View Full Version : Guilty after using a straightener

February 13th, 2020, 01:58 PM
I’ve been on this forum for two years now trying to grow my hair to tailbone length. My hair is a little longer than MBL. I’m about 31/2-4 inches away from hip length. Last night I went on a date with my SO and decided I’d straighten my hair a little bit just to give it a bit of an under curl. Now I’m riddle with regret and I’m scared that even using the iron once has caused damage. Before yesterday I hadn’t used heat on my hair for almost 6 months straight. I know using heat on my hair once in a blue moon isn’t going to significantly damage my hair but I can’t help but cringe today thinking about it. I’m just done DC and moisturize moisturize moisturize for the next couple of weeks. :rolleyes:

February 13th, 2020, 02:12 PM
It's fine!!!
Don't stress yourself out too much, I'm sure any damage it did to your hair was minimal.
Like, do you see or feel any damage on your hair?
Avoiding heat is great for your hair, but it's not gonna fall off if you use a little bit. As long as it's not every day you'll be fine.
Really, I feel like as long as you're not using heat every day, bleaching it, picking split ends, ripping through knots, etc. It's probably fine. Hair can take a lot before becoming super damaged. If you're extra careful with it when it's healthy a little heat won't hurt.

February 13th, 2020, 02:55 PM
It's fine!!!
Don't stress yourself out too much, I'm sure any damage it did to your hair was minimal.
Like, do you see or feel any damage on your hair?
Avoiding heat is great for your hair, but it's not gonna fall off if you use a little bit. As long as it's not every day you'll be fine.
Really, I feel like as long as you're not using heat every day, bleaching it, picking split ends, ripping through knots, etc. It's probably fine. Hair can take a lot before becoming super damaged. If you're extra careful with it when it's healthy a little heat won't hurt.

I'm actually really good at TLC and babying my hair. Ever since joining LHC I've developed some obsessive hair tendencies. Thanks for reminding me that I'm human and a little hair play isn't going to set me back the way I think it is. :cheese:

February 13th, 2020, 03:30 PM
6 months heat free is just going to give you 6 months of "growth" that is *totally* damage free, it has to all grow out; and that is a very slow process.

Even once heat (if hot enough) *can* damage the hair.

But you can examine for yourself. Just look at your hair for "white dots" up the strand usually, a number of inches from the end of the hair. Usually there where the straightener went over it. If you have those, that is damage. If not, or not a lot, then I would not worry about it too too much.

Welcome to the forum, BTW! :D

February 13th, 2020, 05:20 PM
6 months heat free is just going to give you 6 months of "growth" that is *totally* damage free, it has to all grow out; and that is a very slow process.

Even once heat (if hot enough) *can* damage the hair.

But you can examine for yourself. Just look at your hair for "white dots" up the strand usually, a number of inches from the end of the hair. Usually there where the straightener went over it. If you have those, that is damage. If not, or not a lot, then I would not worry about it too too much.

Welcome to the forum, BTW! :D

Thanks Lapushka! I do S&D weekly as well as rotating between protein and moisture treatments. Like i said my hair is somewhere between MBL and WL and I'm growing out my virgin hair. I have some white dots and a few split ends and hairs that are bent but it's not excessive by any means. My halo is also a bit frizzy because my hair history is basically: Bleached my whole head from dark brown (virgin hair) to a buttery blonde (royal fail and not the color I was going for shudder:) Needless to say it didn't take long for me to dye over the blonde with a black box dye. I continued using box dyes (browns and blacks) And then I got balayage highlights done in the summer of 2019. I ended up hating is later on and put a brown box dye over that. I haven't dye it since then which was 6 months ago. I have about 6 months worth of virgin roots. My hair grows quite fast and its in really good conditions but I really hate how my halo is so frizzy from all the color and heat damage I've put it through. I can't wait to have my virgin hair back. Until then I have you guys to vent to and get advice from. :cheese:

February 14th, 2020, 05:11 AM
Thanks Lapushka! I do S&D weekly as well as rotating between protein and moisture treatments. Like i said my hair is somewhere between MBL and WL and I'm growing out my virgin hair. I have some white dots and a few split ends and hairs that are bent but it's not excessive by any means. My halo is also a bit frizzy because my hair history is basically: Bleached my whole head from dark brown (virgin hair) to a buttery blonde (royal fail and not the color I was going for shudder:) Needless to say it didn't take long for me to dye over the blonde with a black box dye. I continued using box dyes (browns and blacks) And then I got balayage highlights done in the summer of 2019. I ended up hating is later on and put a brown box dye over that. I haven't dye it since then which was 6 months ago. I have about 6 months worth of virgin roots. My hair grows quite fast and its in really good conditions but I really hate how my halo is so frizzy from all the color and heat damage I've put it through. I can't wait to have my virgin hair back. Until then I have you guys to vent to and get advice from. :cheese:

Totally get it.

When I first got here I did plenty of things you're "not supposed to" do as well. It takes some time, but I'm sure you'll get there! :thumbsup:

Good luck & happy growing,
and again welcome! :D

February 15th, 2020, 02:03 AM
BananaBean, I know the feeling! I have a heat straightening coming at the end of may (my brother's wedding) and I'm feeling nervous about it - the heating part. So I'm thinking on doing some Olaplex no. 2 deep treatments a month before and a month after in order to reduce the damage.

February 16th, 2020, 12:48 AM
Personally my hair looks nicer straightened so if I have a special event and i want to wear it out, I will straighten, no guilt at all. Im happy enough with it shoved into a bun 99% of the time but will not feel guilty about enjoying it out and straight. I'm sure you looked lovely and hope you enjoyed your night out ��

March 30th, 2020, 08:13 PM
One time with a hot iron can heat damage your hair as the temperature is so hot!! I’d never use a flatiron on my hair not even if you’d pay me.

March 30th, 2020, 10:28 PM
I used to be like that, for some years, at least. Then I noticed it really, really didn't make a difference if I straightened it sometimes or not. If they were sooo bad and horrible for hair you wouldn't have so many people who use them. Sure, don't do it every day, not even often, but your hair isn't going to get all damaged because of it. Life is too short to have a bad hair day on a special moment just for the sake of telling yourself it is 100% healthy, even if it looks bad. My opinion, at least. I have days when I feel so ugly I really need to do something about it. Walking around with frizzy hairs like antennas is not a sacrifice I need to make for anybody lol.

March 31st, 2020, 01:35 AM
BananaBean it's nice to grow out long and healthy hair, but we must not forget to enyoj it every now and then, even if that means putting some stress on it. So don't feel quilty about it :)

March 31st, 2020, 06:53 AM
I just cut my hair off so my hair is only chin length so my hair is probably less fragile than your hair, however since cutting it short I've been using a hair dryer or straightener on it almost every single day for the past two months and my hair is fine, it actually is very shiny and healthy. So I do not think you have caused serious damage by using a straightener once. Please relax, even slightly damaged hair can look beautiful :)