View Full Version : Calling all people with curlies or wavies or coilies at attached on their head!!! :)

April 7th, 2021, 01:49 PM
Hello and thank you for clicking on my post! Here is a place where we can talk all things hair.:)
For example:
- Do you follow the curly girl method?
- What is your routine?
- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
- How long have you been natural?
These are just a few conversation starters for you!:D

April 7th, 2021, 02:31 PM
We already have several other Wavy/curly threads, and also those for specific textures:

The Wavy and Wurly thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=31563)
Wurly and Curly thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=369)
2c with Sausage Ringlets (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=148483)
The official type 3 hair club (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=96338)
Kinky 4s' thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=1881)

I think maybe you'll get more interaction there. But at the same time I always thought it would be great to have a unified thread, I don't know what others think about this :hmm:

To answer your questions:

- Do you follow the curly girl method?
Yes and no, I sort of take inspiration out of it but I just do whatever I please (not even what works for my hair I just do whatever I feel like doing). So I usually stay away from silicones and my usual shampoos don't have sulphates either but I use chelating/anti-dandruff shampoos that contain sulphates.
Apart from that I've tried co-washing and my hair THRIVED with the "As I am" cowas" but hated any other product for cowashing lol. It's been a while since I did cowashing but once I reduce my current product stash I plan to start doing it again.

- What is your routine?
Currently I:
* Wash 1-3 times a week (for me if my scalp starts to itch it's my sign it's time to wash)
* I have started using deep conditioning on dry hair before washing, and I think I'm getting great results for now :D <- for this I loosely follow the capillary schedule.
* Then I shampoo twice and then condition
* After washing, I style it as usual: curling cream + mousse or gel, and air dry. In the winter or otherwise very cold humid days I tend to diffuse or my hair takes forever to dry.

- What is your favourite product in the whole world for your hair?
I don't think I have a single favourite product but the only one I've ever felt like I NEED to buy it again is the "As I Am" cowash as I said above.

- How long have you been natural?
All my life. I've never chemically straightened, nor used heat tools more than once a year, but I didn't know my hair was "genuinely" curly hair until about 6 years ago. Growing up in a place where everyone had gorgeous thick curls made my thin curls look like it was just a frizzy mess and for some reason they were called fake curls, and I was constantly told by other curlies to brush my hair :lol:

April 7th, 2021, 03:01 PM
- Do you follow the curly girl method? Not remotely : D

- What is your routine? Currently, full-head CO-wash once a week, shampoo the scalp as needed (which works out to every couple of months). I occasionally do an overnight oiling on the tips or lower lengths of my hair prior to CO-washing. I don't use anything specifically meant for CO-washing, just drugstore stuff. I apply a cheapo humectant-y conditioner and let it sit under a shower cap and headscarf/warm towel for an hour and/or until I get annoyed with it, then rinse that, apply a cone-y conditioner, do the rest of my "shower stuff," and rinse the second conditioner. I sporadically use catnip tea as a dip/rinse thing after washing and to spritz on to detangle in between washes. I rinse extremely thoroughly and don't use leave-ins. I usually put my hair up briefly in a microfiber turban from the dollar store and then let it air-dry the rest of the way. These days I'm rarely detangling much in between washes, and don't detangle dry at all. I use a pretty plain brush (https://www.amazon.com/Conair-Professional-Nylon-Cushion-Colors/dp/B001T8S7T8) as though it were a wet-brush. My hair is pretty much always up.

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair? Aussie conditioner, which I almost always use for my second conditioning. I recently discovered White Rain conditioner at our local dollar store and prefer it to V05, if you are looking for something solid in a very low price bracket.

- How long have you been natural? Either "always" or "never," depending on your definition. I have never had a perm, gotten my hair straightened, used heat tools, etc. But I have also had hennaed hair pretty much my whole life. I am certain that if I grew out the henna, I would have a tighter and perhaps more consistent curl pattern--which I don't much want, personally.

April 7th, 2021, 03:39 PM
- Do you follow the curly girl method?

Not at all! But I have tried it before and it was catatrophically bad for me so I'll probably never do it again. I need sulfates and silicones, and I don't mind paying more for good shampoos and products that don't build up easily or dry out my hair.

- What is your routine?

I always use a pre-shampoo treatment, most of the time a conditioner or mask that I don't like and I'm trying to use up to not waste. Preferably, I'd use a silicone-free mask with oils and butters (I find it absorbs a lot better and faster to the hair than straight oils, easier to wash out too). Shampoo twice, use a deep treatment mask depending on my capillary schedule day, sometimes a conditioner. After the shower, I use leave-in and hair oil. Once it's dry, hair oil again. I do this routine everyday or every other day.

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?

Kérastase Thérapiste Masque, and their Elixir Ultime Oil.

- How long have you been natural?

Eh... Not that long to be honest. I used to get straightening treatments done once a year or so since I was 12. I took some breaks in-between, grew it all out completely, went back... It just depends on my mood really. If I were to define my waves more and care about using it that way, I think I'd probably have a head of 2b, but I can't be bothered so I use smoothening products and sometimes I use heat when I want my hair to look good. I think I'd be happier if I were to go back to straightening treatments though, but I'm just going to see if added weight helps keep my hair less rebelious with more length.

April 8th, 2021, 01:44 AM
Barely wavy here.

- Do you follow the curly girl method?
I followed it for like two months speaking for products, but I tried every single technique. Now I've introduced some cones in my routine again (a mask), and so I clarify more often with a sulfate shampoo. I think I could be a 2a/2b at shorter lengths (4 inches ago I had way more definition, I cannot immagine at BSL or APL), but now it's weighted down too much and I'm still searching for some technique that still works.

- What is your routine?
I wait between 3 and 5 five days before washing. I use a sulfate shampoo about trice a month, but I genuinely like my sulfate-free options. I often WCC, the first conditioner is a mask (I alternate one with protein and one more nourishing) that I let set for 3-5 minutes. Rinse, apply conditioner, detangling. Rinse, I put it in a microfiber towel for some minutes, then I remove it and apply my leave in. I brush it again to remove the weird shapes it takes washing upside down. At this point I usually apply a mousse, a gel or both. Scrunch and airdry lately.

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
Sunsilk super boom for curly hair. I love this sulfate free shampoo.

- How long have you been natural?
I stopped straightening it at every wash almost 10 years ago, but it was just at the beginning of 2020 that I discovered my hair had some texture and I started styling it as wavy.

April 8th, 2021, 01:55 AM
- Do you follow the curly girl method?
Yes, it was a game changer for me to discover it, but I don't follow it that strictly. I think I never really accepted that I had wavy hair until I saw what the CG method did to it. When I had shorter hair I actually managed to get defined ringlets with CG, probably around 2c, but now that it's longer they're more loose S-waves. As my hair gets longer and less wavy I may move on from CG to other methods.

- What is your routine?
I wash once a week, or twice if I've been really active. I use silicone and sulfate free products (right now trying to use up some Shea Moisture products which I do like but are a bit too heavy for my hair). I used to do a regular shampoo wash, followed by conditioner, but since being on LHC I've tried doing a CO wash and it seems to be working well for me. I used to only detangle with conditioner in and then not touch my hair with a brush until the next wash. Now with the added length it's no longer possible but I try my best to be gentle.

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
I don't really have one, I'm always trying new things!

- How long have you been natural?
Went no-heat about 4 years ago, started doing no-sulphates about 3 years ago and then cut out silicones as well and doing CG 2 years ago.

April 8th, 2021, 02:18 PM
Hello and thank you for clicking on my post! Here is a place where we can talk all things hair.:)
For example:
Do you follow the curly girl method?

Not really I just let my hair be. I just water rinse.

What is your routine?

Daily water rinsing, DIY conditioning once a week (occasionally I will do a DIY shampoo prior to conditioning) Then I style it in plaits/twists to last the week.

What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?

Products? Keep those far away from me I have too many allergies to deal with those.

How long have you been natural?

Forever, no reason to change what works for me and what is natural for me.

April 8th, 2021, 02:31 PM
- Do you follow the curly girl method?
Nah, that’s way too rigid for me. No brushing? Ever? No shampoo? Ever? No way.

- What is your routine?
If I feel like it, I pre poo with oil, salve, or the innate life scalp treatment
Shampoo (once or twice, whatever I feel I need)
Leave in conditioner, brushed in with a Denman brush
Put it up in a T-shirt
Air dry the rest of the way
Brush it when completely dry
Oil the ends
Braid it (it’s always in a braid, I never wear it curly, I WILL die from all the tangles otherwise)

- What is your favourite product in the whole world for your hair?
The Innate Life Rose Elixir

- How long have you been natural?
I’ve always brushed my curls, but otherwise I never used any heat or dye on my hair. It’s as virgin as it can be with a bit of unavoidable mechanical damage

April 8th, 2021, 05:36 PM
Hello and thank you for clicking on my post! Here is a place where we can talk all things hair.:)
For example:
- Do you follow the curly girl method?
- What is your routine?
- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
- How long have you been natural?
These are just a few conversation starters for you!:D

No CG, scalp issues so have to use a harsh sulfate.
My routine is WCC (see signature, the link can probably explain that better).
I think that would be the Herbal Essences Hello Hydration for conditioner & the Pantene Aqua Light for shampoo.
I have let my texture "shine through" since my 30s, I think, if I would have to guess, yep, about there.

April 8th, 2021, 07:06 PM
I WILL die from all the tangles otherwise

Lol thank you for making me smile :)

April 8th, 2021, 07:45 PM
Magical mystery straight to spiral here. Mostly 2a.

- Do you follow the curly girl method?
It seemed like a lot to me, to be honest, so while I’ve taken bits and pieces the short answer is no.

- What is your routine?
I wash, usually, 2-ish times a week, depending on the week. I do some combination of OCWCC and CWCC and WCC.

If I’m doing oil, I apply a very very generous amount of avocado oil to the lengths for as long as possible, then conditioner for the last bit. Shampoo is scalp only, with rare exceptions. I’m currently using L’Oréal Dream Lengths shampoo and really like it. When I clarify, it’s with suave. Conditioner currently is L’Oréal Extraordinary Oil or Pantene Smooth Somethingsomething, which I'm not super into. I use a little leave in every time and some frizz-ease serum on the ends.

I dry it in an old tshirt til the shirt is soaked then comb it out and scrunch it up and put it in a second tshirt. After a while I take it out and shake it and call it good enough.

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
I don’t think I have one?

- How long have you been natural?
Always? My natural is pretty flexible, though, and can be many different things.

April 8th, 2021, 11:30 PM
Lol thank you for making me smile :)

You’re very welcome:D

April 9th, 2021, 03:33 AM
- Do you follow the curly girl method?
No I dont, I'm too sporadic and fickle to stick to rules!

- What is your routine?
Co-wash once a week with Avocado Co-Wash from Lush Cosmetics, then carefully comb while wet then I apply Curl Power by Lush using prayer hands and then leave to dry! I usually wear it down until day 5 or so, then pop it in a loose bun with a scrunchie :)

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
Avocado from Lush, it smells beautiful, its zero waste, cruelty free and makes my scalp and hair so happy!

- How long have you been natural?
Around 6 years now x

April 9th, 2021, 03:34 AM
(Oh and I think I'm a 2c curl type...I think haha)

April 9th, 2021, 08:16 AM
No I'm not CG.
I had a period of using sulfate-free cleansers and avoiding silicones but eventually my hair became too healthy for such gentle treatment. I have to wash with stronger shampoos now otherwise my hair just gets flat and oily.

2. Routine- very simple. Wash around 3 times per week. Shampoo, conditioner, leave in and styling product. I let my hair air-dry.
Once a week pre-poo with oil. Not much fuss.

3. My favourite is Urtekram Aloe Vera Shampoo. True and tested and I always go back to it.

4. Natural since 2009, so 12 years.

April 9th, 2021, 06:32 PM
My hair used to be 1b, then somehow last year it started getting 2b waves I'm pretty bummed about that I got a keratin straightening as soon as I could! Though I'm tempted to let the treatment fade out to see how annoying my full natural texture is longer

April 9th, 2021, 09:10 PM
- Do you follow the curly girl method?
no because I have no curls :)

- What is your routine?
Deep condition and style every 3-4 weeks, nothing special. I also do light exercise everyday. And...combs are the enemy.

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
argan oil

- How long have you been natural?
My whole life!

stardust lady
April 10th, 2021, 12:11 AM
I used to be a 1c/2a most of my life, and then hormones or something caused it to become more curly, so now it's 2b/2c. Hair on the very top is 1c, and as it approaches the nape it's wurly.

- Do you follow the curly girl method?

Nope. I tried it though, and it did make my hair look curlier, but I don't like having curly hair. I didn't know until I tried wearing it curly, and I just didn't feel like myself.

- What is your routine?

Wash every 2-3 days, usually with Pantene SLS shampoo, sometimes clarify with Suave, and then either a deep protein-free moisturizing mask or conditioner afterwards. Either silicone serum for leave-in, or some other lightweight leave-in spray or cream. Then I brush it and wrap it until it tries. Every now and then I do Olaplex #3. Also henna/cassia on the roots once a month.

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?

Olaplex #3, haha. It turns my hair into silk. Normally my hair is very... stiff. If I put it into a ponytail for a little bit and take it out, it just remains in that shape forever. I've recently learned that I should probably stay far away from proteins, and have been using them regularly until now, so hopefully I will see some improvement in the stiffness soon.

- How long have you been natural?

Most of my life I guess. I think this question might be directed more towards curly and coily folks, but I do have some experience with relaxers. A couple years ago I did Japanese thermal rebonding (straightening), and I loved it but I accidentally ruined it and had to cut off most of my hair, and have been growing my natural texture back out ever since. It's too expensive to keep up with anyways. I've seen pictures of people growing out straight perms and it isn't a great look, so I'm glad I didn't have to deal with that.

April 10th, 2021, 09:13 PM
Hello and thank you for clicking on my post! Here is a place where we can talk all things hair.:)
For example:
- Do you follow the curly girl method?
- What is your routine?
- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
- How long have you been natural?
These are just a few conversation starters for you!:D

- Do you follow the curly girl method?

Kinda? I use cones if they are not in the first 5 ingredients, and I use sulfates every couple of weeks to clarify.

- What is your routine?

Wash twice a week (still trying to stretch but heavy product usage and sweaty exercise makes that hard), put in two dutch braids to dry, which takes 2-3 days, then I wear a braid out until it gets two sweaty/sticky/frizzy. I do WCC, sometimes CWCC, and the LC[G]O method.

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?

Curls blueberry Bliss leave-in! Sooooo good, slippery, moisturizing, and not heavy or greasy. It's a little expensive but as long as I don't get too squeeze happy it goes a long way.

- How long have you been natural?

Eleven years!! :OOO However, for a good amount of those years I heat straightened and/or wore extensions. I think the last few years that I have been on LHC are when I first started really, really trying to stop straightening my hair and even wear my hair out naturally. I do braidouts now, but I do hope some day I'll be able to do a wash and go. :)

April 22nd, 2021, 09:26 PM
Hello and thank you for clicking on my post! Here is a place where we can talk all things hair.:)
For example:
- Do you follow the curly girl method?
- What is your routine?
- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
- How long have you been natural?
These are just a few conversation starters for you!:D

Just to give you a little overview of my hair before I start: I have baby-fine, low-density, 3b hair that's bleach damaged at the ends.

- Do you follow the curly girl method?
Nooope, I kind of cycle silicones in and out of my routine, as needed. I just try to be strategic with the product layering so the cones work with me and not against me. I use the curly hair solutions flexy brush (no bulbs at the end = way less breakage) and I definitely use shampoo.

- What is your routine?
I wash once a week. I always sleep in a silky satin bonnet (not like the rough-ish ones in most beauty stores) or a satin scarf and I think they've done a lot to help with length retention. I oil & braid my hair the night before a wash day, then I wash with OGX tea tree & mint shampoo, go in with NYM's Naturals Tahitian Gardenia Flower Mango Butter Conditioner, and if I'm DCing I'll use the Doo Gro Thickening (protein) Treatment and/or the SM Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil (moisture) mask. After rinsing all of that out, I put the leave-ins on when my hair is still wet and then let it air dry. I add oil/creams as needed between washes.

- What is your favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
If I could only take one product with me I'd probably say it'd be Kinky Curly's "Knot Today" leave-in (silicone & oil-free) or NYM's Royal Honey & Kalahari Melon "Repair & Protect" Leave-in spray (silicone-free but does have oils). Favorite coney product would be one that I only use sometimes and sparingly on my ends: OGX's Coconut Miracle Oil "Penetrating Oil". It's very, very coney, but it smells amazing and keeps my ends from tangling!

- How long have you been natural?
I've never relaxed my hair (not that I didn't ask on multiple occasions when I was younger, my mom said no, thankfully) but I have bleached it on multiple occasions. One time was particularly bad in 2016, the only time the hairdresser ever bleached my whole head and then got highlights. I was going for Shakira's early 2000s blonde curly look and ended up looking more a penny with highlights and the breakage was bad . :rolleyes: Since then, I've only gotten highlights one more time in 2018 to try to soften the bleach line in my hair so that it wasn't such a harsh black-to-blonde border. So if we're considering bleach as one of the chemical processes, I've been bleach-free since summer 2018. Still trying to grow the bleached ends out! You can probably see how my ends are lighter in my siggy below.

April 23rd, 2021, 07:19 AM
New question for you all curly folks.

- How do you wear your hair on daily basis?
- How long is your hair at the moment?
- What are your go-to hairstyles

I'm almost BSL and I wear my hair up most of the time because I don't like my hair rubbing against my clothes at all. I recently discovered the disc bun and I love it, any other bun seems to require more length than I have. My other go-to hairstyles are a simple peacock twist with a claw clip and a folded braid usually held with a flexi.

April 23rd, 2021, 09:15 AM
Do you follow the curly girl method? Nope. I tried scrunching once to accentuate my waves, and it did help but I don't have a diffuse for my hair dryer (and also I don't have the patience for all of that, frankly).
-What is your routine? My current (new) routine, which entails oiling my hair before washing, and then washing with a coconut oil shampoo and an oil based conditioner. My hair is loving all the moisture!
What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair? Olive oil, honestly! :o
How long have you been natural? All of my life, although I've never really tried to accentuate my waves with anything other than braid waves until the past year or so.

April 23rd, 2021, 01:59 PM
Do you follow the curly girl method?
Not at all. I need sulfates otherwise my scalp is very unhappy (seborrheic dermatitis). I do however avoid coney conditioners.

What is your routine?
I just cut back up to BCL from CL+, so I've been experimenting with finding what works best at this length. So far, washing every Wednesday and Sunday works for me. I used to wash my hair once a week on Sundays, but I added Wednesday in because my scalp was getting so sore and irritated with the infrequent washes.

What is your favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
Suave Green Apple conditioner. If they ever discontinue it, I'm going to have some words :patrol: I love the smell and what it does for my hair. My hair basically isn't my hair without it.

How long have you been natural?
Probably since my wedding in 2015, that was the last time I ever properly styled my hair. Unless you count me running a straightener through my bangs when they won't lay correctly... then a few weeks ago lol

April 25th, 2021, 09:01 AM
- Do you follow the curly girl method?
Yes and no! I generally try to stay away from sulphates and silicones just because I'd rather use more gentle/less damaging in the long run products on my hair, but if something does have either of those things/drying alcohols in them, I'll still use them if they were gifted to me/if I like the rest of the ingredients/have heard good things about it! I'm more okay with sulphates than silicones,surprisingly - my hair just doesn't like silicone that much so I tend not to use it, but I do love a good clarifying wash every now and again!

- What is your routine?
I wash my hair once every two weeks roughly. The night before, I like to do a hot oil treatment with black castor, neem, and olive/coconut oil, and also make a hair rinse to steep overnight (I use sage, rosemary, mint, lemon balm, and thyme that I grow in the garden - let it soak in hot water overnight and then use it as a final rinse after my wash <3 ). Then on actual wash day, I double-cleanse with Shea Moisture's Jamaican Black Castor Oil shampoo, detangle with As I Am's cleansing co-wash because I love the slip it gives, and condition with Shea Moisture's raw shea butter conditioner, but I'm not too fond of it so I'm going to give the Rooted Haircare Range coconut and shea butter conditioner a go! After rinsing, I'll use a tiny bit of the Shea Moisture conditioner as a leave-in, rake in some gel (homemade flaxseed gel and the As I Am curl jelly are two of my favourites!), scrunch gently to bring my curls out, plop with a cotton shirt for a few minutes, and either air dry in the sun or diffuse on cool, depending on the weather :)

- What is your favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
I don't have one tbh! I love experimenting and finding new products to try out <3

- How long have you been natural?
I've never chemically straightened my hair, so in terms of that I've been natural for my whole life! But in terms of bleaching/dyeing, it's been two years, and the last time I straightened it with my flat iron was this January just gone. I'm never bleaching my hair again but would love to colour it with henna one day, and am trying my absolute hardest to not touch the flat iron again hahaha

April 25th, 2021, 11:45 AM
- How do you wear your hair on daily basis?
I wear a braid when I’m home or asleep. I try to wear a bun when I’m outside, and that happens more than not, but in the rare case my scalp feels sensitive I’ll wear a braid as well.

- How long is your hair at the moment?
I’m millimeters away from waist I feel like. Probably still a centimeter or more.

- What are your go-to hairstyles?
English braid, French braid, Nautilus, twisted spidermom, Hazel, LWB but not necessarily in that order.

April 25th, 2021, 04:45 PM
Do you follow the curly girl method?

Nope! Tried it and it made my hair oily, loaded with products and icky. Less is more is definitely what my hair likes :D

- What is your routine?

Shampoo with head and shoulders on my scalp once a week, conditioner from ears down, air dry

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?

Hmmm... It was yes to carrots conditioner before they changed the formula

- How long have you been natural?

Since 2017

April 25th, 2021, 06:50 PM
- Do you follow the curly girl method?
Basically, yes- at least all the rules.

- What is your routine?
Weekly cowash followed by one or two conditioners with finger-detangling while splashing in water. Don't rinse out the conditioner. Add a gel or styler on top of it and sometimes a random third product to seal. Scrunch with fingers and/or blot with a non-terry cloth. Air dry with headband or clips unless (as often is the case) I will be too cold, in which case I sit under a hooded dryer or use a diffuser. Henna once or twice a month (coconut milk mix) for gray coverage. When hair or scalp are too dry I just slather conditioner and braid it wet. In between wash days might spray with moisture and/or splash some water and add product to revive curls. Silk or satin pillowcases and often a bonnet.

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
Not very loyal. Currently AsIAm cowash and Oyin Handmade Honey Hemp conditioner.

- How long have you been natural?

I have had my hair heat-straightened maybe five times ever.

New question for you all curly folks.

- How do you wear your hair on daily basis?
- How long is your hair at the moment?
- What are your go-to hairstyles

I'm almost BSL and I wear my hair up most of the time because I don't like my hair rubbing against my clothes at all. I recently discovered the disc bun and I love it, any other bun seems to require more length than I have. My other go-to hairstyles are a simple peacock twist with a claw clip and a folded braid usually held with a flexi.

Daily basis: down and then clipped back up when it's in the way. Or in a braid I made when wet.
Length at the moment: the longest layers are past BSL when stretched but people who look at me on the street will see at best APL when in coils.
Hairstyles: I don't think of those as much of an option. Down, half-up, whatever the clip gives me that day when I need it out of the way, or one or two braids if initiated on wet hair. I can also use a headband and/or clip the sides back out of my face. Every once in a while the two braids will get crossed and clipped up to the sides on a hot day.

April 28th, 2021, 07:29 AM
New question for you all curly folks.

- How do you wear your hair on daily basis?
- How long is your hair at the moment?
- What are your go-to hairstyles

I'm almost BSL and I wear my hair up most of the time because I don't like my hair rubbing against my clothes at all. I recently discovered the disc bun and I love it, any other bun seems to require more length than I have. My other go-to hairstyles are a simple peacock twist with a claw clip and a folded braid usually held with a flexi.

- How do you wear your hair on daily basis?
It's in twists that hang down my shoulders most days, since my hair is about 40% of its real length on the average day.
It would be better to keep the hair off my shoulders, but I don't like to tie my hair up, and it doesn't affect my growth.

- How long is your hair at the moment?
Most is at waist, some is at hip. I'll be trimming it throughout this year to even it out a bit.

- What are your go-to hairstyles
Twists, they're really quick and easy.
For special occasions, I take it down and stretch it out with rollers.

May 3rd, 2021, 02:34 AM
Do you follow the curly girl method?

- What is your routine?
Shampoo once a week, air dry, then lightly oil my scalp. I get my locs retightened every 2 months or so

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
Used to be shea butter, now any sulfate shampoo will do

- How long have you been natural?
My last relaxer was in May 2019, so almost 2 years now. I still have my texlaxed ends though

How do you wear your hair on daily basis?
loose with a hair band or bobby pins to keep my locs from my face

- How long is your hair at the moment?
Neck length

- What are your go-to hairstyles
I wear it loose and try to embrace the teenage phase of my locs

May 3rd, 2021, 09:49 AM
Do you follow the curly girl method? No, Never tried it

- What is your routine? Wash as needed. Sulfate free shampoo no more than once a week, clarifying shampoo as needed. Oil wet hair after applying leave in conditioner. Co wash if hair needs rewashing before 7 days with a light conditioner then condition as normal. When I co wash, I skip the leave in conditioner and just use oil. Only use a coney hair serum on days I use a clarifying shampoo.

- What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair? Garnier hair food masks. Especially the Macadamia one.

- How long have you been natural? I’ve never chemically straightened it. No hair dyes, straightening and curling irons in about 14 years.

May 3rd, 2021, 09:56 AM
- How do you wear your hair on daily basis? I live in braids. Braids are the only hairstyle I can get to work with wearing a hat. I keep it in the same braid for bed.

- How long is your hair at the moment? Knee.

- What are your go-to hairstyles? Braids.

May 21st, 2021, 07:26 AM
- How do you wear your hair on daily basis?
Down, or in a french braid or a bun. My hair is getting too long to wear it down though, considering that I'm getting within inches of my goal at the longest point of my hair.
- How long is your hair at the moment?
About 2-3 inches (an estimate) away from hip length, but the majority of it is between BSL and waist length due to my hair being cut on a U shape with unintentional trichotillomania layers.
- What are your go-to hairstyles
Buns and braids.

May 22nd, 2021, 01:20 PM
I realized I’ve never posted in this thread. I intended to. I have 2A/2B hair, mostly 2A. CGM does not work for me. I tried it a while back and- just no.

⁃ If I don’t use shampoo at all, I get dandruff. Once a week works just fine for me, but I can’t go without shampoo entirely. I don’t like co-washing at all .
⁃ My hair does really well with silicones. Like, as many silicones as possible. They keep my hair detangled and relatively smooth like nothing else will. I then have to use sulfates to strip the buildup, but my scalp doesn’t feel any effects from that. Acv rinses help to gently clarify my hair and get rid of the buildup. I also condition the hell out of my hair so any moisture loss from sulfates is recompensed.
⁃ If I comb/ detangle while wet and coated in conditioner like it’s advised to in CGM, I loose clumps of hair and end up with breakage. But if I comb while just slightly damp and after applying leave-ins, I barely shed any and can detangle smoothly. It’s also okay for me to carefully comb through on non-wash days. I do not, however, use a brush. Brushing is too rough for my hair and causes breakage.
⁃ Gel or mousse just leaves my hair crunchy and weighed down even if I try to scrunch it out. It doesn’t do much as far as defining my waves either. Tbh I mostly just comb out my hair and leave it as it naturally air dries without doing anything special to make the waves clump or define. I sometimes end up with poofy hair but if the alternative is loads of product I’d rather embrace the poof. I’m often tempted to blow dry it straight but it’s not worth the damage for the temporary satisfaction. I wear my hair up a lot anyway so it doesn’t matter that much. This styling issue is still something I’m kind of trying to solve but I know the gel thing doesn’t do it for me.

After trying it, the only elements of CGM I wound up keeping were not using a brush, and things which overlap with general LHC advice such as using different oils, lots of conditioner, not using heat, drying with a t-shirt , protective styles, etc.

As far as how long I’ve been “natural “ ( I feel like I can’t quite use that word because it mostly applies to black folks and/or super curly hair) it’s been basically all my life. I have never used chemical straightening or anything and I never really straightened my hair regularly. A few times, yeah. But not often enough to be a routine.

May 26th, 2021, 10:25 AM
- How do you wear your hair on daily basis?
I wear a braid when I’m home or asleep. I try to wear a bun when I’m outside, and that happens more than not, but in the rare case my scalp feels sensitive I’ll wear a braid as well.

- How long is your hair at the moment?
I’m millimeters away from waist I feel like. Probably still a centimeter or more.

- What are your go-to hairstyles?
English braid, French braid, Nautilus, twisted spidermom, Hazel, LWB but not necessarily in that order.

What's hazel?

May 26th, 2021, 11:01 AM
What's hazel?

That would be a Hazel bun, named after a German langhaarnetzwerk (the German LHC) member over on Instagram that invented that bun. I’ve posted the link to the video in the Show me your buns, but that is a while ago.


This is what it looks like

May 27th, 2021, 10:37 AM
Do you follow the curly girl method?
Nope! I don‘t think it would work for my fine, oily hair. Also, I feel like the curly girl method is all about smooth curls and I personally really like my frizzy bits.

What is your routine?
Not really a routine. I pretty much just wash my hair every other day or every three days, condition, use leave in moisturizer and then let it air dry.

What is you favorite product in the whole world for your hair?
Hmm, that’s a tough one. Can‘t say I have one! I love trying out new stuff all the time and rarely ever repurchase something. The only thing that comes to mind is the Garnier shampoo with Green Tea! (Now that I‘m thinking about it, I totally need to repurchase that!)

How long have you been natural?
Pretty much since forever! :) I went through a phase as a teenager when I would flat iron my hair all the time but that was so long ago and I‘ve worn it naturally curly-wavy ever since.