View Full Version : Pulling hairs from hairline. Painful

April 30th, 2020, 02:06 AM
When I brush my hair, I have to be really careful not to snag any hairs from the top of my hairline. If I do, I pull them out and it's ultra painful and makes me feel like my hairline is receding :shudder:
Do you worry about this? Do you pull out hairs from your hairline? Is it ultra painful? It also happens with hairties, and I'm so worried about my hairline because I want to keep it.. and I feel like the tight hairstyles like buns and ponytails that I used to have, pulled on my hairline ...

April 30th, 2020, 04:13 AM
I don’t really experience that anymore ever since I realized I have a hair texture that does not allow a brush or a comb to smoothly go passed in one swipe. Unless your grooming utensils have snags, if you meet any resistance while brushing or combing, just stop, and gently separate your hair with your hands, and then continue. Or even breaking your hair into smaller sections will help too. If you’re brushing your entire head of hair In one go, AND your hair is any way textured, you’re bound to hit snags and take a few hairs with you. There’s nothing wrong with stopping and gently separating or ensuring the textured parts of your hair aren’t grabbing one another while brushing and combing. Same goes for hair ties. There’s always satin hair ties, or opting for gentle/flexible clips. How you take out a hair tie also matters. You shouldn’t just snatch or drag it out. Try to unravel it slowly and gently. Wouldn’t hurt to spritz the hair tie and your surrounding hair just to get a bit of lubrications to cut down on snagging as well.

April 30th, 2020, 05:18 AM
Try holding your hair with the other hand so it's not pulling at the scalp

April 30th, 2020, 06:54 AM
When I brush my hair, I have to be really careful not to snag any hairs from the top of my hairline. If I do, I pull them out and it's ultra painful and makes me feel like my hairline is receding :shudder:
Do you worry about this? Do you pull out hairs from your hairline? Is it ultra painful? It also happens with hairties, and I'm so worried about my hairline because I want to keep it.. and I feel like the tight hairstyles like buns and ponytails that I used to have, pulled on my hairline ...

If it gets stuck... I'm a bit confused, why do you then pull them out?

April 30th, 2020, 08:17 AM
I feel like the tight hairstyles like buns and ponytails that I used to have, pulled on my hairline ...

Why are your buns and ponytails tight enough that this is an issue?

I used to do mine tight as well, but with me the idea was to pull the curl out of my hair. Slick it down and get it sleek.

As my length has increased i discovered that's not necessary, and leaving my natural texture as part of the style has actually made it look even better.

While a certain amount of tension is required for some styles, you're talking about enough that it literally pulls the hairs out of your head. That's too much.

Always question everything. It's just a good rule of thumb anyway.

Why are you wearing your hair tight enough that baldness is a concern?

May 1st, 2020, 01:09 AM
I accidentally pull out hairs @lapushka
And I used to have tight buns sitting on the top of my head but not any more.

May 1st, 2020, 01:39 AM
Not really, when I pull on my hairline hair I sneeze :D

May 1st, 2020, 09:18 AM
I use to break a lot of hairs trying to get tangles out. Not so much anymore, I've learned to be a lot more careful.
First thing is keeping my hair healthy and conditioned helps it not tangle as easily. So, lots of conditioner and care.
When I do brush it, I like to go in stages.
I always go through with a wide-toothed comb first, and when a knot is too big I finger detangle. Once everything is pretty detangled then I can go though with a brush and make it all smooth :)
I'm also very careful when taking out ponytails. If you start to feel it pull you can stop, and gently pull out smaller sections with your hand until it's free.
You can lose hairs from your hairline with tight styles, but as long as you're not doing it every single day you should be fine.
I've found with my hair that just a little extra time makes a world of difference when it comes to breakage and pulling out hairs.

May 1st, 2020, 11:12 AM
When I detangle, I break it up in 2 sections. The front pieces are the most delicate, as are the nape hairs, but I don't tend to get my most massive tangles there. They're more right into the hair.

May 4th, 2020, 12:42 AM
I don’t really experience that anymore ever since I realized I have a hair texture that does not allow a brush or a comb to smoothly go passed in one swipe. Unless your grooming utensils have snags, if you meet any resistance while brushing or combing, just stop, and gently separate your hair with your hands, and then continue. Or even breaking your hair into smaller sections will help too. If you’re brushing your entire head of hair In one go, AND your hair is any way textured, you’re bound to hit snags and take a few hairs with you. There’s nothing wrong with stopping and gently separating or ensuring the textured parts of your hair aren’t grabbing one another while brushing and combing. (...)
This is great advice. I also find that going really slow at first helps, it makes it easier to notice the resistance, and then you can proceed to gently separate it with fingers (not just finger combing as if using a comb). :) Though I still prefer not to comb/brush dry hair much, especially because it takes so much longer to do without damaging it, so maybe your hair hates it, too.