View Full Version : Hair Loss from MSM

February 16th, 2024, 04:51 AM
Hi Guys. It's been one month since I started taking Doctor's Best MSM with OptiMSM 1500 mg along with Vitamin C 1000mg and Swanson Horsetail Extract 500mg and I am losing a lot of hair. Like crazy. I can see some new baby hairs on my head, my terminal area is more darker than before and my hair length has also increased noticeably but I don't know why I am losing so much hair. Has anyone of you experienced this when you started taking MSM?. Should I increase the dosage or stop taking it?

February 16th, 2024, 04:53 AM
Hairs generally don’t fall out so soon but more like 2-3 months after “deciding” to fall out. If you think 2-4 months back, did something stressful happen back then, or did you go through a major change of some sort?

February 16th, 2024, 04:57 AM
Nope. Nothing such things. I am not anemic. Nor I have any medications or disease. Since I started taking MSM from then I am noticing these changes

February 16th, 2024, 10:59 AM
I take MSM daily and have had good luck with it. Keep in mind, when you start taking something that helps with hair growth, usually the first few months you may experience more loss as your hair adapts to the faster growth because you're dropping hairs that already had reached their limit, so to speak. I'd recommend giving it a minimum of 5-6 months before deciding whether to stop taking it or not.

February 16th, 2024, 11:41 AM
I'm not a medical doctor but I'd ditch the horsetail. MSM appears harmless but horsetail contains an enzyme, thiaminase, which destroys thiamine (essential vitamin B1). B1 deficiency can cause hair loss. So if you are marginally deficient, your "supplement" may be doing you more harm than good.

Do your own research, e.g.


Good luck.

February 18th, 2024, 09:26 AM
The year before, apart from 20g of collagen peptides, I gradually increased the daily dose of MSM from 0.25g to 2g over the span of 4 weeks, then gradually decreased the dose the same way, and completely stopped digesting it for a month for better detoxing effect, and restarted the cycle. I also consumed at least 2 liters of water a day to avoid a long list of side effects that MSM is famous for (check youtube for related subjects). My nail grew like crazy and my scratches healed much quicker. My hair grew about 2cm a month. My hair loss was about 100 a day, kinda normal for someone who’s been worrying nonstop about my father’s cancer and jobless status.
I didn’t keep up the consistency with those supplements because I have too much on my plates right now and I practice benign negligence, so I stopped measuring my hair all together since last September.

If there is no other illness or stressful event, and the hair loss concerns you so much, I suggest you stop all the supplements, check your water quality, and be mindful about your food source, and most importantly, don’t focus too much on hair (loss), benign negligence makes my life much easier.

February 18th, 2024, 11:35 AM
Well... there is a reason that I don't get "glucosamine + chondroitin + MSM" and just "glucosamine + chondroitin"... I don't like MSM for the single and utmost reason that it does zippity doooo dah for me. And the supplement is more expensive, so... I just don't go there.

I have not noticed my hair falling out due to taking it, though, and I took a 150 tablet bottle (75 days' worth of tablets) before switching back to my old ones.

February 19th, 2024, 05:43 AM
Thanks. I was also thinking the same. May be my body is adjusting to it or idk maybe this is how every hair suppliments work. I will try it for next 3-6 months☺️

February 19th, 2024, 05:49 AM
I'm not a medical doctor but I'd ditch the horsetail. MSM appears harmless but horsetail contains an enzyme, thiaminase, which destroys thiamine (essential vitamin B1). B1 deficiency can cause hair loss. So if you are marginally deficient, your "supplement" may be doing you more harm than good.

Do your own research, e.g.


Good luck.

Well, I didnt know that.:mad: