View Full Version : Can I just start all over again please....thanks

November 18th, 2008, 12:55 PM
Hey, it only took me a month but I just discovered the article section!!! :p As you probably noticed I approach things with the energy of a hundred hummingbirds on caffeine pills :D. After reading every article I thought even remotely applicable to me I realize a few things. One I've made SO many faux pas in my posting and such, thank you all for having so much patience with me! Two I see that I should have gone about changing my hair care more gradually and experimentally! Case in point, I've notice I can wear my hair down now and it's lying beautifully, but I have no idea what I did to make it that way! :rolleyes: So I'm just going to take a deeeeeeeeep breath and start all over, k? :D

I just finished washing my hair with Avalon Organics clarifying shampoo and nothing else. No conditioner, no leave in, no nothing. I'm going to see what condition my hair is in with nothing on it, either from build up or anything else. I can already tell that it's in much better condition than I started out with as then I couldn't get a comb in my hair without tons of conditioner to save my life! This time it was VERY easy to detangle! It IS drying a little frizzy and once it's all done drying I'll evaluate it and come up with a game plan. I already have one in mind (the basis of which are in my siggy). I have it recorded more in depth in my hair journal (http://amandashairjournal.blogspot.com/). I was using my LHC blog as my hair journal but there were some features that I thought would be so useful in other blogging platforms, so I moved it over to blogger and it's working perfectly for me :).

November 18th, 2008, 01:46 PM
Ok, my hair is dry and you know what, at this point all I can see that it needs is a little moisture! I'm going to do an SMT tonight, maybe even all night. I think as long as I keep on top of the moisture (I think CO is definitely a good choice for me!) it will just be an issue of finding my hair's preference on things like cones, styling tools etc. Thickness is still an issue obviously, but that's what the supplements and monistat is for, as for the health of my hair, I think I'm on the right track :) I DO have a bunch of split ends to work on, but I know what caused those (my hair had hardly ANY splits 3 days ago, then I started using a bbb and it totally shredded my hair :( I trimmed 1/2 inch last night and S&Ding the rest)

And what's so wonderful to me, after 6 years of not doing anything chemical to my hair I started dying my hair again as my natural colour seemed to be fading out! I knew chem dyes were bad for my hair but I felt so blah! The henna has given me all that gorgeous richness back without any of the damage! C'est l'amour :D

November 18th, 2008, 01:50 PM
I love the way with no conditioner your hair was simply a bit frizzy.
Mine's like a bird's nest if I don't condition!!
Lucky you!
Experimentation is good =) I do it alot!

Ohio Sky
November 18th, 2008, 02:04 PM
Don't worry, the people here are very forgiving to the newbies. We have all had our "hummingbird on caffeine pills" moments and many of us still do. That made me lol, by the way. :D

November 18th, 2008, 02:09 PM
I am definitely a humming bird on caffeine pills all the time. As my title says I am a hair experiment addict. Be warned you hair CAN CHANGE over time. My hair used to hate cones (would snarl up at the ends) and now it loves them (snarled on non cones and is silky and knot free on cones) . I always clarify between experiments as well. be warned SMT doesn't work for everyone, so I wouldn't do an all night one just in case your hair hates it.

November 18th, 2008, 03:22 PM
Thanks Lora. Hmmmmm a whole flock of hyped up hummingbirds!!! Yikes :D. I've done several SMT's already and I'm good with them (so long as I don't use honey. We have wood heat in the winter and it is DRY in here!!!! I use oil instead :D

November 18th, 2008, 03:23 PM
Don't worry, the people here are very forgiving to the newbies. We have all had our "hummingbird on caffeine pills" moments and many of us still do. That made me lol, by the way. :D

I have no idea what you are talking about!!!



November 18th, 2008, 03:30 PM
I think it's because when you first find this place with so many others also growing long hair it just makes us all naturally over excited.

November 18th, 2008, 03:44 PM
Yeah, you're okay. And I think alot of us jumped in and then had to go back and find out what was working and what was not.

And I do not have ADD, its just...oooh look a abunny rabbit.

November 18th, 2008, 03:48 PM
congratulations for finding stuff thats working for your hair. nothings better then being on the right track

And i only forgive, if there are cookies an cheese involved:D

November 18th, 2008, 03:52 PM
Cookies and cheese? Sounds like something I'd eat when pregnant :D . Assuming you mean separately LOL here ya go!!!

:cheese::cheese::cheese: :gobblecheese: :gobblecheese: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

November 19th, 2008, 01:55 AM
I had a similar experience, and still do. Sometimes, my hair just needs to be heavily shampooed, without conditioner. When it's damp I might put some aloe and leave-in in just the ends, but sometimes I just let it be itself...and I do get a tiny bit more frizz, but bigger, shinier, "cleaner" hair. I do this at least once a month.

We have similar hairtypes so this might be a kinda-fine-hair thing.

The only issue I have with Avalon Organics is that their conditioner has silicone in it. I was really disappointed when I saw that AFTER having used it at my sister's and bought myself some. I'm not anti-cones, but they seem to make my hair straight and give my scalp more buildup, neither of which I really like.