View Full Version : Baby/toddler proof updos

January 17th, 2023, 06:52 PM
If there even is such a thing. :confused:

Any advice from fellow moms? Or anyone at all, who can recommend ideas for secure hairstyles? Hopefully, secure enough to keep hair safely out of reach of tiny fingers? Hopefully.

January 17th, 2023, 07:33 PM
I suppose a scarf/bonnet on top of a flat bun or (faux) crown braid would be easy for new moms? You can change the headwear more often than you wash your hair.

Where I came from, Guangdong, China, any new mom, short-haired or long-haired, is required to wear a headband or a bonnet (and banned from washing hair) within the first month postnatal, just to avoid migraines in the future, we call it Zuo Yue Zi/做月子。
Also, we put little socks on baby’s hands to avoid them scratching themselves to bleed in their sleep or to grab anything they shouldn’t.

January 17th, 2023, 09:08 PM
I always wear a bun with the shortest fork I can get away with. I prefer my Quattros because they are not sharp in the least. I often wear baby on my back and have no interest in poking them in the face!

My kid isn’t interested in taking out my hair toys. If they were I’d likely do a pinned bun with spin pins since you can’t even get those out if you are actually trying sometimes lol.

January 18th, 2023, 02:12 AM
My kids are all well beyond the baby and toddler stage now, my youngest being 11! But I remember this fun time. I think I lived with my hair in a very boring unadorned cinnabon. Or sometimes a French braid. My 2 standby hairstyles. My hair would have been approximately MBL. I remember I couldn't wear much accessories because when my kids were babies or toddlers they would get grabby with anything that dangled or was new lol. I can also remember my kids putting my hair in their mouths at times. I don't know if other people's kids do that too or maybe my kids were just weird haha.

So my vote is for buns. Pick ones that you can do easily and aren't too fiddly, but also pick ones you like! Choose fastenings and adornments according to your kid's level of grabbiness 😂

January 18th, 2023, 07:21 AM
It's a hard stage, that baby proofing hair. I had to go to a tight updo with no dangling bits, and that included earrings. Unfortunately that was all rather unattractive on me as well... straight thin hair in a tight updo with no softening. :( At one point I was so discouraged that I had a severe chop to short short hair but that was even worse looking. Spin pins would have been wonderful, but I don't think they existed 45 years ago!

January 18th, 2023, 08:22 AM
I used to wear a wide headband to keep baby fingers out of my baby hairs. And if you're carrying the child on your back, make sure you're not putting a hair stick in their face.

January 20th, 2023, 09:25 AM
I don't have a baby. I often take care of them though. I have found that coronets/heidi braids held with pins, or buns held with pins work best. The little one can't grab anything. Short forks might also be okay. If I will be rocking the baby in a chair and a bun is uncomfortable, I just braid it. Tying a headscarf of some kind is also useful because it keeps sticky fingers and spit up out of hair, but even a plain braid works because it doesn't hurt if they grab and pull.

January 20th, 2023, 09:49 AM
I always just cinnabunned mine tightly at the top of my head. :)

January 20th, 2023, 02:08 PM
Heidi braids are good. Buns are sometimes annoying if toddler proof also means being able to lay down on my back to have babies climb on me etc. I often braid my hair, but first secure it in a low pony tail. That way it just stays better put. People have opinions on pony tails though, but it's very loose + I use silk scrunchies. At least it's baby proof. I do buns a lot of times to, but I have to redo a lot because I take it out when I want to lay down or something....
You asked if there even is such a thing as a baby proof hair do... I'm not too sure about that :-P

January 20th, 2023, 05:50 PM
A tightly braided bun always did me well when I'd hold my nieces and nephews- they were (and still are) super grabby lol

Secured with something like spin pins or a very short stick. Spin pins hold better but could be problematic if kiddo grabs a hold of the bun and pulls hard enough (ask me how I know *sob*), short stick could potentially be better so that way if they grab it they don't accidentally rip your hair out from the scalp :D