View Full Version : How to keep satin headscarf in place overnight?

July 10th, 2022, 04:25 PM
Hi, folks! I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on how to keep a satin head-covering in place overnight. I’m planning to get a scarf and do it up “Rosie the Riveter” style. I could get a cap with an elasticized band, but I have a huge noggin so hats, etc never fit and I have no doubt that I would wake up with “band face” (although, now that I think of it, I do wear bangs so maybe I could get away with it lol).

Anyway, I digress, if I stick with the tied up method how to keep it in place? I do also have a satin pillowcase, so hopefully the lack of friction MAY help keep it in place.

PS - Two layers of friction may seem excessive, but the reason I need to get something on my head: my formally aloof kittycat has decided that at night time that’s when he’s gonna become cuddly 🥰, which involves leaning against my head which isn’t so bad, but also stepping on my hair very close to my head. Not only is it painful, I have a hunch it might be causing some hair loss. Locking kitty out of the room is not an option 😁...although, yes, although it would pain me to do so, if I can’t remedy this, it may come to that. 😕

Lady Stardust
July 10th, 2022, 04:33 PM
Haha I’m just laughing at the reason for editing :rollin:

I think a Rosie the Riveter style might be prone to slide off backwards. I have managed to have a nap in a scarf like that (on a sating pillowcase too) but I don’t know that it would last a whole night.

I find I need to wear a scarf or sleep cap quite low so that it’s on my forehead, to get it to it to stay on. I have a satin sleep cap with stretch satin bands that tie around, and that stays on well.

Yay for kitty being less aloof :heart:

July 10th, 2022, 04:43 PM
The satin sleep cap I recently bought is a turban style with elastic in the back but not the front - our cats are snuggly at night, too, and like to play in my hair if I’m not careful (hence the bonnet purchase), so I understand your dilemma! Maybe that style will work for you?

July 10th, 2022, 04:53 PM
I use a velvet wig grip

July 10th, 2022, 05:00 PM
Lady_Stardust, thanks for the reply/info!

July 10th, 2022, 05:02 PM
The satin sleep cap I recently bought is a turban style with elastic in the back but not the front....

Oh! I hadn’t seen that style, I will look for those, thanks!

July 10th, 2022, 05:49 PM
I briefly tried having something on my head at night and I couldn't get it to stay on. I toss and turn, plus have slippery hair and a flat head. Unless I tie them practically over my eyeballs, they fall off. :lol: I hope you have better luck than me!

July 10th, 2022, 07:28 PM
I use two pins in the front, above the ears, and two pins in the back. It has worked fine so far and I haven't noticed any crimp marks from the pins. I'd probably get straight bobby pins if I had problems with that.

July 13th, 2022, 11:38 AM
A wig or headscarf grip is the "done thing." Enting was kind enough when I first joined the site to send me some pictures of hers, so I mocked up something similar. If you don't wish to buy or make one, though, a plain cotton cloth, either thin or folded up to be thin and tied so that it "hits" directly in front of the hairline, does a pretty good job of keeping a lighter scarf in place atop it.

N.B.: I mean "thin" in width, not "thin" in texture ( ; The texture shouldn't matter as long as the fabric isn't so fine that it lacks "grip."

July 13th, 2022, 01:54 PM
A wig or headscarf grip is the "done thing." Enting was kind enough when I first joined the site to send me some pictures of hers, so I mocked up something similar. If you don't wish to buy or make one, though, a plain cotton cloth, either thin or folded up to be thin and tied so that it "hits" directly in front of the hairline, does a pretty good job of keeping a lighter scarf in place atop it.

N.B.: I mean "thin" in width, not "thin" in texture ( ; The texture shouldn't matter as long as the fabric isn't so fine that it lacks "grip."

Do you think this would work under a sun visor? To help keep it in place & protect my hairline? I've been running in a sun visor and I have some issues with it.

July 13th, 2022, 02:51 PM
I use a velvet wig grip

This is the one I have, works great https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082MKDJSV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

July 13th, 2022, 09:28 PM
Do you think this would work under a sun visor? To help keep it in place & protect my hairline? I've been running in a sun visor and I have some issues with it.

A wig/headscarf grip would almost certainly keep the sun visor in place, but I would think you might have additional problems from the extra heat/sweat escaping into your eyes through the velvet.

July 14th, 2022, 06:25 AM
Thank you knobbly!! 😊

A wig/headscarf grip would almost certainly keep the sun visor in place, but I would think you might have additional problems from the extra heat/sweat escaping into your eyes through the velvet.

Yeah, the heat is a concern but I might just have to deal with it. I have to try, anyway. The visor is an absolute necessity because the sun is low enough during my run that it burns a big blinding hole in my peripheral vision the whole way home, even with sunglasses on. 😔 I imagine the grip would help absorb some sweat, tho.

July 19th, 2022, 07:34 AM
When I tie a scarf in the way you are describing, it usually comes off. What stays on for me is using a larger scarf so I can lay it on the front, wrap it around the back--no tie--and tie it in the front. That may stay on better if you find the Rosie style falls off. I also recommend the stay-on satin brand of satin bonnet. The flat band and the fact that they tend to be pretty snug at first really helps it stay on.

July 19th, 2022, 11:45 AM
Thank you knobbly!! ��

Yeah, the heat is a concern but I might just have to deal with it. I have to try, anyway. The visor is an absolute necessity because the sun is low enough during my run that it burns a big blinding hole in my peripheral vision the whole way home, even with sunglasses on. �� I imagine the grip would help absorb some sweat, tho.

If you're looking to make one yourself like I did, I suppose you could make it with different fabrics on the "inside" side and "outside" side: velvet facing upwards to give the visor grip, and some kind of wicking fabric against your head to help keep the sweat out of your eyes.

July 23rd, 2022, 03:15 PM
So I've answered my own question :) I didn't go with the scarf idea but poked around online and found good reviews for this bonnet on "the world's number one online retailer".

I went with this one because of its larger size, and adjustable elacticized drawstring. A two-pack and a decent price at $18 CAD.

Although I initially wanted something to stop my cat from stepping on my hair, it has done wonderful things for my frizz! :happydance: And as a strange and unexpected bonus, I wake up with 'do!! LOL My hair is approximately shoulder length, and I've been waking up with a turned-under bob!

I thought it would squash my hair, especially my bangs, but it hasn't done any of that. I was also concerned that since I tend to run warm, that my head would get too hot. Temperatures are not too hot here at the moment and I've gone through the nights without feeling too warm. Another strange benefit is that it feels strangely comforting having it on my head, I don't know why that would be :D


July 25th, 2022, 09:09 AM
Glad to hear you're so pleased with the bonnet, intothemist! I also find having my head wrapped up when I'm sleeping or trying to fall asleep very soothing, a little bit like a weighted blanket.

July 25th, 2022, 01:56 PM
Such a pretty bonnet! Mine is just a boring black.

July 29th, 2022, 02:54 AM
Such a pretty bonnet! Mine is just a boring black.
I have the same "Stay On Satin" in black. I love it!