View Full Version : End of 2020 Update

December 28th, 2020, 01:07 PM
Hi! 45 year old, growing my hair out from a pixie - is now almost shoulder length - can pull it back in two low pigtails to get it off my neck, but not quite long enough for a single ponytail. All natural, no haircolor, some lovely gray streaks :)

Had a weird extended multi system illness throughout last year that affected my heart, lungs, tissues, joints, but was determined to NOT be COVID. Two months ago in October, I had a total hysterectomy (everything but the ovaries), which was a completely different issue that had been brewing this year. I know that traumatic events can cause hair loss, which I am DEFINITELY experiencing now, starting a couple of weeks ago. I had thought it had been long enough that I had skipped over that part, but alas... Combine health issues over other stressors (such as losing my job), it's no wonder.

In order to combat the impending possible hairloss, I had been taking a B complex, fish oil, and some other stuff. I switched to silk pillowcases. I guess if I have to lose hair, I can ensure that it's as healthy as possible when it comes back!

Hair type: 1b/m/i

My mother was blessed with this thick, straight, beautiful mane... my dad had thin and naturally wavy.... so of course, I got thin and straight!

Lucy McLucyFace
December 28th, 2020, 01:15 PM
I'm so sorry you had to go through all that.. do make sure to be consistent with your pelvic floor exercises after this as per your doctor's recommendations.
And I'm sure soon you will grow a beautiful long mane with all the beautiful delicate lightness and bounciness of fine hair . Stay strong :)

December 28th, 2020, 03:03 PM
I went through an extended acute phase of a chronic illness with accompanying hair loss several years ago. During that time I wore a lot of caps and scarves. You can dress up a plain turban with jewelry, scarves, or florists' miniature decorations (cheap, or if you know a florist, free) to keep your spirits up even on those days your hair isn't what you'd like. Before you know it, fallen hairs will have been replaced and you'll start fresh. Let us hope this experience won't be as bad as you fear, but even if it is, remember it doesn't last long and there are many ways to spiff up your appearance.

December 28th, 2020, 03:47 PM
Thankfully, because of past experiences and from posts on this website, I'm not in despair! :) I know it's just a phase I need to get through and that things will be different on the other side! I've had it happen before when I drastically changed my diet so need to just remember that it's temporary, my body is in shock, and it all works out!

I just need to get over the sensation of hair on my face, neck, etc., which is driving me nuts - it's all I can do not to just shave it off and keep it shaved! I also hate finding longish hairs everywhere again, which is also increased due to the hair loss. It's helpful I don't really have to GO anywhere right now and may start working from home soon, so it can get me past my awkward phase!

Thank you for your words, both of you!

Lady Stardust
December 28th, 2020, 04:01 PM
I hope 2021 is a better year for you, with the dandelion seed head appearance of new growth sprouting everywhere :blossom:

December 28th, 2020, 04:02 PM
I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and I feel so much better for it. From what I can recall, it didn’t affect my hair too much. I found this site https://www.hystersisters.com/ very helpful during my recovery.

December 28th, 2020, 08:39 PM
I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and I feel so much better for it. From what I can recall, it didn’t affect my hair too much. I found this site https://www.hystersisters.com/ very helpful during my recovery.

I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and I feel so much better for it. From what I can recall, it didn’t affect my hair too much. I found this site https://www.hystersisters.com/ very helpful during my recovery.

I LOOOOVE hystersisters! They were tremendously helpful while I was waiting to go in. My surgery was initially supposed to be mid November, but because of a hemorrhaging event, I had a semi emergent one a week after the event in mid October. Thankfully, no cancer, but fibroids (the only thing we thought I had), endometriosis, and adenomyosis. My uterus was twice the normal size and weight. I had substantial chronic anemia for a few years because I hadn't spoken to my PCP about my sudden increase in pain severity and length of periods (ten days each month). This year, we attempted hormonal treatment, but everything got worse and my periods increased to over 40 days each time, with only a week or two in between. No wonder I have moody hair!

If nothing else, I'm certain I will have a massive increase in quality of life without the above mentioned issues and ESPECIALLY with resolved anemia! A little temporary hair loss is a small price to pay!

December 28th, 2020, 08:40 PM
I hope 2021 is a better year for you, with the dandelion seed head appearance of new growth sprouting everywhere :blossom:

That gives such a fabulous visual, like sort of a late 70s Rod Stewart vibe!

December 28th, 2020, 08:47 PM
They left my ovaries too..sigh...but I do feel much better since my hysterectomy. I'm sorry you went through all of that though. I hope everything gets better for you!

December 28th, 2020, 09:02 PM
I hope 2021 will bring you better things :flower: Congrats on almost shoulder! What's your goal length? :)

December 29th, 2020, 02:20 AM
I LOOOOVE hystersisters! They were tremendously helpful while I was waiting to go in. My surgery was initially supposed to be mid November, but because of a hemorrhaging event, I had a semi emergent one a week after the event in mid October. Thankfully, no cancer, but fibroids (the only thing we thought I had), endometriosis, and adenomyosis. My uterus was twice the normal size and weight. I had substantial chronic anemia for a few years because I hadn't spoken to my PCP about my sudden increase in pain severity and length of periods (ten days each month). This year, we attempted hormonal treatment, but everything got worse and my periods increased to over 40 days each time, with only a week or two in between. No wonder I have moody hair!

If nothing else, I'm certain I will have a massive increase in quality of life without the above mentioned issues and ESPECIALLY with resolved anemia! A little temporary hair loss is a small price to pay!

The surgery was definitely the right thing for you to have. I’ve been asking for years to have a hysterectomy, because of all the pain and suffering I had from PCOS and suspected endometriosis. It took a diagnosis of severe CIN3 that could no longer be treated, that I jumped at the chance to have the surgery. You’re quality of life will definitely be much better now without the pain - I can definitely vouch for that!

Lady Stardust
December 29th, 2020, 02:28 AM
That gives such a fabulous visual, like sort of a late 70s Rod Stewart vibe!

Haha I’ll never see The Faces the same way again :)

December 29th, 2020, 06:43 AM
Congrats on reaching shoulder length. Hope next year will be a better year for you.

December 29th, 2020, 09:15 AM
I hope 2021 will bring you better things :flower: Congrats on almost shoulder! What's your goal length? :)

I am uncertain! I'm highly curious about terminal length - I've grown it about an inch or so past my waist a couple of times but then got impulsive and hacked it all off. I had given up on long hair and was just going to keep it pixie short for forever... until the pandemic hit and I started having rockin mullets because I couldn't get the back trimmed off. When it was long before, I primarily kept it pulled back 99% of the time so had wondered why I bothered having it.

December 29th, 2020, 10:29 AM
I am uncertain! I'm highly curious about terminal length - I've grown it about an inch or so past my waist a couple of times but then got impulsive and hacked it all off. I had given up on long hair and was just going to keep it pixie short for forever... until the pandemic hit and I started having rockin mullets because I couldn't get the back trimmed off. When it was long before, I primarily kept it pulled back 99% of the time so had wondered why I bothered having it.

Joining the chorus to say that I hope 2021 brings easier times for you. It sounds like you're through the worst of the pixie grow-out phase, so that's something to hold on to! There's a little crowd of us over in the Chin to Shoulder thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=96954&page=239) if you want to come hang out there...

I too have cut my hair in the past because I thought, "I only ever wear it up, so what's the point of even having it long?", but hanging around these boards for the past few months has changed my perspective. I had thought that enjoying having long hair, and enjoying wearing it down a lot went hand in hand, but actually I've come to realise that I personally enjoy the neat feeling of having it up and out of the way, and that that's a perfectly valid way to 'enjoy' long hair (and arguably is even better for protecting the hair than having it swishing about to get caught in bag straps and seatbelts).