View Full Version : Braids for enhancing waves

September 4th, 2019, 01:38 PM
Question ....
I have 2a hair. Would it be "unnatural" if I braided my wavy hair for better waves or us it okay?

the braid waves last looong time os that's not really an issue.

September 4th, 2019, 01:41 PM
Why would it be unnatural? It might not be your hair's own waviness but so what? I do it most of the time with my own hair as I like the look it gives. My signature picture is my hair with braid waves. If you want to do it, then do it, it's your hair and you should get to enjoy it the way you want it to be. :)

September 4th, 2019, 01:58 PM
Different types of braids give different types of waves! Have fun!

September 4th, 2019, 04:58 PM
I agree with the previous posters. Who cares if it's "unnatural"? It's a fun way to play with texture. I sport braid waves from time to time. Have fun with it!

September 4th, 2019, 05:08 PM
I dont know. Do you have any ideas for how to protect it at night and so it's not a pineapple?

September 4th, 2019, 05:39 PM
Its okay to braid the hair at night while you sleep. I'm a 2a too and keep it braided and bunned every day and night

September 4th, 2019, 05:43 PM
I like braid waves! It's fun to mix things up a bit. I recommend braiding at night, though my hair had to be mid back or so before they consistently stopped unraveling by morning.

September 4th, 2019, 08:46 PM
I think I'm the only person for whom braids STRAIGHTEN the hair. I would love to try braid waves, but they don't work for me.

Try it!

Braid waves, twist outs, rag curls, pin curls, wrapping for straightness and so forth. It's not cheating. They're all perfectly legitimate approaches.

Elizabeth E
September 5th, 2019, 01:53 AM
I do this all the time. To avoid straight ends, you can take three pieces of ribbon, tie them together and add them to the braid sections once you near the ends. Then you can use the ribbon to braid past the ends of your hair, thus allowing them to curl too.

September 5th, 2019, 06:08 AM
I find that rope braids work the best for me. Regular braids tend to frizz up.

September 5th, 2019, 06:12 AM
Why not? I wouldn't even consider braiding for waves unnatural.

September 5th, 2019, 09:38 AM
Catoala, I agree with everyone to just do you! If you usually wear your hair in a pineapple but are looking into trying braids you could try gathering your hair up high in the same position and braid it on top of you head. I used to do this with a rope braid but 3 strand or any braid would work. The waves come out nice and you can even bun the braid up top while you sleep.
Elizabeth e, I am interested in what kind of ribbons you use, I have some satin thick ones but I am having trouble adding them to me braid, too slippy. I have used yarn paranda but the wool seems drying. How do you attach your ribbons? Maybe I just need more trial and error, I have only tried once with the satin :/

September 10th, 2019, 08:58 AM
I do this all the time. To avoid straight ends, you can take three pieces of ribbon, tie them together and add them to the braid sections once you near the ends. Then you can use the ribbon to braid past the ends of your hair, thus allowing them to curl too.

Parandas (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=91490) are great for this as well.

Or, use strips of cloth to form rag curls on the ends.

September 10th, 2019, 09:03 AM
I braid down to a point where I can't braid any further, then I use a tie right over the top of the braided ends. It gives good results for braid waves.

September 10th, 2019, 06:07 PM
I think I'm the only person for whom braids STRAIGHTEN the hair. I would love to try braid waves, but they don't work for me.

Me too. I think for anyone with curls, braidwaves are a great way to reduce your curl pattern and, by extension, the amount of work required to do your hair!

And cjk, try braiding smaller sections at a time. 7 different small braids will leave you with a much tighter and more distinct wave pattern than 2 large braids will.

December 20th, 2019, 10:52 PM
Every night I throw my hair in a braid. I do this to keep it in one place and out of my face. I also braid it to give me the extra wave to my hair because my hair floats between 1c to 2b. My hair holds waves really well. I don’t think there is anything wrong with braiding your hair. It causes less damage than heat tools.

Groovy Granny
December 21st, 2019, 10:12 AM
I get lovely waves from my twin english night braids.
Biosilk serum is applied to the ends before braiding to avoid my ends drying out....and it enhances the wurls.