View Full Version : Swimming advice

October 4th, 2021, 08:53 AM
Hi Everyone!

I have decided to start swimming regularly. This is going to be a drain on my hair, because chlorine (ugh!)

Does anyone know of any types/brands of swimming caps that are good at keeping the chlorine away from hair?

I also reckon if I oil beforehand, it might help prevent the water from seeping into my mane.

Does anyone have any other tips?

Thanks for now

October 4th, 2021, 09:45 AM
I generally just oil my hair and then saturate it in water under the shower before I swim. The theory proposed to me stated that if the water was already saturated it wouldn't soak in as much chlorine. Sometimes I braid it sometimes I just clip it back. I am not proficient enough in braiding nor are any of my extra hands so they get loose and annoying and will flip forward over my face when I dive down.

October 4th, 2021, 10:15 AM
Would not bring oil into the pool (other swimmers, not so nice), but some leave-in might work well, just don't overdo the product, and then a swim cap. That's the most you can do, IMHO.

October 4th, 2021, 10:31 AM
Saturate with tap water before going into the chlorinated stuff. Swim cap on top. A little leave in but I wouldn't go crazy since that sort of stuff isn't great to put in the pool. People go in with sunscreen so I wouldn't stress TOO much but you probably don't want a noticeable trail of oil behind you while you swim.

Wash or at least rinse as soon as you get out. Swimmer's shampoo regularly, though maybe not every time.

October 4th, 2021, 10:38 AM
Speedo makes a cap for long hair. If some of the pool water seeps in, just rinse those areas with conditioner while in the shower after your swim. I have done this for years and it works.

Wildcat Diva
October 4th, 2021, 11:47 AM
I have a pool and I’m not going to mess with caps and leave ins. I usually rinse with tap water first and wear my hair up with clips but then I’m mostly swimming for relaxation and not swimming laps. I haven’t noticed much difference in my hair a year in to having a pool.

I do use a chlorine removal shampoo often. Ion makes one.

October 4th, 2021, 12:01 PM
I try to have a shower before a swim so that my hair is wet under my swim cap. Since I'm doing water washing, I just put some DIY conditioner after a swim then give my hair a good rinse. I've done that for years now.

October 4th, 2021, 07:55 PM
If you don't want to wear a swim cap (yet) a tight braid works well. Loose braids will become super messy as they drag in the water. I heard somewhere less surface area means your hair won't soak up as much chlorine. As far as I can tell it's true. Plus less tangels.
I've found a stick bun that's either high on the head or with a horizontally placed stick also works. I still braid my hair even if I bun it, just in case.

Soaking in tap water is super important and try to wash with shampoo and conditioner right after. Take your time when washing. I've found that I don't need special swimmers shampoo and my lengths don't need to be shampood either. However every hairstand needs to be hit with either shampoo or conditioner or it will feel like sticky straw (at least for me).

October 4th, 2021, 09:36 PM
Years ago I think there was a big thread or trend here about swimming caps. What I recall that I bought because of it:

One of the "bubble" caps with the strap under the chin-- supposed to be best at keeping water out (didn't work for me-- it was too big for my head-- but other people liked them). Under that, a silicone cap (stretches better, pulls less, lasts longer than latex even though it costs a bit more) or just a silicone band, to help with more sealing. Under that, for some people, a lycra cap (to keep the silicone cap from pulling the hair). The cap was supposed to go over the ears for best seal.

But IIRC, the cap(s) was/were just to let less water in, not to completely exclude it. Swimmers can also swear by wetting the hair with clean water before swimming (hair is already wet, may "soak up" less chlorinated water from the pool), using oil or conditioner as a barrier. And, of course, washing right after swimming.

I don't recall too much of the discussion about hair styles, but I seem to recall a lot of people preferred a bun, and one not too low (so it wouldn't bump the edge of the cap out from the head and let water in). Some people liked Speedo's cap specifically for long hair (has extra room), and I think some didn't.

October 7th, 2021, 08:38 AM
Thanks everyone for your hints & tips :)