View Full Version : How my hair tint went

March 28th, 2021, 06:07 PM
I used Kiss Tintation in Emerald. I wanted blue hair but the bottle looked blue-ish so I chose it. I don't know how well this image shows the colour. I had some dark blonde-ish natural highlights at the front of my face so I took advantage of that. The rest of my hair is brown. I think the colour maybe showed up better on the blonde streak (I grabbed a section of hair at the front when it was wet because I couldn't even tell which strand was my blonde streak when it was wet) so I ended up tinting over some of my brown hair too. The colour is a sort of greeny-blue. I marvelled at how part of my hair was now tinted a different colour. I've never dyed my hair before (I know this isn't really dye). The picture shows my natural texture. I also tinted the lower half of my hair so it's like brown and blonde then goes to the colour. It's temporary so I think the colour has faded a bit already after one wash. I much prefer blue over green, so next time I'll choose a colour that's pure blue, I don't know if hair tint damages your hair (haven't researched) and I wouldn't know how to rate this hair tint, but I'm pretty satisfied with it. My fault for choosing a tint that was part green :P

I noticed that a drop of the hair tint got onto our white sink and I scrubbed at it but it hasn't come off. I'll use a proper cleaning product. Yikes lol


Do you think the colour is greeny-blue too?

March 28th, 2021, 06:21 PM
Ooh! I like it!

And yes, it's more on the "cool" or blue side of green. Definitely more emerald (https://www.google.com/search?q=emerald&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1458&bih=814&ei=PB1hYKf-DMGxtQbFn5b4DA&oq=emerald&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQsQMyBQgAELEDMggIABCxAxCDATI CCAAyBQgAELEDMgIIADIFCAAQsQMyBQgAELEDMgUIABCxAzICC AA6BAgAEANQrgNYrhFgvBJoAHAAeACAAUGIAZUDkgEBN5gBAKA BAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ved=0ahUKEwinjODCndTvAhXBWM0KHcWPBc8Q4dUDCAY&uact=5) than grass green.

March 28th, 2021, 07:49 PM
That is a pretty color! On my screen it looks like a beautiful green tinted blue. Your curls look nice, too.

March 29th, 2021, 12:23 AM
If you tint dark blonde there's too much yellow in your hair to be blue. It will keep turning out green unless the blonde is light enough, which probably requires bleaching it.

Jo Ann
March 29th, 2021, 12:56 AM
Love the color and the curl!

When it comes to cleaning up dye on the counter top or sink, I use a bit of Prell shampoo on a scrubber sponge and rinse well. If the Prell doesn't remove it, I bring out the Clorox bleaching gel ;)

If you want your dye to last, avoid sulfate, baby and anti-dandruff shampoos. Sulfate-free shampoos are the way to go! Also, avoid using hot water to wash your hair (warm or tepid water will do just as fine) and hot oil treatments on your hair. If you want to keep your color or touch it up a bit, mix in some of the dye you used with your conditioner :)

March 29th, 2021, 01:29 AM
I see green-blue color too, very pretty! Mermaid hair :)

March 29th, 2021, 03:40 AM
I think that's is such a pretty colour! It reminds me of Winsor & Newton's viridian green watercolour :)

March 29th, 2021, 03:51 AM
So pretty! My monitor reads it as a lovely emerald green, but nowadays cameras have all sorts of color-balancing settings to help us take better selfies and help our social media life ;), so they can tweak colors quite a bit.
What is most important is if you like it in real life!

March 29th, 2021, 04:29 AM
I think it's looks great, and look at that curl! :D

March 29th, 2021, 06:53 AM
When it comes to cleaning up dye on the counter top or sink, I use a bit of Prell shampoo on a scrubber sponge and rinse well. If the Prell doesn't remove it, I bring out the Clorox bleaching gel ;)

Somehow I missed the part that it was the *countertop* you were talking about getting the dye out of, and I was like, "CLOROX BLEACHING GEL????"

March 29th, 2021, 10:32 AM
That's a pretty color! On my screen it looks like blue-green, and I just love that curl pattern! :D

Jo Ann
March 29th, 2021, 03:55 PM
Somehow I missed the part that it was the *countertop* you were talking about getting the dye out of, and I was like, "CLOROX BLEACHING GEL????"

We all have our moments, Kat

March 29th, 2021, 05:44 PM
It looks great Stardreamer! I know what you mean about it being exciting; I had never done anything to my hair's colour until last year* so a streak of Manic Panic was a real novelty and great fun :bounce:

*I did try a coloured hair wax but it really didn't work enough for me to enjoy the colour at all, and I had to wash it out the same evening so it really didn't count.

March 29th, 2021, 08:21 PM
Thank you all for the lovely replies :)