View Full Version : Done with it for now.

January 7th, 2021, 09:18 AM
I think I'm out of the hair growing race. While it's never truly a race I'm losing so much hair from my post partum shed that I can't see continuing to grow it during this time. I take vitamins, eat well, and put it in a pinned up Dutch braid almost daily but it comes out in clumps. I've had two back to back pregnancies and had no shedding after the first baby before I got pregnant again so I feel my shedding is two fold.

I'm thinking of cutting to ear or chin and waiting until I dont have crazy hair loss to begin again.
I made it to BSL this time was hoping for midback/waist by Christmas 2021. :( But I dont see that for me now.

January 7th, 2021, 11:03 AM
I'm so sorry you're going through this, it must be so stressful :( Hopefully the shedding will stop as soon as possible! Hang in there :blossom:

January 7th, 2021, 11:39 AM
You do you. As long as you are happy and healthy you should do as you please.

January 7th, 2021, 11:49 AM
I'm so sorry you're suffering from shedding! Remember to be kind to yourself, going through postpartum is a huge challenge just by itself. It's okay to focus on things other than your hair right now! You're probably stressed out as is, and hormone-induced shedding is in no one's bucket list. You can always start again, because this forum is staying up and so is the knowledge shared in it :) We support you! Hang in there!

January 7th, 2021, 01:00 PM
I get it. I had short hair for babies, both of them. They both tended to grab fistfuls and cling on like little monkeys.

January 7th, 2021, 01:06 PM
That's tough. But you will lose the same amount whether it is short or long, at least when it's long you can bind it together into an updo, braid of your choice, so it is contained and the hairs are not all over the place.

My advice would be to only comb it out over the sink, makes it so easy to clean! And then put it back up.

This too shall pass.

I would get some bloodwork done because due to the hormones and maybe changes you are going through, deficiencies are often right around the corner. Think of your own health as well! :flower:

Wishing you lots of strength to get through this time!

January 7th, 2021, 01:18 PM
I'm sorry this is happening. I too had 2 back to back pregnancies and suffered severe hair loss postpartum plus iron deficiency from pregnancy, it really sucked everything out of me and took a while to get my health back on track. I was going bald in the front. With the amount of hair loss I would see in the shower, one time I thought it could be cancer. I never chopped it all off though, I kind of just dealt with it and did little pin ups in the front to give me back some volume and to hide it. It took over a year before it was under control and by that time you couldn't tell so much because the new hairs had grown long enough to sit with the rest of my hair. I also did some layering to blend in the new growth. Might not need to cut it all off just yet, even it out if you need to, get some layering, find a new hairstyle. Best wishes

January 7th, 2021, 02:38 PM
I just had a massive shed myself due to a difficult surgery (double jaw) and a revision a week after.

My body was under so much stress I lost a *ton* of hair. What I did was just trim where it looked thinner. While my hair doesn't look or feel nearly as thick as it normally is, I just keep telling myself in a year or so it'll be alright.

I'm sure soon enough we'll notice a ton of new growth and it'll be okay eventually. Hair grows back, just got to put it up and forget about it I guess. :flower: