View Full Version : Extremely Specific Questions about Henna Dye That Might Make Y'all Think I'm Insane

July 18th, 2023, 06:10 PM
Hi, y'all! So I've been thinking about dying my hair with henna and I have to be extremely thorough in my research before I do it because I never, EVER do anything drastic with my hair except for my biannual I'm-Having-A-Mental-Crisis-At-3am-So-I'm-Gonna-Cut-Bangs-About-It meltdown.

I'm a natural brunette with just barely there undertones of red that are more noticeable in the sunlight. I really like my hair color but I've always wanted to be ginger! I have the gene but alas, the brunette was too strong. I don't plan on using henna regularly, I just want to try it now and then maybe again later this year for the ren faire!

Here comes the part where y'all might think I'm crazy. I'm going to section this post off into what I (think I) know about henna and how it works (please correct me if I'm wrong or you've heard differently!) and then questions I have about henna. I'm also going to try and add a few pictures of my hair that way y'all can see the natural color and then maybe help me figure out what color henna to get and how long to leave it on or let the color process before applying.

My goal is to make my hair just slightly more ginger/red than it is. I understand that sometimes the color doesn't show except in the sunlight, and I'm alright with this!

Things I know about henna:
1. Since my hair is already dark, applying henna straight on top of it shouldn't change the color too much (this is okay!).
2. Henna is nondamaging and possibly even beneficial for hair.
3. The color doesn't settle until a few days after the initial dye.

Questions I have about henna:
1. Does henna alter the texture of hair at all? I have relatively silky, soft hair that I'm quite fond of, so I'm afraid of that changing! I did a tea rinse years ago that made my hair rough and I'm paranoid of repeating that.
2. Does henna last a long time, or does it fade quickly?
3. If my roots start growing in and I don't want the upkeep, how easy is it to get out of hair? Are there treatments one can do to remove (at least partially) the henna? Or will I have to henna my hair back to my natural color as close as I can?
4. How badly does the color bleed after the first wash or two? My bed set is white so I'm concerned about stains. :p
5. I've heard of people putting just henna on their hair, but some people add something called cassia. What difference would cassia make in terms of the color/texture of the hair?
6. Is henna actually nondamaging? Have any of you ever had a bad experience with henna causing damage/split ends?
7. Lastly, what henna brands do y'all recommend?

I'm looking for a color very natural in the soft ginger or auburn category as opposed to a bright red or wine red. Here are a few pics of what I'm hoping for (I know these are all a little different, but I'm fine with almost anything as long as it would be natural looking or not too drastic of a change):

red henna over brown hair - Bing images (https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=tH9RjiB0&id=31A2B6940CD7B385FCA1D6B7906AE17AA374E5C6&thid=OIP.tH9RjiB0A6FDadHqb6779AHaGh&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.b 47f518e207403a14369d1ea6faefbf4%3frik%3dxuV0o3rhap C31g%26riu%3dhttp%253a%252f%252f1.bp.blogspot.com% 252f-f5aI-ilczcM%252fUZrTua4Iq3I%252fAAAAAAAACKU%252fTfYgokF 1q9k%252fs1600%252fcurl_compare_m1000.jpg%26ehk%3d %252fI3Ce57AMUaQb1NcnF4LXWNDwHqi%252bobPsjZqlUH21V 0%253d%26risl%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=880&expw=1000&q=red+henna+over+brown+hair&simid=607998933910042432&FORM=IRPRST&ck=F6BC808BAAA37621522F68991FDFD5A1&selectedIndex=28&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0)
red henna over brown hair - Bing images (https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=n78RaHH%2f&id=9F45653039321CC12914990DFFDA8ED1E0AC2E60&thid=OIP.n78RaHH_XJ8zCjsRPv2JOAHaEK&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.pinimg.com%2foriginals%2f ae%2f73%2fb1%2fae73b1a174f677a8f27e22bc9b7a2707.jp g&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.9fb f116871ff5c9f330a3b113efd8938%3frik%3dYC6s4NGO2v8N mQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=720&expw=1280&q=red+henna+over+brown+hair&simid=608052208707921809&FORM=IRPRST&ck=3FC45F6B8E54BD947DF6209F2217C4EE&selectedIndex=6&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0)
red henna over brown hair - Bing images (https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=P2GE2SKw&id=A74D017F749839742DF641D012F779E535338F1F&thid=OIP.P2GE2SKwe4W9bUTAVLNaYwAAAA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.pinimg.com%2f474x%2f69%2f ea%2fed%2f69eaed18cef165f3fc81aa2ae3eb657d--the-curse-henna-hair-dyes.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.3f6 184d922b07b85bd6d44c054b35a63%3frik%3dH48zNeV59xLQ QQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=844&expw=474&q=red+henna+over+brown+hair&simid=608003297601024639&FORM=IRPRST&ck=71FC347E42AB7DCF80D0466A28FA0F27&selectedIndex=18&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0)
red henna over dark hair - Bing images (https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=RA%2bK55ij&id=7661376B443D772E53F8C4D703BF1109163A88D2&thid=OIP.RA-K55ij6Twvwwe8n9CD0AAAAA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.pinimg.com%2foriginals%2f ea%2f52%2f80%2fea5280a6e24217f541613c7637669694.jp g&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.440 f8ae798a3e93c2fc307bc9fd083d0%3frik%3d0og6FgkRvwPX xA%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=592&expw=474&q=red+henna+over+dark+hair&simid=608022320007154213&FORM=IRPRST&ck=4C112E26AD066C07F123AEE75E862F4F&selectedIndex=15&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0)

I've been trying to add a picture of my natural hair color but I can't seem to figure it out, so my apologies for that. I'll try to add one in a response!

I'm really sorry if I come off as high-strung by making this post! I've never done anything drastic to it so this is a major jump out of my comfort zone. I'm actually quite proud of myself for making this decision.

Also, I'm unsure if this matters, but potentially I will be doing this by myself at home as opposed to at a salon.

(https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=fe97331524&attid=0.7&permmsgid=msg-f:1771803265484297297&th=1896b5aebb119451&view=att&disp=safe)Thanks so much in advance, y'all!
https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=tH9RjiB0&id=31A2B6940CD7B385FCA1D6B7906AE17AA374E5C6&thid=OIP.tH9RjiB0A6FDadHqb6779AHaGh&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.b 47f518e207403a14369d1ea6faefbf4%3frik%3dxuV0o3rhap C31g%26riu%3dhttp%253a%252f%252f1.bp.blogspot.com% 252f-f5aI-ilczcM%252fUZrTua4Iq3I%252fAAAAAAAACKU%252fTfYgokF 1q9k%252fs1600%252fcurl_compare_m1000.jpg%26ehk%3d %252fI3Ce57AMUaQb1NcnF4LXWNDwHqi%252bobPsjZqlUH21V 0%253d%26risl%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=880&expw=1000&q=red+henna+over+brown+hair&simid=607998933910042432&FORM=IRPRST&ck=F6BC808BAAA37621522F68991FDFD5A1&selectedIndex=28&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0
https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=tH9RjiB0&id=31A2B6940CD7B385FCA1D6B7906AE17AA374E5C6&thid=OIP.tH9RjiB0A6FDadHqb6779AHaGh&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.b 47f518e207403a14369d1ea6faefbf4%3frik%3dxuV0o3rhap C31g%26riu%3dhttp%253a%252f%252f1.bp.blogspot.com% 252f-f5aI-ilczcM%252fUZrTua4Iq3I%252fAAAAAAAACKU%252fTfYgokF 1q9k%252fs1600%252fcurl_compare_m1000.jpg%26ehk%3d %252fI3Ce57AMUaQb1NcnF4LXWNDwHqi%252bobPsjZqlUH21V 0%253d%26risl%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=880&expw=1000&q=red+henna+over+brown+hair&simid=607998933910042432&FORM=IRPRST&ck=F6BC808BAAA37621522F68991FDFD5A1&selectedIndex=28&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0

July 18th, 2023, 06:19 PM
For the life of my I cannot figure out how to post/link a photo.

If anyone is interested there a few photos on my page under "Album 1." :(

July 18th, 2023, 06:36 PM
I'm no expert but once henna is in it sticks forever, cookies I believe? has said that using purple shampoo can mute the color a bit. I'd probably suggest using a ginger deposit dye instead if you are just looking for something temporary

Edit: your hair is beautiful too

July 18th, 2023, 06:41 PM
I'll look into that! Thank you. <3

July 18th, 2023, 06:45 PM
I'll look into that! Thank you. <3

Good luck if you do try that instead!

Wildcat Diva
July 18th, 2023, 06:49 PM
I know nothing about Henna but I’m just here for the thread title appreciation.

July 18th, 2023, 06:53 PM
There is a saying: you don’t just do henna, you marry it, so it’s not that easy to get rid of. And henna will do what it wants with your hair, not the other way round.
There is a major henna thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=45) and a major cassia thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=406) in the other board, you have to read through the basics of henna (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=115340), but the most important key words are: strand test, especially for people with a lot of concern. Join the two-week rule program and start collecting your daily sheds for half a month, then do strand tests on the sheds before you try it on your scalp. Each brand of henna might be different too, don’t risk it.

July 18th, 2023, 07:22 PM
There is a saying: you don’t just do henna, you marry it, so it’s not that easy to get rid of. And henna will do what it wants with your hair, not the other way round.
There is a major henna thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=45) and a major cassia thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=406) in the other board, you have to read through the basics of henna (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=115340), but the most important key words are: strand test, especially for people with a lot of concern. Join the two-week rule program and start collecting your daily sheds for half a month, then do strand tests on the sheds before you try it on your scalp. Each brand of henna might be different too, don’t risk it.

Thank you!!!

July 19th, 2023, 06:05 AM
Hi! I have already answered your initial question in the henna thread before I saw this.
There is already a ton of information about henna here on the forum, it only takes a little (or a lot :D ) of time to study it. I find this thread very useful and interesting too: https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=126878
Good luck!

July 19th, 2023, 07:37 AM
Just throwing in my personal experience here.

1. Henna made my hair coarser temporarily (pretty sure it was just raised cuticles), but I don't feel like it did anything permanent to the texture. My hair might have felt a liiiiittle bit thicker in regards to the individual strands, though it's already coarse in that regard. However, it can change wave pattern. Some people get more waves, some get less. Some see no change. It wouldn't be anything drastic like a 1a to a 3c, but it could still be noticeable to you. No way of predicting this one really. I think there's a poll somewhere of users reporting these effects.
2. Henna can fade over time, it sticks stronger with repeated applications. More buildup and such. Now as for how long is highly individual. Could be a couple of weeks, a month or two, six months....you get the idea!
3. I've heard of a few people getting it out, but henna has been known to be very unpredictable with bleach, color remover, etc. Personally, I'd rather wait it out since henna is more forgiving with demarcation lines than regular dye. I grew out black 2 step henndigo and the difference between my natural and the black blended rather nicely. Damage for a possibly worse result when trying to grow long just isn't a risk I'm willing to take.
4. Hmm, I don't remember much issue with bleeding! It's certainly nothing compared to plant/deposit only dyes. You can use a towel over your pillowcase for the first few days if you're worried about it.
5. No experience with Cassia.
6. Assuming it's pure henna and not the metallic salt stuffs, most people report no damage. That doesn't mean you can't be one of the outliers though.
7. Henna Sooq has excellent stuff, but there's tons of brands out there and availability could vary based on your country. I'd check the henna thread for further rec's on this.

In general, when it comes to henna, be prepared to embrace the result. It's unpredictable and hard to get out, but it often makes some genuinely lovely results! The only way to know for sure is to strand test. And yes, it does take a few days for the color to settle, so if you strand test (highly recommended) make sure you wait long enough for the true color to emerge. Hopefully it will be to your liking :) And of course if it isn't, then crisis averted!

Always, always strand test. Especially with henna. There's no way to accurately guess how your hair will react.

July 19th, 2023, 07:53 AM
I'm no expert but once henna is in it sticks forever, cookies I believe? has said that using purple shampoo can mute the color a bit. I'd probably suggest using a ginger deposit dye instead if you are just looking for something temporary

Edit: your hair is beautiful too
Yes that was me :D The jury’s still out on that one though, so if it does have an effect, it’s mild indeed. I’ll keep doing it for awhile though and report back.

July 19th, 2023, 09:03 AM
1. It did alter mine and I still have some strands that are courser. I’m not 100% sure it’s from henna but the timing is right.
2. Henna lasts a long time and doesn’t really fade. I dyed my length maybe twice in 6 months.
3. It is impossible to remove henna. The only way I was able to remove it was bleach. I tried color remover, toners, sun-in, purple shampoo, blue shampoo, lemon juice and chamomile.
4. I never had any color bleed with henna.
5. I used a mixture of henna and cassia to give a more copper tone to my hair. I’ve tried cassia on its own and the texture didn’t change much.
6. It is very drying. My hair did feel stronger, but it was much drier, and I did notice lots of splits.
7. I used zenia.

Also in case it hasn’t been mentioned or no one said, henna smells extremely bad. I would’ve kept hennaing my roots, but the smell was awful. The time it takes to process is several hours.

July 19th, 2023, 09:29 AM
Thanks so much! I'll keep all this in mind!

July 19th, 2023, 09:30 AM
Thank you!!!

July 19th, 2023, 10:13 AM
My experiences:

1. Henna significantly relaxes my curls for about four months after it's applied. I also get a slight strand-thickening/coarsening effect, but for me, that change seems to be permanent; I can feel a line of demarcation between the texture of my hennaed hair and my non-hennaed roots.
2. On lighter hair there can be some fading within the first few days, but after that point, it's for keeps ( ;
3. . . .it's for keeps ( ;
4. The only time I have to protect my clothes/skin from staining is when the mud is actively on my head. If you rinse it thoroughly, there should be no bleeding.
5. I've never used cassia, but my understanding is that it adds a yellower tone when mixed with henna.
6. There are a couple things to watch out for. In the first place, henna is almost invariably drying to the hair and scalp (and certain styles of mixing it can make it extra so). Expect to have your hair much dryer than usual for a week or two after applying. Secondly, the strand-thickening effect can have a similar effect to protein overload, with the hair getting straw-y and easy to snap. In both cases, your base hair type has a lot to do with how noticeable/destructive these problems are. I deal with some drying but not enough to bother me, whereas I've never gotten "snappy" hair from henna like some people do.
7. I get my henna from local desi grocery stores. Reshma is my all-time favorite brand; Nupur is also reliable. It's worth checking both the packing date and being very confident that you're buying a box without additives, since many brands package both straight-up henna and mixes intended to elicit slightly different colors.

July 19th, 2023, 01:08 PM
Questions I have about henna:
1. Does henna alter the texture of hair at all? I have relatively silky, soft hair that I'm quite fond of, so I'm afraid of that changing! I did a tea rinse years ago that made my hair rough and I'm paranoid of repeating that.
-- Yes. I did a survey about this for a book I was writing and it will loosen curls and waves. While the effect wasn't universal, it was the majority experience, and the weaker one's curl or wave pattern, the more henna flattened it out.

2. Does henna last a long time, or does it fade quickly?
-- I answered this in the Henna thread, but henna binds to your hair by a process called Michael Addition. It is a VERY stable chemical bond, and because the lawsone is bonded to the protein if your hair, the only way to try to remove it ends up also damaging your hair. Go into any hair color assuming it will be forever and strand test accordingly.

3. If my roots start growing in and I don't want the upkeep, how easy is it to get out of hair? Are there treatments one can do to remove (at least partially) the henna? Or will I have to henna my hair back to my natural color as close as I can?
-- See above. You are not going to get it out, ever. You can sometimes help it fade, or dye it darker, but will still often have a telltale glow in the sun.

4. How badly does the color bleed after the first wash or two? My bed set is white so I'm concerned about stains.
- I have all white linen sheets, my color doesn't bleed onto them at all (I use Fire Genasi, which is a blend of henna, senna, and other herbs).

5. I've heard of people putting just henna on their hair, but some people add something called cassia. What difference would cassia make in terms of the color/texture of the hair?
- I wrote an entire article about this, which breaks down the coloring and conditioning mechanisms of henna, senna, and cassia. Senna adds a golden dye and its conditioning through Chrysophanic acid. https://www.nightblooming.com/2018/02/06/sedr-senna-henna-herbal-conditioning-properties/

6. Is henna actually nondamaging? Have any of you ever had a bad experience with henna causing damage/split ends?
- Henna itself is nondamaging but people can damage their hair by being too rough rinsing it out, not rinsing it out fully (leads to dryness tangles and breakage), or by adding too much acid to their mix.

7. Lastly, what henna brands do y'all recommend?
- Morally obligated to skip this one :D

stardust lady
July 19th, 2023, 02:29 PM
Nightshade covered all the bases! And btw her Fire Genasi henna is the best, since she won't say it herself.

One of the things I didn't like about henna was that it made my looser waves on the top of my head pretty much straight. Now that I've grown it out for almost 2 years, I've gotten some wave pattern back on top. It hardly loosened the hair elsewhere, which is more heavily textured, so it just made my overall texture disparity even more uneven. Since it looks like you have straight hair all over, I don't think this would affect much, but you never know.

Something you didn't ask but should consider - if you have transparent or blonde hair around your hairline, they will turn very orange with henna. The hair around my face and especially at my temples is blonde, and the rest of my hair is light brown. So, with henna, my hair turned auburn but the blonde hairline became orange and it didn't look good. YMMV. If you have lighter hair around your face, just consider if orange is your color or not. I have redhead genes as well - pale skin, freckles, lots of ginger strands mixed in with the brown strands - but it still didn't suit me. I would try draping with different shades of orange and see if it flatters you or not.

Don't take the decision lightly, it takes years and years to grow out. Almost 2 years since my last henna and it's only just past my ears now.

July 19th, 2023, 03:08 PM
There is a saying: you don’t just do henna, you marry it, so it’s not that easy to get rid of. And henna will do what it wants with your hair, not the other way round.
There is a major henna thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=45) and a major cassia thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=406) in the other board, you have to read through the basics of henna (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=115340), but the most important key words are: strand test, especially for people with a lot of concern. Join the two-week rule program and start collecting your daily sheds for half a month, then do strand tests on the sheds before you try it on your scalp. Each brand of henna might be different too, don’t risk it.


You'll learn it from the specific thread I'd just like to add now that henna is very unpredictable. Your hair colour, the brand and lot you use, what you add to it, how long you leave it on etc can have a huge impact on the colour you get.
The individual strands might get a bit thicker depending on how many applications you do, but it's usually a good thing, like a protective layer that adds shine and volume, doesn't usually make it coarse.
I'd highly recommend a strand test w shed hair and looking it up a bit more to develop a concoction that does what you want, as henna is a pain to get out of the hair. I don't think I've ever witnessed a case where someone got it completely out, even w bleaching, however, if you want a muter shade and don't really change up your colour very often, you'll probably not have any issues w that. But it is a growing out rather than removing, kind of thing.
You won't have issues w bleeding if you wash it out properly, it's not like a deposit-only cream dye like Manic Panic.

Henna is probably the best thing you can do for your hair if you like(or at least don't mind) a good coppery hue. I did 100% henna, henna-indigo, and henna-cassia and loved them all. Don't think my hair ever looked as beautiful as when I used henna-indigo.

Just saw Nightshade answered this. Doesn't get much better than that.

July 20th, 2023, 02:38 AM
Hello! Long time lurker and henna head here. I’ve been coloring my hair with a combination of henna and cassia as well as henna glosses.

1. In my experience, henna does not permanently alter the texture of your hair. However, it will feel and smell a little like hay for a couple days after. Like you mentioned, it can help seal the cuticle and provide conditioning effects. But my fine hair still feels quite fine and soft, if anything, it helps me maintain some length.

2. I love what another poster above mentioned, how henna is a marriage. It is! It doesn’t really fade, which is amazing for us augmented redheads as red hair color from a bottle tends to fade quickest of all the colors!

3. I have no experience getting henna out; I know there are some amazing threads reccomend above.

4. I have a white microfiber hair turban and white sheets; it bleeds a bit on the turban on the first wash, but nothing else after. Note that I have never used pure henna on my head as my hair is pretty light naturally!

5. Cassia will add golden tones and dilute the henna. I’ve found similar effects with a henna gloss and much less mess, but I do enjoy cassia as it adds some thickness and oomf to my fine strands.

6. No bad experiences with henna whatsoever. Like I mentioned, your hair will feel a bit off a couple of days after. When I rinse the henna out, I do a conditioner wash and it seems to relieve some of that feeling. It can be a tiny bit drying so I try to add extra oils and moisture back in, then give it a good wash in a couple of days.

7. HENNA SOOQ! Amazing selection, great quality. Can’t reccomend them enough.

This is my first post ever here. Long time lurking, and I want to be more active. I apologize if there are any formatting errors. Best of luck to you on your selection, I truly enjoy henna but it is a commitment!

July 20th, 2023, 01:24 PM
Welcome trashpanda! Glad to see you come out of lurkdom!

OP I am not a henna expert but I agree with a lot of what has been said. My hair did lose a lot of its natural wave with henna. I still had SOME but it was much more mild. About like going from a 2c to a 2a. And yep Henna is forever! I eventually cut my hair short when the henna grew out to my jaw because I was tired of the grow-out. It DID make my french braids look really cool though! And I found that Henna smelled like grass to me. I have contemplated doing henna again just for the hair conditioning benefits but I don't want it forever, and its so hard to just do the roots. Well, it was for me.

Good luck with whatever you decide!

July 20th, 2023, 04:02 PM
Welcome trashpanda! Glad to see you come out of lurkdom!

OP I am not a henna expert but I agree with a lot of what has been said. My hair did lose a lot of its natural wave with henna. I still had SOME but it was much more mild. About like going from a 2c to a 2a. And yep Henna is forever! I eventually cut my hair short when the henna grew out to my jaw because I was tired of the grow-out. It DID make my french braids look really cool though! And I found that Henna smelled like grass to me. I have contemplated doing henna again just for the hair conditioning benefits but I don't want it forever, and its so hard to just do the roots. Well, it was for me.

Good luck with whatever you decide!

If you wanted to get near the same conditioning benefits without the color, you could do senna/cassia + sedr. The Chrysophanic acid (yellow dye) of senna isn't the same as lawsone, but it does mimic some of its properties well, and if you pair it with sedr you get the epicuticular wax properties that henna has :)

Might have a smidge of golden tint to it, but less than senna on its own, and unlike henna, it might fade on its own.

July 20th, 2023, 06:00 PM
If you wanted to get near the same conditioning benefits without the color, you could do senna/cassia + sedr. The Chrysophanic acid (yellow dye) of senna isn't the same as lawsone, but it does mimic some of its properties well, and if you pair it with sedr you get the epicuticular wax properties that henna has :)

Might have a smidge of golden tint to it, but less than senna on its own, and unlike henna, it might fade on its own.

Thank you for the information Nightshade! I knew about Cassia but not sedr. I will look into that! Would that combination straighten out the waves like henna does for me do you think?

July 21st, 2023, 10:06 AM
Thank you for the information Nightshade! I knew about Cassia but not sedr. I will look into that! Would that combination straighten out the waves like henna does for me do you think?

Henna knocks my waves out badly, but senna and sedr do not (at least for me). I think it's how the lawsone binds to the protein of the hair that affects wave pattern, but exactly how, I'm not sure. Maybe molecular weight, maybe the Michael Addition affects the bonds that give hair its shape, or maybe both!

July 21st, 2023, 11:13 AM
Henna can really loosen up curl pattern. I experienced it a few years ago and it was a main reason for trying to drop it;)
But I made a mistake of using henna on all my length until it eventually became many layers.
Now I'm back to henndigo but way smarter;): get the colour you want and then do roots only.

July 23rd, 2023, 08:34 PM
Henna knocks my waves out badly, but senna and sedr do not (at least for me). I think it's how the lawsone binds to the protein of the hair that affects wave pattern, but exactly how, I'm not sure. Maybe molecular weight, maybe the Michael Addition affects the bonds that give hair its shape, or maybe both!

Thank you for the information. That is very good to know. I might try that combo then. I really missed my waves when I did henna.

Henna can really loosen up curl pattern. I experienced it a few years ago and it was a main reason for trying to drop it;)
But I made a mistake of using henna on all my length until it eventually became many layers.
Now I'm back to henndigo but way smarter;): get the colour you want and then do roots only.

I did the exact same thing. Too many layers until it turned almost purple.

July 24th, 2023, 06:18 AM
Henna shouldn’t smell extremely bad. I use Radhe Shayam (the best henna brand in the world) and it smells like plants.

July 24th, 2023, 07:39 AM
Henna shouldn’t smell extremely bad. I use Radhe Shayam (the best henna brand in the world) and it smells like plants.

I’ve never tried that brand. But it smelled very earthy/muddy to me when I used to henna dye. I saw a video of someone dying with henna and they thought the same thing. Maybe radhe shayam is the best henna.