View Full Version : What else can you do with a french twist comb?

September 6th, 2022, 08:51 PM
I've been eyeing a really nice one, but for the kind of money I'd be spending, I'm not sure it's worth it if all it can do is hold up a french twist. Does anyone have experience with how well they work for holding other updos?

September 6th, 2022, 09:01 PM
I’ve never used a specific comb for French twist so I’m afraid I don’t have answer for that.
If you really fancy the comb, though, then go for it. I understand the urge to get something my heart desires but not necessarily needs. (Eyeing my hundreds of hairsticks lol)
But seriously, have you ever tried holding a French twist roll with a stick/U-pin/any other hair tool you currently possess? The deciding factor is often not the toy, but the technique. It’s pretty easy to me after enough practice, one night I decided to learn it and practiced in front of the mirror for over 10 times, then a lightbulb moment came. Now I can fix a French twist roll with an earpick within 30 seconds.

September 7th, 2022, 08:23 PM
I use mine for buns (I don't really wear french twists; I have too much hair).