View Full Version : Amla and coconut oil on hair?

June 9th, 2020, 12:28 PM
Hey guys. Hope you are all doing well.

For hair treatments, have you tried amla powder mixed with coconut oil ?? If yes, is it good for growing healthy hair?

June 9th, 2020, 01:48 PM
Mh I don't know because amla is usually mixed with water first of all. If you are searching for an amla's "oily" version, why not the amla oil?
Anyway I think that coconut oil can make amla more difficult to act on hair. For sure for the toning benefits.

June 9th, 2020, 03:24 PM
If you wanna make an amla oil it's best to infuse it! The powder can be hard to get out of the hair. Actually buying alma oil isn't that good because you can't be sure of the quality of the oil they used to infuse it. It's better to make your own for a higher quality product.

I infused my own Ayurvedic oil with amla, neem, brahmi, skikakai and aritha powder with all of my favorite oils using the double broiler method. If you don't want to apply heat to the oils, then you can infuse the oils and leave it in a glass jar for a month or so. I used a cheesecloth to remove all the powder, then I used the excess powder as a gloss for my hair. Works like a charm!!

So yes, amla and coconut oil would be great for hair growth. As long as you know coconut oil already works for your hair, then infusing it with amla would only make more benefits.

Amla is conditioning, known to increase hair follicles and help with hair loss, it's said it can reverse gray hair, it's super rich in vitamin c (infusing an oil with amla removes some of the vitamin c tho, which is good cause too much vitamin c can be drying) and it's said it can help your scalp heal any sores, cuts, etc.

You also don't have to strain the powder with a cheese cloth if you don't have a hard time removing the powder from your hair :)
Also, if you are considering infusing the oil /without/ doing the double broiler method, I would recommend mixing the coconut oil with an oil that's liquid at room temp, so that the amla can infuse better :)

June 9th, 2020, 03:28 PM
Anyway I think that coconut oil can make amla more difficult to act on hair. For sure for the toning benefits.
Also this is true, the oil version dilutes the pigments and won't dye your hair. Which is perf for me cause I don't wanna dye my hair with these powders :p