View Full Version : Jaguar or Joewell hair shears? Hair shears in general!

April 21st, 2020, 10:14 PM
Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well ♡ I've been thinking of investing into a good pair of hair shears rather than the drugstore ones I've always had that seem to go dull easily, damaging my hair! I've narrowed it down to either Jaguar shears (pre-style), or Joewell (R Series Offset) shears - both costing me the same in the end with shipping and all. Anyone have any experience with any of these? Would love to hear about any good shears in general :) Thanks!

April 22nd, 2020, 03:31 AM
If you are from the EU, try Ultron shears at 50 euro or so; the entry level. They are razor-sharp. I bought my first pair over a decade ago, and recently got a second pair (because I cut my hair, and those old ones will do, and my mom cuts her hair too, and it looks like we have my dad queuing up now as well LOL). ;)

April 22nd, 2020, 09:46 AM
I don't have any experience with those brands but wanted to say that investing in a high quality pro set was a decision I do not regret.

I have a pair of Shark Fin shears. My partner specializes in metals and knew these would last lifetimes.

https://i.postimg.cc/9QYrYZLF/Resized-20170323-203509.jpg (https://postimg.cc/PCNXtpGB)

April 22nd, 2020, 02:53 PM
If you are from the EU, try Ultron shears at 50 euro or so; the entry level. They are razor-sharp. I bought my first pair over a decade ago, and recently got a second pair (because I cut my hair, and those old ones will do, and my mom cuts her hair too, and it looks like we have my dad queuing up now as well LOL). ;)

Hi Lapushka! I actually spent the past few days reading so much about shears on here and saw so many of your Ultron posts, I only wish I could snatch a pair for myself! I looked very hard but alas, it really is only available in the EU region :mad: Hahah but really, enjoy them! They sound so great, everyone seems to love them. Lucky ducks!

I don't have any experience with those brands but wanted to say that investing in a high quality pro set was a decision I do not regret.

I have a pair of Shark Fin shears. My partner specializes in metals and knew these would last lifetimes.

https://i.postimg.cc/9QYrYZLF/Resized-20170323-203509.jpg (https://postimg.cc/PCNXtpGB)

Oh my goodness, I found so much info about Shark Fins as well these days, they're extremely up there in brand and quality! For a lack of a better word, they look precious, thank you for sharing. I'm thinking of a maximum of ~$100 for my first "pro" pair, but do you think it's worth spending even more for pro scissors?

April 22nd, 2020, 03:39 PM
Hi Lapushka! I actually spent the past few days reading so much about shears on here and saw so many of your Ultron posts, I only wish I could snatch a pair for myself! I looked very hard but alas, it really is only available in the EU region :mad: Hahah but really, enjoy them! They sound so great, everyone seems to love them. Lucky ducks!

Oh my goodness, I found so much info about Shark Fins as well these days, they're extremely up there in brand and quality! For a lack of a better word, they look precious, thank you for sharing. I'm thinking of a maximum of ~$100 for my first "pro" pair, but do you think it's worth spending even more for pro scissors?

Try looking at these. I had no idea you weren't from the EU. Sorry for making assumptions. :o

I've heard them raved about, which is why I'm mentioning them. It looks like an affordable option for the US, they are Mane Choice scissors. I'll see if I can find the link... hang on...

https://themanechoice.com/collections/hair-styling-tools/products/shear-surgical-precision-professional-cut-split-end-eliminator (hmm, the main site says they're sold out).

April 22nd, 2020, 09:55 PM
Try looking at these. I had no idea you weren't from the EU. Sorry for making assumptions. :o

I've heard them raved about, which is why I'm mentioning them. It looks like an affordable option for the US, they are Mane Choice scissors. I'll see if I can find the link... hang on...

https://themanechoice.com/collections/hair-styling-tools/products/shear-surgical-precision-professional-cut-split-end-eliminator (hmm, the main site says they're sold out).

Oh no worries at all! Absolutely no problem :)

Thank you so much for this link, I'll be keeping an eye out in case they restock soon and check it out - I appreciate you!

April 23rd, 2020, 11:16 AM
Oh my goodness, I found so much info about Shark Fins as well these days, they're extremely up there in brand and quality! For a lack of a better word, they look precious, thank you for sharing. I'm thinking of a maximum of ~$100 for my first "pro" pair, but do you think it's worth spending even more for pro scissors?

The amount to spend is so personal I'm afraid I can't justify my opinion of it either way. I went zero to sixty pretty fast. My first shears were Goody brand from Wal-Mart that cost be 12 dollars. Then I got the pro set for close to 300. I'm certain lower price ranges are amazing quality too and will satisfy just fine. I fell in love with the design and overall aesthetic which validated my investment.

Seems the silver line has dropped in price quite a bit though. They are now $180 with shipping.

April 23rd, 2020, 01:36 PM
Oh no worries at all! Absolutely no problem :)

Thank you so much for this link, I'll be keeping an eye out in case they restock soon and check it out - I appreciate you!

You're welcome!

April 24th, 2020, 12:22 AM
The amount to spend is so personal I'm afraid I can't justify my opinion of it either way. I went zero to sixty pretty fast. My first shears were Goody brand from Wal-Mart that cost be 12 dollars. Then I got the pro set for close to 300. I'm certain lower price ranges are amazing quality too and will satisfy just fine. I fell in love with the design and overall aesthetic which validated my investment.

Seems the silver line has dropped in price quite a bit though. They are now $180 with shipping.

Thank you!! I'm a zero to sixty person too at times so I get it - will keep this info on hand, appreciate it :) and definitely, they are a super beautiful pair of shears!

You're welcome!

April 24th, 2020, 05:16 AM
I don't have any experience with those brands but wanted to say that investing in a high quality pro set was a decision I do not regret.

I have a pair of Shark Fin shears. My partner specializes in metals and knew these would last lifetimes.

https://i.postimg.cc/9QYrYZLF/Resized-20170323-203509.jpg (https://postimg.cc/PCNXtpGB)

Hi Lapushka! I actually spent the past few days reading so much about shears on here and saw so many of your Ultron posts, I only wish I could snatch a pair for myself! I looked very hard but alas, it really is only available in the EU region :mad: Hahah but really, enjoy them! They sound so great, everyone seems to love them. Lucky ducks!

Oh my goodness, I found so much info about Shark Fins as well these days, they're extremely up there in brand and quality! For a lack of a better word, they look precious, thank you for sharing. I'm thinking of a maximum of ~$100 for my first "pro" pair, but do you think it's worth spending even more for pro scissors?

Heeee, like MoonRabbit, I splurged on my Shear Genius (https://sheargenius.com.au/) weapon of mass snippage, but I've been doing this chop chop stuff for decades and prefer the good stuff (blade wise, although you can certainly get better than this) with ergonomic handle, bigger thumb hole and slightly longer reach. This is my current Warrior that I snagged a couple of years ago (and yup, that's what I paid in AUD):


And tonight's quickie photoshoot:


If they shipped internationally (I dunno?), and with the exchange rate being the way it is, you could maybe grab a bargain from downunder right now.

April 24th, 2020, 05:57 AM
I've had these for 7 years and they are still very sharp as far as I can tell:



I think about £20 was paid, they may have even got cheaper.

My hair is not much of a challenge to cut as it's thin at the ends, but I've also cut my Mum's hair with them quite a few times and her hair is iii range. I've used them on other family members too, they've had quite a lot of use.

I've never tried a more expensive pair though, so I don't really have any idea how they compare. I just know they are by far the sharpest scissors I own.

April 24th, 2020, 01:25 PM
Heeee, like MoonRabbit, I splurged on my Shear Genius (https://sheargenius.com.au/) weapon of mass snippage, but I've been doing this chop chop stuff for decades and prefer the good stuff (blade wise, although you can certainly get better than this) with ergonomic handle, bigger thumb hole and slightly longer reach. This is my current Warrior that I snagged a couple of years ago (and yup, that's what I paid in AUD):


If they shipped internationally (I dunno?), and with the exchange rate being the way it is, you could maybe grab a bargain from downunder right now.

Wow, thanks for all this info + photos!! I've been looking at this stuff for days and never knew there was so much to scissors :O That looks incredible. I was worried about paying lots for something that'd last a few years, but forgot you can get them sharpened over time if needed. I don't live in the States (my country's currency is in the gutter right now sadly) but will check these out as well. I'm going a bit crazy with all these options, but hopefully I can't go too wrong with any of these nicer ones!

I've had these for 7 years and they are still very sharp as far as I can tell:



I think about £20 was paid, they may have even got cheaper.

My hair is not much of a challenge to cut as it's thin at the ends, but I've also cut my Mum's hair with them quite a few times and her hair is iii range. I've used them on other family members too, they've had quite a lot of use.

I've never tried a more expensive pair though, so I don't really have any idea how they compare. I just know they are by far the sharpest scissors I own.

Thank you for sharing, and the photo! I've never tried an expensive brand either, so I'm not sure either how they would compare, but I've definitely noticed my ends going bad and splitting for the first time and couldn't figure it out until I realized my scissors are now dull and have nicks. The previous pair, only a couple years back, got into an even worse condition, so I thought that going with some high quality brand would save me in the long run. With all these pairs out there to pick from, I'm still split, as are my ends hahah... so I have to choose kind of fast. Let me know if your Sanguine pair is still in top notch condition! I thought my current pair were really sharp until I inspected them :( Perhaps it's just this particular random company who made mine.

April 28th, 2020, 04:27 PM
I'm so grateful you started this thread because I have been thinking about upgrading my scissors eventually too.
I'm just using some I got at target that come with a sharpener tool, it's fine for now but I much prefer to invest in quality items that will last me a really long time.

April 29th, 2020, 02:29 AM
The brand I use is Iceman - cold hard steel. I was using a cheaper pair from what you guys would call a 'drugstore' I really noticed the difference when I bought these, I did'nt realise how crappy and blunt the other ones were. They are micro serrated, an example of why it is best to spend a bit more money on quality.

April 29th, 2020, 02:56 AM
I can highly recommend a Japanese brand called Green bell, should you ever come across it online or irl. My scissors are still razor sharp, even though they've been used on a monthly basis (more or less, anyway) for the past 6 or 7 years. I got them in Japan and paid like $15-$20 or something like that. One of the best purchases I ever made.

April 29th, 2020, 05:45 AM
And here I was, thinking $13 was kinda pricey for hair scissors that only get used a few times a year. Clearly, I’ve not been looking at the right scissors.

April 30th, 2020, 01:18 AM
I'm so grateful you started this thread because I have been thinking about upgrading my scissors eventually too.
I'm just using some I got at target that come with a sharpener tool, it's fine for now but I much prefer to invest in quality items that will last me a really long time.

Awesome! I think it'll be a smart and very long lasting investment overall. My ends, which were always well kept, ended up receiving so much damage from my old drugstore dulled out scissors (which I thought were sharp and great until I inspected the blades closely...), and I never put it together before!

The brand I use is Iceman - cold hard steel. I was using a cheaper pair from what you guys would call a 'drugstore' I really noticed the difference when I bought these, I did'nt realise how crappy and blunt the other ones were. They are micro serrated, an example of why it is best to spend a bit more money on quality.

So good to know that you did notice a change! Thank you for sharing. I'm sure I'll realize even more deeply how crappy my current scissors are :doh:

I can highly recommend a Japanese brand called Green bell, should you ever come across it online or irl. My scissors are still razor sharp, even though they've been used on a monthly basis (more or less, anyway) for the past 6 or 7 years. I got them in Japan and paid like $15-$20 or something like that. One of the best purchases I ever made.

Thank you a lot! I appreciate it :)

And here I was, thinking $13 was kinda pricey for hair scissors that only get used a few times a year. Clearly, I’ve not been looking at the right scissors.

Ahahah don't worry! I myself thought the $20 I paid for at the drugstore was insane for something like scissors ;) It wasn't up until a couple months ago that I truly noticed visible hair damage from them over time, ugh, but I wasn't able to pinpoint it to the scissors until much later. I found out there are even scissor conventions, where some sell for thousands...! There's a whole industry and market for it and it blew my mind, especially all the mechanics and what goes into it. That being said, whatever works for you, works! My own mom has super nice hair and scissor quality just doesn't impact it like it does mine :(