View Full Version : The Post Haircut Thread

November 7th, 2023, 05:31 AM
I looked and I don't see anything like this on the forum!

I wanted a place for people to talk after a haircut. Drop before and afters, talk about the good, the bad, all of your feelings. Duscuss why you cut and if it were impulsive, well needed, regretted. Whatever you feel a haircut to be is just fine to talk about here <3

I'll go first,
I cut off about 2.5 or 3 inches, setting me back to 22 inches. I grew my hair a lot over the past year, but with 7 rounds of bleach under my belt, I suddenly noticed the real damage on my ends. White dots going a couple inches up the hair shaft. Pull on it gently and a inch long piece breaks right off. No reason keeping hair that looks that bad.

Mixed bag of emotions: logically I know there is only harm in waiting to cut it, but I was really close to MBL and genuinely hadn't realized how tortured the ends were

Oh well, who else?

November 7th, 2023, 06:00 AM
Oh, I really like this idea for a thread!

My last cut was in June already, but it was a big chop of around 40 cm (~16 in). I did it primarily because I was sick of my bleached ends; they were causing me way more stress and frustration than joy. But I did it (and feel like maintaining my length rather than letting it grow) for a "worse" reason as well: I wanted to create contrast between myself and another person. She was the only other person I knew in real life who also had really long hair (knee-ish or so). I don't want to get deeper into why I want to create a distinction between myself and her, but to me, that is a very real, very current reason. But this has also been a very important step for me as a person altogether. The fact that I "polished" my metal identity (which has always been the truest me) has lead to many excellent changes.

November 7th, 2023, 06:23 AM
I like this idea for a thread too! The reason I joined here was to get myself to put the scissors down because I'd probably be at WL by now if I hadn't kept cutting. I did about 3 trims this year between March and July. And since I don't straighten my hair very often I was cutting curly, meaning I was taking off a lot more.

But at the same time, while I was unhappy with stalling my length retention, the ends needed to go. I had a terrible amount of single strand knots that made running my fingers or a comb through the ends rather unpleasant. If I just let them be, the hair just catches on itself and creates more knots. It was something that could not be cured with S&D since some knots were a 1/4 inch up, and some 2-3 unfortunately. Better to just cut evenly and give the fresh ends a nice hemline for support.

It was frustrating looking at pics from a year ago and seeing the EXACT same length, but it also feels much better to run my hands through the ends (especially when braiding or unbraiding) and feel healthy smooth ends.

November 7th, 2023, 07:25 AM
Joining the discussion ;)
I'm generally very scissor-happy and I would be probably at tailbone right now if I weren't trimming this often. I had a many unnecessary trims in the past 2 years.
It's not the matter of damage - my hair is very healthy and I don't get split ends. It was rather a matter of yo-yo between layered and blunt cuts that was the issue and I was really unhappy with how my hair looked like.
Now I'm set on getting rid of layers and I mentioned already- I gave my scissors to my boyfriend and asked him to hide them from me in his apartment. He will give them back in the end of December :p

Lady Winchester
November 7th, 2023, 01:46 PM
I'm not cutting my hair, I'll hate it (which is usually what happens, so I'm not going through that again)! The last trim (which was about three inches, so still considered a trim. I view a major chop as anything between 4-6 inches, anything under that is just a trim) was about four to six months ago after growing it back from losing it to chemo (that took about three years, so hopefully I'll never have to go through that again, since it was the only part of the treatment that I didn't like). I grew it to the same length it is now (BSL/MBL) and had it trimmed to APL and now it's back to MBL again. I won't go any longer than WL, since if I'm sitting on it, it's too long (at least for me). I usually get a trim in between six months and a year and a half, but not to thicken my hemline (since I don't care how thick or thin it is) but to get rid of any split ends. When my grandmother died last October, I did not take it out on my hair and went on Etsy to find a memorial to buy for all of the grandkids (I'm the oldest) instead. I don't take out my stresses on my hair, I just cry it out for about a day (or watch kitty videos on Facebook, since that always cheers me up).

November 7th, 2023, 04:12 PM
Oh my gosh, I want to take this opportunity to share the story of chopping my hair off into a pixie because it all just came back to me!

My hair was BSL and dyed pink in high school. I was exploring my identity, was convinced my hair would never grow any longer (surprise, I was just not taking good care of it), and decided I wanted to go for the big, big chop.

My mother, who was a hairdresser and the only person to ever come near my hair with scissors was totally on board, and after a few days of planning, we sat me down into a chair and went for it. Well, she cut it to my ears and then started crying. I begged her to keep trying to finish it because I looked like I had a bowl cut, and she sure tried through her tears, but I was mortified. In the end, I looked like Justin Bieber in 2008.

I went to a salon for the first time in my life the next day, and while the stylist cleaned it up, it was not at all the look I was going for. I got a very soft, cutesy moviestar-esque result, when what I really wanted was something a bit edgier and punk. Regret. Regret regret regret. Oh, my mother was still in tears. I guess seeing all of my hair that she spent my whole life styling get cut off really took a toll on her :(

I grew out that bad pixie for a year, cursing myself for cutting my hair, but I came to realize that it wasn't the short hair that made me upset, it was the cut that I got and the emotions that came after it.

I got booked with a stylist that my mom knew and trusted very well, told her exactly what I wanted, and oh my gosh. It was amazing. My hair looked so good and it was exactly what I wanted (at the time!). I still have this great picture of me in the chair absolutely glowing.

I wore that cut for two years before deciding to grow it, and my mom even felt comfortable trimming it for me again! It was a wild ride, but it taught me a lot about my hair and my relationship with it, and I'm just glad I got that all over with during my high school years when everyone else was making wacky changes to their appearance as well :lol:

November 7th, 2023, 04:23 PM
Oh, I really like this idea for a thread!

My last cut was in June already, but it was a big chop of around 40 cm (~16 in). I did it primarily because I was sick of my bleached ends; they were causing me way more stress and frustration than joy. But I did it (and feel like maintaining my length rather than letting it grow) for a "worse" reason as well: I wanted to create contrast between myself and another person. She was the only other person I knew in real life who also had really long hair (knee-ish or so). I don't want to get deeper into why I want to create a distinction between myself and her, but to me, that is a very real, very current reason. But this has also been a very important step for me as a person altogether. The fact that I "polished" my metal identity (which has always been the truest me) has lead to many excellent changes.

16 inches sure is a big cut! I can't say I know exactly what you're going through, but I understand using your hair as a way to control your looks and the people you look like. I once cut off all my hair and dyed it after I was cheated on, the girl had hair just like me. Anyways, all in the past now but I understand how that connection happens. I hope the cut brought you what you needed, at least somewhat

November 7th, 2023, 04:36 PM
ETJ - I can imagine that makes a really big difference! Curly hair gets tangles that I swear feel impossible to undo sometimes.

Paulownia - gosh I hate imagining how long my hair would be if I would just let it grow! I'm jealous that you don't get any splits though

Lady Winchester- wow what a crazy journey. Congratulations on being done with treatment! I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. It's hard to not take out stress on your hair, I get it. It's easy to reach for the things we can control when it's tough

Kelp - I am astonished at how similar our stories are! I too had BSL(ish, mine was maybe a big shorter at the time) hair that was dyed bright pink, AND my mom is the only one who ever cut it, she went to school for cosmetology but untilimately became a therapist. Anyways, in 9th grade I cut all my hair off into a pixie too! I completely agree that it was the perfect time to mess with my appearance and identity. The growing out process was fun and while I wouldn't do it again, I'm glad I did it when I did!

November 7th, 2023, 05:07 PM
I have to share this because it was so traumatic that Ive never forgotten.

It was in the early 80s and it was the first time I was going to go pretty short. I wanted something similar to this cut in the top photo but it was longer in back… it kinda brushed the neck and was definitely longer and flipped outward. Over the ears was just a teensy bit shorter and shaped. The stylist said I would probably need a perm just to get the volume and curviness to it. I had walked in with BSL hair.


This photo… this photo right here is what I walked out with. I still remember when I sat down after she took the perm rods out. She was fluffing it wet and goes “You can wear it like this if you dont want to dry it.”

I was all ON WHAT PLANET did the photo that I brought in resemble this poodle head?? I didn’t say that, but I think she could see the trauma on my face. I was trying SO HARD not to cry. I went home and washed my hair multiple times with Prell and tried to dry it as straight as I could. Looked nothing like what I asked for. I kept it short after that I have no idea why. It was so ugly on me. I have a photo of my hacked at by me pixie that looks so much better than what I walked out with.

When I went back to (a different stylist) to get a trim she was all “why aren’t you coming to meee?” I told her I didnt like it and she goes “I could have fixed it”. How? lol

Anyway that was the only cut in my life that I truly loathed. I think after that I just didnt care if I looked in the mirror and disliked what I saw. So sad. I finally grew my hair out in the late 80s.


November 7th, 2023, 05:14 PM
Kelp - I am astonished at how similar our stories are! I too had BSL(ish, mine was maybe a big shorter at the time) hair that was dyed bright pink, AND my mom is the only one who ever cut it, she went to school for cosmetology but untilimately became a therapist. Anyways, in 9th grade I cut all my hair off into a pixie too! I completely agree that it was the perfect time to mess with my appearance and identity. The growing out process was fun and while I wouldn't do it again, I'm glad I did it when I did!

We're hair journey twins! That's so funny, did you keep the short hair for a while or did you go straight to growing it out?

November 7th, 2023, 07:11 PM
I have to share this because it was so traumatic that Ive never forgotten.

It was in the early 80s and it was the first time I was going to go pretty short. I wanted something similar to this cut in the top photo but it was longer in back… it kinda brushed the neck and was definitely longer and flipped outward. Over the ears was just a teensy bit shorter and shaped. The stylist said I would probably need a perm just to get the volume and curviness to it. I had walked in with BSL hair.


This photo… this photo right here is what I walked out with. I still remember when I sat down after she took the perm rods out. She was fluffing it wet and goes “You can wear it like this if you dont want to dry it.”

I was all ON WHAT PLANET did the photo that I brought in resemble this poodle head?? I didn’t say that, but I think she could see the trauma on my face. I was trying SO HARD not to cry. I went home and washed my hair multiple times with Prell and tried to dry it as straight as I could. Looked nothing like what I asked for. I kept it short after that I have no idea why. It was so ugly on me. I have a photo of my hacked at by me pixie that looks so much better than what I walked out with.

When I went back to (a different stylist) to get a trim she was all “why aren’t you coming to meee?” I told her I didnt like it and she goes “I could have fixed it”. How? lol

Anyway that was the only cut in my life that I truly loathed. I think after that I just didnt care if I looked in the mirror and disliked what I saw. So sad. I finally grew my hair out in the late 80s.


:disbelief: That stylist definitely just wanted to charge you for the perm. I would bet pretty heavily that all that was done to the model was a tight curl roller set that was then combed out and sprayed with hairspray.

It's one thing to decide to cut your hair, it's another to have the end result turn out completely different than what you'd envisioned. :-(

November 7th, 2023, 07:17 PM
Great thread Idea I've shaved off my hair so many times and almost always regret it
I would have probably had hair to my knees by now if I hadn't. the worst one was when I had hair around apl around the time I was going through my gender crisis and I just kept getting it shorter and shorter I then kept bleaching and having to cut it, I managed in 2021 to get it to cbl but it was so damaged I ended up cutting it all off and buzzing and I haven't managed to get our of pixie since.

But I'm getting there

November 7th, 2023, 07:49 PM
We're hair journey twins! That's so funny, did you keep the short hair for a while or did you go straight to growing it out?

I kept it short for about a year, but decided to grow it out after some pressure form my dance studio (competitive dance teams like to keep everyone looking the same). It was fun all around though!

November 8th, 2023, 05:49 AM
16 inches sure is a big cut! I can't say I know exactly what you're going through, but I understand using your hair as a way to control your looks and the people you look like. I once cut off all my hair and dyed it after I was cheated on, the girl had hair just like me. Anyways, all in the past now but I understand how that connection happens. I hope the cut brought you what you needed, at least somewhat

No no, you totally get it, I would say, based on what you just shared!

I don't know if it did bring me what I needed. I don't what it is that I need. It's still very much a bleeding wound, but oh well. At least my hair is healthier now and no longer licks the sticky floor when headbanging. :rockerdud

November 8th, 2023, 11:56 AM
My last haircut was in late april. i was at classic and I cut between hip and bcl, with long layers. My ends were very damaged from years of bleaches. Could I deal with it? Yes, ai indeed did it for years. Did I want to? Nope. Those ends needed to go. Bonus point, I was craving for an hairchange and on day I decided. Previoisly I had already cut from classic to tbl a couple of times, but it wasnt enough.
At first my hair looked so short, but I havent regretted it once. It was a nice change, my hair is very much less demanding since then. And I never had a rush to cut ever again, I feel much more relaxed about haircare in general now. I enjoed the shorter look for a while, but now that I'm almost at tbl I...truly dont care. It's growing while I'm too busy with other things.

November 8th, 2023, 02:41 PM
Amazing idea for a thread. :D :cheer:

I recently, well end of 2022, had my hair cut from classic all the way back to BSL. My mom had broken her foot (in 2 places) and it was a "difficult" fracture but surgery wasn't necessary. Took her 6+ months to get all better. She was 77 at the time and well... you know, we were just glad she did not break a hip. She actually missed the last step on our hallway staircase (in the dark). We spent the next day in the ER from noon to 5.

A lot of pressure was on me to keep things going and that was super duper difficult for me. I have a pretty severe disability, so I get my care from mom and dad. That left only dad for the next foreseeable months, and well to put it bluntly... he can't exactly "wash my private area", so yeah, well... I'm betting you can imagine those 10 days where my mom was in a non weight bearing cast. Oh... my... God! I tried. You know. I tried... and I went over my limits and something one day just up and cracked.

Turns out cutting my hair back was the best & smartest move, as I discovered through my cut that about 70% of my lengths to ends was... gone. My hair was thin. If I did a ponytail, that hand-hold was still thick as my hair normally is, but about an inch beyond that, it went to suuuuper thin all of a sudden. :(

I had other things to deal with which is probably why I got the worst case of swollen legs & feet (lymphedema) that you can imagine. Oh man! The entire spring & summer I had balloons for legs. Nothing worked on it, not even water pills in double dosage. In shoes (very wide shoes), my feet looked like an elephant's paw. This, sadly, is no joke. I have the pictures to prove it. It all wreaked havoc on my physical health. I got a huge, huge set-back trying to eek just that little bit forward.

Now, almost a year after mom's fracture, my hair is... in recovery. I have also re-"discovered" another layering method, cutting side-ways by making side ponytails. It gives such a nice cut for waves! I finish this off by using Feye's in back, this to even the lengths out a little. But it's awesome. Best decision ever.

I am now between APL/BSL, more towards the latter than the former, and I absolutely *love* it. I wear my hair in a loose peacock twist daily and I love that little tail popping out over my head. I used to wear nautilus buns all the time and I must have done that style way too tightly because it was not a protective style. I lost hair! Plus it made me look so severe and strict. This is nicer, more playful. It's a little "give" and lets my hair "breathe" so to speak, and recover nicely.

Anyway that was my... long-winded... story. :D

Hope to read and see more on here.

Will I ever grow back out to classic? I am unsure at this point. Perfectly happy right now, and that's what counts, isn't it?

My mom BTW, is back to wearing her little high-heeled booties just about a year after the fracture. She's doing *great*. Thank God! It took us a while to get back to normal, but it's coming along nicely. And I no longer have my limits to worry over. I can rest and let my parents care for me the way it was intended, and strongly necessary and needed. :o

November 8th, 2023, 03:14 PM
Thank you all for sharing your stories, and now I would like to share my story with you too.
I, Fiorentina A. Canaretti, had classic length for decades, yes for decades, in deed.
Well, 3 years ago I cut my hair back from classic to a little longer than BSL, but since around 1,5 years I let grow back to classic and on top of that I let my natural hair color grow out too.

November 8th, 2023, 04:03 PM
:disbelief: That stylist definitely just wanted to charge you for the perm. I would bet pretty heavily that all that was done to the model was a tight curl roller set that was then combed out and sprayed with hairspray.

It's one thing to decide to cut your hair, it's another to have the end result turn out completely different than what you'd envisioned. :-(

She sure did want to charge for that perm. I remember her saying “I wouldn’t tell you that you needed it unless you did”

Yeah sure lol! I’m glad I can look back on it and laugh now, but it was a real blow to my (somewhat fragile) self-esteem at the time

November 8th, 2023, 04:07 PM
Great thread Idea I've shaved off my hair so many times and almost always regret it
I would have probably had hair to my knees by now if I hadn't. the worst one was when I had hair around apl around the time I was going through my gender crisis and I just kept getting it shorter and shorter I then kept bleaching and having to cut it, I managed in 2021 to get it to cbl but it was so damaged I ended up cutting it all off and buzzing and I haven't managed to get our of pixie since.

But I'm getting there

I get these wild urges to shave my head sometimes. I dont know where it comes from but sometimes I just think it would be fun… cool … SOMEthing to do it at least once. Haven’t caved yet ;)

November 8th, 2023, 04:41 PM
Amazing idea for a thread. :D :cheer:

I recently, well end of 2022, had my hair cut from classic all the way back to BSL. My mom had broken her foot (in 2 places) and it was a "difficult" fracture but surgery wasn't necessary. Took her 6+ months to get all better. She was 77 at the time and well... you know, we were just glad she did not break a hip. She actually missed the last step on our hallway staircase (in the dark). We spent the next day in the ER from noon to 5.

A lot of pressure was on me to keep things going and that was super duper difficult for me. I have a pretty severe disability, so I get my care from mom and dad. That left only dad for the next foreseeable months, and well to put it bluntly... he can't exactly "wash my private area", so yeah, well... I'm betting you can imagine those 10 days where my mom was in a non weight bearing cast. Oh... my... God! I tried. You know. I tried... and I went over my limits and something one day just up and cracked.

Turns out cutting my hair back was the best & smartest move, as I discovered through my cut that about 70% of my lengths to ends was... gone. My hair was thin. If I did a ponytail, that hand-hold was still thick as my hair normally is, but about an inch beyond that, it went to suuuuper thin all of a sudden. :(

I had other things to deal with which is probably why I got the worst case of swollen legs & feet (lymphedema) that you can imagine. Oh man! The entire spring & summer I had balloons for legs. Nothing worked on it, not even water pills in double dosage. In shoes (very wide shoes), my feet looked like an elephant's paw. This, sadly, is no joke. I have the pictures to prove it. It all wreaked havoc on my physical health. I got a huge, huge set-back trying to eek just that little bit forward.

Now, almost a year after mom's fracture, my hair is... in recovery. I have also re-"discovered" another layering method, cutting side-ways by making side ponytails. It gives such a nice cut for waves! I finish this off by using Feye's in back, this to even the lengths out a little. But it's awesome. Best decision ever.

I am now between APL/BSL, more towards the latter than the former, and I absolutely *love* it. I wear my hair in a loose peacock twist daily and I love that little tail popping out over my head. I used to wear nautilus buns all the time and I must have done that style way too tightly because it was not a protective style. I lost hair! Plus it made me look so severe and strict. This is nicer, more playful. It's a little "give" and lets my hair "breathe" so to speak, and recover nicely.

Anyway that was my... long-winded... story. :D

Hope to read and see more on here.

Will I ever grow back out to classic? I am unsure at this point. Perfectly happy right now, and that's what counts, isn't it?

My mom BTW, is back to wearing her little high-heeled booties just about a year after the fracture. She's doing *great*. Thank God! It took us a while to get back to normal, but it's coming along nicely. And I no longer have my limits to worry over. I can rest and let my parents care for me the way it was intended, and strongly necessary and needed. :o

Lymphedema always looks so painful to me. I hope your legs are much better. Sounds like things are getting squared away again though.

Ive noticed that when I start getting too much past BSL I have a harder time keeping my hair in an elastic. Styling is just a bit easier at BSL.

Thank you all for sharing your stories, and now I would like to share my story with you too.
I, Fiorentina A. Canaretti, had classic length for decades, yes for decades, in deed.
Well, 3 years ago I cut my hair back from classic to a little longer than BSL, but since around 1,5 years I let grow back to classic and on top of that I let my natural hair color grow out too.

That is quite the trim. Going natural helps to make hair care a lot easier too. :)

November 8th, 2023, 04:48 PM
Good thread!

I went from hip to bra strap length last week. I couldn't take the length anymore. First I had a ton of split ends. The longer my hair gets, the quicker it splits. Also, it was shapeless and I just didn't think
I looked good with it anymore. Much happier and healthier hair now.

November 9th, 2023, 09:34 AM
missmelaniem, it was painful on top of pain. I have CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome). This means severe nerve pain (all over, throughout both legs, tippy toes to hips). It's also in a chronic stage due to late diagnosis (almost 3 years in, when this needs to be discovered within 3 months after injury). It means it will not, no matter how I try get any better, it can (in effect) only get worse, especially if I try to do things beyond what I actually am able to do. I get punished for trying and that's so tough to deal with. But yeah, there's this constant nerve pain coursing through those legs (I am on heavy duty pain medication) and then there was the lymphedema. I do get it to some degree, guaranteed, every spring & summer, but not to this extent. I had *obviously* overdone something. That was clear. Between a rock and a hard place, you know? :)

November 10th, 2023, 02:20 AM
Lymphedema always looks so painful to me. I hope your legs are much better. Sounds like things are getting squared away again though.

Ive noticed that when I start getting too much past BSL I have a harder time keeping my hair in an elastic. Styling is just a bit easier at BSL.

That is quite the trim. Going natural helps to make hair care a lot easier too. :)

Yes indeed missmelaniem, I am absolutely agree with you.
It is also very motivating, seeing that the hair care turning into the easier section. So going back to my natural hair color is a great thing and I really love my silver withe hair.

November 14th, 2023, 09:34 AM
I'm a week out from my haircut and I still have such mixed feelings, even on such a small cut. It feels sooo short. It felt short before, though I also felt like it looked exactly like APL. It's still past APL after the cut, and behold, it feels sooo short and yet I know it would feel shorter at APL, so clearly it's not exactly the same.

Some days I think my hair is at my shoulder again. I'm just so ready to keep it growing

November 18th, 2023, 11:29 AM
My cat died. I took a fur clipping from him because many people told me to. It felt like brutal, like I'd vandalized him. I felt so bad I immediately cut five inches of my own hair and gave it straight back to him. It was cremated with him so we can't be separated.

Hair feels better. It's about tailbone now. Would never have had the guts to do that otherwise. It's somewhat blunt. Let's see if I can maintain that.

November 18th, 2023, 12:45 PM
It's always so tough when our pets leave us. I am so sorry, cathair!

November 19th, 2023, 05:39 PM
It's always so tough when our pets leave us. I am so sorry, cathair!

It's the worst, I miss him so much. Thank you for the kind words :heart:

November 19th, 2023, 08:05 PM
Always a hard process ): I'm glad you are together. I'm sure he is at peace and warned by your locs which will forever be with him to snuggle <3

November 20th, 2023, 01:12 AM
My cat died. I took a fur clipping from him because many people told me to. It felt like brutal, like I'd vandalized him. I felt so bad I immediately cut five inches of my own hair and gave it straight back to him. It was cremated with him so we can't be separated.

Hair feels better. It's about tailbone now. Would never have had the guts to do that otherwise. It's somewhat blunt. Let's see if I can maintain that.

I am so sorry to hear that, cathair
Let me give you a huge hug!

November 30th, 2023, 08:55 AM
I had a haircut today, about 5 cm were taken off. I’m back up to hip, I think.

I’ve found an amazing hairdresser; this was my second time with her. She dusted all of my hair, cut off those 5 cm from the length, and added face-framing pieces. We also had great talks all throughout the process. She’s becoming a friend, too.

My hair is currently brushed and blow-dried straight, but I will wash it today to see the full results as it sits the way it wants to.

December 1st, 2023, 09:09 PM
I had a haircut today, about 5 cm were taken off. I’m back up to hip, I think.

I’ve found an amazing hairdresser; this was my second time with her. She dusted all of my hair, cut off those 5 cm from the length, and added face-framing pieces. We also had great talks all throughout the process. She’s becoming a friend, too.

My hair is currently brushed and blow-dried straight, but I will wash it today to see the full results as it sits the way it wants to.

I'm so glad you found a hairdresser you like! I'm interested in hearing what you think as you get more used to it

December 2nd, 2023, 12:16 AM
I really tried to stay away from bleach or touching my hair in general but the call for neon Was too strong so I've lost about 3-4 months of growth. Oh well

December 2nd, 2023, 03:48 AM
Still, Bat, you stayed away from scissors and bleach so long time that you should be proud of yourself ;)

I did cut my hair again in the end :p. It was looking terrible the past few weeks and I finally got to conclusion that I cannot have blunt cut. My waves really need a subtle layering.
This time around I did pigtails haircut by Manes by Mel with ponytails fairly low, just behind my ears.
It's just wonderful :applause. Exactly the right amount of layering on the ends and texture is breathtaking.

December 2nd, 2023, 05:53 PM
I like that pigtail-cut as well, paulownia. It's how I've been layering my hair ever since I cut my classic length off back to APL/BSL. I absolutely love it, and it's amazing for textured hair, IMHO! I do finish the cut with a couple dustings off towards a blunt Feye's cut, though, because I have found that the pigtail cut does leave straggly ends in back.

December 2nd, 2023, 08:54 PM
Still, Bat, you stayed away from scissors and bleach so long time that you should be proud of yourself ;)

I did cut my hair again in the end :p. It was looking terrible the past few weeks and I finally got to conclusion that I cannot have blunt cut. My waves really need a subtle layering.
This time around I did pigtails haircut by Manes by Mel with ponytails fairly low, just behind my ears.
It's just wonderful :applause. Exactly the right amount of layering on the ends and texture is breathtaking.

Thank you! I am proud I lasted 6 months I've decided to try for a year as practice for 2025

December 10th, 2023, 02:55 PM
Decided to try the Manes by Mell pigtail cut myself. I wanted just a little layering towards the ends of my hair since it is wavy and I've not tried layers of any kind in a hot minute. Currently waiting for it to dry and we'll see how it ended up.

I cut less than 2 inches off and kept the pigtails centered and behind my ears. Figured it might help with all the bleach damaged bits anyway to cut into it without chopping it all off at once. I was getting rather unhappy with how my hair was looking lately and needed a bit of a pick me up. Here's hoping it added just a bit of movement without being so layered that I can't braid it when I want.

December 14th, 2023, 04:09 PM
Alas, I was hoping I could manage this cut on myself but my hair is definitely more dense and less textured than Mell's so it didn't really work out. Looks very shelf-like and not blended on me.

December 15th, 2023, 02:06 PM
I have done that same haircut on my hair when it was shoulder length, until it was APL. Try adding more ponytails, so make a Ponytail at your forehead, like a unicorn and cut as desired. Then take it down, and make another ponytail but only with the top of your hair, like a half up Half down, but with the Ponytail secured in the same space. Break it into many sections that move towards your crown and with enough, it'll look blended

December 15th, 2023, 09:25 PM
I get long curtain bangs and I'm not sure how I feel about it.