View Full Version : funny hair mini-disaster

November 14th, 2008, 10:59 AM
The setup: So normally I wash my hair twice a week (Wed and Sun), but this morning I got up and it felt BAD. I occasionally get weird white buildup, I'm not sure if its from product or some sort of dandruff. The weather is changing, winter is when I get this the most, but I did put mousse in my hair last weekend.

The cause: so I wash my roots with my sulfate-free shampoo, rinse, and then put on my conditioner. These are both J.A.S.O.N. products, shampoo--jojoba, conditioner -- aloe seventy-something %. I wash it out after a few minutes, and upon scritching my scalp a bit, i notice I have TONS of white buildup under my fingernails. So I grab some of the OTHER shampoo and put that on my roots, and follow up with a bit more conditioner.

The "disaster": I get ready for work, my hair slowly dries, I fly out the door without looking at it.. finally I look at it when I get here. Its POOFY, super poofy, like totally 80's... and it dawns on me-- it was volumizing shampoo! I guess I never really thought of the difference... but eep!

Hope the story made you laugh, because I sure did when I saw myself in the mirror... its not really the kind of funny most of my friends would get

November 14th, 2008, 11:12 AM
Don't try to remove the white stuff form you scalp with intense shampooing. Trust me. I get it myself sometimes. I believe it is dandruff mixed with the sebum or I might be wrong, but it's definitely not buld-up.
As for your story, the poofy 80s hair style part was totally funny :D

Ohio Sky
November 14th, 2008, 11:17 AM
I'm confounded that your hair reacted at all to the volumizing poo. I could never get the stuff to work for me.

November 14th, 2008, 11:19 AM
Your were "Super-Poof, super-poofing out" (sang to the tune of Rick James Super Freak"

Her hair was really Kinky, the girls a super-poof
The kind of hair you read about, in the "don't do this magazines"
But she's all right, that girls all right,
that's girls wild hair, is just fine with me....

Ok, tangent over!!

I would have just used a bit of conditioner as a leave in, or a tad bit of oil, that may have combated some of the 'Super-Poof" :D

I gets my giggles where I can ;) Believe me, I understand the 80's poof too ;)

November 14th, 2008, 11:29 AM
Hey maybe your coworkers will think that you stay on top of the trends and the poofy 80s hair is making a comeback.

November 14th, 2008, 11:33 AM
I noticed I got white buildup stuff in a really large quantity when I try leaving conditioner in for a long time and using aloe with it just because I think the aloe mixes with the other products and causes it to get chunky. Ah I won't use aloe with a shower product anymore because I made that mistake a few times and finally learned. It certainly wasn't the flakes I tend to get with my super dry and easily frustrated skin. It was wholly different.

November 14th, 2008, 12:15 PM

that's funny!

before i joined the lhc ( a mere week ago or so ), i loved poufy hair.

i mean, my hair is classic length, but i liked to make it curly and poufy.

i was damaging my hair because it wasn't my hair's natural state, so i've stopped.

that's awesome that your hair gets like that with a mere 'poo, some gals have all the luck. <3!

November 14th, 2008, 01:24 PM
It is just weird, because my hair hasn't had the 'gunk' for a long time. I realize that there is sebum in there, but when it does that, I just can't get it to disperse and it makes my head itchy.

I am switching to a new shampoo/conditioner I am almost done my current conditioner, not the shampoo though because I have to water it down. I got this mint/rosemary conditioner from Target with no 'cones and it smells so good!

When my hair gets longer it would be awesome to have it a bit poofy, and it is true that tights are back, so big hair is just a matter of time!