View Full Version : What is causing my split ends?

November 28th, 2019, 04:32 PM
A few days ago, I looked down at my hair and was a little horrified at the amount of split ends that had suddenly appeared. My ends split all along my hair length from chin to bottom. This has been an ongoing problem, but it seems like I always get a bunch all at once? I have no idea what is causing them, so I though I would ask all you beautiful long hairs if you had any ideas.

My general hair routine is washing twice a week, then detangling and LCO. If I'm in a hurry I might braid it, but I usually leave it loose to dry. for the past two months I've been trying to stretch time between shampooing, going one or two weeks (I haven't decreased hair washing. In between shampooing I use fermented rice or oat water to help rinse the oil out). I usually brush my hair once a day, then braid and bun it till the next morning. I've started using a silk scarf to wrap my braid at night to protect it.

In the week before this particular split-ends incident I did a SMT after my regular wash. I don't think it damaged my hair in any way. I accidentally over-oiled my hair, but I thought it would be OK to throw it up in a bun and wait till the next wash. A couple days later, my hair is full of various split ends. I've found some that look more like feathers than hair. :(

I did have an unfortunate experiment with using coney conditioner, but I clarified my hair before starting to stretch shampooings. My hair does have some old mechanical damage because I used to braid my hair every day and just let it hang down. I know my current routine is pretty heavy in protein, but my hair doesn't feel crunchy at all. If I go a long time between washes the ends will start to feel a bit dry, but I don't think that is from protein overload?

If anyone sees something I've missed that may be causing the damage, I will be happy for suggestions. I'm getting really frustrated with this, and I don't want to lose my length.:justy:

November 28th, 2019, 04:36 PM
A hair doesn't just up and split after one event, often it is cumulative damage. So you can't say, I used the wrong conditioner, now I have splits. They might just "pop" right then, but it is damage waiting to happen. I think splits can happen from a long standing lack of moisture.

I would try just washing and conditioning your regular amount, and going back to a very simple routine and see what that does. No fussing, no rice water, nothing special and see what it does. I would keep LCO, as that brings tons of moisture to the hair.

November 28th, 2019, 04:46 PM
Right, I know my hair has quite a bit of accumulated damage on the lower parts, so I'm trying to coddle it a bit. It is probably best to return to my old wash schedule, but I was trying to get away from it because washing my hair too frequently makes my scalp itch. That's also why I've been using the rice water for the past 6 months, it helps calm my scalp down. But if it would be best for my hair, I can go back for a couple months and see what happens. :)

November 28th, 2019, 10:55 PM
How often do you s&d? When my hair is long enough I s&d very often just to keep up with it.

November 29th, 2019, 05:07 PM
How often do you s&d? When my hair is long enough I s&d very often just to keep up with it.

I usually do a very thorough s&d once a week, and every day when I braid my hair I look out for splits, and cut them out when I see them.

I am starting to suspect that most of the splits might be on hairs that were damaged from before I started wearing it up. Most of my hair feels pretty soft, but every so often I find one that just feels wrong. It's rough, and has weird kinks in it. They are the ones that split the most. I can only hope that was caused by old mechanical damage.

November 29th, 2019, 06:36 PM
Right, I know my hair has quite a bit of accumulated damage on the lower parts, so I'm trying to coddle it a bit. It is probably best to return to my old wash schedule, but I was trying to get away from it because washing my hair too frequently makes my scalp itch. That's also why I've been using the rice water for the past 6 months, it helps calm my scalp down. But if it would be best for my hair, I can go back for a couple months and see what happens. :)

No no you stick with what works for you.

November 29th, 2019, 11:33 PM
I usually do a very thorough s&d once a week, and every day when I braid my hair I look out for splits, and cut them out when I see them.

I am starting to suspect that most of the splits might be on hairs that were damaged from before I started wearing it up. Most of my hair feels pretty soft, but every so often I find one that just feels wrong. It's rough, and has weird kinks in it. They are the ones that split the most. I can only hope that was caused by old mechanical damage.

I know what you mean, I get those too! My hair is too short to wear up yet so I'm just going to have to keep my fingers crossed it doesn't get out of control. I have a satin pillowcase I use more as a scarf, I tie it like a hood around my hair before I put on or take off shirts, to try and prevent those.
I think it's inevitable but wearing your hair up is definitely the best line of defense.

November 30th, 2019, 12:46 AM
Hi Linden,
Two things stuck out for me in your routines description, detangling after washing (try before washing while it’s dry, then no combing at all while wet) and if you s&d so often there’s a chance your scissors might need a good sharpen as they could be adding to the problem?
Good luck figuring it out :)

November 30th, 2019, 03:23 AM
Hi Linden,
Two things stuck out for me in your routines description, detangling after washing (try before washing while it’s dry, then no combing at all while wet) and if you s&d so often there’s a chance your scissors might need a good sharpen as they could be adding to the problem?
Good luck figuring it out :)

I do it to just save my drain. I detangle pre-wash, and post-wash. And then *still* hair comes out during the washing process. But it's awesome and you don't have as many tangles afterwards if you detangle before washing it.

November 30th, 2019, 03:32 AM
I do it to just save my drain. I detangle pre-wash, and post-wash. And then *still* hair comes out during the washing process. But it's awesome and you don't have as many tangles afterwards if you detangle before washing it.

Yep me too, so much still comes out, I always have this extended “tail” of hair hanging down as I rinse out my conditioner, which I can gently just tease out in one big clump. But then it’s best if I don’t comb my hair until it’s dry (but I don’t use any post wash products/stylers so easier for me.

November 30th, 2019, 03:51 AM
Yep me too, so much still comes out, I always have this extended “tail” of hair hanging down as I rinse out my conditioner, which I can gently just tease out in one big clump. But then it’s best if I don’t comb my hair until it’s dry (but I don’t use any post wash products/stylers so easier for me.

I totally get you! :)

Sometimes I finger detangle (separate some strands and glide hands over) and it comes out in one go, about 10/20 hairs in one go. I lose quite a bit of hair during a wash! But I only do it once a week, so there's that. Phew.

November 30th, 2019, 11:13 AM
I guess I forgot to say that I do detangle my hair pre wash. I detangle my hair afterward to make it easier to add LCO, since I like to do that while my hair is still damp. I guess I'll try to leave detangling until it dries to see if that helps.

Everyone has given such helpful suggestions!

November 30th, 2019, 01:40 PM
I guess I forgot to say that I do detangle my hair pre wash. I detangle my hair afterward to make it easier to add LCO, since I like to do that while my hair is still damp. I guess I'll try to leave detangling until it dries to see if that helps.

Everyone has given such helpful suggestions!

I do LCO as well, on damp hair after it comes out the towel. I put a microfiber sports towel (giant turbie, home-made) over my hair for about 30-45 minutes and then go straight to cream/gel/serum after detangling one more time.

December 1st, 2019, 04:34 AM
I read someplace here on LHC that "catnip is good for split ends". So I raid my kitty's stash & brew catnip tea. It seems to help the hair, both to drink the tea & to put it in a spray bottle & spray it on the hair.

My hair feels a WHOLE lot different since I started using my "hair tea". A lot fewer tangles & splits, the cuticle lies down very nicely, the individual strands are extremely strong & stretchy & borderline unbreakable. I use neither cones nor sulfates.

There's a lengthy thread called "Catnip for split ends?" at https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=476

Hair Tea:
In the gallon jar that will eventually hold the Hair Tea, place 1 Tblsp. fenugreek seeds & 1 c. spring water. Set in fridge.

Fill a small saucepan with bottled spring water. Bring it to a boil. Remove from heat. Add 1 Tblsp. each of: rooibos, rosemary, catnip, & horsetail (preferably in teaballs or homemade cheesecloth teabags). Cover and steep, at least 10 minutes. Overnight's all right.

When cool, add to the jar with the fenugreek seeds. Add enough spring water to make about 3 quarts.

The Hair Tea can be either a beverage or put in a spray bottle for spraying on the hair.

I like adding a tiny bit of Kalonji Oil to the spray bottle.

NB: Rosemary darkens hair.

December 4th, 2019, 09:00 PM
Thank you everyone for being so helpful! After washing my hair again and keeping a careful eye on it I've come to the conclusion that I may have over-reacted a bit. :oops: The splits are not appearing at any unusual rate, so I guess whatever happened was a one-time thing. I'll just have to keep an eye on it and continue as usual. Maybe I'll try a ROO, since I already know that my hair like oil.