View Full Version : Odor neutralizer?

August 26th, 2019, 08:19 AM
You know those commercials for Febreeze and Lysol where the actress sprays the trash can or the car or other smelly item and the smell supposedly disappears? Is there an equivalent for hair? I work with dairy cows, and that also means working with manure. Cow manure is sort of liquid-y, so if a cow move fast or jumps around, her feet splatter it onto my clothes. I try to keep my hair under a baseball-style hat, but sometimes the smell seems to set into my hair no matter what and I'm stuck washing it! When I actually get manure on it I have to wash it, but maybe you guys know a way to get rid of just smell?

August 26th, 2019, 07:29 PM
What about purchasing an empty spray bottle and diluting white vinegar with water in there. You could spritz your hair when you are done with the cattle for the day and once it dries off it should have neutralized any lingering odor.


August 26th, 2019, 08:48 PM
Vinegar is the only thing I can think of... the only other thing I can think of that one might spray onto something to eliminate odor is alcohol, and obviously you do not want to do that with your hair!

August 26th, 2019, 11:57 PM
I'm wondering if a dry shampoo might work?

August 27th, 2019, 02:11 AM
Might increased preventative measures work? A buff tied closed over a bun with a beanie over the top, or a shower cap under a beanie? Something firmly covering that will squish air out and hold your hair in place then another hat on top to protect the inner hat from the smell?

August 27th, 2019, 08:06 AM
Lemon essential oil might help. You can mix a few drops in a spray bottle with distilled or purified water, and keep the mixture in the fridge for when you need it. You can add a little bit of witch hazel to mix the essential oil with, but you don’t have to, just be sure to shake the bottle before use.

August 27th, 2019, 03:00 PM
These are all good ideas! I'd thought about dry shampoo, but I've never used it before and wasn't sure if it would work. I think I'm going to try pinning my hair on top of my head and tying a bandanna over it, then wearing my hat on top of it. I never thought of using vinegar! I think I have an empty spray bottle lying around somewhere...

September 1st, 2019, 02:30 PM
You could use it as an excuse to do deep conditioning treatments. :)

September 1st, 2019, 07:01 PM
For awhile, I had issues with bad odors in my hair. It smelled like wet dog and nothing worked until I tried my husbands scent remover shampoo.
Its the kind hunters use to remove their scent so the animals can't smell them.

This what I use but any good brand should work as well.