here are some some curly hair channels I enjoy watching:

Amber Ansah
India Batson
Sophie Marie Curly
Coily Diaries
Precious Fro
Swavy Curly Courtney
Fo Adunni
Seun Okimi
Manes by Mell
Simply Tamz
Shelly V
Miss Laurenleigh 11
Quick Silver Hair
Afro Lique
Shanika Corb
Mo Knows Hair
Bianca Renee Today

I'm sure the algorithm will suggest more once you watch a few vids from these lovely ladies. :)

I do prefer to wet detangle yes, since then I can use a comb, which is MUCH gentler on my ends. Dry detangling with the method I've discovered does work well for me, but the constant brushing of the ends is liable to tear them up, so I only do it rarely as needed. There's the adage that wet hair is weaker, which is true, but wet curly hair is MUCH stronger than wet straight hair, so you can get away with it. And my shed hair is about the same, so wet it is!

March 13th, 2024, 09:08 AM
I've just passed my wash day, so I'll chime in too when the next one comes up!

Do share pic next time!

March 13th, 2024, 09:08 AM
Wow I've never even thought about that! So cool!

Try it for yourself! 😁

March 13th, 2024, 07:13 PM
Do share pic next time!

https://i.ibb.co/PZBdQQw/20240313-190514.jpg (https://ibb.co/PZBdQQw)

Here's what I lost on my most recent washday. My hair is classic length, so it looks like a lot, but it was really only roughly a max of about 10 hairs or so. :p

March 24th, 2024, 04:42 PM
https://i.ibb.co/PZBdQQw/20240313-190514.jpg (https://ibb.co/PZBdQQw)

Here's what I lost on my most recent washday. My hair is classic length, so it looks like a lot, but it was really only roughly a max of about 10 hairs or so. :p

That looks like nothing!! I lose 100-200 hairs each wash! What's your secret to keep it on your head.

March 24th, 2024, 04:51 PM
Im losing so much lately.


March 24th, 2024, 08:27 PM
3 weeks worth of shed hair. The first ball of hair is after I damp detangled with oil. The second ball is when I put the deep conditioner in. The third ball is when I rinsed it out. You would think at some point I would run out of sheds. The measuring tape is for size reference.

https://i.postimg.cc/xkKGWpw2/received-418257620938364.jpg (https://postimg.cc/xkKGWpw2)

ETA: This was all from one wash session. It had just been three weeks since I washed it last.

March 24th, 2024, 09:01 PM
That looks like nothing!! I lose 100-200 hairs each wash! What's your secret to keep it on your head.

Haha, I don't know. I guess my hair's happy where it is. :bigtongue: I'm also tender-headed, so I have to be extra careful when detangling. It'll hurt like hell otherwise. So maybe that helps? :shrug: My diet is as healthy as I can afford to make it, too. I don't eat sugary things, and I avoid things that are overly fatty (I'm picky with food, but eating things like these makes me feel yucky afterward anyway). And, when I can afford to buy them, I take a multi-vitamin, too. Nothing too revolutionary here. :o

Was the bundle of hair in your next post all in one day?

March 25th, 2024, 07:44 PM
Haha, I don't know. I guess my hair's happy where it is. :bigtongue: I'm also tender-headed, so I have to be extra careful when detangling. It'll hurt like hell otherwise. So maybe that helps? :shrug: My diet is as healthy as I can afford to make it, too. I don't eat sugary things, and I avoid things that are overly fatty (I'm picky with food, but eating things like these makes me feel yucky afterward anyway). And, when I can afford to buy them, I take a multi-vitamin, too. Nothing too revolutionary here. :o

Was the bundle of hair in your next post all in one day?

That's awesome! I eat a looot of sugar so I should try limit that to see if I shed less.

Each bundle is from a separate wash day so that's over the course of the week, washing every other day or every third day. Each bundle has been getting bigger with every following wash. The top was the first ones. The bottom ones are the newest.

March 27th, 2024, 07:47 PM
That's awesome! I eat a looot of sugar so I should try limit that to see if I shed less.

Each bundle is from a separate wash day so that's over the course of the week, washing every other day or every third day. Each bundle has been getting bigger with every following wash. The top was the first ones. The bottom ones are the newest.

Oh, I see. Are you alarmed at all? I remember you saying that your normal amount of shed is between 100 - 200 hairs. Has that kind of shed been normal for you, historically? It's not falling out in huge amounts? If your picture is an indication of what your hair looks like, it's very pretty! :o

March 31st, 2024, 02:36 PM
Reporting in after wash day:

https://i.ibb.co/YkJSGTB/IMG-2482.jpg (https://ibb.co/YkJSGTB)

I shed slightly less than last week. Overall, not bad for my length of hair after not detangling for a week.

March 31st, 2024, 10:21 PM
I'll have to show my purple hair balls when I get a chance. Lately, I've been losing not too much hair this time of year. Very little every day and wash days don't get very much lately, which is very unusual for me

April 1st, 2024, 06:33 AM
Oh, I see. Are you alarmed at all? I remember you saying that your normal amount of shed is between 100 - 200 hairs. Has that kind of shed been normal for you, historically? It's not falling out in huge amounts? If your picture is an indication of what your hair looks like, it's very pretty! :o

Thank you. My hair is much longer today than in my avatarpic so I suppose part of the big shed is because of the lenght. I'll show what my hair looks now:


April 1st, 2024, 06:35 AM
Reporting in after wash day:

https://i.ibb.co/YkJSGTB/IMG-2482.jpg (https://ibb.co/YkJSGTB)

I shed slightly less than last week. Overall, not bad for my length of hair after not detangling for a week.

That's a decent small shed for a weeks worth! I could shed that every 3rd day-wash.

April 1st, 2024, 06:44 AM
That's a decent small shed for a weeks worth! I could shed that every 3rd day-wash.

I can imagine, you have so much lovely hair! :heart:

April 1st, 2024, 05:02 PM
ok so the top tiny ball is what i get in the shower nowadays and the bottom hair ball is what happens when i brush my hair on the 3rd day of not washing

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1056355172495917156/1224493311742443570/20240401_155304_edit.jpg?ex=661db143&is=660b3c43&hm=8bd10cfa31b658f10d10e0e44d17d849e740ff86f82c132 db8daaf5075032478&

April 2nd, 2024, 09:30 PM
Thank you. My hair is much longer today than in my avatarpic so I suppose part of the big shed is because of the lenght. I'll show what my hair looks now:


Wow, so pretty! :heartbeat: Seeing how long it is, I can see why your hair gremlins are well-fed. Is it naturally that straight? :inlove: Thank you for summoning the courage to post the picture! I'm very resistant to posting pictures of anything related to me online, but one day I might cave in and ask my husband to snap a shot of mine. :D

Also, Pumpkinsage, that shade of purple is stunning! Gosh, I wish I wasn't cowardly when it comes to bleach! I love purple! :joy:

April 5th, 2024, 01:28 PM
Wow, so pretty! :heartbeat: Seeing how long it is, I can see why your hair gremlins are well-fed. Is it naturally that straight? :inlove: Thank you for summoning the courage to post the picture! I'm very resistant to posting pictures of anything related to me online, but one day I might cave in and ask my husband to snap a shot of mine. :D

Thank you! Yes this is after a wash and airdry and combing. It's always been straight but I have had slight waves through out the years. Im currently experimenting the "Curly girl method" to see if I can create waves but no luck whatsoever. My hair is flat as a board. But straight adds to lenght so that's nice.

I totally understand!! I never post pictures of my face online so that minimizes the "risk". I think people who post their face are brave. Don't feel pressured to post.

April 8th, 2024, 10:06 PM
Wow I've never even thought about that! So cool!

Doing it makes for shed hair management, too. Collect, roll, decide to stare for a minute or so, toss. My robot vaccum thanks me for doing this. As does my shower drain. Though, my husband will still somehow release a large hair gremlin from said drain whenever he cleans it. Guess I miss a few hairs. Oops. :grin:

May 6th, 2024, 08:30 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/GHQKGvsm/20240505-214825.jpg (https://postimg.cc/GHQKGvsm)

https://i.postimg.cc/YvC33j1f/Screenshot-20240506-102731-Photos.jpg (https://postimg.cc/YvC33j1f)

https://i.postimg.cc/HJJ9qKvr/Screenshot-20240506-102813-Photos.jpg (https://postimg.cc/HJJ9qKvr)

https://i.postimg.cc/K1p5sFfX/Screenshot-20240506-102845-Photos.jpg (https://postimg.cc/K1p5sFfX)

Sheds recently!

May 19th, 2024, 08:16 AM
I feel like my shed hair has been consistently little for the length of hair I have. In fact I feel like it's decreased! since last year even though it's longer. Does shedding become less the longer you grow your hair?

https://i.ibb.co/mTy2srf/IMG-3965.jpg (https://ibb.co/mTy2srf)

May 19th, 2024, 01:54 PM
Does what you have in your hand represent what you pulled out of the drain after wash or picked up off the floor after detangling/combing out your hair?

In my experience, I've found that hair loss in the shower has diminished significantly as I now find almost ZERO in the drain (strainer) after washing. BUT all the sheds are now retained strongly by the rest of the hair and come out with combing. The net amount over the past 20" of growth hasn't changed very much (remaining almost exactly 60 grams annually).

Indeed though, since strand length now is longer on average, for the same mass there must be fewer right in that ball. So I do appear to be shedding "less".

May 19th, 2024, 09:41 PM
I'm sure a few strands go down the drain since eventually we have to bust out the drano (but it's rare, like once every 2-3 years or so) but this is all from my comb. I wet detangle, and pick out the strands and stick them on the shower wall after finishing each section and then bundle them together before throwing in the trash.