View Full Version : Poufs: Troubleshooting

March 23rd, 2020, 09:44 PM
Hello! I made a thread recently about face framing methods, and wanted to make a separate post about HOW to do it! I'm still figuring out a preferred method, as I never quite get the volume and fullness that I want. So here's a discussion thread.

As for me, here's my problem.

The swoop. How do you get a swoop AND volume AND fullness ? For me, it's been an either-or thing.

I can get a swoop by pushing the hair forward, but you can see where it's flat and where a part will show when I pull the hair back into a bun.

Volume: I can get volume, but no swoop.

Here's a front view with a swoop that looks like it has volume (and maybe it does), but it lacks fullness. It's like one of those fake buildings propped up by a stilt!


Here you can see how gappy it is. I'm wondering if this is something that will require a BBB and hair rat?

Now this may just be a personal challenge, as my hair is pretty thin around my hairline:

Thoughts? What are the challenges you're facing when trying to get this kind of look?
(Bernadette Banner does it beautifully https://youtu.be/8eobsHXCfys?t=226)

March 23rd, 2020, 10:36 PM
It’s mostly a hair type thing. If you feel comfortable with maybe a small bit of back combing, and some holding style products I think you can achieve what you’re looking for. Perhaps even trying out bobby pins, and just trial and error the placement of them?

There’s that whole, can’t always have your cake and eat it too thing. But I’m sure you can get really close to your goal. The sleeker your hair type is, the more issues with gaps you might have, but I wouldn’t look at that as a problem. You have a very nice hair texture to me :)

Me personally, I can make my hair swoop like that by just combing out some of my coils, but it’s all due to my hair texture. Only issue I notice personally when going for that kind of swept look is that I get frizz almost immediately.

March 24th, 2020, 07:03 AM
It’s mostly a hair type thing. If you feel comfortable with maybe a small bit of back combing, and some holding style products I think you can achieve what you’re looking for. Perhaps even trying out bobby pins, and just trial and error the placement of them?

There’s that whole, can’t always have your cake and eat it too thing. But I’m sure you can get really close to your goal. The sleeker your hair type is, the more issues with gaps you might have, but I wouldn’t look at that as a problem. You have a very nice hair texture to me :)

Me personally, I can make my hair swoop like that by just combing out some of my coils, but it’s all due to my hair texture. Only issue I notice personally when going for that kind of swept look is that I get frizz almost immediately.

Thank you! I've also been thinking about using hair rats, since backcombing seems really hard to untangle.

Bobby pins are definitely my friend! I wear them a lot. I agree with you on texture and see what you mean. I'm just wondering how other people with similar hair seem to be able to do it (like bparnel75, who has hair at least as straight as mine).

March 24th, 2020, 07:45 AM
I wash, apply leave-on haircare products and towel turban with my head upside down, then comb into and air dry in a high-ish ponytail. That gives volume at the roots for up-dos.

March 24th, 2020, 08:21 AM
I wash, apply leave-on haircare products and towel turban with my head upside down, then comb into and air dry in a high-ish ponytail. That gives volume at the roots for up-dos.

When I wash I wash bent over, then the towel goes on that way, and it's up in clips for air drying, then I diffuse 5 minutes; diffusing gives quite the bit of volume at the roots as well! And then it just has to last me the week. It does lay a little flatter as the week goes on, but well, I haven't found a "cure" for that.

March 24th, 2020, 05:10 PM
I've seen some ladies use eyeshadow to make their hairline look less thin.

March 24th, 2020, 07:58 PM
[Your fourth picture looks exactly like a friend of mine who wears her shorter hair in loose, volumed, bobby-pinned buns - I did a huge double-take there!]

The volume swoop pictures (4 and 6) I really had to look to see why you're not happy with it; and while I eventually saw what you mean, to me it looks lovely. Picture 5 admittedly is not great, but how many people see you from that angle? ;)

With the first swoop, my hair does *exactly* the same! I never solved it, unfortunately, so no help there, sorry. Though I dislike bobby pins so I've not really tried very often since not wearing my hair down, but when I occasionally wore it down, I would wear it with a side parting and clipped or pinned back off my face - even trying to keep what little natural volume I had at the roots invariably ended up with the huge gap not long later, but flattening it down straight off just looked weird with the unclipped rest of my hair still having some volume :shake:

Well, this is more of a sympathising post than anything helpful, sorry!

March 24th, 2020, 10:08 PM
Could you use two poofs? One as a base to get volume and another next to it or over it to get the swish?

March 25th, 2020, 06:52 AM
Could you use two poofs? One as a base to get volume and another next to it or over it to get the swish?
I am going to try that today!

March 25th, 2020, 08:05 AM
Side combs & Caboki.

March 25th, 2020, 11:42 AM
I've seen some ladies use eyeshadow to make their hairline look less thin.

Yes that is something I do almost every day. Also a product called
Cabooki which can be found on the internet.

March 25th, 2020, 11:59 AM
I hope this will help.
ON special occasions I will back comb to get the pouf I like but I know I will have to detangle. I have also made hair bats from the my own hair.
I use these often to get extra pouf.
Here I used the hair bats but you can also see how thin my hair is in front. This is a "dress up" hair style for me.
On an every day basis I make a bun in the air above my head and then squish it down and secure it..
I learned from this video.

I can make Spock and Nessa buns up high an then squish them down on my head.