View Full Version : Length Update and a Question

May 12th, 2020, 12:21 PM
Hey guys! I started my hair journey and joined back in August of 2019 but I honestly forgot all about this account for a long time. By the time I remembered, and wanted to post an update, I had forgotten my login! That's my silly brain though. Anyways, now that I was able to log back in I thought it would be cool make a quick update on my progress.<br><br>In August, I had a pixie, the sides were about 1 inch with the top longer, about 5 inches. I haven't cut or trimmed since then! I'm so proud of my determination. Now my longest part is just past my collar bones, and I can reach the tips from my back. I've been loving being able to wear my hair up, or in braids again.&nbsp;<br><br>So I have noticed that my hair is a LOT thinner than it used to be. Everyone used to tell me how thick my hair was when I'd go to a salon or if someone was playing with my hair. Now it's so thin I barely feel like I have any, my pony tails are tiny and it makes me sad. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for something I can try to thicken up my hair?<br><br>For Context:<br>I've been under a LOT of stress since about December, I made full time at my job and that transition has been rather unpleasant to say the least. I wash my hair as little as possible, about twice a week. I use a coconut oil treatment about every other week as a deep condition. I basically never use heat of any kind, only once since I started growing it, just to see what it would look like.<br><br>Any advice/tips would be very welcome.<br><br>Happy growing! :D

May 12th, 2020, 05:38 PM
The best thing for your situation is to make sure you're taking vitamins and eating relatively healthy (some junk is fine but fit the good stuff in too!), manage your stress, and be gentle with your hair.
Focus on the inside of your body first and foremost, cause that's where the hair comes from, and the only way to thicken it back up is for it to grow back in.
You might end up with a LOT of little fuzzy hairs! But don't worry, a lot of people have that.

If you have access to do so, I'd recommend seeing a doctor and evaluating possible causes beyond the stress, such as hormonal factors.
Your hair can say a lot about your health!! The healthier you are, generally the healthier your hair will be.

Overall though, the only thing you can really do Right now is try to accept what you've got and learn to work with it.
Many of us have thin hair, and what's thin to you might be thick to someone else, because you're used to having so much hair. What is your ponytail circumference now?
Thin hair can even have upsides, I have naturally thinner hair and it lets me do buns much earlier on than say my wife who has extremely thick hair.
She may have to wait until waist length to do a basic bun, that's how thick it is!

If you need to, don't be ashamed to consider hair covering with a hat or bandanna or even going as far as wigs! That can help ease anxiety in the time during the regrowth process.

Best of luck to you dear, we are here for you!

May 13th, 2020, 06:41 PM
Sorry to hear that you've been under a lot of stress recently. :( Unfortunately I don't have many suggestions on that front. 0xalis has some good suggestions. I know myself, I eat a lot less when I am stressed, so make sure you are eating enough and drinking enough water. I started taking a Krill oil supplement again (and D vitamin thing) to see if that helps with my drier skin and finer and fuzzier hairline hairs that have sprouted in the past few months.

Is your hair all one length yet? Since you grew from a pixie and haven't trimmed yet, maybe some of the layers are still be growing into your ponytail. I would wait until your hair is longer, maybe a few months, to see if your thickness ends up filling in more. If your hair does end up being thinner than it used to be, a straight across blunt cut would help make your hair feel thicker.

Otherwise, you can measure your circumference now, and compare it every so often if you are concerned about hair loss or hair thinning. Make sure the oils you are using isn't causing you excess hair shedding. Also, sometimes people's hair just gets thinner for normal reasons, such as with aging.

Good luck on your hair journey! :)