View Full Version : Finally, acknowledgment that long hair is for anyone, by vogue no less.

April 1st, 2023, 01:00 PM

I’m so sick of the articles that say “you should have short hair over 40”, and the commenters saying how longer hair makes you look older. Mind your business ladies, I’ll wear my hair as I like, and that is not in a helmet head, copy cat, old lady layered do,:cool:

April 1st, 2023, 02:58 PM
I read the article, but got kinda triggered when the journalist called Helen Mirren's hair waist-length, and when I went excitedly to look for pictures it's actually only APL or maybe BSL at most :p
I mean I fully agree with the point of the article, older ladies can wear long hair, but just got irrationally mad at the misinformation :D

April 1st, 2023, 03:05 PM
I read the article, but got kinda triggered when the journalist called Helen Mirren's hair waist-length, and when I went excitedly to look for pictures it's actually only APL or maybe BSL at most :p
I mean I fully agree with the point of the article, older ladies can wear long hair, but just got irrationally mad at the misinformation :D

I found some images from the Cannes film festival where she has waist length hair extensions, and one article called it “super long”. I’m dead over here. Lol

April 1st, 2023, 05:57 PM
I don't understand how long hair allegedly makes you look younger when you're young, but older when you're older... something doesn't jive, here.

April 1st, 2023, 07:24 PM
It's nice to get big media "approval" (how I dislike the word here) but I will do as I please. Fashion and what's "in style" be damned. My mom is the very same. Now with her broken foot, when my mom has to put up her hair in the morning, my dad goes, "why not get it short", and then my mom just goes off on him saying she's no "old lady". She's 77. ;)

April 1st, 2023, 08:45 PM
And then it tells you to trim every 4-6 weeks! Silly mainstream articles :p .

I like the premise a lot, just having articles like this can be helpful to a lot of people who do take note of fashion "rules". Long hair by our definition vs by media's definition is still a wide gap though, BSL isn't particularly "long" or "witchy" by any means. More articles that say "to hell with it, we should do what we want at any age" are always a good thing.

April 2nd, 2023, 01:07 AM
Thank you for the article.
But like many would agree, I do not need Vogue´s permission to keep my hair long (when I get to be that age).
But next week they will be promoting bobs, lobs, dyes and perms (or something else) for the same age group.
But they literally say in the end, that long hair on men over 50 should be outlawed, with the exception of Iggy Pop. Honestly?!
But they say that hair will not ever grow without trimming and the only way hair grows is with 4-6 weeks trims. Really?!
I mean, I don´t take the article seriously and if it helps someone feel good about their hair, great. But I don´t like the fact that media feel they have the right to influence people´s thinking.

April 2nd, 2023, 01:50 PM
Helen Mirren looks beautiful.

April 2nd, 2023, 05:44 PM
Thank you for the article.
But like many would agree, I do not need Vogue´s permission to keep my hair long (when I get to be that age).
But next week they will be promoting bobs, lobs, dyes and perms (or something else) for the same age group.
But they literally say in the end, that long hair on men over 50 should be outlawed, with the exception of Iggy Pop. Honestly?!
But they say that hair will not ever grow without trimming and the only way hair grows is with 4-6 weeks trims. Really?!
I mean, I don´t take the article seriously and if it helps someone feel good about their hair, great. But I don´t like the fact that media feel they have the right to influence people´s thinking.

I missed that last paragraph. But the sentiment that us guys can’t have long hair is everywhere

My favorite hit piece against men with long hair is this drivel from The Guardian


I just let it roll off my back

April 3rd, 2023, 02:33 AM
Thank you for the article.
But like many would agree, I do not need Vogue´s permission to keep my hair long (when I get to be that age).
But next week they will be promoting bobs, lobs, dyes and perms (or something else) for the same age group.
But they literally say in the end, that long hair on men over 50 should be outlawed, with the exception of Iggy Pop. Honestly?!
But they say that hair will not ever grow without trimming and the only way hair grows is with 4-6 weeks trims. Really?!
I mean, I don´t take the article seriously and if it helps someone feel good about their hair, great. But I don´t like the fact that media feel they have the right to influence people´s thinking.

This sums up my thoughts perfectly. It would be nice if mainstream media would ease up on the idea that women over a certain age can't have long hair, but growing hair out long is a slow process and the trends will come and go faster than hair grows. Your last sentence in particular, is exactly how I feel about this stuff in general. :)

I missed that last paragraph. But the sentiment that us guys can’t have long hair is everywhere

My favorite hit piece against men with long hair is this drivel from The Guardian


I just let it roll off my back

Ah, I'd like to see someone come into the Scandinavian metal subculture and tell the guys there that long hair is not for men. They would be laughed out of the room before they could finish their sentence. :lol:

It's ridiculous to set such standards - trends come and go anyway. When my parents met, my dad had a full on 80s mullet, and my mum thought it was the best thing ever. Then came a long period of mullets being totally out of style, and now they're back again. Trends can be fun for those into that stuff, and I can agree to some extent that some general shapes fit some people better than others, but overall, what matters is that each person is happy with their hair, regardless of whether it fits some arbitrary trend or societal standard.

April 3rd, 2023, 06:15 AM
Ah, I'd like to see someone come into the Scandinavian metal subculture and tell the guys there that long hair is not for men. They would be laughed out of the room before they could finish their sentence. :lol:

Oh that´s hilarious! I can see the scene in my mind! Kind of like some Vogue editor walking into the Knee and Beyond Thread here at LHC!

April 4th, 2023, 06:18 PM
Oh true, this Cannes hair is actually waist length

https://people.com/thmb/fqOi2buPrrD4oIRbvfDXF96f2kc=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc() :focal(649x0:651x2)/helen-mirren-0-5d41c7997d2242f68e4748ebba221037.jpg

April 4th, 2023, 06:35 PM
I don't understand how long hair allegedly makes you look younger when you're young, but older when you're older... something doesn't jive, here.

My guess is that if your hair is grey than it is the grey that “makes you look old”. Personally, I like my grey and I earned EVERY SINGLE ONE! LOL!

April 5th, 2023, 10:29 AM
Oh true, this Cannes hair is actually waist length

https://people.com/thmb/fqOi2buPrrD4oIRbvfDXF96f2kc=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc() :focal(649x0:651x2)/helen-mirren-0-5d41c7997d2242f68e4748ebba221037.jpg

Errr sorry but is that Helen Mirren? I had to look 3 times, if not more. She is hardly recognizable. Is that even her? I mean I am not mistaken, am I? :confused: (Much more liked Andie MacDowell, stunning!)

April 8th, 2023, 06:37 PM
Helen Mirren does look beautiful. I've heard other people trying to tell me that I need to trim my hair often in order it to grow as long as I want it to. I them right off, "Go to hell." I don't need to be trimming or cutting my hair every 2-3 months in order for it to grow faster and longer. They haven't learned that trimming is a myth, and I've also told them that trimming it does not work for me. Because, it stays the same length that I've trimmed it to for a while 6 months. So, I've been doing very well without the trimming. Or, I only trim once a year, and I really won't call my trim a real trim. It's more like a dusting by just taking off the tips of the ends whenever I feel there's a need to do that, and that always helps me out a lot.

April 8th, 2023, 09:08 PM
Helen Mirren does look beautiful. I've heard other people trying to tell me that I need to trim my hair often in order it to grow as long as I want it to. I them right off, "Go to hell." I don't need to be trimming or cutting my hair every 2-3 months in order for it to grow faster and longer. They haven't learned that trimming is a myth, and I've also told them that trimming it does not work for me. Because, it stays the same length that I've trimmed it to for a while 6 months. So, I've been doing very well without the trimming. Or, I only trim once a year, and I really won't call my trim a real trim. It's more like a dusting by just taking off the tips of the ends whenever I feel there's a need to do that, and that always helps me out a lot.

Those people don't know much about hair care and they don't understand that you can do with frizzy ends also much more than only cut them.

My eyesight is so bad that I can't even see my split ends, so they don't disturb me if i have them 😂

April 9th, 2023, 05:14 AM
Just looking at the date this was posted... and wondering... :confused:

Whirly Girly
April 10th, 2023, 07:16 AM
”You shouldn’t do this” & “you shouldn’t do that”…..says who? Anyone who has time to even think about what anyone else should or shouldn’t be doing, needs to get a life.

I’ve never bought into any of society’s “shoulds” or “shouldn’ts”. Even when I was in my 20’s, I had people telling me I was “too old” for long hair, lol. One idiot in particular even said “long hair is for little girls” - ridiculous.
Long hair is for ANYONE who damn well wants it! :rockerdud

You gotta love Demi Moore, who is now 60 years old and has very long hair. In fact, that’s the very reason she grew it long in the first place, was to rebel against patriarchal myths that still have a hold on many women. She did it because she can and because she looks damn good with it, in my books. Good for her. :thumbsup:

She was quoted as saying: “I remember hearing someone say that when women get older, they shouldn't have long hair. And something about that stuck with me”.


Lady Stardust
April 10th, 2023, 08:01 AM
Errr sorry but is that Helen Mirren? I had to look 3 times, if not more. She is hardly recognizable. Is that even her? I mean I am not mistaken, am I? :confused: (Much more liked Andie MacDowell, stunning!)

I think her face is quite distinctive, particularly her mouth, so I recognised her, but having her hair pulled back and the dramatic eyeliner does make her look very different to how we have seen her in the past. Those photos seem to be from May 2022 so I’m not sure why the story is being picked up more now.

April 11th, 2023, 09:36 AM
I missed that last paragraph. But the sentiment that us guys can’t have long hair is everywhere

My favorite hit piece against men with long hair is this drivel from The Guardian


I just let it roll off my back

I remember being sad when Corbett cut his hair post Northern Exposure.

Saying woman can’t have long hair after X age is ageist and sexist.

Saying men can’t have it at all is sexist.

If we were not meant to have long hair, why is it programmed to grow?

March 26th, 2024, 01:48 PM
Funny question to this thread but does anybody else think that Emma Watson looks a little bit older or somehow more mature with this super long hair than with her usual bsl length hair... :) (this is probably fake photo) anyway she is super beautiful!
https://img.aijaa.com/m/00656/15230451.jpg (https://aijaa.com/672enz)

Overall I think long hair is juvenating, but maybe this is somehow individual too :confused:

I'm clearly having too much free time :lol:

March 26th, 2024, 08:23 PM
It has to be a fake photo (or extensions), because didn't she cut her hair pretty short just a couple years ago? No way it grew that much.

March 26th, 2024, 09:35 PM
It has to be a fake photo (or extensions), because didn't she cut her hair pretty short just a couple years ago? No way it grew that much.

Looks fake to me, as well. If you look closely, you can see a white outline around her hair. Someone's clearly photo-edited it onto Emma. Besides, I think the last time I saw her (maybe from the Beauty and the Beast remake) her hair was I think around her shoulders, (if it was her natural hair and not extensions) and that was, what, 2017-ish? It couldn't have grown that long in like, six years. Plus, from what I've seen of her, I don't think her hair is that thick.

Also, I could be wrong, but I've heard that a lot of A-listers have trouble with growing out their natural hair because of all the styling and things they have to go through for movies, gala events and so forth. Lots of heat, brushing, dyeing and bleaching, yanking and extensions and all manner of strange stylings, since they either have to look at the top of their game, or morph into all sorts of fictional characters. Not the best career choice if you want great natural hair in my opinion, since they don't seem to get a say in what's done to their hair. :shrug:

It is very pretty hair, though. :o

March 27th, 2024, 05:08 AM
Funny question to this thread but does anybody else think that Emma Watson looks a little bit older or somehow more mature with this super long hair than with her usual bsl length hair... :) (this is probably fake photo) anyway she is super beautiful!

Overall I think long hair is juvenating, but maybe this is somehow individual too :confused:

I'm clearly having too much free time :lol:

No, I don´t think she "looks" older. But I´m not good at judging age by appearance and I don´t like to do it either. Age is not an important or a defining characteristic of a person, IMO.

But I did notice what you are hinting at, Priska. Some people look good (or "age-appropriate") only with short hair, with long hair they look just weird. I´m thinking about the singer Pink and the beautiful actress Charlize Theron. I´ve seen them with long hair (wigs, most likely) and they just look all wrong, somehow. Both of them rock only short hair, not long. In my opinion, anyway.

March 27th, 2024, 10:09 AM
It has to be a fake photo (or extensions), because didn't she cut her hair pretty short just a couple years ago? No way it grew that much.

It’s a photo morph. That image leads back to a deviant art page

March 27th, 2024, 11:28 AM
I also think this could just be because that's what we're used to seeing so that's what looks normal. The same way that if someone who's had long hair all their life chopped it off, they might look strange at first. Is it really that they can't pull off a drastically different hair length or do they just need to get used to it?
Also, I think certain makeup looks, jewelry and clothes styles look better with different hair lengths but that's probably just personal preference. And I'm assuming a celebrity that wears a long wig for a change would have makeup and clothes stylists at their disposal who's job is to make them look good to the public eye.

ETA: I think it was established that the photo was photoshopped but I think Emma Watson looks elegant in this photo with long hair.