View Full Version : Pre poo with oil and water?

July 23rd, 2019, 12:17 AM
I've done a pre pop olive oil for about 4 washes now. The first time I mixed in a little water with the oil. The last two times I've used straight oil.

Olive oil emulsifies so well. My thought was that the oil would help carry the moisture into the hair shaft, and to hold it there.

The oil & water seemed to work better. It's also possible that the effect was greater just because my hair was in worse shape at the time. I'll add the water next time, but I'm curious. Does anyone know whether my hypothesis is correct?

July 23rd, 2019, 12:37 AM
The only thing the oil is doing is providing a coat over the water that you tried to mix it with.
Hence why your hair feels a lot more moisturized. Oil and water don’t mix, unless some sort of emollient that’s not oil is involved.

Pre-pooing with just oil is going to feel different, than doing oil and water. Oil is mostly a sealant or lubricant.