View Full Version : Fancy updo. Really fancy.

January 11th, 2021, 06:22 PM
If anyone wants to have some fun with braiding and possibly use a lot of hair toys at once, Pretty Shepherd on Youtube has done this tutorial:


January 11th, 2021, 06:51 PM
If I had long enough hair to even attempt this, I absolutely would. It’s WILD :laugh:

January 12th, 2021, 07:02 AM
I had to skim it because I'm getting ready for work but this video is so intriguing, I just subscribed to her channel. It makes me wish today was like the past, when all women had long hair and it wasn't weird to sit around and braid and style it together, because I'm not sure I could accomplish a hairstyle this complex on my own head!

January 12th, 2021, 07:57 AM
If anyone wants to have some fun with braiding and possibly use a lot of hair toys at once, Pretty Shepherd on Youtube has done this tutorial:


I love vintage styles and have also subscribed to her channel. Thanks for posting this.

January 12th, 2021, 11:34 AM
I had to skim it because I'm getting ready for work but this video is so intriguing, I just subscribed to her channel. It makes me wish today was like the past, when all women had long hair and it wasn't weird to sit around and braid and style it together, because I'm not sure I could accomplish a hairstyle this complex on my own head!

Ultra-longhairs like myself often have trouble with a lot of historical styles because our hair is too long! My hair would have been just as "unfashionable" in 1813 as it is now. We do famously see pictures of very long haired Victorians, but these were often more seen as curiosities at the time, rather than idols. Many formal vintage/historical styles were achieved using hair rats, or even elaborate frameworks. Alas, as lovely as sitting round in our pj's* sounds, people of this status would have servants to do their hair and aid them in dressing.

Side note: you cannot tightlace a Regency corset. They are quite light and fairly short.

* Popping buttons? Eating pudding? Oh where, oh where has that fishy gone!

January 13th, 2021, 09:03 AM
Ultra-longhairs like myself often have trouble with a lot of historical styles because our hair is too long! My hair would have been just as "unfashionable" in 1813 as it is now. We do famously see pictures of very long haired Victorians, but these were often more seen as curiosities at the time, rather than idols. Many formal vintage/historical styles were achieved using hair rats, or even elaborate frameworks. Alas, as lovely as sitting round in our pj's* sounds, people of this status would have servants to do their hair and aid them in dressing.

Side note: you cannot tightlace a Regency corset. They are quite light and fairly short.

* Popping buttons? Eating pudding? Oh where, oh where has that fishy gone!

Yes, where is Felicia now?

And that updo is really lovely!

January 13th, 2021, 09:54 AM
I love her hair. The best bit for me was her finding that houdini strand - we’ve all done that, though thankfully mine are on simpleton braids so easy to redo! :D

January 14th, 2021, 04:36 PM
I love her hair. The best bit for me was her finding that houdini strand - we’ve all done that, though thankfully mine are on simpleton braids so easy to redo! :D

I used to do that more often than I do now, but it's still maddening! And you can't win, I've found. At least, I can't. For a while I would just cut it off. Then once I decided to just leave it... that was a mistake because during the day it got so tangled/matted/felted up that I almost had to cut it off at the end of the day anyway. There's no way to tuck it into the braid or whatever.

January 15th, 2021, 03:26 AM
I used to do that more often than I do now, but it's still maddening! And you can't win, I've found. At least, I can't. For a while I would just cut it off. Then once I decided to just leave it... that was a mistake because during the day it got so tangled/matted/felted up that I almost had to cut it off at the end of the day anyway. There's no way to tuck it into the braid or whatever.

I had this yesterday Kat with my simpleton English braid, missed a long bit of wisp at the back. Tried winding it around the braid, and as you say, it didn’t work! Left it loose (mine’s only MBL) but jeez did it annoy me for the whole day, catching on my hoodie, tickling my back etc.