View Full Version : Itchy scalp and thick, white sebum

November 17th, 2008, 08:42 PM
So, this isn't for me, but for my horse. I thought about putting it in the pets forum, but since it's for her mane (hehe, get it?) and tail I thought I might get better feedback here, since quite a few people seem to suffer from the same affliction.

For all of her life she's produced a really thick, white sebum all over her body, but it the worst by far on her "scalp" hair. In the summer I'm able to bathe her once a week, which really helps, but since we don't have hot water in the barn, baths are not possible during the winter months. Even when I'm able to wash her regularily, she is still really itchy and often rubs her mane and tail so hard that she pulls out large chunks of hair - very depressing, let me tell you!

She's very healthy and gets flaxseed mixed in with her barley for omega 3's. She also gets really good quality hay, lots of exercise and grooming and is up to date on all shots and worming medications. I don't think this scalp problem is health related, since she's had it all her life and it hasn't changed in response to diet or lifestyle.

I'd like to start giving her scalp massages with an oil blend that help with the itchies and flakes - any recommendations?


November 17th, 2008, 09:05 PM
Try using a sulfur containing oil, it tends to clear up anything fungal or immune based. It seems like she has seborrhetic dermatitis. Sulfur tends to help and it's safe to use in the concentrations found in commercial oils (7% or less).

November 18th, 2008, 06:43 AM
aw poor thing! i know how annoying it s on me and they don't have fingers or nails:(

hope you can find a solution to solve your (her) probblem