View Full Version : Hello hello. Wanna hear me talk about my hair?

June 18th, 2020, 10:49 AM
Hey guys.

I've always had long hair (usually hovering between waist and tailbone length), but in 2018 I had it all cut back to shoulder length. I was entering my clinical year and finishing up my degree, and long story short, was staring down the barrel of an entire year worth of 80-hour weeks, on top of taking care of all of my animals. Something had to give (a few somethings, actually,) and the casualties ended up being my hair, my self-care routine, and my social life. My stylist begged me not to do it, but I didn't have a lot of options, so off it went. Since then, I've been working on growing it back.

I unfortunately had some friends talk me into belayage. My stylist was also pretty enthusiastic, so I went for it. This was a mistake. Belayage looks amazing on a lot of people, but it was not a good fit for me.

My hair is now at about 27", 2" of which are virgin.

I recently discovered hair sticks, which are amazingly comfortable and do a good job of keeping my hair neatly out of the way in the lab. No more scrunchie headaches! I've also upgraded to a silk pillowcase. I've purchased a pair of hair scissors for S&D later, but I'm not starting that yet.

Right now, I'm going to stick with Condition-Wash-Condition until my next salon appointment in August (Coronavirus permitting, of course). My plan is to have all my current split ends trimmed off, and then try to maintain it on my own with S&D. (My stylist loves long hair, and has been helping me work on growing it out, so I can trust her to only trim the damage).

My hair left to it's own devices is straight, but it takes rag curls very well and will hold them for days. I also have a bit of an issue with my canopy getting oily; right now I'm using a clarifying shampoo every two or three days. I've tried stretching out washes, but to no avail. A product change is probably in order, but I wanna CWC for a while first and see if that helps.

June 18th, 2020, 11:28 AM
Welcome ragtagger

June 18th, 2020, 11:37 AM
Welcome. Have you heard of Feye's self-trimming method yet? No need for a stylist if you don't get layers put in, and it is *so* easy. If it's difficult (for a first time), you can print the instructions out and follow along that way.

Here's the link:

June 18th, 2020, 12:37 PM
Welcome! :)

June 18th, 2020, 12:57 PM
We're always happy to talk hair! Welcome to the forum:)

June 18th, 2020, 01:59 PM
Yes, I second Sarah's thought: I always wanna listen to everyone talk about their hair... unless it's where the sun doesn't shine... then not so much.


June 19th, 2020, 01:26 AM
Welcome! :)

June 19th, 2020, 02:07 PM
Hello welcome! :)

June 19th, 2020, 10:58 PM
Welcome. Have you heard of Feye's self-trimming method yet? No need for a stylist if you don't get layers put in, and it is *so* easy. If it's difficult (for a first time), you can print the instructions out and follow along that way.

Here's the link:

I don't know if I'm quite brave enough for that yet. Give me a year or so of S&D, and I might build up the courage XD

June 20th, 2020, 05:42 AM
Welcome, Ragtatter! It's cool you started a thread for your hair because every now and then as you reach milestones or want to keep a bit of a 'logbook', you can have this thread saved or 'subscribed' to on your profile, then continually update it as time goes by! There's also a cool blog function which I've used a few times and love.
You'll be in good hands here, I arrived with not much natural hair and a whole lot of damage, the people here are so friendly and an absolute wealth of knowledge and experience. Happy growing :heartbeat