View Full Version : Video: how to grow your hair faster (not what you think)

August 30th, 2019, 03:54 PM
This is a video by Brad Mondo (hair stylist turned YTer) and he's just telling it how he sees it:

What do you think?

August 30th, 2019, 04:34 PM
So I wasn't going to watch this vid but then I saw who posted it (wassup, Lapushka <3) and then I saw it was Brad Mondo who I sort of find entertaining, so yeeeah.

First off... Is this dude even a legitimate hairdresser? Like, I know we don't really like hairdressers here, but is he even that? During my late night drunken online binges I've heard some rumours that he's not even licensed so yeaaaaah. Isn't he just some dude with some basic knowledge of hair (which tbh isn't that hard to aquire) who throws some semi-nice shade at girls dying their hair at home? Also I've never seen him with anything longer than 1 1/2 inches of hair and it's always bleached, so I'm going to take anything he says with a huge grain of salt, especially long hair-related.

Second, and I'm absolutely going to admit I didn't watch through 15 minutes of his rambling, but most of what he's saying is just common sense, yeah? Obviously putting eggs in your hair isn't going to magically make it grow faster. Obviously having a healthy diet is going to provide your body with the necessary nutrition to grow hair at its best rate. Generally being healthy is going to optimize it, and taking care of what hair you already have is going to allow you to go longer without cutting it, but like... There is no magic potion that makes it actually grow faster. That's not a new thing.

But like... According to how many folks religiously google "how to make hair grow faster" and asking questions already answered a million times, that is somehow a new question. And I mean, the dude isn't wrong. It's just common sense that's too darn easy to overlook in the quest for that magic potion, especially considering how many varieties of snake oils we're offered every day. If someone saves their time and money by watching that video and actually realize they just gotta be patient and care for the hair they've got, then good. That's awesome! Bring 'em all here, if they want long hair.

But I got to be honest: I'm kinda bothered with this dude who's urging girls to go platinum blonde (but at a salon, so it's okay, obvs) whose hair is never more than 1 1/2 inches, sitting there all judgemental and getting tons of views from his clickbait title. Come on. It's not that simple. It's a whole world out there telling girls from day 1 they're not good enough unless X Y or Z and yeah, like it or not, growing long hair while still obeying silly rules about what to do about it, is one of them. Of course we all know we can't just smear eggs in our hair and it'll grow 3 inches a month. It's just some cruel dream being sold to his, force-fed from we're practically infants; we still try it. And then to add insult to injury, we've got these dudes telling us how silly we are for believing it, even when their own hair never surpasses 1 1/2 inch. Just like Brad Mondo. Honestly... Eff off.

Not to you, Lapushka, obviously - you're one of my faves! But Brad Mondo, as entertaining as I sometimes find him... ugh.

Also, full disclaimer; I've 'accidentally' had a bottle of wine and this may or may not be fully comprehensible. ;)

August 30th, 2019, 04:55 PM
Great video! Thanks for sharing! He made some really excellent points. Like, the amount of hair you have on year head comes from genetics. How fast your hair grows comes from genetics. There is no type of oil that makes your hair grow any faster than the normal growth rate. I've always believed that. I've heard that being a vegan is also good for your hair. I'be always thought that getting my protein from milk and eggs I was doing my hair a lot of good.

August 30th, 2019, 05:07 PM
Not to you, Lapushka, obviously - you're one of my faves! But Brad Mondo, as entertaining as I sometimes find him... ugh.

Also, full disclaimer; I've 'accidentally' had a bottle of wine and this may or may not be fully comprehensible. ;)

Yes TBH, I'm about in the middle where his videos go, sometimes I like them, other times not so much. But I thought the initial point about the belief that "some thing" (like the umpteenth gummy vitamin) out there can make hair grow faster was bananas is a good one. Which is in essence why I posted. He's entertaining and he can get that point across I think.

August 30th, 2019, 05:15 PM
I've seen a few of his videos before, including this one. I really don't rate his advice or opinion in general, just listening to his absolute ignorance regarding henna, yet he still felt qualified to talk about it as an "expert" (this was on another video) to me indicates just how unreliable he is regarding, well, anything other than subjective opinion.
Also, when he described eggs as chicken babies he really showed how unqualified he is to talk about nutrition and biochemical processes at ANY level.

He offered some ok advice, common sense stuff that really wasn't at all new or hard to work out. Oh, I must say (and I know this will possibly upset some people) but the conversations I hear around veganism often seem so ableist. Much as I do concur with the ethical and environmental issues of animal products, I get snippy at the way some people talk about diet, lifestyle and nutrition but fail to take into account people with limited energy levels, or mobility issues and most of all, people with digestive issues that already require them to cut out huge chunks of food groups.
Sorry, going a bit off topic there although he did seem keen to make it all about being vegan and how veganism cures hair and skin problems and animal products have no nutritional value, you know, from his perspective as an obviously highly qualified specialist based on substantial in depth scientific research which somehow still allowed him to not realise that eggs are not fertilised. But whatever, he just likes to go on camera and be bitchy about people and people mistake that for an informed perspective.

August 30th, 2019, 05:19 PM
I like his hairdresser reacts videos. However, he has said in various videos that he hates reading and never does it. That really makes me question where his knowledge base is coming from as I'm sure he's not reading any scientific journals on the subject. From what I have read some of what he says has merit to it and some of it is does not. :shrug:

August 30th, 2019, 05:24 PM
Exercise & more water sound good. Massaging the scalp more sounds good. Eating more veggies sounds good. Skipping the sugar & other junk, yes, yes, yes.

But no, I'm not going vegan. I'm sold on raw milk & fermented cod liver oil. See Cure Tooth Decay: Heal & Prevent Cavities with Nutrition by Ramiel Nagel.

And I like Brad Mondo and his upbeat approach to life.

But I think the young lady whom he advises to go platinum blonde is already a 10, & no higher score's possible on my score system.

August 30th, 2019, 05:27 PM
He said it's all his opinion so I stopped listening. I'm a woman of science not opinion. It's just a reverse click bait to me, and with short bleached hair his opinion is questionable too. He seems sweet though.

August 30th, 2019, 05:34 PM
Hey my beautiful babes!

Seriously, though, he's coming at things from a hairdresser's perspective. They arrange hair, they sculpt it. They don't typically focus on growing it to its potential.

But having said that, I absolutely adore Brad! He is one of my guilty pleasures, binge watching his videos. And his advice is often slanted yet accurate. For instance, he's right about the vitamins. Eating them won't make your hair grow faster.

But if your growth rate is retarded by a nutritional deficiency, the vitamins will help correct the deficiency and support healthy growth at a normal rate.

As for the vegan nonsense, that's individual. People are different, some benefit from veggies tremendously, and some benefit from animal proteins. And yes, the same micro and macronutrients can be provided by both.

I am the latter type, a definite meat eater, and I've never been healthier. "Salads" and many vegetable sources cause me noteworthy inflammation.

Ligeia Noire
August 30th, 2019, 05:46 PM
I watched five seconds... can't stand the guy...
People, hair does not grow fast. When will we realize that?
Most of it is genetically predetermined but at least let's get some advice from the pros..


She is not really talking about fast but healthy growing and of course makes good points.
Certainly, she has that hair because of genetics but if you treat it like **** genetics won't help.

August 30th, 2019, 06:11 PM
I'm not a huge fan of his but I catch myself watching his videos because I loooooove hair before and afters, but after he dissed people with very long hair I just wasn't really about it. He usually gives decent advice, but nothing you can't find with a quick google search.

Sorry for commenting more on him as a person rather than the vid itself, but I find that my comment above stands true for this vid as well- it's not bad advice but it's just basic info. With a title with the phrase "THE TRUTH NO ONE TOLD YOU" in it I was hoping for maybe something I hadn't already learned, but I understand most of his viewership may be new to this info. Also hearing him talk about veganism is a total joke, it's so apparent that he's only ever done the most surface level research on the subject. Implying that veganism is absolutely the healthiest diet/lifestyle for everyone and anyone is inaccurate.

August 30th, 2019, 08:22 PM
But no, I'm not going vegan. I'm sold on raw milk & fermented cod liver oil. See Cure Tooth Decay: Heal & Prevent Cavities with Nutrition by Ramiel Nagel.

Oh yes! Have read that, great info! Don't hear many people talk about it so had to give a shout out to ye! Totally off subject...:o

August 30th, 2019, 10:11 PM
Oh yes! Have read that, great info! Don't hear many people talk about it so had to give a shout out to ye! Totally off subject...:o

Hi ManeGoal! Welcome to the Forum! I figured since Brad Mondo was extoling the virtues of veganism for hair growth, it was reasonable to talk about why Ramiel Nagel no longer is vegetarian. I mean, if possible, I'd like to have both hair & teeth...

So while I enjoy watching a few Hairdresser Reacts vids, I might pick and choose which of his tidbits of advice I actually follow, depending on the circumstances.

SO glad you like that book! :disco:

August 31st, 2019, 05:16 AM
I enjoy Brad's bleach fail videos. He's a hairdresser in New York City. But he is not a a nutritionist. The very thing he mocks like something so simple like eggs has chain fatty acids that are very essential. Liver is not something I would eat but is very very nutrient dense.

But regarding the veganism, I was a vegetarian for over 10 years. I started to decline after 8 years. I started introducing meat products (fish and eggs) and I've experienced better results with my health. I was having some problems starting to develop. But as far as this diet being better for you, veganism is anecdotal. It is personal for everyone. Some people may be better on a vegan diet versus meat diet. But I would never even consider being a vegan. I still consider my food choices with compassion, I don't overindulge in meat and still have a primarily vegetarian diet. I've had too many positives eating animal products again but it had little to do with my hair growth but help with the health of my hair, skin and nails.

August 31st, 2019, 05:51 AM
Oh, I must say (and I know this will possibly upset some people) but the conversations I hear around veganism often seem so ableist. Much as I do concur with the ethical and environmental issues of animal products, I get snippy at the way some people talk about diet, lifestyle and nutrition but fail to take into account people with limited energy levels, or mobility issues and most of all, people with digestive issues that already require them to cut out huge chunks of food groups.

Not here for the video, just wanted to say THANK YOU for this! :flowers: The same is often true of environmental things like zero-waste and plastic-free - for some of us it's simply not possible, no matter how much we might want to make a difference. On holiday I saw 3 zero-waste shops, all inaccessible up steps and appeared to have no maneuvering room even if you could get a wheelchair or other mobility aids in there. Disabled people aren't even an afterthought, we're simply not even considered.

August 31st, 2019, 06:14 AM
Not here for the video, just wanted to say THANK YOU for this! :flowers: The same is often true of environmental things like zero-waste and plastic-free - for some of us it's simply not possible, no matter how much we might want to make a difference. On holiday I saw 3 zero-waste shops, all inaccessible up steps and appeared to have no maneuvering room even if you could get a wheelchair or other mobility aids in there. Disabled people aren't even an afterthought, we're simply not even considered.

You are so welcome! I feel it's something that really should be pointed out more. I could go off on a tangent with this but don't want to derail this thread, I'll just say that in general, and I'm seeing it very starkly here in the UK, disabled people are under so much attack.

August 31st, 2019, 06:38 AM
I like Brad Mondo when he doesn't shame women for not bleaching their hair. Unfortunately, he does just that very often.

Eating eggs, milk, pork, salmon and cooked liver could promote hair growth for you not because of protein, but because those foods are rich in nutrients a lot of people can be deficient in. Like iron and omega fatty acids. You could just supplement, of course, but getting those things from food is always better. Protein is just a bonus.

Also, when people say "going vegan helped my hair and skin so much!" they never specify what kind of diet they were on before. Like, of course switching from junk food to tons of veggies is going to affect you in a very positive way. Besides, it could be intolerance to just one particular product that gave them skin issues, but they cut out so much from their diet that they can't even tell what exactly helped, so they chuck it up to veganism as a whole.

So yeah, I agree that he hasn't discovered a new continent in his video. Just common sense and logic. And again, it could be a great video if it wasn't coming from someone who shames women on the internet for a living.

August 31st, 2019, 06:52 AM
I like Brad Mondo when he doesn't shame women for not bleaching their hair. Unfortunately, he does just that very often.

What's with that? Every time anyone asks him what color she should do for a change it's always platinum blonde or, if they are blonde, a fantasy color. I have seen a lot of his videos and I don;t remember him ever once telling someone to try any shade of brown.

August 31st, 2019, 07:20 AM
I more posted this for the advice than anything regarding him personally.

The overall message being: nothing makes your hair grow faster than just being good with your diet and... don't buy into miracles. That's what I took away from it at least. :shrug:

I have to admit, like cjk, Brad is one of my guilty pleasures as well. ;)

August 31st, 2019, 07:32 AM
Nutrition is everything. Eat high minerals & vitamins food.
Many hair issues show blood nutrients deficiency.

August 31st, 2019, 08:41 AM
I've enjoyed Brad's videos in the past but have grown rather weary of how much he babbles. I do agree that there's nothing that's going to make your hair grow faster, although optimizing your health habits in general can only help. I fear that if anything did force your hair to grow faster, like castor oil massages for example, as soon as you stopped those hairs would probably shed out.

August 31st, 2019, 09:13 AM
I've enjoyed Brad's videos in the past but have grown rather weary of how much he babbles. I do agree that there's nothing that's going to make your hair grow faster, although optimizing your health habits in general can only help. I fear that if anything did force your hair to grow faster, like castor oil massages for example, as soon as you stopped those hairs would probably shed out.

One of the reasons I try not to "mess" with a good thing.