View Full Version : Non Damaging cheap ways to get elumen dye to be less intense

October 1st, 2022, 04:12 AM
I have used the search function already,
but I haven't found a post (or used the right words) that has some information on this.
So, in my journey of growing my bleached damage out I have used elumen pink and red to keep it interesting
for myself without doing too much additional damage.

While I do like those colors, they've been getting on my nerves lately.
It doesn't matter how many weeks it's been since I dyed it, everytime I wash my hair, color comes out.
But it's not even fading really, just less intense. I did use the lock-version too.
My plan for the future is to dye this part a darker cool red so it blends more with my middle-brown regrowth.
Now my concern is, if the elumen is still bleeding out like this, can another dye even really stick to it?
I'm not sure.
The dyes were gifted to me because they're very expensive which is why I'm asking here.
I don't have the money to buy and try the elumen remover options.
I don't want to do any more damage than needed, so I won't bleach it but well...
does anyone know or has tried something that makes the dye less intense or -
at least stops the bleeding whenever the hair gets wet?

Thanks for reading and I'm sorry if the format is weird, I wrote this on my phone.

October 1st, 2022, 06:57 AM
I don’t have experience with that specific brand, but as a general rule, if you don’t want your hair dye to bleed or fade too soon, you could try:
1 avoid washing your hair too frequently (maybe just once a week?)
2 avoid shampoo that is too cleansing (tresemme has a shampoo that’s specialized to dealing with dyed hair and it’s quite affordable iirc)
3 avoid using too much hot water when you wash hair
4 avoid direct sun exposure and too much manipulation

Hope you find a balance in this long hair journey, sometimes you can just enjoy the process of seeing the hair color change, that’s also a lovely thing.

October 1st, 2022, 09:00 AM
I don't know of any way to lessen bleeding besides washing it often until it stops. I've had some colors bleed for well over two weeks and I wash every couple days. If you really want to try and fade it, google vit C color fading. It can be drying but its never damaged my hair.

You can use a cheap white conditioner to mix with the color before application. It will lighten the color, this is how I got pastel pink using a bright magenta, I like suave clarifying conditioner. You could also try it to co wash, see if it will pull some of the excess color out of your hair.

October 1st, 2022, 06:51 PM
Some brands of dye bleed more than others. Using a milder shampoo and colder water can help. If you want a less pigmented colour then mix the dye with a bit of conditioner, this can also help with bleeding.

October 2nd, 2022, 05:25 AM
Thank you all for answering! I will definitely try some of the things suggested here. I think I'll research co-washing and vitamin c first and then see if it works for me. If it does, I will share that :)

October 2nd, 2022, 03:33 PM
I'm not sure if you mean bleeding as in leaving colour on other surfaces or just bleeding colour in the shower, but my hairdresser colours my hair with elumen and it still bleeds a small amount in the shower even after like 20-25 washes. I don't think it bleeds as in ruins things that long though :p. She has also said that it should be easy to wash out of fabrics even from the beginning.

October 6th, 2022, 04:19 AM
It definitely bleeds (quite a lot) in the shower. Not enough to stain the shower anymore. And it also leaves a little bit of color while drying on lighter clothes. It's true it doesn't ruin anything, it's not enough color for that but still, kind of annoying, to me at least. For me it's interesting though how deep the color is in my hair though. It's not bright anymore but still very intense. I'm just kind of tired of it to be honest, so it's double annoying that it is still leaving color and well, that's why I'd like to have less of that. :D

October 6th, 2022, 08:47 AM
Well, the only way I have heard of getting rid of it is by using Goldwells remover, but have no idea of how much colour gets taken out...