View Full Version : Edwardian hair care video from Bernadette Banner

May 13th, 2020, 11:39 AM
I found this video pretty interesting/informative so I thought I'd share.

There is a function of beauty sponsorship at the beginning. It ends at 1:50 if you want to skip it. :)
What do you think?


Side note: I don'r think I have ever seen so much of her hair in frame while down. It's absolutely gorgeous!

May 13th, 2020, 12:48 PM
Her hair is gorgeous. The hair turned out well, but to rinse out eggs isn't practical.

Lucy McLucyFace
May 13th, 2020, 01:05 PM
It got me wanting to try it out but not while I'm around my family, don't want to have to explain why I'm bringing an egg to the bathroom :D

Her hair is gorgeous. The hair turned out well, but to rinse out eggs isn't practical.

Thankfully the actual water pitchers were much larger than the one she's using

May 13th, 2020, 01:48 PM
Thankfully the actual water pitchers were much larger than the one she's using
I was thinking more about water's temperature ( *cough* someone here had scrambled eggs in the hair for days *cough*).

Lucy McLucyFace
May 13th, 2020, 02:30 PM
I was thinking more about water's temperature ( *cough* someone here had scrambled eggs in the hair for days *cough*).

Ahahah oh no

May 13th, 2020, 02:34 PM
I was thinking more about water's temperature ( *cough* someone here had scrambled eggs in the hair for days *cough*).

Yes, I had the impression that eggs were fine to rinse out, as long as the water is cool to lukewarm (so they don't cook, hence the scrambled eggs).

Also I think egg whites are better than whole eggs, but I can't recall where I read that.

ETA: Okay, she mentions the temperature thing in the video. Also I like the way she speaks -- reminds me of one of my aunts. Very precise speech.

May 13th, 2020, 02:48 PM
I was thinking more about water's temperature ( *cough* someone here had scrambled eggs in the hair for days *cough*).

Oh jeez did you have to wash multiple time to get it out?

May 13th, 2020, 03:06 PM
Her hair is gorgeous. The hair turned out well, but to rinse out eggs isn't practical.

It rinses out easy as pie if you use cold water. Her hair turned out lovely and the style was so authentic looking on her. Maybe I should try this, I have enough hair saved, and a switch of my own hair as well. I wonder if she used any oils or conditioners - I'm guessing not.

May 13th, 2020, 05:08 PM
I think I enjoyed this a little too much. Very amusing! lol

May 13th, 2020, 06:29 PM
Oh jeez did you have to wash multiple time to get it out?

It was a lot of years ago, I don't remember how many washes I needed.

May 13th, 2020, 08:33 PM
I cringed when she dried her hair with the terrycloth towel, but other than that she has gorgeous hair and looks well cared for. I watch her for her costume videos but lately I've been disliking all the 'comfy-soothing-music-cinematic-not-really-showing-you-anything' parts on newer videos so I'm not as hyped about her. Morgan Donner on the other hand... oh god I love her! Love her videos. Ok I'm getting very off topic, back at Bernadette yeah, I tried washed with eggs lots of times with excelent results. I'm thinking the 'cooked egg bits' is on porpouse so you will purchase the shampoo sponsoring the video instead :p

May 13th, 2020, 08:58 PM
I also watched it, and was like "ooh, I should try that egg wash, it turned out really nice and has the fluffiness you need for Edwardian styles." Then I thought about washing my hair in cold water. No. No, no, no. I am a hot water person.

May 14th, 2020, 01:33 AM
As an interesting aside, it used to be common to wash childrens' hair with eggs because it is mild and doesn't sting if it gets in the eyes. The only downside really is having to use cold or almost-cold water.

May 14th, 2020, 02:42 AM
I cringed when she dried her hair with the terrycloth towel, but other than that she has gorgeous hair and looks well cared for. I watch her for her costume videos but lately I've been disliking all the 'comfy-soothing-music-cinematic-not-really-showing-you-anything' parts on newer videos so I'm not as hyped about her. Morgan Donner on the other hand... oh god I love her! Love her videos. Ok I'm getting very off topic, back at Bernadette yeah, I tried washed with eggs lots of times with excelent results. I'm thinking the 'cooked egg bits' is on porpouse so you will purchase the shampoo sponsoring the video instead :p

She’s mentioned in other videos that she doesn’t normally require a hair brush to style so her hair mustn’t tangle much.

May 14th, 2020, 03:31 AM
So, is anyone thinking of trying this style?
I'm going to!

Lucy McLucyFace
May 14th, 2020, 04:04 AM
So, is anyone thinking of trying this style?
I'm going to!

I don't have the length nor the hair rat but I'll be looking forward to see how yours turns out :o

May 14th, 2020, 04:43 AM
Mine won't come with the pretty face but we'll see how it turns out.

May 14th, 2020, 06:28 AM
So, is anyone thinking of trying this style?
I'm going to!

I'd love to... in 2-4 years. :lol:

May 14th, 2020, 06:43 AM
I cringed when she dried her hair with the terrycloth towel, but other than that she has gorgeous hair and looks well cared for. I watch her for her costume videos but lately I've been disliking all the 'comfy-soothing-music-cinematic-not-really-showing-you-anything' parts on newer videos so I'm not as hyped about her. Morgan Donner on the other hand... oh god I love her! Love her videos. Ok I'm getting very off topic, back at Bernadette yeah, I tried washed with eggs lots of times with excelent results. I'm thinking the 'cooked egg bits' is on porpouse so you will purchase the shampoo sponsoring the video instead :p

Are you talking about this video? I actually like this video. It's a lovely little peice about creativity, and relaxation of sewing.


I sort of assumed that maybe she isn't very good with cold water because she is so thin... no judgement but when I used to be underweight I would be cold on an 80 degree day. So I sort of figured that luke warm might be as cold as she can stand.

May 14th, 2020, 09:09 AM
I love watching her YouTube videos, she's incredibly talented. She did a video about hairstyles with Morgan Donner and Rachel Maksy which was fun to watch.

May 14th, 2020, 09:25 AM
My soul fainted when she rubbed her hair with the towel!

Anyway, I can't wait to see your version of the style, Sarah!

May 14th, 2020, 09:32 AM
My soul fainted when she rubbed her hair with the towel!

Anyway, I can't wait to see your version of the style, Sarah!

Yes, my hair hid when she got the towel onto her hair!
I'll have to wait until I can get some stockings to make a hair sausage first. I did just wash my hair with egg though, (used 2 eggs and a cupful of water) it's drying now and feels more voluminous, which is interesting.

May 14th, 2020, 10:13 AM
Nice video! I've come across her pictures somewhere before and now I started following her videos. Since I'm also a seamstress, the clothing interests me. I think her entire channel is very lovely, she is very nice to look at and listen to, and she really knows what she's doing.

Khristopher mentioned the music... I must say, I find it kind of funny that while she is very precise of the periodic tools and equipment she makes the clothing with, the music is nowhere near periodic. It doesn't bother me very much but I noticed that anyway. It might be because I'm a professional Mezzo-Soprano singer and part of my occupation is to recognise the musical eras. Maybe this doesn't catch anyone else's ear. :)

May 14th, 2020, 08:20 PM
Are you talking about this video? I actually like this video. It's a lovely little peice about creativity, and relaxation of sewing.


I sort of assumed that maybe she isn't very good with cold water because she is so thin... no judgement but when I used to be underweight I would be cold on an 80 degree day. So I sort of figured that luke warm might be as cold as she can stand.

Yep, that and another couple of videos showing her sewing room iifc. Don't get me wrong, I think she's very good editting her videos and it's nice, quality content... it's just not the content I personally like I guess :shrug: Being a seamstress and into historical reconstruction myself, I want to watch sewing videos for reference and inspiration. Bernadette videos are nice, say, to watch with my BF sharing a cup of tea, it's entertaining but not what I look for actually. A scene of a sewing machine whirling in the distance is nice and all but why am I watching if I can't see what you're sewing, right?
As for her being thin, I can relate. I used to strongly dislike cold water so I always washed my hair separatedly wearing a lot of warm clothing. I've got a bit more of muscle now and can handle cold water better so you might be onto something! I'm still underweight for my height but oh well :rolleyes:

Nice video! I've come across her pictures somewhere before and now I started following her videos. Since I'm also a seamstress, the clothing interests me. I think her entire channel is very lovely, she is very nice to look at and listen to, and she really knows what she's doing.

Khristopher mentioned the music... I must say, I find it kind of funny that while she is very precise of the periodic tools and equipment she makes the clothing with, the music is nowhere near periodic. It doesn't bother me very much but I noticed that anyway. It might be because I'm a professional Mezzo-Soprano singer and part of my occupation is to recognise the musical eras. Maybe this doesn't catch anyone else's ear. :)
Yeah, the music issue as well, it's so generic to me. I don't expect everything to be accurate for an era because that's impossible of course, but eeeh if you put so much work into presenting something on video/image... idk.
So you're a professional singer SnowSpot? That's wonderful! :D I admire people with music knowledge so much :inlove: and a fellow seamstress as well! Are you also into historic costuming?

May 14th, 2020, 11:59 PM
Yeah, the music issue as well, it's so generic to me. I don't expect everything to be accurate for an era because that's impossible of course, but eeeh if you put so much work into presenting something on video/image... idk.
So you're a professional singer SnowSpot? That's wonderful! :D I admire people with music knowledge so much :inlove: and a fellow seamstress as well! Are you also into historic costuming?

Ooh, you're a seamstress too, I just now noticed. Great! I'm still a beginner, I'm just about to graduate with my first degree in dressmaking. I do have a 17-year-old history with sewing and patterning but the quality has been - ahem, very varied. :D It's been a casual hobby of mine before, and just now I'm studying it properly. So you make historic garments? I definitely am interested in them but haven't made any yet. Do you have a portfolio somewhere online? Is dressmaking your primary profession? :)

Yup, I'm a singer by profession. My main speciality and interest is Baroque era but my voice also likes Romantic era music. I'm also a trained vocal coach (as most of us educated singers are, to my knowledge at least).

May 15th, 2020, 04:51 AM
I was thinking more about water's temperature ( *cough* someone here had scrambled eggs in the hair for days *cough*).

You may have not been the only one dealing with a hair omelette, in the past :wannabe:

May 17th, 2020, 12:39 PM
I do wash my hair with eggs from time to time I find it gives it volume and shine but the only downside for me is the smell of the shower.... It smells of omelett for days and days especially now that the weather is warming up I can't stand the smell when I enter the bathroom 🙈

May 17th, 2020, 06:55 PM
After watching it, I tried a modern version.
1) I put the eggs in a blender first to avoid clumps
2) I washed it out with cold water in the shower

I had no issues. Not sure how much it helped my hair, but no complaints. :shrug:

May 17th, 2020, 07:37 PM
All I could think for the whole video was, "No...no... just jump in the shower and get all of that out!!" I was just having mental images of nasty raw-egg-water all in the rug, going rotten in her hair, etc. No way I would've been able to rinse all of that out with that tiny amount of water, and my hair would be stiff and stuck-together and disgusting smelling and... OMG no.

(One time in high school we had to do that thing where you had an "egg baby." I brought mine to school and I had one of those big zipper binders, so I put my egg carefully in there and carried it carefully all day with no mishaps (the class for which I needed it was the last one of the day). Until my friend decided to joke around and grab the binder from me and throw it {why? Why did they have to decide to do that? THAT PARTICULAR DAY??}. I spent most of the next class in the bathroom trying to wash raw egg* off the inside of my binder, all my papers in there, etc. To this day I can nearly remember the smell of dried bits of raw egg on my stuff for weeks as I couldn't get it all cleaned off, from the fabric and out of the zipper and off the papers. I can't imagine that in my house or on my hair UGH no!)

*Why was it raw? I have no idea. Seems we should have done it hard-boiled or something, right? Why didn't I just leave it in my locker until I needed it? (Well, possibly because my locker was always messy and I was afraid of a mishap in there or that I'd forget about it until the smell reminded me...) I have noooo clue what I was thinking. At any rate, it still would've been fine had my friend not decided to be stupid and I'd been able to keep control of the binder all day...

May 21st, 2020, 07:04 AM
I found this video pretty interesting/informative so I thought I'd share.

There is a function of beauty sponsorship at the beginning. It ends at 1:50 if you want to skip it. :)
What do you think?


Side note: I don'r think I have ever seen so much of her hair in frame while down. It's absolutely gorgeous!

Thanks, jane_marie, I hadn't come across Bernadette Banner before, and have now watched about a million of her videos! She has such gorgeous hair - I wonder if she hennas it?

She's also reawakened an urge in me to do some historical sewing, though sadly all of my sewing and fabric supplies are currently hundreds of miles away from where I am currently in lockdown, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to them.

By the way, I have also washed my hair with an egg, many years ago before I went vegan. I thought I had to leave it on for a while to get the full benefit, and I remember sitting miserably in an empty bath, with cold egg trickling down my back, before rinsing it with freezing water. My hair was *so* shiny and voluminous - possibly the best it's ever looked, in fact - but I smelt like a big egg, so I did not repeat the experience.

June 9th, 2020, 11:25 AM
I finally got around to trying this style. I'm not sure it suits me from the front, but I like the back view. It emphasises my high forehead, which I don't need! DH said he didn't like it :p though he said he supposed he would get used to it.



June 9th, 2020, 11:37 AM
Looks awesome, Sarah! Wasn't it fashionable to have a high forehead in those times? It was in Victorian times, at least, I think, which was right before the Edwardian era.

June 9th, 2020, 11:54 AM
Looks awesome, Sarah! Wasn't it fashionable to have a high forehead in those times? It was in Victorian times, at least, I think, which was right before the Edwardian era.

I don't know, maybe it was. Anyway, it's a very comfortable style, it took me about ten minutes to do (first attempt).

June 10th, 2020, 11:08 AM
I tried that method right after I watched the video :p unfortunately my ends were dried and I ended up with scrambled eggs in my hair shudder:

June 10th, 2020, 11:09 AM
I tried that method right after I watched the video :p unfortunately my ends were dried and I ended up with scrambled eggs in my hair shudder:

Oh no!!!! I think we have a scrambled egg club forming here... :lol:

June 11th, 2020, 09:37 PM
I enjoyed it! I don't know why I didn't realize he hair had gotten that long, I guess I had been watching a lot of older videos, LOL! Her hair is stunning and I am incredibly jealous.

June 12th, 2020, 08:21 AM
Thanks, jane_marie, I hadn't come across Bernadette Banner before, and have now watched about a million of her videos! She has such gorgeous hair - I wonder if she hennas it?

She's also reawakened an urge in me to do some historical sewing, though sadly all of my sewing and fabric supplies are currently hundreds of miles away from where I am currently in lockdown, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to them.

By the way, I have also washed my hair with an egg, many years ago before I went vegan. I thought I had to leave it on for a while to get the full benefit, and I remember sitting miserably in an empty bath, with cold egg trickling down my back, before rinsing it with freezing water. My hair was *so* shiny and voluminous - possibly the best it's ever looked, in fact - but I smelt like a big egg, so I did not repeat the experience.

This so made me laugh, I could almost feel the egg running down my own back the way you described it! Egg shampoo - nooo, no cold water for me!

June 14th, 2020, 08:36 AM
This so made me laugh, I could almost feel the egg running down my own back the way you described it! Egg shampoo - nooo, no cold water for me!

Thanks, I'm glad I made you laugh! What's that saying, 'Comedy is egg tragedy plus time'?!