View Full Version : Feye's self trim: tips & modifications for thick hair

February 29th, 2020, 03:15 AM
Feye's self trim method: https://feyeselftrim.livejournal.com/

This method for trimming the hemline involves splitting the hair into two sections, bringing them to the front, and sliding the fingers down the hair to trap it in a certain alignment before cutting it.

When I get to this step:


I have a problem. My hair is thickish (4.25" circ) and my hands are of average size (2.5" middle finger). If I hold my hair as Feye does here, it doesn't look like this photo. Depending on how tight the hold is, some hair will fall out of my grip, or the alignment will be lost as I reduce the tension in order to try to keep all my hair in my hand. Some hair ends up arbitrarily in front of or behind other hair, which is a problem as the entire point of this technique is to ensure desired hemline shape by getting the hairs into the right position relative to each other.

In addition, my hair is straight, which makes an uneven hemline very obvious.


I ended up with a trim I was happy with by doing a rough trim with Feye's two sections, and then evening up by dividing into four sections: two sections from hair growing nearer the top of my head, and two from hair growing nearer the bottom. This reduced the thickness enough to cut the ends evenly, but I did have to eyeball the amount I would have to cut from each to get my desired U-shape.


Have you run into a similar problem and devised a modification to Feye's technique?

As discussed above, I suspect this issue occurs due to a combination of hair thickness to finger length ratio, and straight, unforgiving texture.

On the other hand, are you someone with thick hair who does not experience this problem? If so, please post as well, as that means I'm probably just doing it wrong!

February 29th, 2020, 09:02 AM
When I make the 2 sections, I ponytail them. Much easier and you can do both sides at the same time should you have to look up at the ceiling or down at the floor for the cut. It gets both sides into "position" without issue.

And you are sure to cut the same amount off on both sides!

Just FYI. That's my method. ;)

February 29th, 2020, 09:17 AM
I also use elastics, plus (if I have to trim a lot) I usually divide my hair in a top and a bottom section.
I trim the bottom First, then release the top, comb them together, and cut again using the guideline of the bottom section.

February 29th, 2020, 09:35 AM
That was the reason why I moved to spidermom's method, which I like much better :)

February 29th, 2020, 09:48 AM
I also use elastics, plus (if I have to trim a lot) I usually divide my hair in a top and a bottom section.
I trim the bottom First, then release the top, comb them together, and cut again using the guideline of the bottom section.

Smart! But isn't that difficult to line up? I mean top & bottom?

February 29th, 2020, 10:13 AM
That was the reason why I moved to spidermom's method, which I like much better :)

MiLady could you give us a link to Spidermom's method, please.

February 29th, 2020, 10:20 AM
Smart! But isn't that difficult to line up? I mean top & bottom?

Not too much, at least for me. It's easier than cutting straight into the bulk. That's what hairdressers do.
And you can totally even it out when cutting the top section.

February 29th, 2020, 10:31 AM
MiLady could you give us a link to Spidermom's method, please.

I don't think there is a link. The method, if spidermom doesn't mind me mentioning it, consists of closing a book over the ends that you bring forward. I think vertically. Then making your cut.

February 29th, 2020, 12:16 PM
I tried doing elastics on both hair pieces and my hair ends ended up looking like a W so becareful when you use elastics on the ends of hair.

February 29th, 2020, 01:03 PM
I tried doing elastics on both hair pieces and my hair ends ended up looking like a W so becareful when you use elastics on the ends of hair.

Wonder how that happened. :hmm:

Always used to work for me.

Of course these days my ends (sharp V) are sharp enough that I just have to reach back, grab it to the front & snip.

February 29th, 2020, 01:50 PM
Wonder how that happened. :hmm:

Always used to work for me.

Of course these days my ends (sharp V) are sharp enough that I just have to reach back, grab it to the front & snip.

I have no idea it happened, maybe cuz it could make the outside hair more taught and scoot the middle piece in.

Also I have come to not really like the putting the pony tail under chin and cutting it that way. It makes my hair like -v- kind of a thing, When I want a smooth flowing U.

I have given up on trimming for now I cannot handle all the mishaps trying to fixits.

February 29th, 2020, 02:09 PM
I just use elastics. To avoid any weird shapes all you have to do is keep the hair combed evenly. Make sure to keep like with like, front bits in the front and back bits together. Otherwise the hem will be all over the place. And the angle of your head is important as well.

February 29th, 2020, 02:40 PM
I have to section my hair in three layers, top to bottom, and then part it down the back. Otherwise, aside from having trouble keeping it all clasped between my fingers, I also really struggle with getting a nice, neat cut; there's just so much hair (my ends stay thick at least to hip) that I end up hacking away and making a mess.

February 29th, 2020, 06:27 PM
I wrote a post in instagram some time ago sharing Spidermom's method with a pic collage, you can check it here (https://www.instagram.com/p/BzfFrYtIBo9/?igshid=8st61wq4akim). Hope you can understand it :)

February 29th, 2020, 10:29 PM
I also like spidermom's method where you use the book. I think it works better for thicker hair. I get a very nice even straight hemline.

March 1st, 2020, 03:16 AM
I use the largest size of the rectangular shaped bag sealing clips (the ones that open all the way on the longer side and are completely flat) along with my fingers because I have the same problem. I hold the side that opens so it's basic an extension of my fingers and the hair doesn't fall out the other side since it's hinged. I also hold the hair between my thumb and forefinger with my palm flat against my hair so it all lays straight.

On my next trim (whenever that may be) I'm going to try spidermom's book method and see how I like it. It's basically the same principle I already use with the clip but the edge of the book is longer so I won't have to have any hair in my hand at all. I'm concerned about how much control I would have over the hair strands though but I'll need to actually try it before passing judgement on whether the method is going to be right for me but it does look like a good method that a lot of people with thicker hair have had success with.

March 1st, 2020, 05:34 AM
Thank you so much, Milady! I remember reading about her method ages ago but completely forgot about it. Visuals stick with me the best so this really helps.

March 3rd, 2020, 02:53 PM
I wrote a post in instagram some time ago sharing Spidermom's method with a pic collage, you can check it here (https://www.instagram.com/p/BzfFrYtIBo9/?igshid=8st61wq4akim). Hope you can understand it :)

Thank you everyone who suggested spidermom's method! I'll certainly try that next time. I've already started thinking about which book to use...

Milady, these instructions are very useful. Thank you so much for making them. Would you consider posting them in a thread on LHC as well for posterity? If you do so in the public part of the forum, it will be automatically archived on the Internet Archive (https://archive.org/web/) for ever, which unfortunately isn't the case for Instagram.
Another option is an LHC article, but I can't work out where those are...

March 3rd, 2020, 09:42 PM
Thank you everyone who suggested spidermom's method! I'll certainly try that next time. I've already started thinking about which book to use...

Milady, these instructions are very useful. Thank you so much for making them. Would you consider posting them in a thread on LHC as well for posterity? If you do so in the public part of the forum, it will be automatically archived on the Internet Archive (https://archive.org/web/) for ever, which unfortunately isn't the case for Instagram.
Another option is an LHC article, but I can't work out where those are...

I will do it later in the computer :) I'm very happy to read that those instructions are useful! I also need visuals so it's easier for me to remember it this way. I just redacted a bit more and took pics for the visuals to original's Spidermom's idea ^^

March 4th, 2020, 12:26 AM
PS: Just created a post (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=151869)about Spidermom's method, enjoy :)