View Full Version : Wearing hats over hair - how do?

June 30th, 2020, 01:00 PM
It's summer. My skin has very little melanin. I need hats with brims.

But it's hard to wear hats when my hair is up. Buns are the worst, but even updos that have the hair more dispersed across my head are still hard to wear hats over.

Anyone got examples of hairdos that work well? Or hats that work well? Or just general advice on how to manage this?

June 30th, 2020, 01:24 PM
Do you need a hat with the brim all the way around? If not a baseball cap with the hole at the back where the strap adjusts might work. I put my hair in a pony or a braid then fasten the hat strap around the pony / braid so the hair's outside the cap.

June 30th, 2020, 01:43 PM
I wear a low bun & that seems to work

June 30th, 2020, 02:06 PM
I second the suggestion of a (baseball) cap: mine actually fits over my puny bun, but without too uch effort I can have the bun fully stick out through the gap in the back. I wanted a wider brim so I recently purchased a visor like this off Aliexpress (still on its way):


June 30th, 2020, 02:36 PM
I just got a hat this summer that has a brim all the way around and has a hole in the back for hair, similar to what a baseball cap has. I've used it for hiking and I love it. It's not really helpful in protecting your hair from the sun, but it works really well to keep the sun off your skin and hair out of the way.

https://i.postimg.cc/tC7jSxx9/Hat-for-hair.jpg (https://postimg.cc/D8VHmm6N)

Link to amazon where I got it. There were many versions of the same thing, so I'm sure you could find it elsewhere if you so desire. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q6XH3R8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

June 30th, 2020, 02:52 PM
Maybe these could interest you
https://es.aliexpress.com/item/33000584214.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1ea35b8 1sbOrym&algo_pvid=cf5ea336-b9f6-4ad9-bc8d-20ac19d41b68&algo_expid=cf5ea336-b9f6-4ad9-bc8d-20ac19d41b68-11&btsid=0b0a0ad815935502472136497ef470&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb 201603_
https://es.aliexpress.com/item/4001080302246.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1ea35 b81sbOrym&algo_pvid=cf5ea336-b9f6-4ad9-bc8d-20ac19d41b68&algo_expid=cf5ea336-b9f6-4ad9-bc8d-20ac19d41b68-10&btsid=0b0a0ad815935502472136497ef470&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb 201603_
https://es.aliexpress.com/item/4000226396227.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1ea35 b81sbOrym&algo_pvid=cf5ea336-b9f6-4ad9-bc8d-20ac19d41b68&algo_expid=cf5ea336-b9f6-4ad9-bc8d-20ac19d41b68-19&btsid=0b0a0ad815935502472136497ef470&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb 201603_

Remember that Aliexpress has solutions for everything xd

June 30th, 2020, 02:58 PM
Does it help to buy a bigger hat that you can secure with a shawl or strap? That way you can put your hair under the hat in a dispersed style

June 30th, 2020, 04:17 PM
This is something I struggled with for a long time too.

I have a wraparound visor that is meant to actually touch in back but I have a huge head so it doesn't really. It's basically a paper braided hat minus the crown. I replaced the velcro closure in the back with fabric ties as I would pair it with a soft headscarf but the velcro was eating my scarves and my hair. I think the visor would work well with a topknot bun or very high ponytail. I like to wear relatively high buns but not quite topknots, and that tilts the whole thing back so it looks more like a bonnet that a hat :/ Oh well.

My neighbor wears large brimmed cotton hats with a very low bun so it sits below the brim of the hat. Low buns make me feel like I can't lift my head because it presses against my neck, so some head and neck anatomy may also be involved with what works for your hair and hats.

A bee butt chignon style at the nape might work to stay out of the way of hats.

If you want a bun that's at the direct back of your head you may need to go with a very flat/shallow hat that may require a hatpin. Especially styles that tilt up in back. I have no idea where to get such a hat these days, it's a very much older style, but if you can find it I think that would work.

June 30th, 2020, 05:21 PM
Just this summer I've started wearing visors. They work well with buns unless it's a super low bun, which I don't prefer anyway because it tickles my neck. Also works with double buns, and I've even gotten them to fit over milkmaid braids.

June 30th, 2020, 06:34 PM
I have a straw hat from Colonial Williamsburg. It sits on the top of my head and is secured by ribbons tied under the bun (or chin if you prefer) and/or hatpins. It does not interfere with my buns at all. It has a very wide brim and is great for sun protection. You can find similar straw hats online by looking for 18th century shallow crown straw hats.

June 30th, 2020, 06:53 PM
I've always used a floppy army hat SMASHED over my low bun, but even that tilts the hat forward a bit and leaves your neck exposed. Last year I made a sunbonnet that has fabric down the back. I look rediculus, but I live in the country with a lot of outdoor work to do. The neighbors can just try not to look.

June 30th, 2020, 07:16 PM
I’ve got baseball hats that I put my ponytail through. Bun would be too big I’ve got ear muffs for the winter and wool hats with a hole in the back for my bun. I’ve got visor hats like the one pictured in this thread which I prefer. Full hats make my head sweat too much. My head/hair needs to breathe or it’s gets all itchy.

June 30th, 2020, 07:23 PM
Low buns work with all my big brimmed hats. If you are having trouble getting a bun low enough and stable, try something braided. Spidermom's Bun is one of my favorites because it is long and narrow.

As others have said, visors are a good option for high buns.

June 30th, 2020, 09:46 PM
High, flat bun sitting right up on top so the hat sits on the bun as well. After some trial and error, I have better luck with high buns instead of low buns.

I’m also making myself a hat that will have space in the crown for both bun and hair stick/fork. This is a slightly more extreme option and I can’t really recommend it.

Wildcat Diva
June 30th, 2020, 10:58 PM

Some of the photos in the first pages are gone, but there’s a photo Towards the end of the thread showing up.

June 30th, 2020, 11:03 PM
I wear scarves more often than hats, but I do have one garden-type hat with ties that works well; the hat is fairly loose, and I can tie it at whatever works best. For most hats, I find it easier to wear braids than a bun.

June 30th, 2020, 11:40 PM
I always use a baseball cap with a pony tail or a braid, but I don’t like how hot and sweaty baseball caps get in our high humidity summers.

I have ordered this https://a.aliexpress.com/_BUK9WT because I would love to be able to wear a bun, the top is open for breathability and the brim is wider so extra sun protection. I just hope it will arrive before summer is over :D

July 1st, 2020, 12:44 AM
I'm a fan of English braids under wide brimmed hats.

July 1st, 2020, 01:16 AM
Hats! I like hats.

-I have a baseball cap with the back part cut off and lined, that looks pretty nifty. I bought it from an online shop (I don't remember which offhand,) but I remember thinking the quality wasn't that great for the price... it would have been just as easy to trim one yourself I think. Buns fit great in it.
But I'm not sure where I put it, if I can dig around and find it I'll take a picture for you tomorrow!

-I also have a wider brimmed visor with a very large opening, like some of the previous posters talked about. I use that for walking the dog sometimes. I don't remember where I got this one. Buns fit great in it too.

-Reading about the hat pins posted earlier in this thread, I would love some of those too, lol. I've been tempted to buy some before, because I've seen some really nice ones on ebay and most of them are inexpensive- but I'm not sure what kind of hat I could wear with it.

I googled hatpin in hat and this pic came up: I do like how it holds onto the bun!

July 1st, 2020, 01:19 AM
I have a straw hat from Colonial Williamsburg. It sits on the top of my head and is secured by ribbons tied under the bun (or chin if you prefer) and/or hatpins. It does not interfere with my buns at all. It has a very wide brim and is great for sun protection. You can find similar straw hats online by looking for 18th century shallow crown straw hats.

This is a wonderful idea. The description reminds me of a Bergère hat (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berg%C3%A8re_hat) - I wonder if this was the hat style worn in Williamsburg.

Here's an article showing good ribbon placement behind the bun:

The hat allows more airflow around the head and likely feels cooler than a hat which stays close to the scalp all the way around. I'd be tempted to buy one myself if British weather allowed more than 10 days per year on which to wear it...

I'm a fan of English braids under wide brimmed hats.

This is what I do, as my hair isn't too long for it yet.

July 1st, 2020, 08:59 AM
I like for my hat to protect my hair from the sun, too, so although I've used the baseball hat suggestion, I don't favor it. Buying the hat a little big so that it fits over milkmaid braids works well; that's what I wore for my walk this morning. I also have a more delicate hat that I pin into place with 2 hat pins. The brim in the back sits right on a bun, and I pin it to the bun.

July 1st, 2020, 10:09 AM
I have a baseball cap with the rear opening for a ponytail, which I pull through and then make a bun around the opening just the same as if I wasn't wearing the cap - the bun sits outside the back strap.

July 1st, 2020, 11:56 AM
I have a baseball cap with the rear opening for a ponytail, which I pull through and then make a bun around the opening just the same as if I wasn't wearing the cap - the bun sits outside the back strap.

I do that, too. Doesn't even take a minute.

If I have two minutes I sometimes use a scarf. I cover the upper head with it first and then I cross the ends underneath the bun and wrap them around the base of the bun, basically like additional hairstrands. Makes the bun look massive. But it's the same principle: Head is covered, bun is sticking out.

July 1st, 2020, 03:41 PM
Hats! I like hats.
-Reading about the hat pins posted earlier in this thread, I would love some of those too, lol. I've been tempted to buy some before, because I've seen some really nice ones on ebay and most of them are inexpensive- but I'm not sure what kind of hat I could wear with it.

I googled hatpin in hat and this pic came up: I do like how it holds onto the bun!

I have also skewered hat pins into fake crown braids and into bandanas, scarves, or caps when my hair isn't positioned to do it as the picture shows.

This is a wonderful idea. The description reminds me of a Bergère hat (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berg%C3%A8re_hat) - I wonder if this was the hat style worn in Williamsburg.

Here's an article showing good ribbon placement behind the bun:

The hat allows more airflow around the head and likely feels cooler than a hat which stays close to the scalp all the way around. I'd be tempted to buy one myself if Brisith weather allowed more than 10 days per year on which to wear it...

This is what I do, as my hair isn't too long for it yet.

Those hats looks like what I have.

July 1st, 2020, 06:54 PM
I just got a hat this summer that has a brim all the way around and has a hole in the back for hair, similar to what a baseball cap has. I've used it for hiking and I love it. It's not really helpful in protecting your hair from the sun, but it works really well to keep the sun off your skin and hair out of the way.

https://i.postimg.cc/tC7jSxx9/Hat-for-hair.jpg (https://postimg.cc/D8VHmm6N)

Link to amazon where I got it. There were many versions of the same thing, so I'm sure you could find it elsewhere if you so desire. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q6XH3R8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

Thanks for this. I used it as a jumping off link to get this:


July 12th, 2020, 09:09 PM
I googled hatpin in hat and this pic came up: I do like how it holds onto the bun!

Now that's interesting

July 13th, 2020, 06:33 AM
I wear a high bun with a bucket hat with a chin strap while working in the yard or on the boat. Sometimes I even coat my length with deep conditioner, wrap the bun with plastic wrap and throw the hat over it and let the heat of the sun do it's thing. Moisturizing treatment while mowing the grass is a win lol!

August 21st, 2020, 03:13 PM
Since mid-March, I have literally left home six times: once for the ride when Mum delivered eggs, twice for medical appointments, and three times for a wander in the countryside in good weather. Of those three wanders, I've been slightly burned on my forehead twice, and after the second one yesterday I remembered this thread and have finally got round to doing anything about it! So I've ordered one of these
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Women-Visor-Hat-Summer-Sun-Beach-Ladies-Foldable-Wide-Brim-Cap-UV-Protecter-TO/153706631339?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.S EED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D225076%26meid%3D4f87005aca7d4 95f9bbdf9cd7ccd851f%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D1%26rkt% 3D15%26mehot%3Dnone%26sd%3D153706631339%26itm%3D15 3706631339%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2380057%26br and%3DUnbranded&_trksid=p2380057.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3A125e6bf3-e3f2-11ea-99d6-74dbd1807b82%7Cparentrq%3A12d76b431740aa47a78d2009 ffffffe2%7Ciid%3A1

And one of these
Whether we'll have any sunshine again after even the first one arrives, who knows? But after the second burning I knew I had to get on and buy something (it was barely warm enough to take off my cardigan which is why I didn't bother with sunscreen, but I also got a massive headache from squinting so even if I hadn't burned I was still thinking of getting some type of visor).

In my searching, I also found these cool 2-in-1 hats! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Summer-Fashion-Bowk-Big-Visor-Cap-Beach-Sun-Hat-Rose-red-O1E2/293634346125?_trksid=p2485497.m4902.l9144
The crown unzips, so you can have a full hat or a visor, whichever you prefer

Anyway, I mainly wanted to share that one, because I thought that type of option was cool :)

[Hat-tip (heh heh heh :lol:) to Lady Stardust for finding this thread again for me!]

Apologies if those pics show up huge :bigeyes:

Edit: I think they probably both have Velcro, so although my bun isn't huge it could still be a problem - I like the idea mentioned of using fabric ties instead. That might be much easier to adjust under a bun anyway.

August 21st, 2020, 03:32 PM
Hat on a stick? I have a parasol that I love. It’s more cumbersome than a hat, but bun friendly with added bonus of providing shade to arms and shoulders. Very useful for times when I just want to pop out without going to the bother of putting on sunscreen.

August 21st, 2020, 03:33 PM
When it’s hot and sunny I wear a microfibre Buff in a legionnaire style. Protects the scalp, no tangles and can morph into a scrunchie or headband when needed. Multifunctional is the way to go.

August 21st, 2020, 06:50 PM
I just got my first real cowboy hat (straw, with an open weave band in the crown for ventilation) last week. It fits just fine above a low bun; I've been using a Ficcare a lot lately. I'm also surprised by how shady it is, but cowboy hats typically have 4" brims, which is a lot wider in action than it sounds. They're also stiff, so they don't flop around even in a high wind. I know the low bun may not work for everyone, of course. My neck is fairly long.

August 22nd, 2020, 05:33 AM
This summer I've been using a baseball cap with the bun out the back. The hairstick holding the bun is long enough to keep the cap solidly in place.

I need to find a visor, for when I want to have a topknot. :) Maybe now that the season is almost over there will be on one sale somewhere local that I can just buy... I hate buying online, I want to look at my purchases before I pay for them!

In the past I used a Vietnamese straw (wide cone) hat, but it won't work at all with my topknot and it's pretty tricky with a hairstick too. It sure will keep the sun off, though!

ETA: Thanks for that great link to the Bergère hat. :)

August 22nd, 2020, 06:09 AM
Whether we'll have any sunshine again after even the first one arrives, who knows? But after the second burning I knew I had to get on and buy something (it was barely warm enough to take off my cardigan which is why I didn't bother with sunscreen, but I also got a massive headache from squinting so even if I hadn't burned I was still thinking of getting some type of visor).

<snipped for length>

In purchasing sun protection gear for yourself, I fear you may have just condemned the British Isles to rain and grey skies for the rest of the summer :p

Lady Stardust
August 22nd, 2020, 06:38 AM
In purchasing sun protection gear for yourself, I fear you may have just condemned the British Isles to rain and grey skies for the rest of the summer :p

Haha yes that’s the way it works here! Even just talking about it. Maybe if I order some wet weather gear it’ll counterbalance MusicalSpoons.

August 22nd, 2020, 07:26 AM
In purchasing sun protection gear for yourself, I fear you may have just condemned the British Isles to rain and grey skies for the rest of the summer :p

Haha yes that’s the way it works here! Even just talking about it. Maybe if I order some wet weather gear it’ll counterbalance MusicalSpoons.

:rollin: well the forecast didn't look great before I decided, so I am not taking responsibility! :p Though if it helps, I've also been looking at chunky cardigans, so :shrug:

August 22nd, 2020, 07:49 AM
Trying to find a baseball cap with a smaller peak is a challenge - the peak sticks out way too far for what I need. If anyone has found one in the UK please share!

Also I’m already planning on how to sew a silk liner inside beanie hats for the winter.. except my sewing skills are laughable.

August 22nd, 2020, 08:38 AM
I just don't put my hair up if I need to wear a hat (in winter, etc.).

I've worn both Heidi braids and a tucked French braid under hats (my pipe band bonnet or my hornpipe hat for dance), but, they make my head "bigger" so I need a larger hat than I would just wear on my bare head (and actually, each style makes my head different sizes, as well).

August 22nd, 2020, 10:21 AM
I have several with openings for a bun at the back, some with brim all around and some with a waterfall back that drapes rather elegantly. They came from several sources so I suggest you google until you find what suits you.