View Full Version : Protein moisture balance on over processed hair

August 16th, 2020, 08:15 AM
Hello, I'm new to this forum! I've been reading posts for over a month and it has really helped me but I'm in desperate need of advice!

My hair stylist fried my hair while doing balayage. I bawled my eyes out for days, got a haircut and now I'm trying to make my hair feel better while I'm growing it out.

I've been using Olaplex No 3 (and had a stand alone treatment) and I've been trying to add protein and moisture back into my hair but I'm having a little trouble balancing them out.

So far I have used Aphogee's two step treatment twice (4 1/2 weeks in between) and it seems like it really does help my hair and get rid of the gumminess/mushiness I had in the begining (both times I made sure to deep condition my hair afterwards). I've been looking into a protein treatment that I can use more often since you're supposed to use Aphogee's two step treatment every 6 to 8 weeks, so I bought Joico K Pak Deep Reconstruct, but I haven't tried it yet.

About two weeks ago I went to get a hair treatment at a salon (Oway's Rebuilding treatment) and the next day my hair felt soooo dry. It had Ceramides F and Hyalominerals and also some mild protein. The next wash I made sure to put moisture back into my hair (I used As I am Hydration Elation hair mask, it doesn't have any protein in it) but my hair still feels so dry. :( It also feels very weak when it's wet and I want to use more protein, but I'm scared of over doing it and ending up with protein overload (or extremely dry hair).

I also read that over moisturizing your hair can also make it mushy and now I'm scared of over doing it too. How would I be able to tell if it's mushy because of damage vs too much moisture?

Here's the list of all the products I've been using: Aussie 3 minute miracle repair, Olaplex No 3, 6 and 7, As I am Hydration Elation, Aussie's deep reconstruct oil (Jojoba, Castor and Avocado oil blend). I've also used Aphogee's 2 step treatment twice and have yet to try Joico K Pak.

I also haven't noticed a difference with Olaplex No 3 (it was sold to me by the hair dresser that damaged my hair). I've been using it once a week (sometimes twice) for 6 weeks. Should I just ditch it? I was also wondering if a clarifying shampoo would help my hair or if it would make it worse (since I'm applying so many things to it).

I'm very tempted to use Joico K Pak and add protein but I'm scared since my hair feels so dry right now (which it didn't in the beginning), but I'm also scared of over moisturizing it. How can I find the right balance? Any advice is appreciated!

PS: I keep on getting regular trims and cutting out all the damage as I'm growing it out.

August 16th, 2020, 10:36 AM
Overmoisturising (hygral fatigue) is treated with protein, and protein overload is treated with moisture. They short of counter each other, but indeed, both are needed when it comes to damaged hair. Sometimes, however, hair is so far gone that you simply cannot make it feel nice, no matter what you do. Does all of your hair feel dry or just the damaged bits? I would probably recommend easing up on the protein and focusing on moisture instead, with protein being an occasional treatment. You will learn your own hair's schedule through experimentation.

August 16th, 2020, 12:01 PM
Thank you! I just washed it and when I towel dried it my hair felt stronger and it seemed like it's wet state had improved. I was even getting excited. Then I put Olaplex No 3, let it sit for an hour, rinsed it off and then I deep conditioned using Aussie's 3 minute miracle and As I am hydration elation. I towel dried it and it felt mushy again! :( So I guess I over moisturized it? My wet hair felt better before using conditioner. I'm going to use protein next time since I feel like I really need it and then deep condition to balance the dryness. I'm also going to put oils when it's dry, that seems to help a lot. I guess it's just a matter of finding the right balance :)

August 16th, 2020, 03:53 PM
There are a lot of deep treatments going on here.

I haven't used Olaplex 3 (so please tell me if I'm wrong), but isn't it a protein treatment? So your last wash you applied a protein treatment followed by moisturizing treatment.

Your planning to do another protein treatment and moisturizing treatment next time you wash?

It can be tricky to figure out what your hair likes/needs with so much going on.

Sometimes the most simple schedules really are best.

And time is defintely your friend here!

Believe me I understand the desire to fix damaged hair. I've bleached my hair to the point that it was like chewing gum when wet. I couldn't touch it otherwise it would stretch and break.

So I stretched time between washes, because when hair is wet its fragile. Over time it got better. I was using a kerastase mask every 3 or so washes. But there was no bringing back that virgin hair feeling. But it looked way better with time! And eventually I could comb it again when it was wet.

August 16th, 2020, 04:07 PM
I haven't used Olaplex 3 (so please tell me if I'm wrong), but isn't it a protein treatment? So your last wash you applied a protein treatment followed by moisturizing treatment.

Olaplex is a bond-building product. There's no protein in it.

August 16th, 2020, 04:19 PM
Olaplex is a bond-building product. There's no protein in it.

Thanks for clarifying :blossom:

Jo Ann
August 16th, 2020, 09:44 PM
Primrose14, you might have quite a bit of build-up on your hair, with all the treatments you've been using.

I would suggest using a clarifying shampoo (Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo is good and cheap) and follow it up with a deep moisturizing treatment.

I would try a less intensive protein treatment as a pre-wash treatment, like your Joico K-Pak reconstructor, followed by a deep moisturizing treatment every 3-4 weeks and see if that helps. Save the more intensive treatments for when you really need it. From what I gather, you've gotten most of the damage removed, so you shouldn't have to follow such a rigorous protein plan.

If your hair is dry, try following a WCC or CWC regimen (Wash, Condition, Condition and Condition, Wash, Condition, respectively) and/or a rinse-out oil (ROO) between your shampoo and conditioner and see if that helps. Also, a LOC/LCO (leave-in conditioner, oil, cream or leave-in conditioner, cream, oil, respectively) can help (but you might not need the cream) to lock in moisture. The threads ROO and LOC/LCO are in Lapushka's signature, and she's pretty easy to find on here! I've done bleach and other stuff to my hair and the WCC, ROO and LOC/LCO have sure helped get my hair in better condition!

Good luck!

August 16th, 2020, 10:30 PM
Do you live in an area with hard water? Damaged hair generally is more prone to mineral build-up which can also cause a "dry" feel. You could clarify with Malibu C Hard Water Wellness shampoo or Sally's Ion Hard water and do a good deep conditioner afterwards. You could also do an ACV rinse but I suggest you to dilute it sufficiently (start slow with 2% dilution).

August 17th, 2020, 07:53 AM
I agree with all above posters:) Easy on the treatments so you can figure out what your hair needs but properly.

I would like to add that you might benefit from a schedule. Like the capillary schedule that’s popular on Instagram. Perhaps that is too much of a hassle for you so if you get overwhelmed by it, stick to moisture and protein, but make a schedule for yourself. Again, knowing what your hair needs will greatly benefit you here:)

August 17th, 2020, 08:59 AM
Honest advice, pick a protein treatment to do rarely and a decent conditioner that gives you slip. Apply some sort of very slippery leave in to your damaged ends and then focus on leaving your hair alone. Wear some updos like braids or buns. I've spent a long time growing out bleach damage and still have some lightened hair but got rid of the worst of it. What made me feel so much better was just chopping off as much as I could stomach eventually. But that is really up to you. Otherwise, I'd leave you hair alone and ignore it as much as you can.

August 21st, 2020, 10:12 PM
not sure if they make it anymore but when I had mushy hair I used elvive Keratin shampoo and conditioner, that fixed my hair, stopped the cotton candy dusting but i'm no expert, though this was 10 years ago so they may have discontinued it