View Full Version : Hair Growth Stalling

March 11th, 2022, 05:24 PM
I am a bit curious as to whom has gone through this. What is the longest timeframe that anybodies hair has stalled in growth but wasn't at terminal length yet?

March 11th, 2022, 05:43 PM
I had a stall between waist and hip that lasted at least 2 years and then a pretty fitful progression from hip to tailbone. I had a massive shed just beforehand and a lot of damage from neglect. It's been growing consistently for the last 2 years.

I wouldn't assume the stall is terminal unless it has been enough years for new growth to have gone through a full cycle at your growth rate when you have been caring for it well at least 80% of the time. Caring for hair well is unique to each person but would generically be gentle handling and keeping ends protected. I'm not sure how long the average hair growth cycle is, but I'm pretty sure it's different for everyone. Health conditions have an impact as well so give yourself time if you had a massive amount of stress, a health crisis, or found out you had a chronic condition that was untreated in the last few years.

March 12th, 2022, 11:08 AM
I had a stall that started early last year and lasted for about 7 months. I didn't gain any length at all during that time and also went through a major shed as well. Went to see my Dr and had bloodwork and a physical and everything was fine so I figured I had reached terminal length at just below waist. In December my husband said it looked longer and suggested we measure since it had been a few months and it had started growing again. I wish I knew the cause because it can be frustrating. I've read of several on here who have had stalls that last for years and then begin to grow again so don't give up hope.

March 12th, 2022, 11:17 AM
I am a bit curious as to whom has gone through this. What is the longest timeframe that anybodies hair has stalled in growth but wasn't at terminal length yet?

What length are you right now?

March 12th, 2022, 05:24 PM
Do I recall correctly you wear your hair in a braid? That could well be wearing your ends away so you're not seeing any overall length gain despite your hair still growing at the roots. Old ends tend to reach a point where they need more protection than they did when they were younger. You might also need to tweak your routine to keep the ends more moisturised.

March 14th, 2022, 02:23 AM
The question is, how do you define stalling? Do you look at your ends or do you dye your hair and see that it doesn't grow from the roots? It's important.

If your overall length doesn't change, it could be due to damage. Hair grows from the roots, it's pretty hard to make it stop growing (like severe stress or illness). it grows even at terminal length, it's just that the length doesn't change because the longest strands are shed.

If it is in fact due to damage, I don't think you can just wait ot out. It's going to stall until the damage breaks off. So if you know that your ends are damaged (from dye or heat), I'd suggest either chopping off the damage or doubling up on your hair care.

If you don't abuse your hair and it shouldn't really stall, then it means that your ends are naturally more fragile than you think and it needs more care. Regular protective styles like buns can make a huuuuge difference on such hair.

March 27th, 2022, 06:28 PM
I just reached the tip of mid thigh length.

March 27th, 2022, 06:30 PM
Occasionally I will wear a braid if I am oiling, most times it's either in a bun or hanging on the side of my chest.