View Full Version : Does bleaching hair change the world?

June 24th, 2021, 06:05 AM
I've heard some experiences of hair dyeing, how you get different treating from people according you hair colour. Many female stars want to have their hair blonde, and now when I remember my youth and how I wondered how some girls were so popular among guys (very bad english from me maybe...) even though they didn't look the prettiest into my eye, I realize one thing: they were blondes. So you who have experience of having blonde and other hair colours, do/did guys/men notice you better with some certain hair colour? No I'm not expecting certain kind of answers, I'm only interested to hear your experience! 😉

June 24th, 2021, 06:08 AM
Long, wavy blonde hair, big breasts and a red dress and you get anyone you like? 😉

Unfortunately my breasts are very little... 🤔

June 24th, 2021, 07:38 AM
It used to be that way but I think brunettes are more popular lately.

I personally just notice people with well taken care of hair the most, regardless of color or length.

June 24th, 2021, 07:57 AM
We are talking clichés here :D
I never wanted to be blonde and certainly never needed that to attract a man.
Im not much for dating nowadays but if a guy told my that I needed to bleach my hair to become more attractive I would leave him in a heartbeat. No second date for a jerk:bigtongue:

June 24th, 2021, 08:21 AM
We are talking clichés here :D
I never wanted to be blonde and certainly never needed that to attract a man.
Im not much for dating nowadays but if a guy told my that I needed to bleach my hair to become more attractive I would leave him in a heartbeat. No second date for a jerk:bigtongue:

Yes exactly!!

June 24th, 2021, 08:29 AM
Can I possibly ask your age? Because honestly, maybe when I was 16 I thought that way, 17/18? But in my 20s and 30s other things were far more important than "looks". That is the sole reason I'm asking.

It sounds a lot like a maturity thing to me. Maybe I'm wrong? :o

June 24th, 2021, 10:06 AM
When I was really young, like 5-6, I wanted to be blonde, because my brother and my two best friends were all blonde, and because most of the beautiful princesses in movies were blonde.

But otherwise I’ve always loved my natural hair color. It feels very much “me” and I think the contrast between my dark eyes/hair and pale skin is one of my best physical features. Brunette can be gorgeous!

As far as my hair color being more or less attractive to guys, I have absolutely no idea. I’ve never been much concerned about attracting guys , or girls for that matter, so I don’t give it any thought. I get enough unwanted, often creepy, male attention anyway just for being a reasonably pretty female (almost) in her 20s.

June 24th, 2021, 10:09 AM
I understand where you're coming from. Where I'm from, blonde tends to stand out more since it's a little less common so it gets more attention. Or maybe it's blonde in general, but I get it. Honestly I prefer long sleek black or red hair :p

June 24th, 2021, 10:55 AM
Can I possibly ask your age? Because honestly, maybe when I was 16 I thought that way, 17/18? But in my 20s and 30s other things were far more important than "looks". That is the sole reason I'm asking.

It sounds a lot like a maturity thing to me. Maybe I'm wrong? :o
Heyyy not so seriously please 😁 We need a little bit lighter talking and humour on hot summer days like these... 😉 Plus that Marilyn Monroe and Madonna wanted to be blondes also after their teen years... 😉

June 24th, 2021, 11:57 AM
Ha, either blonde hair had no effect, or mine wasn't a light enough blonde (it was lighter pre-LHC when it used to see the sun), or it did have an effect and I wouldn't even have had friends if I'd had a different hair colour :p Actually the two people who have ever expressed romantic interest in me were people I spoke to more via e-mails and texts than in real life, even though I did know them offline :hmm: ... damn, I knew I wasn't pretty but I didn't think I was so ugly as to scare people off! :rollin:

(I jest - anyone shallow enough to not be able to see beyond looks is not someone I want even as a friend, let alone a partner :))

June 24th, 2021, 11:58 AM
...and myself I find dark brown very beautiful hair colour. It creates strong contrast with lighter skin colour and looks kind of sharp colour because of that. I love strong contrasts because of their powerfulness and how they frame the face strongly. I have been surprised to hear from men, that "blonde hair colour stands out". I never knew that. It never stood out to me. But hey, maybe it's time to test something new, just out of curiosity! 😉 I'd like to know, what world is like for blondes... especially now when my husband left me and I need something funny and interesting to do!

June 24th, 2021, 12:13 PM
Heyyy not so seriously please �� We need a little bit lighter talking and humour on hot summer days like these... �� Plus that Marilyn Monroe and Madonna wanted to be blondes also after their teen years... ��

Ah oh, OK, excuse me :), but I had no clue you were "joking", at all. :( It was a pretty serious message. Might also be due to English not being your mother tongue, or... something. My bad. :shrug:

June 24th, 2021, 09:44 PM
Oh I went through a phase like this! I always had a fake tanner on, bleach blonde hair, tall, the whole thing. I had that whole "playboy model" look.

Eventually I wanted my natural hair color back and became too lazy to keep up with the spray tan. In both looks I got the same attention from men (and some women) :shrug:

I attract rather shallow people often, and it's not very fun. They always say they like me for my personality, and perhaps that is true to a point - but then they go and comment on my looks over and over. It's like, get real haha :rolleyes:

June 24th, 2021, 09:57 PM
I think blonde hair is a lighter color that stands out a lot and is noticeable. Just like a pink or red dress. I think it also displays a sort of youthfulness among Caucasian people, even if subconsciously, because blonde girls tend to have darker hair as they get older. Not always, but generally speaking. Red lipstick and a push up bra also has that vibrant, attention grabbing display that we associate with youthfulness. There is a reason why women wear makeup to make their skin look even in tone, brighten their lips and highlight their eyes, etc. These things tend to fade over time. Even your lips tend to get thinner. So blonde hair is just one of those things.

June 24th, 2021, 10:20 PM
I think it probably matters a lot more if a woman is attractive in general, than what her hair color is... like, in a group of pretty women, the blonde one might be more favored. But if a woman isn't pretty, just having blonde hair probably won't make people think she is.

June 24th, 2021, 10:30 PM
I've always been blonde and thought women with dark hair were the most striking. Grass is always greener I guess.

June 24th, 2021, 10:40 PM
I think it probably matters a lot more if a woman is attractive in general, than what her hair color is... like, in a group of pretty women, the blonde one might be more favored. But if a woman isn't pretty, just having blonde hair probably won't make people think she is.

I think this is true yeah. Sure, some colors are more flattering than others on people but in the end, I think it comes down to the person being attractive in general.

June 24th, 2021, 10:46 PM
I think blonde can accentuate certain features if you have the right face and skin color for it. I've tried going blonde and I remember attracting the same type of men with it, weird but true. They were all jocks or chads or weren't the type of guys who wanted to settle lol

June 25th, 2021, 01:21 AM
I think it probably matters a lot more if a woman is attractive in general, than what her hair color is... like, in a group of pretty women, the blonde one might be more favored. But if a woman isn't pretty, just having blonde hair probably won't make people think she is.
I actually questioned this when I was watching a tv program about young au pairs in Australia from my country. They went out to a disko and there was one really beautiful girl with brown hair and another girl who was not quite so pretty with blonde hair. And all the guys gathered around this blonde girl. And I also read somewhere from men, that "blondes are easier to approach". I have no clue why it's like that. Are men really so stupid that they think that hair colour has something to do with woman's personality? I think this is kind of male mysticism... and like I said before, in my youth I saw blonde girls did get men easier. Of course there are many more stereotypes of hair colours too, that are interesting. Overall I'm interested about very many things in our society. And I don't take hair colours very seriously, for me it's just kind of entertainment. If I have some severe difficulties in my life, I probably have no time or energy to die my hair... but if other people here see hair colour as a serious thing, maybe it's better not continue talking about these stereotypes, even though myself I find them just interesting 🙂

June 25th, 2021, 01:40 AM
At least according this study men approach blondes easier: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-bad-looks-good/202002/do-men-really-prefer-blondes

June 25th, 2021, 03:10 AM
Oh I went through a phase like this! I always had a fake tanner on, bleach blonde hair, tall, the whole thing. I had that whole "playboy model" look.

Eventually I wanted my natural hair color back and became too lazy to keep up with the spray tan. In both looks I got the same attention from men (and some women) :shrug:

I attract rather shallow people often, and it's not very fun. They always say they like me for my personality, and perhaps that is true to a point - but then they go and comment on my looks over and over. It's like, get real haha :rolleyes:

Is your avatar current? :) I had no idea you changed your hair?

June 25th, 2021, 03:30 AM
Short answer: no.

Long answer: it depends. On the local culture, the prevalence of blonde hair in a population, what celebrities are doing with their hair, etc. There are many factors that go into what is considered the standard of attractiveness at any one point. Much of the anecdotal evidence that 'men prefer blondes' is based on white, usually American, beauty standards. Hardly universal.

June 25th, 2021, 03:53 AM
I think it depends on where you life. Here in Spain is the contrary, through my life the "popular girls" have always been brunette, maybe some highlights to get a sunkiss look, but natural has always been prefered. If you ask men, they'll tell you they like light/medium brown hair girls or redheads.
Also when I was blonde, I got more attention but that was it, people looked at me more. Now that I'm brunette they don't look at me that much but I feel people are a lot more kind and nice than before.

June 25th, 2021, 05:48 AM
At least according this study men approach blondes easier: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-bad-looks-good/202002/do-men-really-prefer-blondes

I'd love to see this tested on more than one individual. It could well be that the blonde simply suited her complexion best.

June 25th, 2021, 07:06 AM
I've always been blonde and thought women with dark hair were the most striking. Grass is always greener I guess.

LOL, yes. When I was a kid, I was quite blonde and always wanted brown hair. Now I wish my hair was lighter (though, to be fair, what I hate about my brown is that it's ashy-- if it wasn't {my blonde was a warm golden blonde} I likely wouldn't mind; also part of the reason is that the darker my hair is, the less bright my henna is...).

I actually questioned this when I was watching a tv program about young au pairs in Australia from my country. They went out to a disko and there was one really beautiful girl with brown hair and another girl who was not quite so pretty with blonde hair. And all the guys gathered around this blonde girl. And I also read somewhere from men, that "blondes are easier to approach". I have no clue why it's like that. Are men really so stupid that they think that hair colour has something to do with woman's personality? I think this is kind of male mysticism... and like I said before, in my youth I saw blonde girls did get men easier. Of course there are many more stereotypes of hair colours too, that are interesting. Overall I'm interested about very many things in our society. And I don't take hair colours very seriously, for me it's just kind of entertainment. If I have some severe difficulties in my life, I probably have no time or energy to die my hair... but if other people here see hair colour as a serious thing, maybe it's better not continue talking about these stereotypes, even though myself I find them just interesting 🙂

It also has to do with the people involved. Some people can project an air of being more attractive than they are. (Even if you look at celebrities-- some of the women considered "hot" aren't, when you really look at them, all that pretty. But they've been made up to be hot, and marketed as hot, and may give off a "hot" vibe, and there you go. Men are probably the same way, to a smaller extent.)

And, as someone else said, it really depends on culture. After all, a lot of American men have ******es for Asian or Latina women-- usually not blondes. But I've heard in some cultures where blonde hair isn't common, some like blondes simply because they're unusual.

Honestly, when I think of female celebrities and the ones men go ga-ga for, they're often not blondes. Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johanssen, Megan Fox, etc.-- all have dark hair and do just fine.

June 25th, 2021, 11:34 AM
Makes me think of a channel I'm currently watching. "The WADS", the "main squeeze" is Kim(berly) and her family of 4 kids + husband. Her hair is... absolutely amazing. Stunning! And no, she's not a blonde. ;)

Personality. It matters. ;)

June 25th, 2021, 12:32 PM
I'd love to see this tested on more than one individual. It could well be that the blonde simply suited her complexion best.

I don't view it as a valid experiment when they're only using one person as an example. They also tested it in a nightclub where you have a dark setting so I imagine blonde hair is going to be a lot more noticeable than something like black. Plus nightclubs attract different kinds of people, testing in different countries will likely give different results, ect. Not to mention there's probably a lot of men who simply don't care about hair color, DBF said I could shave my head and have a mohawk just like him for all he cares lol!

Final Thoughts: I'd like to see a lot more research done before these articles claim that blondes are more "attractive" to men.

June 25th, 2021, 03:15 PM
Is your avatar current? :) I had no idea you changed your hair?

Oh haha no it's not! It is from last time I bleached and highlighted, I should really take an updated hair photo, but been lazy :lol:

Edit: Just changed the avatar to reflect my current hair :)

June 25th, 2021, 03:55 PM
I've always been blonde and thought women with dark hair were the most striking. Grass is always greener I guess.
This ^. I always wanted darker hair because I thought it was more mature/womanly whereas my blonde hair made me look too young?

When I bleached my hair I definitely got much more attention but I feel like it was the wrong attention. I got men making assumptions that I was easy. When I grew out the bleach I was a bit sad that men were no longer as attracted to me, but realized I'd personally rather a man be attracted to the natural me. I came to accept my natural, non bleached blonde and I actually get loads of compliments on it now I'm a bit older, because so many natural blondes here bleach it that my colour seems to be more rare/unique here! What really bothers me is when people call my hair mousey or brown. It's blonde. Natural blonde. They don't know what a natural blonde actually looks like, it's difficult to achieve from a bottle! Some men here think bleach blondes are natural and that I can't be blonde because I don't have white hair like children do :rolleyes:

June 25th, 2021, 06:11 PM
This ^. I always wanted darker hair because I thought it was more mature/womanly whereas my blonde hair made me look too young?

I wonder if that's why I wanted darker hair as a kid? I can't remember, but that reason seems to resonate with me, so maybe that was it. I just remember I wish I did.

(And my mom has spent much of my life since trying to get me to make it go lighter again, saying I looked so nice with lighter hair. But in hindsight, I'm not certain if she meant lighter, or just warmer-toned... the ashiness simply doesn't suit me; I'm not a cool-toned person.)

June 25th, 2021, 10:52 PM
I was bright blonde as a teen and I think I got a bit more looks from guys. But I think healthy hair is the most attractive when it comes to hair. If it's bleached and damaged it's not going to be pretty.

June 26th, 2021, 01:16 AM
When I bleached my hair I definitely got much more attention but I feel like it was the wrong attention. I got men making assumptions that I was easy.
Yeah this is one of those crazy stereotypes that blondes are "easy cases" 🙄 I think men live in another reality.

June 26th, 2021, 02:06 AM
When I bleached my hair I definitely got much more attention but I feel like it was the wrong attention. I got men making assumptions that I was easy.

Same here when I had bleach blonde hair. Thought it was just in my head but I guess it's true in some cases....

June 26th, 2021, 07:35 AM
Oh haha no it's not! It is from last time I bleached and highlighted, I should really take an updated hair photo, but been lazy :lol:

Edit: Just changed the avatar to reflect my current hair :)

Oh good grief, you gave me a shock there fore a while. :lol: The blond isn't bad, don't get me wrong, but I prefer your natural hair, it suits you really well. :)

June 26th, 2021, 10:41 PM
Oh good grief, you gave me a shock there fore a while. :lol: The blond isn't bad, don't get me wrong, but I prefer your natural hair, it suits you really well. :)

Thank you! :flower: I prefer my natural hair color as well, between the damage from bleach and the upkeep involved, I'll take natural hair any day :) Never making that mistake again :lol:

June 26th, 2021, 11:36 PM
I've been all the colours. Blonde is not my best look but once I became blonde in my thirties, I never went back.

It's not that I got more attention from men. But EVERYONE became much kinder and attentive to me. It was such a dramatic change in vibe, I noticed it the moment I went out of the salon. It was surreal!

Interestingly, I wore a black wig for carnival a couple times since then,. Wearing the wig, people would bump into me and not apologize, shopkeepers wouldn't pay attention to me, that kind of stuff. As soon as the wig came off, I got attention, kindness and respect again.

People are weird.

June 28th, 2021, 12:34 PM
Offtopic: to my eye Jennifer Lawrence looks absolutely better as brunette than as blonde.



June 28th, 2021, 12:43 PM
Though in this picture she actually looks stunning also as a blonde. Maybe it really is up to many things...


June 28th, 2021, 12:59 PM
Jennifer Lawrence is much more striking as a brunette. Blonde makes her look like every other (gorgeous) Hollywood starlet out there. And judging by candid pap shots, she can lean into the no makeup look better with brunette hair than with blonde.

I think this is fairly common for any dramatic hair color change, not just blonde - whatever the person’s natural hair color is, it lends itself better to no-makeup looks. A dramatic change typically takes a more effort to make sure the person doesn’t look too pale, washed out, unnatural, etc.

July 13th, 2021, 09:17 AM
I'm a natural blonde, I never colored or bleached my hair. Well, I was attracted by guys, but I can't say that my brunette friends got less attention. Btw, I had a boyfriend who wanted me to become a brunette :) I wasn't ready for that, and it was unacceptable for me. Fortunately, we broke up as I met an older mand wider man on SPAM. I can look the way I like and he accepts me regardless of my appearance. And I also think that healthy hair is the most attractive.

July 13th, 2021, 12:00 PM
Offtopic: to my eye Jennifer Lawrence looks absolutely better as brunette than as blonde.



This is how I felt about Cameron Diaz. She was pretty as a blonde, but she was drop dead gorgeous as a brunette. I think pretty people can usually get away with a variety of looks and still be quite attractive, like Angelina Jolie. She was amazing from Hackers to Tomb Raider to Maificent. But...I think there is still a look and color that just really hits the mark for most people.

July 21st, 2021, 04:56 AM
I've had red, brown, black, and blonde hair. I haven't noticed any difference in how anybody has approached me romantically. If I have caught more eyes as a blonde, then they aren't coming up to me to say anything. Hair color, I suppose, doesn't mitigate RBF :face:

July 21st, 2021, 12:25 PM
Offtopic: to my eye Jennifer Lawrence looks absolutely better as brunette than as blonde.



Agreed! I've always thought this. I feel the same way about Avril Lavigne (below)



And plenty of other peeps. It's not that they look *bad* with these other colors, but that their natural colors definitely give them a striking look more often than the other way around. Of course, as I said, the opposite can and does happen as well.

As for the OP's post, for me, I got the most compliments of my life as a redhead and also think it's the best look on myself. It just happens to be very damaging on my finer hair (might look into henna in the future). Oh... the joys of life :mad:

July 21st, 2021, 03:48 PM
Like some other users, I do think the "blondes are better" sentiment was more of a thing in the 90s/early 2000s. During that time, I definitely wished I had blonde hair! I'm not sure if it was related to celebrities or friends and family that were blonde getting more attention though.

That said, I'm glad I never bleached my whole head! I did have blonde streaks among other colors. My hair is natural (darkish brown) now and I think it works well with my coloring. I think I'm too "dark" for blonde, at least the tone I'd want :lol: Dark hair suits me.

I also agree that Jennifer Lawrence looked better as a brunette.