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October 21st, 2020, 07:13 PM
Because I like making topics here is the hair plans for 2021! Share your plans below!

October 21st, 2020, 08:39 PM
And here's my first goal post for 2021: to grow past waist with no trims for at least the first 6 months. I want to grow my teeny little bun!

October 21st, 2020, 09:07 PM
This sounds so weird...
In 2021, my goal is to get a haircut. :misskim:
Exactly when or how much, who knows?

October 21st, 2020, 09:09 PM
Classic, dry, with a thick hemline. I don’t know yet which shape hemline appeals most.

October 21st, 2020, 09:16 PM
Getting to APL and getting my routine right.

October 21st, 2020, 09:54 PM
I'd like to complete another no-trimming challenge. I want to wear protective styles most days too. In terms of growth, I'd like to reach hip or tailbone while stretched but I don't know how likely that is. I'd be very happy if I can reach waist while curly!

October 21st, 2020, 10:40 PM
Because I like making topics here is the hair plans for 2021! Share your plans below!

No trims for the entirety of 2021. Mostly wearing the hair up in comfortable protective styles, now that I have gotten used to the way I look with my hair pulled back. If my spreadsheet is correct, I should be somewhere between CBL and BSL by the end of 2021.

October 21st, 2020, 11:57 PM
I’m not planning to cut or trim for at least another year.

October 22nd, 2020, 12:01 AM
I'm considering starting off the new year with a decent size trim. Maybe a couple of inches? Eh, but then maybe I won't. We'll see. In the long term, I'm considering trying out classic, but at back dimple to butt crack right now, I think that will be another couple of years. It would be kind of fun to be a princess jasmine or something for Halloween just once. Anyway, I may trim, or not. I guess inch my way toward classic and hope the ends thicken up a bit if I trim. It looks like it will be an in between year for hair growth. No major milestones if i make tailbone by the end of this year (and i might).

October 22nd, 2020, 02:33 AM
I'm still not really sure myself, my mind changes more than the wind I'll reassess my options at the new year though I am strongly considering no trims 2021 like I planned when I joined LHC, I want to get back into getting it long my hair seems to have recovered from the last fiasco and I don't want to get into the habbit of getting too frequent trims, but at this stage I'm content with how it looks, no urge to dye yet

October 22nd, 2020, 03:32 AM
If I could hit APL by the end of 2021, I’d be delighted, but I’d also be happy with Shoulder+. I think I should be able to go the whole year without a trim - having just had my grown-out buzzcut ‘demulletarized’, I’ve got a fairly even, approaching-chin-length bob to grow out from, and my ends are in good condition. I’d also like to continue doing roots-only henna applications, and maybe experiment with other conditioning herbs and potions!

October 22nd, 2020, 04:16 AM
Just my regular routine, which is further maintaining a layered classic "cut". I do this by Compact cutting 4 times a year, at the start of every season. March, June, September, December. I use the ponytail on the forehead method, aka "unicorn" method as it was dubbed by the YT community.

If anyone's interested in written instructions, they can be found in the book, "Haircutting for dummies". Also very useful if you are cutting someone's hair during quarantine! It's come in darn handy over these past years. And there's 2 ponytail methods in there, but I've created a thread on them here (so basically you don't need the book; just mentioning it for reference's sake):

October 22nd, 2020, 04:29 AM
I want to grow my hair to hip length, maybe a bit longer. I also want to continue to trim my hair twice a year and a bit of S&D when needed.

I'm happy with my routine. I switch a lot between products but it works. Maybe I want to reduce my washes to 2 times a week instead of 3.

Lucy McLucyFace
October 22nd, 2020, 05:44 AM
Reach BCL, continue to avoid heat at all costs and finally take the plunge to trim my own hair :eek: something I'm very scared of doing

October 22nd, 2020, 06:06 AM
1. Get to BSL with healthy hair.
2. No dye of any kind.
3. Learn how to cut my own hair.

All of these should be possible. I really hope to get to APL in january/february and BSL is not too far for me (short torso). Trimming my own hair scares me the most, but it would be such a useful skill. It would make microtrimming a lot easier and affordable. I'd much rather spend that money on new hairtoys :D

(Does planning on buying a Ficcare count as a hairgoal? :p)

October 22nd, 2020, 06:25 AM
1. Reach somewhere between hip and BCL with fewer layers. So in 2021 I'll need to both grow a bit, and trim to get rid of some layers.
2. No hair dye. Preferably none at all, but if I go for deposit dye, that's ok.
3. Learn some more hairstyles - braids and buns!

October 22nd, 2020, 06:52 AM
My goal is to get below waist and thicken my hemline.

October 22nd, 2020, 06:54 AM
1) Finish the year at solid classic or fingertip length. If I manage this, I should be able to reach mid-thigh by the end of 2022.

2) Continue to lead a very healthy life, paying special attention to maintaining a healthy sleeping schedule and sleeping enough.

3) Abstain from bleaching, even highlights.

4) Keep tracking my product usage through the use-it-up challenge and keep working through my stash.

5) Don't buy any haircare "consumables" unless I actually need a product for that "slot". That means shampoos, conditioners, leave-ins, oils and such. Logically, the only kind of product I might need is a shampoo for my scalp, not containing either protein or coconut oil (or butters, but I avoid those anyway).

6) Improve my braiding skills.

7) Complete the first no-trimming challenge, then more or less maintain for the rest of the year.

8cooldude) Take seasonal length shots.

October 22nd, 2020, 07:29 AM
I'm planning on starting off the new year with no trims and getting past waist length. I'm hoping to get to BCL by the summer without any trims for the rest of this year and also the whole year of 2021 with a thick hemline.

October 22nd, 2020, 07:37 AM
1. "Decided stupid woman... you want layers or "U" end :rant:" - it's my biggest problem...

2. Stay with natural hair care - now I use only eggs, on next year maybe... WO? I still try go to this side of hair care ;)

October 22nd, 2020, 07:44 AM
1. TBL. This is could be possible, since I should start 2021 with ~36 inches and TBL with dry hair is ~40 inches (I'm a slow grower).
2. Stretch washes. I know I need it, my scalp need it, but I need to stop myself doing it just because it relaxs me. I aim for 5 days without washing.
3. Keep my hair up or in braids more and increase braiding skills.

October 22nd, 2020, 09:55 AM
* Microtrim to get a thicker hemlline, while still getting it longer
* S&D on a regular basis
* Variate my updos
* Learn new updos and braidstyles

October 22nd, 2020, 03:35 PM
My goal is no trims (except if I have to even out the front part length a bit) and extra care for my hair while it grows. I hope I'll be at least at shoulder length by the end of 2021, and then I'm back to APL or even a shy BSL by the end of 2022. Fingers crossed!

October 22nd, 2020, 04:03 PM
More oiling better care, try inversion method and oh yea grow longer, on to mid thigh.

October 22nd, 2020, 04:41 PM
1. No trimming 2021, although I am considering an end of 2020 trim to make the hemline a little more robust before I start.
2. Reach TBL. I think this is possible, although I don't know really how fast my hair grows since I've only been measuring for a couple of months.
3. Sort out my care routine so that both my hair and scalp are happy. Hair not dry and brittle - scalp not itchy. The changes I've made since August have already given amazing results. I can't wait to see what can happen with a year of good care!

Carrie's hair
October 22nd, 2020, 05:01 PM
1. Thicken hemline.
2. Create a hair cutting plan according to the moon.
3. If the thickening is going well, I want to keep growing my hair. I'm thinking about FTL.
4. More herbal care and DIY cosmetics.
5. Learn a few updos.
6. Value what I already have more.
7. Take care of health.
8. Make great photos with my hair.

October 22nd, 2020, 07:27 PM
Keep on growing and microtrimming as needed. Maybe take off an inch sometime next summer or fall. Learn some new braids and other hairdos. Maybe figure out a good recipe for a hair mask and get back into the groove of the regular deep conditioning.

October 22nd, 2020, 08:00 PM
Hair massages.
Try & grow to classic now that my henna colour is all gone

October 22nd, 2020, 11:14 PM
Hoping to join the no-trim 2021 club! :D I only trim if there's enough damage to warrant it or I need to fix my hemline, so I think that's doable.
If I'm able to get away with no trims, I should be reaching APL at some point next year! Plus, once I get past collarbone, I will officially have the longest hair I've had in my adult life.
I might even get to just barely brushing shoulder by January 2021, I seem to have had a growth spurt lately, and I'm now at bottom-of-neck length way sooner than I thought I'd be!
My hair grew 7'' in a year, measured root to tip, from May 2019 to May 2020. I hope to grow at least that much in 2021, even more would be crazy cool, though I don't expect that :p

Jo Ann
October 22nd, 2020, 11:33 PM
To reach WL (although HL would be nice :p ). As I'm about 4-ish inches away from WL, that's definitely doable! HL, though, might take some doing, though

October 23rd, 2020, 05:40 AM
1. Reach waist length with blunt ends
2. Trim at most twice
3. Get and maintain some light face framing pieces
4. Try as get as many different buns as possible to work for me

October 23rd, 2020, 07:28 AM
In the interest of realism, I present the following goals:

– Reach BCL+ with a solid hem
– Nail down a solid, unfussy, seasonally-adjusted wash/care routine
– Learn a few more buns
– Stop sleeping with my hair down

October 23rd, 2020, 08:02 AM
Let it grow. :)

That's all.....just let it grow. Microtrims of the length on the solstices and equinoxes...but that's it.

October 23rd, 2020, 08:45 AM
Good idea for a thread. I think my main goal is for healthier hair/ends and to trim less. We'll see how that goes. I'm not sure how much damage I still have on the ends.

Belgrade Beauty
October 23rd, 2020, 01:16 PM
1 Reach BCL with solid hem
2 Not trim participate in challenges
3 Keep doing oils and moisture masks
4 Have less splits
5 Try to do castor oil scalp massages at least once a week during the whole year

October 23rd, 2020, 10:11 PM
Maybe make it to BSL. Figure out some new hairstyles. Don't let my hair stress me out anymore.

October 24th, 2020, 01:05 PM
Here are my goals:
- no cutting or trims
- reach whatever length I can reach (I guess shoulder length or even a bit longer)
- staying patient and exploring my hair at the length it reaches.

October 24th, 2020, 02:31 PM
1. Microtrim every 3 months or trim every 6 months (still undecided). I want length as much as I want my hair to look healthy and this is the best way to grow it the way I want it (slow but steady - never cut more than what I've grown).
2. Try to reduce stress - it makes my hair fall out.
3. Have a proper sleeping schedule - maybe it will help with my skin too.
4. Be active and eat even healthier - I’ll try to eat less processed foods in hope for stronger hair.
5. Stop idealizing salon hair products and treatments - I’ve tried lots of them before and they never were better than drugstore products. I just waste money on them.
6. Stop buying new shampoos and conditioners. I found things that work and if they don’t stop working, I won’t be looking for replacements.
7. Buy a few hair toys.
8. Invest in a good hair scissor.
9. Take monthly pictures - I’ve been struggling to take accurate pictures of my hair but I think I got the hang of it now :).

October 24th, 2020, 09:09 PM
I don't have a ton of lofty goals as I'll have a newborn in March lol. Just getting through the year in one piece will be enough for me. :)

1. Going for no trim 2021-- I'm joining the half year challenges to leave open the possibility of needing to trim due to evening up whatever happens with my postpartum shed, but as I've just done a trim and my ends are reasonable, I think just S&D will be enough for the year.
2. Take better hair pics-- my spouse is fine with doing my quarterly length shots (I just don't have it in me to do monthly lol) but I'd like to have more and better shots of the different styles I wear throughout the week.
3. I think I'll be able to make it to true tailbone by the end of the year! That would be awesome and longer than it's ever been. :joy:
4. Find a routine that works for my longer length-- I have been trying a lot of different things in the past few months to combat some shower tangles and general routine issues, so it would be nice to settle on a simple routine I can maintain while growing.

October 24th, 2020, 11:15 PM
Reach lower calf/upper ankle length without compromising on the thickness of hemline I find acceptable. Or "I'm going to kill my hair if it stays this long" length, if that's shorter than ankle - I'm already at mid-calf, and while floor sounds like a fun goal to reach just so I can say I've done it, I'm not going to be upset if I hit a point where I can't stand the length of my hair (chopping to knee is the fallback option).

October 24th, 2020, 11:43 PM
My plan for the foreseeable future is to maintain. I'm indecisive about the length, so I'm just doing nothing.

October 25th, 2020, 01:35 AM
My main goal for 2021 is to reach Classic. I hope to be at fingertip (approximately mid thigh length on me) by the end of 2022.

Hopefully I shall have my hair care routine pinned down by then, and shall be better about minimising and getting rid of the split ends and other damage. Eventually I will look at micro trimming, but I’m not sure when.

October 25th, 2020, 05:31 AM
I am hoping to make it to waist by the end of 2021. I’m also thinking of not trimming. I’ve not trimmed since last November so I think I’ll trim once in December and then not again in 2021. I’m also hoping for more growth after losing a lot of hair from medication in 2019.

October 25th, 2020, 10:33 AM
My main goal for 2020 was to reach solid waist. I reached it, grew on to hip, then trimmed back to somewhere between WL and HL.

My goal for 2021 is to improve my routine so my ends retain as much moisture as possible and I can minimise trimming, growing to hip and beyond. :)

October 25th, 2020, 10:41 AM
I hope I can reach knee before the end of 2021. I have four inches to go, which is pretty close to the gains I get in a year, so I think it's doable.

Other than that, just keepin' on keepin' on. :)

October 25th, 2020, 02:01 PM
I have two paths:

I could not trim and reach BSL or I could get a trim to remove some of the highlights and be almost at BSL. I'm eventually going to want to chop off the highlighted parts so I think it might be better to slowly trim them away during the growing process. I am undecided but either way I am looking at gaining length.

October 25th, 2020, 06:14 PM
I have two paths:

I could not trim and reach BSL or I could get a trim to remove some of the highlights and be almost at BSL. I'm eventually going to want to chop off the highlighted parts so I think it might be better to slowly trim them away during the growing process. I am undecided but either way I am looking at gaining length.

Maybe it could be best to get rid of it all so you could then fully do the decade of growing, or would that require you to cut too short? Or does decade of growing means you can trim but not cut short

October 26th, 2020, 10:30 AM
I hope to be at mid-thigh, or at least almost at mid thigh but solid thigh length if its not quite in the middle of my thigh. I'm also going to only microtrim twice a year this year, at new years and in June. Going for length!!

edited to add some non length goals.

-Do more deep conditioning and masks.
-Protein once a month.
-Consistently oiling more.
-Learn to French braid.
-Mix in braids and non wrapped buns more.
-Take monthly photos

October 26th, 2020, 10:42 AM
I hope to be at mid-thigh, or at least almost at mid thigh but solid thigh length if its not quite in the middle of my thigh. I'm also going to only microtrim twice a year this year, at new years and in June. Going for length!!
Sounds like a plan I m right there with ya let's go mid thigh. 😀

October 26th, 2020, 12:32 PM
To maintain and reach BSL.

October 26th, 2020, 01:36 PM
Sounds like a plan I m right there with ya let's go mid thigh. ��

We can do it!

October 26th, 2020, 03:43 PM
I'd love to reach tailbone lenght 💖

October 26th, 2020, 04:30 PM
I'm hoping to reach APL or more by the end of next year. It seems attainable but it depends on if my hair growth cooperates, haha.

October 26th, 2020, 05:42 PM
I think my goals for 2021 are going to be quite similar to my 2020's goals.

No trimming for the whole year.
Reach BSL
Start S&D frequently, I think my hair is finally going to be long enough to do this.
Learn new go-to updos (I'm lazy, the easier the updos the better)
Wear My hair up 90% of the year
Take monthly pictures

I'm going to try not to cut my hair until I reach WL, and that will probably take until 2022/2023 :D

October 27th, 2020, 09:45 AM
In 2021 I hope to surpass BSL, but will probably fall short a couple of inches to waist. I also want to continue using as natural products as possible. I do expect though that I will have to trim somewhere in between to get rid of the ratty ends.

October 27th, 2020, 11:05 AM
Maybe it could be best to get rid of it all so you could then fully do the decade of growing, or would that require you to cut too short? Or does decade of growing means you can trim but not cut short

I don't want to cut it all off because that would be losing 8 inches at once. I originally didn't want to trim and just S&D but I think I'm going to slowly trim away the highlights. The lightest pieces are in such contrast with my natural hair color that eventually it's gonna look ridiculous. They are also easily tangled and form split ends easily. Let's say I cut 8 inches in 10 years, that's still tons of growth and I'll be happy to have all my hair be its natural color. I do have some heat damage as well so I'm not saying no to trims ever but I mostly just want to gain length. I think it's possible I'll do one trim in 2021, but it's also possible that I won't feel like it. Once my highlights are entirely past my head/face, I think I'll want to start trimming because it's going to look ridiculous to me. But I don't know when that time will come!

October 27th, 2020, 11:12 AM
- Only two trims
- Reach BSL
- Learn a few updos
- Be more consistent with conditioning

October 27th, 2020, 05:46 PM
I don't want to cut it all off because that would be losing 8 inches at once. I originally didn't want to trim and just S&D but I think I'm going to slowly trim away the highlights. The lightest pieces are in such contrast with my natural hair color that eventually it's gonna look ridiculous. They are also easily tangled and form split ends easily. Let's say I cut 8 inches in 10 years, that's still tons of growth and I'll be happy to have all my hair be its natural color. I do have some heat damage as well so I'm not saying no to trims ever but I mostly just want to gain length. I think it's possible I'll do one trim in 2021, but it's also possible that I won't feel like it. Once my highlights are entirely past my head/face, I think I'll want to start trimming because it's going to look ridiculous to me. But I don't know when that time will come!

Many moons, layers and colors take forever to get rid of

October 27th, 2020, 11:24 PM
Waist Waist Waist Waist Waist Waist Waist :justy::bowtome:

I thought I would be almost at the waist this year, but it seems I have to push my goal length to next year :mad:

October 28th, 2020, 01:14 AM
ArtOfNoot exactly how I feel! I thought waist would come this year, but I seem to be in a stall (although it is growing, according to measurements) and feels like it's just sitting there in the BSL waist abyss forever! :disgust::brickwall I have to learn to ignore it with benign neglect!

October 28th, 2020, 01:57 AM
Use up my stash of hair masks, oils, shampoos,conditioners, and leave ins
Before buying more

No Trims 2021, Goal: APL

Study hard and get a new job

Attempt to not dye my hair until my birthday in May

Take seasonal length shots instead of monthly

Try not to obsesse over length gains

October 28th, 2020, 02:02 AM
Currently my hair is 27", I want to get it at 32" for 2021. 38" is the end goal but that may be further off :disco:
My haircare routine has become really good so remaining consistent with it is definitely a goal too!

October 28th, 2020, 02:40 AM
Hope to reach Classic at the end of 2021 with just regular trims (every 6 month about 1 inch)
Now I'm at almoooost mid back, past bra strap but not all the way to mid back so I'm in the middle. It measures 27,56 inches now :D
Since oct 2019 to oct 2020 my hair grew about 6.70 inches, my hair grows about 0.9 inch per month so I hope to reach my goal soon!

October 28th, 2020, 03:28 AM
*Trim my hair myself at some point

*Make it to waist length (slightly ambitious)

*Learn some new updos

October 28th, 2020, 12:05 PM
If it’s possible: hit tailbone.
Maybe cutting out layers and damage if neccesary, but i hope not.

Learn to do a comfortable nautalius bun (I only can do a hypnobun, maybe not enough lenght)

Learn to do my updo in a more elegant way, with mini claw clips and such.

Carrie's hair
October 28th, 2020, 03:07 PM
1: use up my stash of hair products for use it up, I have many hair masks and shampoo/conditioner to use up
Oh, your first point ... I didn't put it on my list because the process is already underway. I have so many hair cosmetics. This is crazy. I've been trying to used them for over half a year! I gave a few. What was definitely bad for me, I gave my friend and she is very happy :).

October 28th, 2020, 10:35 PM
Oh, your first point ... I didn't put it on my list because the process is already underway. I have so many hair cosmetics. This is crazy. I've been trying to used them for over half a year! I gave a few. What was definitely bad for me, I gave my friend and she is very happy :).

I was in my find what works stage I have 6 masks and like 4 lots of shampoo n conditioner and 2 spray things

Carrie's hair
October 29th, 2020, 03:34 AM
I have more :whistle:. I had 7 oils, I do not use hair sprays. I noticed a long time ago that I had fluff from them, but I had a great collection of stylers (gels, creams, hair mousses). Plus, probably 8 shampoos. I have skin problems, sooo... and conditioners. Now I have about 15. Oh, and 4 silicone serums.
In my defense, I didn't buy everything myself :rolleyes:.

October 29th, 2020, 03:51 AM
I have more :whistle:. I had 7 oils, I do not use hair sprays. I noticed a long time ago that I had fluff from them, but I had a great collection of stylers (gels, creams, hair mousses). Plus, probably 8 shampoos. I have skin problems, sooo... and conditioners. Now I have about 15. Oh, and 4 silicone serums.
In my defense, I didn't buy everything myself :rolleyes:.

I have about 3 masks and 4 bottles of half empty poo/condish I gave to my mother on top of all those, and I won't get Friz stuff again it didn't help z

Carrie's hair
October 29th, 2020, 01:17 PM
So you are on the right track in your resolutions.

October 30th, 2020, 01:47 AM
So far so good xD

Carrie's hair
October 30th, 2020, 03:49 AM
A friend of mine says if you follow even 20% of your plan, that's fine. You can be pleased with yourself. I try to implement it and think more positively.

October 30th, 2020, 05:33 AM
A friend of mine says if you follow even 20% of your plan, that's fine. You can be pleased with yourself. I try to implement it and think more positively.

I should add that to my list actually, being more positive in general, I've gotten used to putting myself down it's become a bad habbit

Carrie's hair
October 30th, 2020, 07:45 AM
Oh no, that doesn't sound very good, but we learn all our lives. Most importantly, you should be able to notice what you did wrong and try to correct it. No blame etc. Just try differently.

November 4th, 2020, 02:49 PM
Love all your goals! Mine : would love to reach classic and just keep mainting classic until all my little fly away hairs get longer and the same length.. Thats all I want haha

November 4th, 2020, 03:46 PM
1. To only micro trim any splits and save my fairy tale ends. Because I have a knee jerk to blunt cut for some reason. So far haven’t cut my hair this year since February.

2 reach classic, not sure if I can as I’m just at tailbone.

3 try some new designs on my undercut as I’ve stuck to the same one for like 9 months lol

4 do regular coconut oil treatments as I’ve been lazy

5 explore shampoo bars

6 try some new styles like micro braids to show off my undercut while wearing my hair down.

November 4th, 2020, 04:23 PM
To micro-trim every 4ish months, hopefully avoiding needing any large trims.
No trims for 12 months resulted in me trimming 3 inches recently, so I think micro trimming will be best.
Hoping to reach 35" by the end of 2021, putting me very close to tailbone length.

November 4th, 2020, 07:54 PM
Knee length and beyond. Not gonna chop it all off again when I get annoyed with it this time, I'm going to adapt this time.

But I am going to get a trim and my bangs recut at some point. I had that scheduled just before Covid and obviously it was cancelled I haven't wanted to go in since.

November 5th, 2020, 09:15 PM
My goal for 2021 is to grow to at least tailbone stretched and not chop my hair off again. I’m hovering close to hip. This is my third time. I usually get to hip and then chop it all off. So growing beyond hip will have me in uncharted territory and I’m pretty excited.

November 5th, 2020, 09:22 PM
I have decided to not cut my hair in 2021. Just keep growing it, try to minimize damage, and don't stress over it. I should reach BSL.

November 6th, 2020, 12:26 PM
I feel like I'm quite in need of a trim. The ends are very thin. I may maintain at or around TBL for a good chunk of 2021 before growing on to classic.
Otherwise I would like to keep working on building a routine to protect and moisturize my ends.

November 8th, 2020, 04:02 AM
Hair Goals 2020
- Virgin hair at least APL (Perhaps BSL but won't bet on that) -Well, Virgin Hair is past that at 95% of it at MBL - so I've exceeded this goal! Yay!
- Hair mid thigh length (with blunt cut would be lovely but eh, expecting it to start looking fairy-tail at the ends at this length - - It is currently mid thigh (a few stragglers past that and the majority of the hair maybe 1cm above it - but I'm still counting it! Hair growth has definitely slowed this year though.
- Trim once in the year - - I did trim in June (thanks mum!) - the blunt cut hasn't lasted as long as it usually does though, perhaps because there's a lot less hair at the ends.. so it's already fairytailing again.
- Keep it bunned - and vary my style a little, maybe different bun or style once per week is achievable - Ah, I haven't been so good with looking after it with lockdown and a pretty crappy divorce/year. Perhaps that has contributed to the slower growth..

Above were 2020 Goals so 2021, let's think:

- Virgin hair at solid waist, moving towards hip.
- Mid thigh length with a blunt cut. I think knee is out of the realm of possibility and with slower growth I think I'm going to aim for a moderate growth goal.. I'm starting to think about health over length now.
- Trimming.. hmm. Perhaps trimming once, maybe twice this year a bigger trim ending in (hopefully) a blunt cut by 2022 at mid thigh.
- I think protecting it a little more is my goal by keeping it up/bunning it most of the time.

November 8th, 2020, 04:23 PM
Just to grow and grow and grow, to protect and pamper my hair although it often gets on my nerves, and hopefully in the end of 2021 I would be at shoulder. Then everything should be easier.

November 8th, 2020, 08:10 PM
I'm embarking on a no cut until graduation class of 2022 challenge! Hopefully by then I'll have waist-tbl, but you never know, my hairs somewhere in the apl-bsl puratory.

November 9th, 2020, 06:58 AM
My goals are pretty much the same as ever but I don't think I'll have a specific length goal for next year. I will reach waist during this winter and then I'll either let it grow wild or stay around WL to try and thicken up the hemline a little and get rid of all the dry, bleached bits.
I think I have a good flexible routine going so holding onto that.
I'll keep treating my scalp more mindfully and do my research to figure out best way to keep my scalp healthy.
NO product hoarding, NO obsessing and NO excess touching.

November 10th, 2020, 01:54 AM
So here is a thread for 2021

November 10th, 2020, 02:08 AM
:applause :applause :applause
I'm ready for 2021 taking over!

My hair goals:
- Grow out ALL the layers!
- Not going any shorter than APL (maybe even grow to BSL, if the layers are not breaking up forcing me to do an emergency chop).
- Bleach the roots once a year.
- Keeping violet and bright colors in my life.
- Decluttering my stash of deposit dyes and hair products.

November 10th, 2020, 02:24 AM

November 10th, 2020, 03:22 AM

Thank you Ylva. How can we get the mods to combo this one with that one??

November 10th, 2020, 03:25 AM
Thank you Ylva. How can we get the mods to combo this one with that one??

I have reported it to be merged. :)

November 10th, 2020, 01:32 PM
I'm going to try keeping it in a pinned up French braid for the year. And check on it around the end of 2021.

I'm going to trim a good inch this December 31st and put in some nice layers upfront.
My goal is waist by the end of next year.

November 10th, 2020, 03:14 PM
Healthy wash and wear hair.

curly girl fla
November 10th, 2020, 03:28 PM
to lose less hair and back away from the scissors...

November 10th, 2020, 06:44 PM
I'd like to continue benign neglect of the length variety. Since joining LHC in '14, I'd measure monthly with progressive length pics taken, but this year I lapsed to only measuring when I'd altered my length significantly (ummm, 28cm/11" gone by May... :whistle:) or when I was curious (like today--a gain of 9.5cm/3.7" even after a trim a few weeks back), with no progressive length pics. The lack of care factor has been freeing, and I've enjoyed my hair stacks more. And whaddaya know, it still grows. :wethree:

November 10th, 2020, 06:44 PM
In 2018,I had an accident and I had to cut my hair from upper thigh length to 3inches long..Currently my hair is just above my waist,my goal is to grow it back to thigh length but healthier/fuller this time.😃

November 10th, 2020, 07:54 PM
I am undecided at the moment in terms of whether to trim so I like my ends more, or whether to not trim and see if it's still gaining length or not - the tape measure recently says it's not, but a year would be much better to see what's actually happening.

I think just seeing if it gains any more length will be the easiest and simplest choice, but if I find myself really wanting to trim then I would like to be okay with that. So maybe that's my goal,
> to be flexible in my mindset.

> Also want to keep using up my stash
> Clean my mirror at least twice (still need to do it before the end of this year to meet 2020's goal)
> Do something with deposit-only dye, most likely a streak. It's effort but the results are fun :grin:
> Keep up with seasonal pictures - I have stripy socks and worked out a near hemline-level setup, so ideal for comparison of both length and how my ends look
> Measure each season too (fully combed-out is best)
> A bit more S&D *with scissors* - I've been really fatigued so I've slipped into pulling white dots or splits off sometimes, which is very much not ideal. Maybe I need to keep the scissors even more readily accessible than they are now :hmm:

I went slightly mad this year buying hairtoys before we have to pay import VAT on everything, so I definitely want to rein it in next year. I also need to wear my flexis more often even if I am just at home. I'm not seeing a goal in particular, but there are some I haven't even worn yet. I also need to sort out storage for them, and modify the ones I intended to. But fatigue and brainfog make what should be simple things into colossal tasks, and I have plenty of other more important should-be-simple-but-are-actually-colossal tasks that I need and would like to do. Maybe
> wear 5 flexis I've not yet worn? That should be achievable.

November 10th, 2020, 08:40 PM
I'd like to continue benign neglect of the length variety. Since joining LHC in '14, I'd measure monthly with progressive length pics taken, but this year I lapsed to only measuring when I'd altered my length significantly (ummm, 28cm/11" gone by May... :whistle:) or when I was curious (like today--a gain of 9.5cm/3.7" even after a trim a few weeks back), with no progressive length pics. The lack of care factor has been freeing, and I've enjoyed my hair stacks more. And whaddaya know, it still grows. :wethree:

I totally get this. 2020 has been less about my hair, especially since I trimmed 3 inches from it. It's nice to enjoy the hair and not be so pedantic!

November 10th, 2020, 08:49 PM
I am also ready for 2021 to take over as well! My goals are to reach TBL by the end of 2021.
Continue my deep conditioning twice a week.
Do more weekly hot oil treatments.
Continue co-wash on a daily basis.
Use shampoo only once a week.
Clarify once a month.
Do more scalp massages and inversion methods.

November 10th, 2020, 09:39 PM
I want to focus on learning buns and updos. My hair is about 1cm from waist and I can't do a single bun lol
I also want to be better with deep treatments and get a satin pillowcase or some sort of sleep hat thingy
Also use up my stash and try not to buy so many products :D

November 11th, 2020, 07:46 AM
Tailbone for Christmas 2021 for me - I doubt I'll make it that far, but what can I say, I'm an optimist! :)

November 11th, 2020, 10:39 AM
probably will let it grow since my ends have been feeling in good shape lately

(or I'll cut everything off lol)

Madeline C.
November 11th, 2020, 11:51 AM
I'm hoping to hit tailbone by next Christmas, I think I can do it especially since I'm determined to not cut or trim next year. I also want to learn some new buns. Anyone got some good bun ideas for WL curlies?

November 11th, 2020, 08:43 PM
I want to hopefully get to waist or even lower back length (not quite hip but longer than waist). Also I want to overcome trichotillomania, and keep my hair healthy and strong.

November 12th, 2020, 06:05 AM
My main goal for 2021 is to reach Classic. I hope to be at fingertip (approximately mid thigh length on me) by the end of 2022.

Hopefully I shall have my hair care routine pinned down by then, and shall be better about minimising and getting rid of the split ends and other damage. Eventually I will look at micro trimming, but I’m not sure when.

Not quite a month on, and my main goal remains the same. Unsurprisingly since that is a long term goal.

Thinking about more specific ideas for the hair care routine:

1) Pin down the number of scalp only washes and actual hair washes that will work for me and get into the routine.
2) Put hair up more often (currently just braided 95% of the time) so I am less tempted to play with it. This is especially important when I wash dishes. I manage to soak my ends every time I do this job.
3) S&D on a monthly basis.
4) invest in the hair toys for my most worn hairstyles.

November 12th, 2020, 12:56 PM
I think I'll start a hair journal for 2021. I didn't realize how often I'd want to look back at the last few months of hair when I started growing!

I'm also going to try wearing it up/back more often. I like having my hair loose, but I don't want to cause unnecessary damage.

As for length...I think I'll hit BSL by the end of 2020. I'm shooting for waist in 2021.

November 12th, 2020, 08:18 PM
Here are my 2021 goals, in order of importance:

1) Continue fully virgin hair care (including no hairdryers)
2) S&D at least once a week (I recently put my S&D scissors in plain view in the bathroom, and that helps me remember)
3) Oil overnight at least twice a month (I've been oiling more often than this lately, I think with positive results)
4) Measure my hair in inches every month (for more accurate growth measurements)
5) Reach FTL (I'm close, and although I may trim back to classic once I reach it, I want to have been at FTL)

November 13th, 2020, 02:32 AM
Great goals everyone! :)

I've never had hair goals before, but here goes:
1. Focus more on quality rather than quantity (i.e. stop worrying so much about thickness or length, and focus more on doing fun things with my hair, or keeping it at a length I like. This is meant to be fun, after all!)
2. Learn to relax about damage and wear it down a bit more. My husband misses it :P
3. Learn more 'special occasion' hairstyles. I've fallen into the lazy habit of a daily LWB or braided bun
4. Think about my hair less, because it's so easy for me to become obsessive about it (which means, of course, I will be making fewer appearances on this forum)

November 13th, 2020, 06:42 AM
purple_omelette I relate to every one of your goals. #3 - I've worn my hair down more in quarantine and I like wearing it down. Maybe there's a bit more damage, but living itself does damage, and I'd rather enjoy my hair. I hope you can do the same. :blossom:

November 13th, 2020, 06:49 AM
2) Put hair up more often (currently just braided 95% of the time) so I am less tempted to play with it. This is especially important when I wash dishes. I manage to soak my ends every time I do this job.

Squirrel, I keep a large hair clip in the kitchen just to pull it back when I need it. It doesn't have to look nice, just keep it out of the way.

I lost my own goal list - will come back and add later.

November 13th, 2020, 10:57 AM
Want to continue to not trim this year and hopefully reach top of calf

November 13th, 2020, 04:00 PM
grow a massive beard, god willing :cool:

November 13th, 2020, 04:14 PM
Mine is to get back to tailbone finally! I just reached waist so I am getting closer :flower:

November 13th, 2020, 04:26 PM
Let it grow back to waist-length. It was at thigh-length, I cut it to shoulder length, and it should be within a year that it grows back.

November 13th, 2020, 06:36 PM
1. I'd like to think waist but that might be unrealistic
2. Plan to get a few trims to try get a more even hemline. I'd like to think I could have a nice U by the end of the year, but that would come at the expense of a decent amount of length so we'll see how those balance out.
3. Braiding. Hoping for a bit more length to feel better about it but I've been dabbling with them some.

November 14th, 2020, 08:10 PM
purple_omelette I relate to every one of your goals. #3 - I've worn my hair down more in quarantine and I like wearing it down. Maybe there's a bit more damage, but living itself does damage, and I'd rather enjoy my hair. I hope you can do the same. :blossom:

Exactly, you can never prevent all damage, so it's useless worrying about it beyond a certain point! Here's to worrying less and enjoying our hair more :D

November 14th, 2020, 09:24 PM
My length goal is TBL by next year, which I think is within the realm of possibility. I'm a bit past waist now.

My styling goals are to have fun with my hair! The last time I was a long(ish)hair I did a lot of braided styles. This time I kept telling myself that my hair is too short for braids, but that is a ridiculous lie. I've just been lazy since stick buns are easy and braiding makes my arms tired.

So, braids and muscled arms for 2021!

November 14th, 2020, 11:53 PM
No trims + no heat. We will see how long it gets!

November 16th, 2020, 08:36 AM
By far my most important hair goal is to write, talk, think, worry and generally spend less time on my hair. It's there, it will grow, that's what it does. It's going to be fine.

Other minor goals include:

learning how to do...
-round four strand braids
-four strand linear dutch braids
-zipper braids

Abstaining from...
-hair ties
-buying new hair toys

-a new hair toy from a local wild plum tree
-a couple of DIY flexis
-scrunchies from recycled silk when the mood strikes

November 16th, 2020, 09:22 AM
Let it grow! Let it grow! Let it grow! (hopefully the sky lets it snow also)

November 16th, 2020, 10:22 AM
Great goals everyone! :)

I've never had hair goals before, but here goes:
1. Focus more on quality rather than quantity (i.e. stop worrying so much about thickness or length, and focus more on doing fun things with my hair, or keeping it at a length I like. This is meant to be fun, after all!)
2. Learn to relax about damage and wear it down a bit more. My husband misses it :P
3. Learn more 'special occasion' hairstyles. I've fallen into the lazy habit of a daily LWB or braided bun
4. Think about my hair less, because it's so easy for me to become obsessive about it (which means, of course, I will be making fewer appearances on this forum)

I can relate every word of this message.
But I hope to improve my ends and be at one meter of hair just because I'm too obsessionnal.
More braid and less bun. And take care of my scalp which is super itchy with dandruff. Just take care more of it.

November 16th, 2020, 01:38 PM
In 2021 I'd like to reach waist length - that'll be my all time longest. I'm at BSL now, so I waist seems aspirational but doable :). I've always had short "edgy" cuts and have just started trying to grow long, so we'll see. I'd also like to learn more updos and incorporate them into my routine more frequently :)

November 16th, 2020, 02:47 PM
My goal is to improve it's health and grow out all (if not most) of the damaged ends. I would also like to discover new ways of washing and styling it so I can be more creative with every day styles and learn more about hair care along the way :)

November 16th, 2020, 03:27 PM
I hope to come a lot closer to classic, although at one point I might have to trim a little bit as well ;)

November 16th, 2020, 10:56 PM
1. Working on the overall health of my hair
2. Finding a technique that my hair likes
3. Growing from BSL to WL

November 17th, 2020, 12:17 AM
I will get a trim in january and then will not trim until the end of the year. That is my only goal.

November 30th, 2020, 06:21 AM
1. Get a micro trim, enough to take care of my split ends then join the no trim 2021 thread
2. Actually make time to S&D so I'm not always see-sawing about trimming
3. Improve my braiding skills

sasha fox
November 30th, 2020, 12:07 PM
- hit hip length (currently grazing waist length)
- find hair mask recipes that I truly love
- learn new styles and experiment with clips, flowers, and ribbon
- figure out how to stop having so many split ends!
- be more careful to not destroy my hair, I have a habit of burning it when cooking, getting paint on it, accidentally sewing it into projects, etc.
- wash it so that it isn't oily... sometimes I'm just lazy

November 30th, 2020, 02:06 PM
1) I might need to think about my washing routine and try different things. My main method is WO and occasionally (once in every 2-3 months or so) rye flower, egg or baking soda. I think our water is too soft to wash the grease properly from my thin straight hair on a regular basis, so over the weeks of washing with WO the hair gathers build-up of grease and gets flat and tangly. I notice the difference totally when I shower somewhere else where I know the water to be even teeny weeny harder - there my hair gets so clean with just a regular short scalp scrub and rinsing.
2) Practise a new bun at least every season (4 new buns).
3) Try a new kind of hair brush.

December 5th, 2020, 02:52 AM
- no trims
- eat healthier and up my fluid intake (I sometimes go with one glass a day... really unhealthy in general)
- wearing my hair up most of the time
- find a decent hair style that I can wear on a regular basis

December 5th, 2020, 03:22 AM
1. Wear my hair up more. I don't do it enough to truly protect my ends enough to grow to where I want to, and I really need to do better.
2. Hit classic. The way my growth pattern is going, even with a trim on the first like I usually do, this will likely happen. I just need to make sure to protect my ends better so they're in better shape when I get there.
3. Try more new buns. I've got a lot of length now, I should be able to do a lot more with it!
4. Take photos of the new buns. I miss photographing the back of my head!! A weird thing to miss I suppose, but I miss it!

December 5th, 2020, 08:32 AM
It definitely won’t happen in 2021, but a goal to keep microtrimming this next year as I can feel the difference in hair quality from the hair from this year where I’ve been caring for it well, and my older, dye heat and mechanically damaged hair. It will take a few years but I’d like to trim off the old damage over time

December 6th, 2020, 01:29 AM
I don't even remember my plans lol so here are new ones.

No trims 13 months ( officially started December 1st)

No bleach until the end of 2021 (last bleaching was November 29th 2020) purely to see how long my hair actually grows in a year ( I will touch up the already bleached parts with deposit dye)

Reach APL or close to it

Touch up black roots on half my head, leaving the other side to grow out (eventually planning on split dye hair) leave at least 2 months between touch ups

Use up my hair products including oils before buying more.

December 7th, 2020, 03:44 AM
1. Reach classic with a couple of small trims along the way :pray:
2. Improve braiding skills (French, Dutch, 4 strands)
3. Eat a well balanced diet to give hair the best chance of growing strong
4. Continue to grow out henna
5. Grow out bangs
6. Use up the shampoo and conditioner I have before buying anything new

December 7th, 2020, 06:11 PM
Do another year of no trim. Keep up with my hair routine because the stress from this past year made me not really keep up on it. Trying to reach full hip length stretched and closer to waist length curly.

December 7th, 2020, 06:53 PM
I want to grow out my thin damaged ends. This year I've been growing as much as I can, and next year I'm happy to grow it a little slower, and trim out the damage every month or so until I have nice blunt ends :D

December 7th, 2020, 07:14 PM
My goals are:
- BSL and beyond
- to return to my pre-pandemic stylist for regular bang trims
- regular henna applications and, as needed, indigo, to restore color and shine
- to wear my hair in braids when at home
- buy only cruelty-free, environmentally friendly hair products
- try different oils on my hair for control and conditioning

December 8th, 2020, 03:41 AM
My goals
- grow it longer
- fewer trims
- take better care of my hair
- do monthly length photos

December 8th, 2020, 07:55 AM
No trims! I have been hanging out at APL for a while now because I just keep pulling out the scissors. I just gave myself one last, well-shaped trim for the year, and now I'm going to see how much it can really grow in a year.

December 8th, 2020, 08:00 AM
My goal is anything other than this pixie currently growing out on my head. I'll take what I can get😂

December 8th, 2020, 08:31 AM
My goal is anything other than this pixie currently growing out on my head. I'll take what I can get��

I have grown out a pixie a couple of times now, and I feel this. I used a lot of hair pins.

December 8th, 2020, 08:38 AM
Yep, I'm now the proud owner of over 300 pins and clips😂

December 8th, 2020, 08:52 AM
I am not setting any measurement goal as I want to thicken up my hemline a bit, so it will probably require a trim. So here is the rest of the goals:

- keep up with deep conditioning treatment, preferably every time I wash my hair
- do more herbal treatments (cassia/ ziziphus/ experiment with new ones?)
- keep doing inversion method once a month
- find a way to protect it properly during the night, not just one braid
- monthly length check pics
- reduce hair product stash and get back to more DIY stuff, especially SMT

December 8th, 2020, 11:20 AM
My hair goals for 2021 are no more chemical dye, moving to henna and herbal colors only. I am also hoping that I will reach waist length in 2021 which I think will be definitely doable, but will depend if I feel I need to trim do to my somewhat damaged ends... If I can get by with dusting only I can do it ... I hope! But healthy shiny hair is also my goal so we shall see how they all get along in 2021.

December 8th, 2020, 11:32 AM
Hair goals for 2021! Currently my hair is 10.5 hands in length from nape to ends. Sorry, that’s my easiest measure...I don’t get any help with things like this. Goal is to be an honest 14 hands in length. Minimal trimming. Hair oil religiously and to oil my scalp one a week. I’ve really been lax about doing these things. Gotta improve!

December 12th, 2020, 08:05 AM
- Grow it to TBL and maybe past that so I can eventually even out my hemline until it is straight and one length
- Two trims a year max
- Keep my hair healthy, soft, shiny, thick and awesome looking
- Buy more hair sticks but not too many when I return to Europe as I like buns now, sometimes
- Keep trying out products until I find the ones I absolutely love for my hair
- But also use up all the ones I’m meh about
- Sleep with satin pillow cases every night
- Remember to apply some oil serum to my ends every night
- Mask almost every time I wash my hair to keep practicing the capillary schedule method so I don’t slack
- Use heat when I feel like it, but also not too often, and always with a heat protector, so I get to enjoy my hair as well
- Don’t dye it!!!!
- Keep growing out my bangs and stop cutting straight ones in

December 12th, 2020, 08:28 AM
*Get to TBL/Classic!
*No trims at all!
*Stay away from heat
*More hair toys <3
*Stay sulfate/paraben free
*Don't dye it. Just don't. Stay away. You are 3 years dye free. Dont. Do. It.
*Protective styles

Boucles d'or
December 12th, 2020, 09:29 AM
1.No trimming for the whole year.
2. S&D
3. 99% of the time in protective updos (bun or braid)
4. monthly pictures
5. more scalpmassages
6. be extra gentle!
7. learn more about products

December 12th, 2020, 09:40 AM
• Grow my hair from WL to TBL
• Try out hair mask & other oils
• Try out henna (I’ve read about it hear and wanna try for myself)
• No trim, hopefully.
• Practice braiding. I only know english braid, still learning the frend & dutch braid.

school of fish
December 13th, 2020, 08:40 AM
More of an experiment than a goal really, since I'm well set in my care routine and reached my goal length a few years ago..

For 2021 I'm going to try going back to detangling with a teezer rather than a wide tooth comb to see if I can mitigate breakage a little more. I've bounced between both with about even success but as my texture is becoming more wavy over time I want to see if there's any difference :)

December 13th, 2020, 02:47 PM
1. learn protective styles and use them most of the time
2. get to BSL, which should be possible considering I'm at 16.5" now and with a normal growth rate means I should be at 22.5" by this time next year, and BSL on me is ~20-21" depending on the bra.
3. experiment with natural herbs and products to figure out what works for me, then establish a routine
4. get some hair toys

December 13th, 2020, 03:19 PM
I want to grow my hair as near to classic as possible, keep away from the dye, just let my grey come through and be natural.

December 13th, 2020, 03:22 PM
I have been growing mine out since the start of quarantine back in March when I had a short fade. It's currently at my mouth (5-6 inches). My goal is to grow it as long as possible, so realistically, by the end of 2021 probably about 12-13 inches. I'm very happy that right now I'm finally able to brush it behind my ears and out of my face and I'm am very excited to continue the journey, as I have heard that it only gets better the longer you grow!

Happy growing everyone!

December 13th, 2020, 05:35 PM
Grow my front layers out below my bra strap, then do a big chop to get everything even and one length. I have been growing the layers and bangs out in the front of my face for the last year and have come a long way, just not ready to lose the length where it is right now (below bra strap) until the rest of my layers/bangs is at that same point. I'm very hair OCD, but from there I will continue to grow

Für immer
December 13th, 2020, 06:45 PM
These are the goals I've posted so far on another forum, except for translating it to English here.

• Grow hair length to WL.
• to do S&D on a regular basis (almost never do it, as is...)
• Make various DIYs accessories (at least 3 different kinds)
• Buy better scissors (at least 2 would be neat)
• Learn to do new hairdos/hairstyles

December 14th, 2020, 07:49 AM
My 2021 goals are:
- Establish a consistent routine - starting with WCW
- Grow hair as close to WL as possible!
- Learn about the capillary schedule
- Use protective styles as much as possible!

I think I will probably trim whenever I feel that my ends are too dry.
Good luck for everybody and happy growing!

December 18th, 2020, 09:53 AM
- grow to WL
- get rid of some of the horrible layers & closer to all 1 length

December 19th, 2020, 03:28 PM
Reach calf length for definite

December 19th, 2020, 03:56 PM
I could also use a consistent routine! But my goal is thicker, longer hair of course! Currently, my hair sits past my breasts to mid -ength of back, but it is not quite waist length. I would love to have hair to this length!

December 19th, 2020, 04:12 PM
My plan for the foreseeable future is to maintain. I'm indecisive about the length, so I'm just doing nothing.

Scratch that; I decided I do want to grow. My goal for 2021 is to gain some length... :wannabe:

December 19th, 2020, 05:47 PM
I want to reach APL by the end of 2021, not trim my hair and wear it up almost all the time once it gets close to APL. My goal is to reduce mechanical damage as much as possible for 2021.

December 19th, 2020, 05:51 PM
Ya wanna hear my plan? Its nuts.

1- I am not cutting my hair again until 2030. I had skipped my trim in November, and just did an INSANE S&D of my entire head which took 4 days. Insane? Yes. Worth it? Actually yes. In fact, the experience was so good, it convinced me to stop trimming for the decade.

2- Yearly whole-head S&D in November. aka- No-moresplits-Vember.

3- Being more gentle while brushing. I am more gentle than I USED to be pre-LHC, but still needs to improve. I would say I got 0 stars for gentleness before, and I am probably at about a 2 now. Hoping for a solid 4 star rating on gentleness by the end of the year. Mostly meaning while brushing, styling, and washing.

4- Switching part and bun location. I have been a strict left part with chignon for so long, I am going right part and crown buns. This is not an all or nothing goal, if I find it looks bad or does not want to learn the new pattern, I won't do it. I just want to is all.

5- New washing schedule, I plan on making Saturday my wash day going forward.


December 19th, 2020, 07:13 PM
Ya wanna hear my plan? Its nuts.

1- I am not cutting my hair again until 2030. I had skipped my trim in November, and just did an INSANE S&D of my entire head which took 4 days. Insane? Yes. Worth it? Actually yes. In fact, the experience was so good, it convinced me to stop trimming for the decade.

2- Yearly whole-head S&D in November. aka- No-moresplits-Vember.

3- Being more gentle while brushing. I am more gentle than I USED to be pre-LHC, but still needs to improve. I would say I got 0 stars for gentleness before, and I am probably at about a 2 now. Hoping for a solid 4 star rating on gentleness by the end of the year. Mostly meaning while brushing, styling, and washing.

4- Switching part and bun location. I have been a strict left part with chignon for so long, I am going right part and crown buns. This is not an all or nothing goal, if I find it looks bad or does not want to learn the new pattern, I won't do it. I just want to is all.

5- New washing schedule, I plan on making Saturday my wash day going forward.


Wow 2030? 😬
That's a long time. What's the longest you've gone before? I would at least get a micro trim here and there. Hair is so prone to damage even when it is at its healthiest state. So much better to be safe than sorry but to each there own. I wish you luck girl

December 19th, 2020, 07:31 PM
Scratch that; I decided I do want to grow. My goal for 2021 is to gain some length... :wannabe:

ha ha...pardon my cheekiness..... Ms LL, but I think you will need to get taller to keep the proportions....lol


December 19th, 2020, 07:34 PM
and for myself...hopefully earlyish...getting it all in a ponytail. Then, slight trims to shape and make it look less horrendous and then start getting a little righteous length... :)

December 20th, 2020, 04:10 AM
Continuing to improve my hair health and re-thicken. Also to grow longer - hopefully waist by the end of the year. I will be trimming as my ends are fragile no matter what I do and the thickness moves down.

December 21st, 2020, 03:47 AM
My hope is that I will manage to trim all the hendingo from my hair and by December next year I will have at least chin-length natural+henna only. From there, I'll start growing it to TBL. I currently have about two inches of hennaed hair and the rest is almost black hendingo.

December 21st, 2020, 04:23 AM
and for myself...hopefully earlyish...getting it all in a ponytail. Then, slight trims to shape and make it look less horrendous and then start getting a little righteous length... :)

Yes oldrocker- these are my goals too. You’ve expressed it exactly! Won’t be too long (maybe 3 months) before I can get ponytail going. I’ve heard it’s plain sailing from there. Keep us all posted with yours.

December 21st, 2020, 07:12 PM
My 2021 goal is to get back to tailbone & grow it to classic length

December 22nd, 2020, 02:15 AM
In aiming for zero trims during next year. I cut from BSL to SL a couple of weeks ago and severely regretted it. Hopefully I can get back to my former length or longer!

December 22nd, 2020, 02:40 AM
My main goal for next year is to work out how to make the curly girl stuff work for me and my wavy hair, and to occasionally wear my hair down to show off said waves. If I came make this curly girl method to work with water only washes, I’ll be a happy Chappy :o

December 22nd, 2020, 07:03 AM
Resisting the urge to cut to classic.
Remind myself: Fairytale ends are easier to bun with than blunt ends.
Embrace my new thickness (rather thinness). (lost a lot of hair due to medical issues, Biotine is starting to help a bit!)

December 22nd, 2020, 12:09 PM
Hoping for calf length

December 23rd, 2020, 05:41 PM
Yes oldrocker- these are my goals too. You’ve expressed it exactly! Won’t be too long (maybe 3 months) before I can get ponytail going. I’ve heard it’s plain sailing from there. Keep us all posted with yours.

just joking, but should we create a 'first real ponytail' thread??

December 24th, 2020, 05:25 PM
My goals:

~ grow out and chop off last three inches of dyed hair, which will give me all natural, platinum hair
~ get to waist length by the end of 2021
~ keep up my healthy hair routine

May 2021 bring us all closer to normal, and our goals. :D

December 24th, 2020, 05:48 PM
Get back on the essentials oils/other growth oils coupled with scalp massage.
Take more diatomaceous earth regularly. But I get burnt out on shakes all the time and fall off that wagon.

December 24th, 2020, 09:36 PM
Wash every other day to every 3rd day depending on how oily my scalp gets. Regular conditioning post shower and wearing my hair up.

While I do still want to bleach my hair again, I haven't done it since January or February of this year thanks to the pandemic so I guess generally I just want to be careful with it since my hair is mostly of the fine variety.

Regular mini trims and search and destroy sessions to keep the splits at bay. Little to no heat styling (already do that) and hopefully hit APL by the end of the year.

December 25th, 2020, 10:19 PM
Use up my stash of hair masks, oils, shampoos,conditioners, and leave ins
Before buying more

No Trims 2021, Goal: APL

Study hard and get a new job

Try not to obsesse over length gains


December 26th, 2020, 01:40 AM
Attempt to grow to hip or tailbone after reaching waist now. Hopefully, to thicken ends by microtrimming.

December 26th, 2020, 01:51 PM
just joking, but should we create a 'first real ponytail' thread??

Haha! Perhaps we should!

December 26th, 2020, 03:11 PM
To grow from shoulder to BSL. It’s about seven inches so hope it’s just about achievable! 2020 was the year I cut off all of my bleached hair so now goal is to obtain some length and then some! Good luck everyone with your goals!

December 27th, 2020, 04:32 AM
My goal is healthy, one length, collar bone hair by the end of 2021. I started with a short pixie in June this year.

December 27th, 2020, 06:23 AM
I don't have a length goal, I just want shinier, healthier hair!
Basically I want it to look better

December 27th, 2020, 09:23 AM
My goal on 2021 is to get to APL on dry hair ( due to shrinkage I'm APL now but only on wet, stretched hair).
Then I have also a color removal project that I'll start in February. It will involve indigo removal attempt using coca cola and coconut oil.
If I'm successful I will proceed to henna lightening attempt using peroxide-based products. I'm hoping to be done with those experiments by the end of June 2021.

December 30th, 2020, 09:53 AM

1. I wish to grow six inches this year from my knees downward. (as apposed to upwards. :D)

December 30th, 2020, 10:46 AM
My plan is to lose weight and maintain weight at 50kg. I also will try to take care of my hair like proper treatment and oiling so that they grow and become healthy.

December 30th, 2020, 10:48 AM
My goal for next year is to keep growing.

December 31st, 2020, 01:01 PM
My updated goal for 2021 is to trim an inch in March and reach BSL by the end of the year. Also, no heat and no dye.

December 31st, 2020, 04:41 PM
My goal is to either trim once in July after the 6 month no trim challenge, or else maybe not at all this year.

And to figure out once and for all my protein/ moisture balance. I think my hair characteristics sounds like possibly lacking protein so I'm going to add some products with protein into my routine and see what I get.

Overall my length goal at the end of the year is hip length curly.

December 31st, 2020, 05:24 PM
My updated goal for 2021 is to trim an inch in March and reach BSL by the end of the year. Also, no heat and no dye.

I'm glad that you decided to keep growing instead of staying at cbl C:

January 1st, 2021, 12:24 PM
I'm glad that you decided to keep growing instead of staying at cbl C:

Thank you! Me too! Haha. I've also decided to do yearly trims and just see where my hair takes me. I plan to cut off an inch but as my hair gets longer and more annoying, I might do 2 trims a year or take off more with the yearly trims. We will see. I don't want to obsess over my hair length too much, long or short.

January 1st, 2021, 01:18 PM
My goal is just to let my hair grow this year. Not trims or cuts! I also plant to continue with the good hair care practices that I have learned.

January 1st, 2021, 05:20 PM
Thank you! Me too! Haha. I've also decided to do yearly trims and just see where my hair takes me. I plan to cut off an inch but as my hair gets longer and more annoying, I might do 2 trims a year or take off more with the yearly trims. We will see. I don't want to obsess over my hair length too much, long or short.

Thats a good idea I'm doing no trims until it's apl or the end of 2021 if my hair hates it I'll do my usual 12 weeks between trims. I've been obsessing over it lately sometimes I really want to shave it all off and start over with no dye, but I already regretted cutting back to above chin so I must stay strong

January 1st, 2021, 05:26 PM
Classic, regain my thickness and strengthen my hemline.:cool:

January 1st, 2021, 07:19 PM
Dye no sooner than June, thicker new growth at least 3 additional inches. Remainder 2 inches from WL.

January 1st, 2021, 09:20 PM
Well, I met one goal already! Redid a purple streak (Manic Panic) :grin: it wasn't planned for so early on the year, I actually had been wanting to do it for a couple of months last year but never got round to it.

I would like to do it at least once more in the year though, especially if it lasts as long as it did before. It's really fun just to have that touch of colour occasionally peeking out, and to see every time I comb :)

January 1st, 2021, 09:44 PM
No trimming for the whole year.
Reach BSL
Start S&D frequently, I think my hair is finally going to be long enough to do this.
Learn new go-to updos (I'm lazy, the easier the updos the better)
Wear My hair up 90% of the year
Take monthly pictures

I think I'm going to review one of my goals, according to my growth chart I'll reach bsl by Jul-21 and WL by Feb-22 so I think it wouldn't be too far fechet to aim for WL by the end of 2021 given that I'm not planning to trim at all :D
So my new goals are:

No trimming for the whole year.
Reach WL
S&D as needed.
Learn at least 4 new go-to updos.
Wear My hair up 90% of the year
Take monthly pictures

January 2nd, 2021, 07:40 AM
I reached tailbone length some time ago and I actually like it here, so I'm going to maintain this length for a while.
My ends are kind of thin, I'd rather wait for them to thicken before resuming full-speed growth.
I also have some old products lying around, both actual hair conditioners and body lotions that might be useful as conditioners.
It would be neat to use them up and at the same time learn which ingredients are great/meh/awful for my hair.
So that leaves me with three goals:
- Maintain TBL+
- Use up my stash
- Find out whether my hair likes cones, sulfates, glycerin, etc. or not.

ETA: I also need to update my profile pic! It's at least two years old.

January 2nd, 2021, 08:15 AM
probably will let it grow since my ends have been feeling in good shape lately

(or I'll cut everything off lol)

I don't remember writing this lol! But it's still accurate I suppose. In 2020 I reached TBL, maintained and trimmed on equinoxes/solstices until my ends were doing well, cut wispy blunt bangs, and maintained a regular routine OWCC. In 2021 I'm tentatively growing again, probably to CL (but it's more about growing again vs. maintaining), growing out my blunt bangs into curtain bangs, micro trimming on equinoxes/solstices. (unless I chop but I've been joking about that for over a year without actually doing it so it's probably not gonna happen...)

January 6th, 2021, 12:47 AM
My goals these year are:
-Keep products to a minimum. I already figured out for the most part what my hair likes, and I want to continue on that path :)
-Continue eating enough and varied (long story short, I've worked very hard to get over my body image issues and allow myself to eat enough. And my body and hair are responding marvellously!).
-Reduce damage as much as possible: wear my hair up with satin scrunchies, cable ties, and probably (hopefully) a satin bonnet.
-Search and destroy when needed, trim when needed. My hair does poorly when the ends are old and dry, and needs regular trimming. I've made peace with this and accepted I'll just need more time to grow to the length I want.
-Keep up my promise to not dye my hair :)

January 8th, 2021, 05:41 AM
Already failed one of my goals, but it was worth it, considering letting my sideshave grow natrual for 6 months I time for July 8th it would then be a year since I started growing it out from bald

January 9th, 2021, 09:44 PM
* Reach classic length! I'm a few inches away.
* Learn a few new braids.
* Be extra careful while detangling.

January 10th, 2021, 12:32 AM
updating mine

• No trims 3 Months, if I succeed Extend it to 6 months and so on, to Hopefully not trim any more until the end of the year
• Keep your split dye! you love it, get the blond side lightened every 12 weeks NO LESS! extend to 15 week or more if possible
• Reach Shoulder by March/April final goal is to be almost APL by the end of the year
• Leave the side shave alone for 6 months, no more bleaching that part until July, curious to see if my hair grows longer than it did the last 6 months and also see my natural color a while, you can touch up existing bleach parts with turquoise
• Oil monthly, Deep condition weekly, wash hair 2-3 times a week use up stash, no not buy any more products for the year (unless its hair dying gloves or turquoise when I run out)
• STOP changing your mind all the time and being bat shet crazy, leave alone which isn't broken!
Do not dye my hair with anything other than toners to netrualize the 34544 different colors that's in it,

strike is failed goals and bold is for added ones

February 28th, 2021, 12:49 PM
I did a similar post on the Choose Your Own Adventure! thread, but it was a bit more meandering and I want to make a list of hair resolutions!
*Do oil treatment at least every other week
*Go through products before buying new ones
*Invest in satin pillowcases
*Stretch washes to every 3-4 days (currently I'm at 2-3, but the 3rd day is miserable)
*Discover my capillary schedule
*Take progress pictures the first of every month (And take them correctly! No more of these over-the-shoulder bathroom shots!)
*S&D more

:p It's a lot to undertake I think but If I go bit by bit, I'll see real progress by the end of 2021

June 24th, 2021, 04:55 PM
Dye no sooner than June, thicker new growth at least 3 additional inches. Remainder 2 inches from WL.

Well, I dyed twice by the end of June. Definitely thicker new growth that may be 1.5inches midway in the year. I'm aiming for an additional 2-2.5inches by the end of the year, which will be a bit longer than BSL length.

June 24th, 2021, 05:10 PM
> to be flexible in my mindset. - yes, especially with regard to washing (not what I expected to be saying, ha!)

> Also want to keep using up my stash - yes, yay!
> Clean my mirror at least twice (still need to do it before the end of this year to meet 2020's goal) - oops, not yet
> Do something with deposit-only dye, most likely a streak. It's effort but the results are fun :grin: - did one early in the year; I haven't had the urge to redo at all, strangely
> Keep up with seasonal pictures - I have stripy socks and worked out a near hemline-level setup, so ideal for comparison of both length and how my ends look - Uhhh, still need to :oops:
> Measure each season too (fully combed-out is best) - I think so? I did last time
> A bit more S&D *with scissors* - I've been really fatigued so I've slipped into pulling white dots or splits off sometimes, which is very much not ideal. Maybe I need to keep the scissors even more readily accessible than they are now :hmm: - yes, 'more' in that I'm not pulling splits off, only cutting with scissors. I've not done much in absolute terms though

> wear 5 flexis I've not yet worn? That should be achievable. - Not even halfway there :rolleyes: I think I did one. I've been benignly neglecting HARD recently.

June 24th, 2021, 08:37 PM
Wasn’t ready to post yet

June 24th, 2021, 09:41 PM
I did a similar post on the Choose Your Own Adventure! thread, but it was a bit more meandering and I want to make a list of hair resolutions!
*Do oil treatment at least every other week
*Go through products before buying new ones
*Invest in satin pillowcases
*Stretch washes to every 3-4 days (currently I'm at 2-3, but the 3rd day is miserable)
*Discover my capillary schedule
*Take progress pictures the first of every month (And take them correctly! No more of these over-the-shoulder bathroom shots!)
*S&D more

:p It's a lot to undertake I think but If I go bit by bit, I'll see real progress by the end of 2021

Wow, the things they say about giving up new year's resolutions is true! Other than the last point, I have achieved NONE of this :laugh:

June 24th, 2021, 09:50 PM
>My goals are to continue trimming my ends to correct the massive shed I had from my surgery last November.
>Try to stretch washes again, my hair is getting extremely oily again, it's out of control.
>Use up my stash without buying anything new.
>Learn new hair styles, every day I just throw it up into a LWB.

June 25th, 2021, 05:59 AM
1) Finish the year at solid classic or fingertip length. If I manage this, I should be able to reach mid-thigh by the end of 2022.

2) Continue to lead a very healthy life, paying special attention to maintaining a healthy sleeping schedule and sleeping enough.

3) Abstain from bleaching, even highlights.

4) Keep tracking my product usage through the use-it-up challenge and keep working through my stash.

5) Don't buy any haircare "consumables" unless I actually need a product for that "slot". That means shampoos, conditioners, leave-ins, oils and such. Logically, the only kind of product I might need is a shampoo for my scalp, not containing either protein or coconut oil (or butters, but I avoid those anyway).

6) Improve my braiding skills.

7) Complete the first no-trimming challenge, then more or less maintain for the rest of the year.

8cooldude) Take seasonal length shots.

1) I might qualify to call classic (stretched), so this one shouldn't be an issue. I'm unsure when I'll continue onwards, though.

2) My sleeping has been a total mess! It's been super hard for me to maintain a healthy sleeping schedule, but other than that, I've lived very healthily. I finally started exercising, too!

3) Pretty sure this one will be just fine, although I am secretly entertaining the idea of getting some sort of minor highlights at some point.

4) Yep!

5) Although I've not bought any conditioner, I'd probably consider this one a fail just in case.

6) I guess? Sort of?

7) Yep, first one basically done at this point, and I intend to keep growing a little bit longer.

8) I haven't taken my summer shot yet, but yep.

June 25th, 2021, 07:06 AM
This sounds so weird...
In 2021, my goal is to get a haircut. :misskim:
Exactly when or how much, who knows?

:dies laughing:
Idk why I keep saying things like this.
Let's be real. I'm just never going to cut it, am I?

June 25th, 2021, 11:21 AM
* Microtrim to get a thicker hemlline, while still getting it longer
* S&D on a regular basis
* Variate my updos
* Learn new updos and braidstyles

* I think that I am rather maintaining and I am fine with that.
* S&D is going alright, but not as good as I wish :p
* Variating my updos is going alrigth.
* I am learning new stuff.

June 28th, 2021, 05:47 AM
In the interest of realism, I present the following goals:

– Reach BCL+ with a solid hem
– Nail down a solid, unfussy, seasonally-adjusted wash/care routine
– Learn a few more buns
– Stop sleeping with my hair down

Well, let's see where we are at the halfway point:

- This is on track, I'm there wet and almost there dry
- Yep, I think I'm good on this front, too
- ... not really, no, though I have been practicing making a rope-braided french braid
- lolol

June 28th, 2021, 06:28 AM
Oooh I'd forgotten about this thread!

1. Reach waist length with blunt ends DONE!
2. Trim at most twice trimmed at the start of the year, not planning to trim until December :o
3. Get and maintain some light face framing pieces Done :)
4. Try as get as many different buns as possible to work for me This one I need to work on, haven't tried any new buns so far :oops:

June 28th, 2021, 06:46 AM
Well…. I got nothing I guess I need new goals

updating mine

No trims 3 Months, if I succeed Extend it to 6 months and so on, to Hopefully not trim any more until the end of the year
( how about never Lol maybe second half I’ll do better)

Keep your split dye! you love it, get the blond side lightened every 12 weeks NO LESS! extend to 15 week or more if possible
(Lmao barely a week later and it was gone, I might get it back one day if I stop dyeing one half of my head loool)

Reach Shoulder by March/April final goal is to be almost APL by the end of the year
(Sorta but not quite, evened up some layers in May I’m barely SL even now, APL will possibly be a next year goal)

Leave the side shave alone for 6 months, no more bleaching that part until July, curious to see if my hair grows longer than it did the last 6 months and also see my natural color a while, you can touch up existing bleach parts with turquoise[/s]
(ROFL yeah that didn’t last then the mullet happened)

Oil monthly, Deep condition weekly, wash hair 2-3 times a week use up stash, no not buy any more products for the year unless its hair dying gloves or turquoise when I run out
(Side eyes my growing stash of things)

STOP changing your mind all the time and being bat shet crazy, leave alone which isn't broken!
( I’m sure being batty and mind changy is in my DNA )

Do not dye my hair with anything other than toners to netrualize the 34544 different colors that's in it,
( it’s safe to say that I’m hopeless with anything involving dye)

June 28th, 2021, 06:58 AM
Second half of 2021 Goals

#Dye roots only as needed
#No Trims for the rest of the year
#Reach CBL+

Just some small goals this half

July 1st, 2021, 01:06 PM
I want to reach APL by the end of 2021, not trim my hair and wear it up almost all the time once it gets close to APL. My goal is to reduce mechanical damage as much as possible for 2021.

6 month goal check in!

I started wearing my hair up as much as possible a few inches away from APL, I am only using a wide tooth comb, and so far I haven't trimmed. Im doing good. :)

July 1st, 2021, 03:06 PM
Scratch that; I decided I do want to grow. My goal for 2021 is to gain some length... :wannabe:

Oh, I forgot about this thread. 6 months in, I have +3". So far so good. Let's see if I can get to ankle when wet by New Year's.

I'm also going to add learn how to French/Dutch braid. I never did at shorter lengths, so now I'm massively knotting up my hair as I practice the motions. But it's slowly getting better.

I should maybe learn a new bun or two as well.

July 1st, 2021, 03:19 PM
Oh, I forgot about this thread. 6 months in, I have +3". So far so good. Let's see if I can get to ankle when wet by New Year's.

I'm also going to add learn how to French/Dutch braid. I never did at shorter lengths, so now I'm massively knotting up my hair as I practice the motions. But it's slowly getting better.

I should maybe learn a new bun or two as well.

If you figure out a way, especially starting at the hairline, please share. I've given it up for a while on myself although I'm thinking a large hook on the wall might be of some help in opening the loop needed when creating sections. Good luck!

July 2nd, 2021, 06:45 AM
If you figure out a way, especially starting at the hairline, please share. I've given it up for a while on myself although I'm thinking a large hook on the wall might be of some help in opening the loop needed when creating sections. Good luck!

That would have nightmarish complications if I tried that! I can visualise myself hanging from a hook on the wall from a knotted braid! :agape::couch:

Diana Prince
July 2nd, 2021, 09:27 AM
1. Only measure my hair once a month (every 15th of the month).

I've been a bit too obsessed over hair growth and I need to chill.

2. Take progress pictures every 3 months.

3. Reach APL.

Hopefully it will be longer than APL but probably not a new milestone.

4. No heat styling, except blow-drying on cool/medium setting if I truly need to. Since it's past shoulder length, my hair is not so puffy anymore so it looks better even if it's unstyled.

5. Only use silk scrunchies/invisibobble/claw clips. Nothing that tugs at my hair.

6. Don't trim until the end of the year.

7. Deep condition at least once a week.

8. Olaplex every week/every two weeks (as needed).

9. Finish up everything before buying new hair products.

I had this goal for a while and it goes smoothly. I only have 3 products that I don't like so I'm trying to finish them up as soon as possible. I will not make the mistake of bulk buying anymore as it takes quite a while to finish up everything.

10. Monitor my eating habits!

July 21st, 2021, 04:20 PM
If you figure out a way, especially starting at the hairline, please share. I've given it up for a while on myself although I'm thinking a large hook on the wall might be of some help in opening the loop needed when creating sections. Good luck!

I've made progress, and it is in fact possible to French/Dutch braid without colossal knotting. And no hooks necessary! :D

Here's what I've found works well to prevent tangles (when braiding from behind starting at the crown, but maybe it can still apply at the hairline)

After I've added to and crossed over a section, I lift up the new one on that side until I can see the ends in my mirror. If it's tangled up with the previous section, I pull it up and away, or bounce it up and down a few times. That tends to undo easy tangles. One hand holds the other two sections, so I always have a hand free to work the persistent ones if necessary. If I do that check after every crossover, I avoid the real scary knots.

In my practice, I found the motions of Dutch easier but got less tangles with French. I also tilted my head slightly back to better separate the braid from the loose hair, and that really reduced the learning curve. Now I'm figuring out the proper sectioning, but I'm past the hard part and it's doable and I LOVE it! :thumbsup:

July 22nd, 2021, 01:48 AM
I've made progress, and it is in fact possible to French/Dutch braid without colossal knotting. And no hooks necessary! :D

Here's what I've found works well to prevent tangles (when braiding from behind starting at the crown, but maybe it can still apply at the hairline)

After I've added to and crossed over a section, I lift up the new one on that side until I can see the ends in my mirror. If it's tangled up with the previous section, I pull it up and away, or bounce it up and down a few times. That tends to undo easy tangles. One hand holds the other two sections, so I always have a hand free to work the persistent ones if necessary. If I do that check after every crossover, I avoid the real scary knots.

In my practice, I found the motions of Dutch easier but got less tangles with French. I also tilted my head slightly back to better separate the braid from the loose hair, and that really reduced the learning curve. Now I'm figuring out the proper sectioning, but I'm past the hard part and it's doable and I LOVE it! :thumbsup:

That sounds promising! A free hand and gravity certainly help. Most of the time :p

Probably not a fair question to ask at this point but how long does it take you?

My goals this year are tp resolve some hair issues which have been bugging me for a long time, longer than I've been here. Next year (2022) I'll turn back to finishing my avatar!

July 22nd, 2021, 06:14 AM
Getting to APL and getting my routine right.
Still working on my routine but I feel like I'll be at APL by the end of the year.

July 22nd, 2021, 11:58 AM
That sounds promising! A free hand and gravity certainly help. Most of the time :p

Probably not a fair question to ask at this point but how long does it take you?

My goals this year are tp resolve some hair issues which have been bugging me for a long time, longer than I've been here. Next year (2022) I'll turn back to finishing my avatar!

About three minutes to do the woven part on the scalp + another couple to braid to the ends. Fast enough to not kill my arms anymore :lol:

July 22nd, 2021, 01:37 PM
About three minutes to do the woven part on the scalp + another couple to braid to the ends. Fast enough to not kill my arms anymore :lol:

WOW, that's really fast. You've truly amazing hair. The braid in my avatar was something I had just learned and took about half hour :embarrassed: While I've strong arms (I lift "weights" for hours daily) I just can't afford spending that kind of time right now. Manikins take about half the time (shorter hair) :p

July 22nd, 2021, 04:47 PM
WOW, that's really fast. You've truly amazing hair. The braid in my avatar was something I had just learned and took about half hour :embarrassed: While I've strong arms (I lift "weights" for hours daily) I just can't afford spending that kind of time right now. Manikins take about half the time (shorter hair) :p

Oh, when I tried to do my mom's BSL hair, it took a lot longer. So far I find them much easier to do on myself. I just needed to find the fingering that worked for me and to know when to pause and detangle. Then it was like second nature.
I seriously thought I could never do it, and then after years of failing, I got it very quickly :disbelief:joy:

I know what you mean about time though. Knots were the hurdle I needed to get over, solved through keeping the sections well separated by detangling after every pass. Once you don't have to deal with those, you only need to practice the pattern, and that can be done in smaller blocks of time. You'll get it for sure :)

July 22nd, 2021, 05:07 PM
Thanks for an important reminder, lapis! I have been lazy about detangling all the way to the ends with every stitch and it's so, so important! I only go a little way or skip detangling a stitch and I'm left with a huge mess and it takes me much longer in the end.

July 22nd, 2021, 06:43 PM
Oh, when I tried to do my mom's BSL hair, it took a lot longer. So far I find them much easier to do on myself. I just needed to find the fingering that worked for me and to know when to pause and detangle. Then it was like second nature.
I seriously thought I could never do it, and then after years of failing, I got it very quickly :disbelief:joy:

I know what you mean about time though. Knots were the hurdle I needed to get over, solved through keeping the sections well separated by detangling after every pass. Once you don't have to deal with those, you only need to practice the pattern, and that can be done in smaller blocks of time. You'll get it for sure :)

Brains work funny. Sometimes when you "can't" do something, it's good to take a break from trying and return later to find it's suddenly "easy". It's happened to me many times. I'm hoping it will again.

As my hair has gotten longer, fully separating the sections on the scalp at each stitch with only my one free hand, once a total nonissue, has become a MAJOR one. My hair, like your's, is too long to pull a hand all the way through it to cleanly separate a new section to stop back braiding. Mine's also kind of "fluffy" when it's dry and tangly when damp or wet so gravity doesn't help separation as much as it might. But maybe since your hair is longer and so heavier than mine is, currently, it works better for you. Gives me hope anyway :p

July 22nd, 2021, 10:29 PM
Setting goals kinda late in the year, but I just came back to LHC after a long hiatus.

My goal is BSL by the end of the year. Doesn't have to be solid or thick, just make it!

July 23rd, 2021, 01:50 AM
Good luck! I think this is also my goal :)

July 23rd, 2021, 10:05 AM
Re: detangling very long hair whilst braiding, I've seen a chopstick recommended for extra reach.

Carrie's hair
July 26th, 2021, 12:15 PM
Hmm, maybe I will also do a summary in the "half" of the challenge? Of course, half of it is long gone. Oh well...

1. Thicken hemline.
2. Create a hair cutting plan according to the moon. The first half was pretty good. I planned the best dates for cuts, dyes etc. For the second half I only have dyes, because I don't know if I will be cutting any more. For now, I am checking the dates on a regular basis, but maybe I will mobilize today and write it down.
3. If the thickening is going well, I want to keep growing my hair. I'm thinking about FTL. I'm going to FTL anyway :D
4. More herbal care and DIY cosmetics.I use my stocks of Ayurvedic herbs, collect horsetail, clover, nettle, chamomile and other plants that can be used for hair. I use Cassia regularly.
5. Learn a few updos.
6. Value what I already have more.Done
7. Take care of health.
8. Make great photos with my hair. Done

July 26th, 2021, 01:43 PM
1. TBL. This is could be possible, since I should start 2021 with ~36 inches and TBL with dry hair is ~40 inches (I'm a slow grower).
2. Stretch washes. I know I need it, my scalp need it, but I need to stop myself doing it just because it relaxs me. I aim for 5 days without washing.
3. Keep my hair up or in braids more and increase braiding skills.

This will not happen, my hair is to heavy for my sensitive scalp to wear it up so often.

July 26th, 2021, 02:26 PM
Rest of 2021:

1) No more trims to maintain a blunt hemline because I really prefer maintaining my growth right now.
2) Keeping my hair consistently in a bun so I don't notice the hemline as much. Self-discipline! :whip:

July 26th, 2021, 03:06 PM
My goals for the year

Drink More Water

Take better care of my self by eating more and eating healthy Be more cautious about what I put in my body make sure it will benefit me and my health
Grow out my hair . Goal Tail Bone Length and Beyond that . We will see

August 13th, 2021, 08:05 AM
My goals for 2021:
* Reach waist length
* Drink lots of water
* No trims
* Protective styles as much as possible!

August 16th, 2021, 04:27 PM
I've just been over on the mini-milestone excitedly sharing my progress. That made me think- what will be my next mini-milestone... the cinna-bun. I hope to be able to create one in my hair before the end of the year. Usually I can do one just past SL. Things may be different this time around though! So I will have to wait and see.

August 21st, 2021, 06:29 PM
updating mine

• No trims 3 Months, if I succeed Extend it to 6 months and so on, to Hopefully not trim any more until the end of the year
• Keep your split dye! you love it, get the blond side lightened every 12 weeks NO LESS! extend to 15 week or more if possible
• Reach Shoulder by March/April final goal is to be almost APL by the end of the year
• Leave the side shave alone for 6 months, no more bleaching that part until July, curious to see if my hair grows longer than it did the last 6 months and also see my natural color a while, you can touch up existing bleach parts with turquoise
• Oil monthly, Deep condition weekly, wash hair 2-3 times a week use up stash, no not buy any more products for the year (unless its hair dying gloves or turquoise when I run out)
• STOP changing your mind all the time and being bat shet crazy, leave alone which isn't broken!
Do not dye my hair with anything other than toners to netrualize the 34544 different colors that's in it,

strike is failed goals and bold is for added ones

Most of this is a disaster but so far I made it with 3 months no trims and I'm past shoulder now but nowhere near apl I'm hoping to get too cbl by the end of December

August 22nd, 2021, 05:26 PM
I'd really like to reach chest level (I think thats a little bit above BSL) (I am at APL right now) I feel like when I reach that I will feel a lot more content with my hair and feel fully in my feminine. It was there before my last "trim" which brought me up to APL but its now all virgin so I feel happy about that. The damage was really hideous but I miss the lengths ;")

August 23rd, 2021, 03:58 PM
1. Join the 2021 12 month no trim challenge. Swapped to the 6 month challenges, so that I could trim after 6 months.

2. Learn how to trim my own hair. Have now trimmed my hair twice, using a combination of Feye’s and Spidermon’s methods.

3. Start S & D in between trims. Done 3 S & D so far, which is helping to stop me doing full trims!

4. Grow out layers completely to achieve a blunt hemline. Thickness is travelling down, but not yet to the ends.

5. Invest in oils to make overnight hair masks and to seal moisture in. Started using Babassu oil as an alternative to coconut, as it’s much lighter and less greasy, and use jojoba oil as a sealant. Love the result, as it makes my hair soft, silky and shiny, defining my waves. I’m now going to try adding a mixture of olive, wheatgerm and rosemary oils to babassu oil.

6. Start deep conditioning. Purchased Garnier super food blends 3 in 1 to use every other wash. Makes my hair soft, shiny and defines my waves.

7. Reach hip or BCL. Passed waist, but not ready to call hip yet.

August 23rd, 2021, 07:15 PM
1. learn protective styles and use them most of the time
2. get to BSL, which should be possible considering I'm at 16.5" now and with a normal growth rate means I should be at 22.5" by this time next year, and BSL on me is ~20-21" depending on the bra.
3. experiment with natural herbs and products to figure out what works for me, then establish a routine
4. get some hair toys

1. Doing okay- I've learnt the styles and use them regularly, but I still wear my hair down or in a messy scrunchie bun too much.
2. I will definitely achieve this one soon!! I think I'll officially call BSL/MBL by the end of September or October.
3. I have the herbs but honestly they are a pain in the butt and I am lazy 🙃 I don't wash nearly enough to make a batch for the week so... I tried! I still use them for masks and such semi-often. Henna was also a bust. I am bailing on this goal.
4. Accomplished- thanks swap board!

August 24th, 2021, 06:36 AM
I think I'm going to review one of my goals, according to my growth chart I'll reach bsl by Jul-21 and WL by Feb-22 so I think it wouldn't be too far fechet to aim for WL by the end of 2021 given that I'm not planning to trim at all :D
So my new goals are:

No trimming for the whole year.
Reach WL
S&D as needed.
Learn at least 4 new go-to updos.
Wear My hair up 90% of the year
Take monthly pictures

Time for my check in.

No trimming for the whole year.
Doing good on this one so far, but oh man I'm starting to get the urges to cut after almost 3 years
Reach WL
On my way to this, already passed BSL and WL is 7cm away. I hope I can make it before the end of the year
S&D as needed.
Yup, mostly single strand nods
Learn at least 4 new go-to updos.
I need to catch up on this one. I started using the LWB and the disc bun from time to time but I wouldn't consider those go-to updor
Wear My hair up 90% of the year
I wore my hair down most of june but I still consider myself on track for this
Take monthly pictures
The only one I've been following religiously :p

August 24th, 2021, 08:39 PM
I don't have a ton of lofty goals as I'll have a newborn in March lol. Just getting through the year in one piece will be enough for me. :)

1. Going for no trim 2021-- I'm joining the half year challenges to leave open the possibility of needing to trim due to evening up whatever happens with my postpartum shed, but as I've just done a trim and my ends are reasonable, I think just S&D will be enough for the year.
2. Take better hair pics-- my spouse is fine with doing my quarterly length shots (I just don't have it in me to do monthly lol) but I'd like to have more and better shots of the different styles I wear throughout the week.
3. I think I'll be able to make it to true tailbone by the end of the year! That would be awesome and longer than it's ever been. :joy:
4. Find a routine that works for my longer length-- I have been trying a lot of different things in the past few months to combat some shower tangles and general routine issues, so it would be nice to settle on a simple routine I can maintain while growing.

1. On track for no trim for the full year of 2021, it’s been fairly easy as expected. I never have the urge to cut tbqh.

2. This I haven’t done for personal life reasons :)

3. I’ll definitely be at tailbone by the holidays!

4. Kinda I guess? My scalp has been gradually pickier and pickier over the past year and I definitely wash more often than I’d like because my scalp gets itchy and sore. That’s my whole routine at the moment. I’d like to get back to doing a deep condition every other wash day or so, but I haven’t had a chance to work that back into my schedule.

August 29th, 2021, 06:46 AM
Get it mid-back length
Get it looking healthy and not dry
don't lose any length

August 29th, 2021, 10:22 AM
My hair goal for 2021 was to get my hair back to the length it was before I cut it, but with a nicer hemline.

So far, so good. My hair was like an inch below most bra straps and I'm touching the top or middle of most now with four months of growth left. I think I can do it!

August 31st, 2021, 05:36 PM
I recently started taking medicine that causes hair loss, so my only goal is not to loose hair, since it's already fine :/

September 25th, 2021, 04:24 AM
All my hair plans went out the window, my goal now is to ignore that I have hair

September 25th, 2021, 01:16 PM
1. No trimming 2021, although I am considering an end of 2020 trim to make the hemline a little more robust before I start.
2. Reach TBL. I think this is possible, although I don't know really how fast my hair grows since I've only been measuring for a couple of months.
3. Sort out my care routine so that both my hair and scalp are happy. Hair not dry and brittle - scalp not itchy. The changes I've made since August have already given amazing results. I can't wait to see what can happen with a year of good care!
Checking in.
1. On target. The ends are getting a little wispy, and I'll be glad for a trim at the end of the year.
2. Getting very close now. I think this is definitely going to happen.
3. Started doing more of the curly girl method and am very happy with the results. Scalp still gets itchy after a couple of days, but much better overall!

September 25th, 2021, 07:54 PM
1.Reach solid waist
2. Maintain to trim out some overgrown layers

September 25th, 2021, 09:36 PM
I think I'll start a hair journal for 2021. I didn't realize how often I'd want to look back at the last few months of hair when I started growing!

I'm also going to try wearing it up/back more often. I like having my hair loose, but I don't want to cause unnecessary damage.

As for length...I think I'll hit BSL by the end of 2020. I'm shooting for waist in 2021.

Well, the hair journal still hasn't happened but at this point I'm basically doing benign neglect so I don't really care.

I have been wearing it in braids and buns semi-frequently, though still down a bit more that I probably should.

And I already passed waist, I think I'm going to reach hip by the end of the year!