View Full Version : Is there a way to determine your upper daily intake of silica?

December 8th, 2019, 06:32 PM
I am looking for specific side effects to be aware of for when your taking to much silica, or what specifically to look for if your not getting enough. I am avoiding the Diatomaceous earth form of it and going with something like horse tail or bamboo for it in a high potency form.

I do have some symptoms of what are thought to be deficiencies, but it only manifest in certain places such as my toe nails, or as longitudinal finger nail ridges which in my case only manifest on certain fingers for whatever reason. Supposedly weak joints that do not stay in alignment may also be a symptom, however there really isnt much in regards to silica in general, to which end its often not even taken seriously like any vitamin.

So how exactly should I take silica? Just with water? With food? During the day, evening, morning? Give me the good details people!

December 8th, 2019, 08:32 PM
More to the point also, can anyone please comment of the working differences that various forms of silica take? Horsetail vs bamboo vs MMST, etc.