View Full Version : Help!! Hairdresser tortured my hair

January 19th, 2022, 07:57 PM
I had surgery a couple of days ago and I booked an appointment at a salon near me to wash and dry my hair (the salon I usually go to is an hour away and I couldn't drive).

I'm always very gentle with my hair (only wash my scalp with shampoo, gently squeeze water out with a microfiber towel, never comb it when it's wet...). If there is a list of "Top 10 things to never do to your hair" this hairdresser did them all to me.

She washed my hair with shampoo 3 times, including mids and ends and really rubbed it in. The water was extremely hot as well. Then she dried it with a coarse towel going back and forth, she brushed my hair while it was wet to untangle it (starting at the roots) and then blowdried it with the maximum heat setting while the nozzle of the blowdrier touched my hair.

My hair was so healthy, soft and shiny and now it feels like straw and very weird. I tried to speak out several times but she wouldn't listen and I was very tired and not feeling so good because of the surgery.

Is there a way to get it back to soft and healthy? I'm so sad and angry as I take really good care of my hair. Is it possible she just dried it out and it will feel better after washing it again and using hair masks? I have booked an appointment at my usual salon next week but I feel like I'll be panicking until then. Thank you!

January 19th, 2022, 09:55 PM
Jeez what a horrible experience. I've never asked for a hair wash when I go to a salon, just a trim if I ever do go. Is that all she did? If so then don't worry about it. After putting back some moisture into it and/or masks your hair will go back to its normal state

January 20th, 2022, 01:03 AM
It's an unpleasant experience if you're used to something else, but one time is not going to hurt. Trust me. And probably too flabbergasted or simply too nice to speak up at the time? That happens a lot too.

Honestly, just treat it like regular from now on, and if you have to go to this place next, tell them how you want it *first* and *during* and be prepared to tell them off while they are providing the service. It's all about keeping the customer happy and I'm sure they will do what you want just fine, especially if you tip them nicely after!

January 20th, 2022, 01:50 AM
That's horrible, especially when you were already feeling somewhat vulnerable. Babying will hopefully get you back on track soon. Best wishes for your recovery from surgery,

January 20th, 2022, 05:59 AM
Are you able to do a bit of deep conditioning? Usually that takes the edge off and makes your hair and consequently you feel better

Jo Ann
January 20th, 2022, 10:16 AM
Sometimes, when I have my roots done, not all of the product comes out of my hair (usually at the nape). When I get home, I wash it again and use a hair mask and oil to get it back into shape. My hair bounces back pretty readily.

I would try spritzing water on your hair and then use a leave-in conditioner and argan or coconut oil (if your hair tolerates it) or follow your after-wash routine to get some moisture back into your hair.

Good luck with your recovery! :flower:

January 20th, 2022, 11:10 AM
I second lapushka, one time will not destroy your hair. I suggest a deep conditioning treatment the next time you wash it.