View Full Version : Half-bald ponytails

September 20th, 2020, 06:30 PM
So my dad hasn't cut his hair since quarantine started. Its getting kinda shaggy now, and he's talking about growing a ponytail again like he did in the 90s. The difference is the crown of his head is bald now, and he can't decide whether that's a deal-breaker for him or not. He's a bit self-conscious, and every bit of advice he's ever gotten regarding balding seems to boil down to "just shave the rest."

I figured I'd just check to see if there are any semi-bald men around here with some wisdom to pass along to him.

September 20th, 2020, 07:37 PM
Watch Avatar: the Last Airbender. Plenty of (drawn) men in there that are balding on top with long hair in back. I see no reason why one should have to shave off everything just because some of the hair isn't growing anymore unless that's what they want. Most balding on top men have plenty of hair around the sides and back still.

My only recommendation is to figure out styles for the awkward in between lengths to help it look intentional and not looking like "really needs a haircut". (I'm not a balding man, just someone who believes in everyone being able to wear hair long even if they don't have a full head of hair.)

September 21st, 2020, 07:23 AM
My DH has a lovely sbl pony and is quite bald on top with just a few strands left at the front hairline. I love it and would be sad if he shaved it all off. He identifies strongly with his long hair, so I think it would probably be a little traumatic for him, too. I don't think crown baldness is a deal breaker at all for your dad. If he wants the pony back, he should go for it!

September 21st, 2020, 11:23 AM
I think there are plenty of half bald men with pony tails. I know one and he always wears a baseball cap with the pony out of the hole in the back. Encourage him to just try it.

September 21st, 2020, 11:29 AM
I don't think a half bald head pony would look bad!
The only thing I think looks bad on guys is a super obvious mostly bald comb over

September 22nd, 2020, 05:51 AM
my husband has bald top and thin hair.
so now even men are starting to bash on other men to cut their hair; like women do?
sad bored society we live in.

September 22nd, 2020, 08:56 AM
my husband has bald top and thin hair.
so now even men are starting to bash on other men to cut their hair; like women do?
sad bored society we live in.

I think this has been going on for a long time. Men face a lot of self-image issues but they are just usually different than women's so we don't notice their struggles. As women, I think we just expect that men will probably eventually go bald so whatever. But for them I think it is a much bigger deal.

As for the OP, I am not a huge fan of the half bald ponytail. Even less the comb over someone else mentioned. However, it doesn't actually affect me and is purely a matter of personal taste. If your dad wants to wear a ponytail with whatever hair he has left, tell him not to waste his time considering the opinions of people like me and just do what he likes.

My dad has that Sam Elliott hair and mustache combination. I think it has pretty much been a longer or shorter version of exactly this (aside from his time in service) his whole life. My mom cuts it back for him here and there or he goes somewhere to have it done, and then he just lets it go until it gets in his face too much. We tease him about it because that's the kind of family we have, but we all recognize that that is his thing and part of his identity. We tease him about the mustache too, but he looks horrible without it as it has become a part of his face. He does what he wants and he's happy with it.

September 22nd, 2020, 09:24 AM
I'm not a fan either, but I don't think anything of it when I see men (or women) with hair I don't like - it's purely personal and subjective, and I do think your dad should do what he likes with his hair. If it makes him feel good and he enjoys his hair, why not? I don't particularly care what others think of my hair, and I agree with GoddesJourney - ignore us and do what pleases himself. I'm 65 and that's a lesson I should have learned when I was in my twenties, lol. Tell him to have fun with his hair. I do.

September 22nd, 2020, 09:37 AM
My dad is a short-haired kind of guy. With quarantine now he could not get to the barber and I had gotten rid of my clippers (that I used in my 20s) a *long* time ago. We managed to get some in our Lidl (and in the mean time bought a second pair as back-up it's going that great here at home), and they are freakin' amazing!

We will soon be doing his hair for the 4th time here, and he loves it so much he won't go to his barber again!

If all else fails, there's always the clippers, and you can do so many cuts yourself, just take out a day for watching YT channels on doing a good cut, pause, repeat, pause, watch it a number of times, and soon the hand-settings and clipper ways will be second nature to you.

But I say, if he wants to grow it out, let him. There are plenty of bald men with ponytails!

September 22nd, 2020, 01:02 PM
Watch Avatar: the Last Airbender. Plenty of (drawn) men in there that are balding on top with long hair in back.

What a great excuse to sit him down to watch it! I've been telling my dad for ages that he should watch Avatar!

September 22nd, 2020, 03:07 PM
How great that your Dad is growing his hair :)

It’s a shame there aren’t more bald with long hair longhairs here speaking for themselves.

My SO has bsl length 3a ringlets and a bald head. He’s really enjoying his long hair. He had long hair in his 20/30s but never knew how to care for his curls so it was always poofy and large from shampoo no conditioner, and brushing.

He gets more compliments than I do, his curls are getting really healthy now (thanks lhc). Now he’s enjoying CO with pre oiling, and only combs it before washing. It’s simple and works a treat.

He wears a single plait for day to day, recently with the end kind of weaves back upwards to save the ends. He has it down when we go out.

September 24th, 2020, 01:59 AM
I think a half-bald ponytail looks pretty badass.

September 24th, 2020, 02:46 AM
It works for Fleetwood Mac:) my cousin had long hair for about 10 years then shaved it all off when he started balding. It's just a personal preference and if he likes it then go for it!

September 30th, 2020, 06:26 AM
I like hair of any kind and I think your dad should give it a try! My neighbor has a half bald ponytail that has grown to waist length this year and I smile every time I see him working in the yard with a new style. Sometimes it's braided, other times it's in a bun or a low pony. His wife and daughter style it for him and I think it is really sweet!

September 30th, 2020, 12:23 PM
In my real life experience, people who say anything about the Ben Franklin pony are jerks anyway. So why care?
It’s a time to play with what you have got.

Tell him I hope he has fun.

September 30th, 2020, 01:07 PM
What a great excuse to sit him down to watch it! I've been telling my dad for ages that he should watch Avatar!

Sounds perfect!

September 30th, 2020, 02:10 PM
It reminds me of samurai hairstyles to be honest and I’m completely okay with that

Jo Ann
September 30th, 2020, 10:22 PM
Watch Avatar: the Last Airbender. Plenty of (drawn) men in there that are balding on top with long hair in back.

What a great excuse to sit him down to watch it! I've been telling my dad for ages that he should watch Avatar!

Uncle Iroh ROCKED!!


October 1st, 2020, 02:02 AM
A shaved head is not for everybody. I think usually larger guys look better with them. I think ponytail for balding guys are fine. Even buns are fine. :D My DH isn't bald yet but his hair on top is rather thin. You should introduce velvet scrunchies to your dad. My three long-haired dudes didn't know how they lived without them.