View Full Version : Wavy hair

January 22nd, 2020, 01:55 PM

Back to issues. My hair is 2a, on top, silky, soft, but underneath, it's wiry, curly, coarse...

It tangles a lot - I tried various conditoners, currently I'm using a stronger one, and it's really good, but still tangles. :/ I use about a handful (anything more, stringy hair)

I tried braids (french, Dutch, basic one, double ones) and they just leave my hair quite crimped and its not really nice.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could do to enhance waves? If I brush, it's puffy but then stringy. And no brushing, stringy, tangly.. in any case, not good.

gel, I tried, but it's just nothing special and has no hold (tried a few) any routine ideas, I'd just really love to end this longlasting issue.. thanks :D

January 22nd, 2020, 03:02 PM
What's your current routine like?

Just wash/condition? If so CWC or even WCC ways of washing the hair might be methods to explore.

Also for enhancing curls/waves, often the LOC/LCO method is used (see my signature).

I used to have big problems with tangles before I discovered my Wet Brush (well I have a knock-off, but same thing) and used to need to use a very heavy conditioner, which was the Herbal Essences Hello Hydration - it is such a great detangler.

January 23rd, 2020, 01:20 PM
I find rope braids (twists) match my wave pattern much better than any other braid. You could try that.

January 23rd, 2020, 11:41 PM
Have you heard of the curly girl method? There are a few threads on here about it, but you could also look it up on YouTube. It's what I use for my hair, ad I went from frizzy and unmanageable to silky, shiny, curls.