View Full Version : Need words of encouragement [before + after pics]

September 8th, 2023, 04:21 PM
I haven't posted here in years. I cut my hair super short 6 years ago and have since then been growing it out and had several chops. But the *real* start of my serious lenght journey began during the lockdown (as for many others).

The first pic is from my big chop 6 years ago:


The second pic is now:


I've had a lot of shedding recently which thinned out my hemline. The thinning has made it more prone to tangling. It breaks a lot too and oiling doesn't help. It's previously been dyed, processed, bleached and flat ironed a lot. I quit that now completely.

My question is.... Should I get a 1-2 inch trim or just leave my hemline alone? I don't like when it thins out. But my opinion has tendency to get warped. That's why I value your opinions.

September 8th, 2023, 07:00 PM
I think your hemline looks great! Your hair is so thick and I think your hemline looks fine as it is. BUT I know that trimming the tangled ends can help a lot so if it's super tangley and it's bothering you a lot, maybe a 1 inch trim could help and then see how that goes? Maybe incorporate a light leave-in conditioner so it's hydrated and helps strengthen your hair?

September 9th, 2023, 03:50 AM
"dyed, processed, bleached, flat-ironed" you had best trim, all that hair is old and damaged and will continue to thin and break and it'll drive you buggy. Ask me how I know :)

It will grow back better.

September 9th, 2023, 07:08 AM
If there is doubt... my goodness that doubt is nasty and can do horrible things. I think one to 2 inches and you're good, if you do want a trim, but go to someone you trust, or better yet (Feye's self-trimming method) do it yourself if you have a nice steady hand on you. You don't want to go to someone who's all scissor-happy and takes a huge chunk out just because. :rolleyes:

I think it's really pretty, FWIW. :D :o

September 9th, 2023, 08:42 AM
I think it looks fabulous! That hemline is very straight… the taper looks natural and I wouldn’t notice it. Everyone’s hair tapers. However, when it comes to how it feels and damage control, I personally have decided to trim out the damage as I grow, and maintain lengths for a while to get rid of the worst. My last 4-8” have bleach and mechanical damage. Are you aiming to grow much longer? Do the damaged areas have a lot of splits, and white dots (since you mentioned breakage)?

Maybe do 1” maintenance trims for a while to slowly cut out the damage you mentioned. I use Feye’s Method and trim myself, so I have full control. Usually I cut off a little less than I intended, and even when I attempted to maintain for nearly a year I still gained a few inches, but lost a few inches of the worst tangly damage.

When it comes to the tangles, have you tried clarifying the lengths? I have slightly hard water and know it’s time to use my hard water shampoo when my lengths start tangling more and I haven’t changed anything in my routine or gained much length.

September 9th, 2023, 08:57 AM
Thank you all for your comments! I haven't heard of Feye's trimming method but will check it out. Yes I get the white dots that break when touching/pulling. I do S&D but it's a losing battle. I actually do have very hard water with limestone and iron residue in my shower and tub. I sometimes spray magnesium oil to break calcium deposits on my scalp but it didn't occur to me to clarify the ends. I use a lot of conditioner but it seems after a while it has a reversed effect and makes my ends worse. Clarifying might help. Thanks.

September 9th, 2023, 10:08 AM
MissHair, a number of years ago, I had shoulder length, permed hair. Half of my head (to two inches from my roots, about that) to the ends? Half of my head and then some all white dots. So very high up the strand of hair in a lot of cases. I grew it out to hip; yes with the dots. I was careful, did not pull them (they will need some force to come apart) and they, most of them, hung on for dear life. At hip, I had my mom cut back to BSL and they were all gone. So it's no rush, really. You can go inch by inch if you want. Damage can wait. Meaning, you do not have to snip it all off in one go. Just pamper it, if it's not too much of a hassle having to handle it (because then yes surely trim bigger chunks to get rid of it faster). HTH. :flower:

September 9th, 2023, 10:46 AM
MissHair, a number of years ago, I had shoulder length, permed hair. Half of my head (to two inches from my roots, about that) to the ends? Half of my head and then some all white dots. So very high up the strand of hair in a lot of cases. I grew it out to hip; yes with the dots. I was careful, did not pull them (they will need some force to come apart) and they, most of them, hung on for dear life. At hip, I had my mom cut back to BSL and they were all gone. So it's no rush, really. You can go inch by inch if you want. Damage can wait. Meaning, you do not have to snip it all off in one go. Just pamper it, if it's not too much of a hassle having to handle it (because then yes surely trim bigger chunks to get rid of it faster). HTH. :flower:

Thank you Lapushka this is very encouraging to read!!

September 9th, 2023, 11:11 AM
Your hair is beautiful, and your ends are not at all thin! If you are unhappy with the damage and how your hair feels, you have several choices. People are different in what's important to them. Some would just let it continue to grow, others would trim an inch or two every few months, and others, like me, would probably do a fairly big cut, up to maybe mid back, and then regularly trim at that length until all the damage is gone. Whatever you choose to do, enjoy your beautiful hair! :o

September 9th, 2023, 12:33 PM
Your hair is beautiful, and your ends are not at all thin! If you are unhappy with the damage and how your hair feels, you have several choices. People are different in what's important to them. Some would just let it continue to grow, others would trim an inch or two every few months, and others, like me, would probably do a fairly big cut, up to maybe mid back, and then regularly trim at that length until all the damage is gone. Whatever you choose to do, enjoy your beautiful hair! :o

Thank you Deborah!

September 9th, 2023, 10:27 PM
It's always personal and the cut looks perfect I don't think you need another one but if you do I'd say you'd be a great candidate for a U hemline

September 13th, 2023, 08:25 PM
Your hair looks so pretty and healthy looking! I think your hemline is very nice as-is, but a small trim wouldn't hurt anything if you're looking to thicken it up a bit, and if you don't mind growing for a bit longer. :)
You can also always do very small trims more frequently if that would be something that works for you! :o

September 14th, 2023, 06:51 AM
Your hair is so pretty!! I love how straight your hemline is and I really dont think it's that thin at all. Maybe you should do a 1 inch trim and see if it looks & feels better to you??

September 14th, 2023, 10:54 AM
If I were you, I'd plan on regular small trims to keep the ends fresh and slowly get rid of the damage. You could trim say 1/2-1 inch every 3 or 4 months until you're happy with the condition of your ends.

September 14th, 2023, 11:39 AM
It looks wonderful, there is no need to trim it. :)

September 14th, 2023, 08:25 PM
Like everyone above me has said, your ends look great! I wish my hemline looked that nice.

September 15th, 2023, 04:02 AM
Thank you EVERYBODY!!! I took your advice and trimmed/dusted my hemline. It wasn't easy to do it myself and it's a little bit uneven when I tilt my head but the result is much better than before and the broken/sparse hemline now looks and feels fuller. I will continue to do home trims the coming months like you all suggested.


September 15th, 2023, 08:48 AM
Awesome result! It looks very good, and it looks way straighter than any time I try to give myself a blunt hemline- you should be proud! :D

September 15th, 2023, 08:53 AM
Awesome result! It looks very good, and it looks way straighter than any time I try to give myself a blunt hemline- you should be proud! :D

Thank you! It took a lot of effort with two very sore arms 😄

September 19th, 2023, 08:19 PM
If it were me I'd trim an inch. Your hair is amazing.

September 19th, 2023, 08:20 PM
Oh, sorry! I didn't see your update. Beautiful result!

September 19th, 2023, 09:17 PM
Thank you! It took a lot of effort with two very sore arms ��

Worth it for sure!

I wish I could get my hemline that straight, lol! I've decided I'm probably always gonna have a U-shaped one, haha!

September 20th, 2023, 09:09 AM
Oh, sorry! I didn't see your update. Beautiful result!

Thank you!!