View Full Version : Sarah Ingle, "Your Hair Isn't Dry"

April 6th, 2021, 10:31 PM
Youtube link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdQnlQRlM2w)

There was another thread about this video (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=153649), but it was focused on humectants, so I thought a more general thread wouldn't hurt.

Summary of the video:

- When people say "moisturized" what they actually mean is soft and smooth
- Soft and smooth hair does not actually contain more moisture; hair people perceive as "dry" contains more literal moisture than hair people perceive as "moisturized"
- Products labeled "moisturizing" make the hair soft and smooth, but they do not add moisture--so they do solve the problem of so-called "dry" hair; just not in the way people think they work.
- Protein-moisture balance and "protein overload" are myths; if protein treatments make your hair feel rough/brittle/"dry", it's probably build-up, or maybe because of the product's pH.

I thought this video was great but it does raise a lot of questions for me, for example:

- When a harsh shampoo seems to "dry out" your hair, what's really happening?
- What do oils actually do, if not "moisturizing" or "sealing in moisture", and how should this inform how we use oils (i.e. whether we should apply to dry or damp hair, and use as a leave-in, mask, or pre-poo). Video mentioned this briefly--she said coconut oil can prevent damage by keeping water out, which means the hair will swell less when wet and therefore lift the cuticle less, but what else can oils do?

April 6th, 2021, 10:36 PM
I like Sarah Ingle but I don't agree with her on protein balances or protein overload is a myth

April 6th, 2021, 11:07 PM
The source she cites is basically one scientific author, so I'm already skeptical. I've never had a teacher, for example, in any type of class (scientific or otherwise) allow me to pull the "cite exactly one source" stunt, I'd get smacked in the grade for that. She's also trained in marketing, not science (from her own words).

She's honestly probably just making this video for the clickbait and being purposefully controversial for the engagement. That's not to say it's all bull, what she says about hygral fatigue is fairly spot on despite the blatant product placement she had in that bit. (wonder how much she made on that)

I'm not speaking to the protein treatment because I have little knowledge or interest in that topic. (ok I lied--I'm not a fan of her speculation about the treatments pH values without even, say, buying half a dozen protein treatments and pH testing them to see if she was spouting crap or not)

As for oils and moisture--you can't add moisture outside of water. The purpose of oils is to seal in the moisture. I didn't pick up anything in her video that said anything one way or the other to that effect in regards to that video. I have problematic skin that gets weird and dry, and my instructions to moisturize it from my dermatologist? Use lotion, and if I need the big guns? Use Vaseline, which is an oil product. I most commonly see people recommend to lightly oil damp hair, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's the best approach for your hair. Everyone's hair is different and will respond differently to how you treat it.

April 7th, 2021, 02:12 AM
The source she cites is basically one scientific author, so I'm already skeptical.

She is referring mostly to this book (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783642256103), which is basically a review of several studies also by other authors.

Anyway, she made a follow up video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv1oIriGd5I) too, I recommend checking it out.

I do tend to agree with what she is saying based on my experience, especially after living in Middle East, where one day humidity is at 80% at another at 20%. It affects my hair so much without any other changes made to my routine. Also I stopped oiling my hair few years ago, because using masks just works so much better for me. Oil is a good ingredient, but I don't need to use just pure oil on my dry hair, it can make it shiny, but it doesn't feel any better.

April 9th, 2021, 08:15 AM
she does have multiple sources, but that isn't the point. the point is most people do not back up their claims with actual research, just other people's opinions they find on the internet. my favorite part of her video has been the response from trichologists! we finally have doctors and scientists sharing their research with the public as they respond to her prodding. check out some of the response videos from the medical community.

bottom line, never take anything at face value, even if it's said a million times on a forum or blog somewhere.

April 9th, 2021, 08:39 AM
Here's a trichologist's opinion on Sarah's video. I found it quite entertaining :-)


April 9th, 2021, 01:05 PM
Here's a trichologist's opinion on Sarah's video. I found it quite entertaining :-)


I remember Sarah reacting to this video on her IG stories, I just checked, but unfortunately she didn't save it.

She was talking about how she doesn't appreciate the condescending Rapunzel remarks and women putting each other down.

The best part? Her and the trichologist from the video have the same trichology certification. It puts things into a perspective, doesn't it?

April 9th, 2021, 02:09 PM
I remember Sarah reacting to this video on her IG stories, I just checked, but unfortunately she didn't save it.

She was talking about how she doesn't appreciate the condescending Rapunzel remarks and women putting each other down.

The best part? Her and the trichologist from the video have the same trichology certification. It puts things into a perspective, doesn't it?

Glad you added that to my comment, because honestly I don't know much information about these youtubers (and don't plan on gathering any, i just click on everything that says "hair" :D).

But you're right, things can be misleading on the Internet and you never know the true intention behind something. I just watch for the sake of watching, taking nothing seriously on yt, especially drama. But it's true these react videos always have a bit of a toxic atmosphere to them, perhaps I myself would never publicly react to anyone's content cause that would make them look like a fool.

However, I would definitely not pick sides (I don't even know these people) and hearing different opinions than just one, even if a bit more negative, is needed in the world🌹I thought OP might have wanted to see it.

I am no trichologist and whether my hair is scientifically dry or not, I don't care. I will still moisturize it every day cause I treat it like my soul aha :D

April 9th, 2021, 06:19 PM
I remember Sarah reacting to this video on her IG stories, I just checked, but unfortunately she didn't save it.

She was talking about how she doesn't appreciate the condescending Rapunzel remarks and women putting each other down.

The best part? Her and the trichologist from the video have the same trichology certification. It puts things into a perspective, doesn't it?

Ooh, I actually saw both videos a while ago all the way to the end. Personally, I learned from both videos. I didn't really find Afope Atoyebi condescending? Seems like it's just her humour.

April 10th, 2021, 12:41 AM
Ooh, I actually saw both videos a while ago all the way to the end. Personally, I learned from both videos. I didn't really find Afope Atoyebi condescending? Seems like it's just her humour.

I agree with you. For someone interested in the topic is easy to find the points they both agree on. Actually the reaction video helped me digest Sarah's and see that she makes excellent point despite the exaggerated presentation.