View Full Version : 2 healthy locks of hair, the rest is fried

June 7th, 2020, 08:35 AM
Hi! I was wondering, I have 2 thick locks of hair that grow from my nape. They're healthy, no breakage at all, super smooth and bouncy. Also heavier than the rest. Basically how I wish all my hair would be. But the rest of my hair is a literal dry, frizzy mess of splits and broken strands. How is that possible? How on earth were those 2 random locks spared? I have no clue, 'cause you'd expect the hair in the nape would break off easily because it always touches your shoulders. :confused:

June 7th, 2020, 08:37 AM
Also: Those two locks tangle the worst. So, I have to brush them with brute force lol. But still, no damage! So weird.

June 7th, 2020, 08:44 AM
What caused the damage on the rest of your hair? Is it dyed, heat styled, etc?

June 7th, 2020, 08:49 AM
I once had highlights done, but that was years ago. And only the very top layer, so I don't think that could be it, 'cause the damage is everywhere. I never use styling things, I just wash my hair and let it air dry and see how it turns out haha. I think the rest of my hair is more brittle and therefor might break more easily than those 2 random locks. That's why I think it's so weird that I have two bits of hair that seem to be a whole different hair type! :lol:

June 7th, 2020, 09:11 AM
How do you usually wear your hair? Down? Up? In a braid? Maybe these two strands are somehow protected by other hair? :confused:

June 7th, 2020, 10:23 AM
By default hair at the nape of a long head of hair doesn’t move around as much, compared to say the sides. I’d bet it would be brushed the least too which is why it gets tangly. I’m not saying you don’t brush your hair properly! Just that unless you flip your head and brush the nape with head down it doesn’t get a proper brush. Usually for normal brushing one brushes the back and sides pulled to one side.. I’m not explaining it well sorry.

I definitely know that hair pattern isn’t symmetrical - on my own hair one side is wavier which annoys me. I’ve a couple of areas on the right hand side that always turn into lovely beachy waves. Literally 2 clumps of strands, unlike the rest of my hair that has a much looser wave, so I feel your pain!

June 8th, 2020, 12:00 PM
You might be using products (shampoo and conditioner) that don't agree with your hair. When my hair got overloaded with protein I started noticing splits all over the place, and my hair was EAR length!
Turns out my hair is protein intolerant. When I cut out all proteins from my products, suddenly my hair was extremely healthy and resilient.
I have to WCC (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=119314) because I have to use sulfate shampoo now (can't find any protein free sulfate free shampoo locally...) but it's not really an issue.
I would suggest trying to add more moisture to your hair first, and if that exacerbates the problem then add more protein instead.
I can't tell you whether or not your hair is protein intolerant or protein guzzling, your hair will have to be the judge of that!

June 11th, 2020, 09:19 PM
Also: Those two locks tangle the worst. So, I have to brush them with brute force lol. But still, no damage! So weird.
There is no need to do that, if you can't gently finger-detangle from bottom to top, you could try coating them heavily in conditioner first. :)

Besides natural texture variation... My first thought is that the nape hair is the only one protected from the elements, sun etc. Also, since it's covered with the rest of your hair (presumably?), it might have easier time staying naturally moisturised as it's in close contact with your scalp?

June 12th, 2020, 04:10 AM
My nape hair has always been healthier and softer. I always assumed it was due to being more protected.
You said you just wash it, do you also use conditioner?

June 12th, 2020, 11:41 AM
I once had highlights done, but that was years ago. And only the very top layer, so I don't think that could be it, 'cause the damage is everywhere. I never use styling things, I just wash my hair and let it air dry and see how it turns out haha. I think the rest of my hair is more brittle and therefor might break more easily than those 2 random locks. That's why I think it's so weird that I have two bits of hair that seem to be a whole different hair type! :lol:

How many years ago, because if your hair is hip, that usually takes a long time to "vanish". Might still be damage in there.

June 21st, 2020, 12:05 AM
Which specific haircare products are you using? What type of brush are you using?

Does the canopy (top layer) of your hair get more or less of 'anything' in daily life than your underlayer?

By 'anything' I mean more or less: sun damage, wind damage, brushing to smooth, stretching to tie up or back, shampoo, conditioner, massaging in the shower, well water or chlorinated water, fiddled with, snagged in or on anything, rubbed by hats or headwear, rubbed with a towel to dry .....

June 21st, 2020, 12:53 AM
* How are your iron levels?
* Do you have any strain in your upper body, like neck or back?