View Full Version : Human hair brush?!

January 4th, 2021, 04:52 AM
Hi everyone,
This might sound kind of gross and impractical, but I just had a brilliant (ahem) idea.
I was thinking about how some people find horn/bone combs and BBBs to be kinder to their hair than plastic or wooden combs and nylon or bamboo-bristled brushes, because
they're made of keratin.
Has anybody ever thought of making and using a brush with human hair (e.g. one's own shed hair) bristles? I used to have a BBB and boar bristles look quite rough, so I was thinking that human hair could be even hair-friendlier than animal hair.
I never use a brush and I don't know anything about brush making anyway, so I'm only asking out of curiosity.
So... Is this a thing?

January 4th, 2021, 05:36 AM
I cannot imagine a brush made of human hair would be stiff enough? Interesting idea though!

January 4th, 2021, 05:41 AM
I would think, if you're looking for a 'smoothing' kind of action, possibly very short human hair could be used - although I doubt it would last very long, given the amount of abrasion it would go through. A silk cloth might achieve the same result?

January 4th, 2021, 08:03 AM
As others have said, I doubt human hair would have enough stiffness to actually function as hairbrush bristles.
Boar bristle brushes do come in a range of stiffness, the one I use now is perfect for me but previous ones have been either too stiff or too soft.
If you want an extra soft brush then the blonde bristles that are intended for babies are extremely soft, maybe that might be the kind of thing you are looking for?

January 4th, 2021, 08:21 AM
Ok, so it seems that's not a thing as brush bristles need to be quite stiff to reach every layer of hair.
Or else the human hair would need to be really coarse, very short and would last like 2-3 uses ^^
Thanks for the suggestions, but I was only asking out of curiosity as I don't use a brush :)

January 4th, 2021, 10:15 AM
You could probably make one with my hair.

January 4th, 2021, 12:22 PM
You could probably make one with my hair.

I shouldn't have laughed, sorry! :spitting:

January 5th, 2021, 01:01 AM
You could probably make one with my hair.

LOL :grnbiggri

Alright coarsies (is that even a word?) you know what to do now... Forget the BBB, let's make an LHC-er bristle brush! (LHCBB?)

I unfortunately cannot contribute with my wimpy hair :p

More seriously, thanks for cracking me up, it's a nice way to start the day :) (I should be working tho, but that's another story)

January 5th, 2021, 02:04 AM
You could probably make one with my hair.

Same! Sometimes as I was going to sleep, I felt there were tiny little sharp thorns stabbing my back and - wait, what's that? Oh, it was just my hair. :rolleyes:

January 5th, 2021, 05:52 AM
It isn't that odd to think that, because when hair is short, I remember the stubble on my head when it was shaved in the 90s, it is very... let's just say "bristly". Maybe coarse hair, as was mentioned, and then half an inch or 1/4 of an inch, that might be possible.

Other than that, yeah, it's too flimsy once it gets to the length a normal brush bristle is at. :)