View Full Version : Anybody experience with elastic band hair extension?

May 31st, 2019, 06:41 AM
So, I'm thinking of getting these to have a longer/thicker braid for Oktoberfest in October but not sure...

Is it safe, I mean, so it doesn't damage/pull my own hair?
Does it stay?
Is it as easy to apply as they say?
If you have experience with these kind of extensions I'd appreciate your opinion on that. :)
I can't use clip-ins (tried, got rid of them after one wear) because of my sensitive scalp and roots. I geht huge headaches, no matter how I attach them, after 20 minutes only. So, I thought this could be better...
There is different reviews on YouTbe on these but you never know if they are sponsored or not... I trust YOU, dear LHC friends, much more :)
Thank you :)

May 31st, 2019, 07:21 AM
I don't know anything about that, but if you want to have braids, kanekalon should work well and it's hair safe.

May 31st, 2019, 07:36 AM
Didn't you say your hair grows an inch a month? Won't it be long enough by then? I'm not sure I would risk putting one of those things in my hair, myself. :ponder:

Why not just let your hair do what it will do until then, and then see what you want to do with it on the day?

May 31st, 2019, 08:33 AM
Didn't you say your hair grows an inch a month? Won't it be long enough by then? I'm not sure I would risk putting one of those things in my hair, myself. :ponder:

Why not just let your hair do what it will do until then, and then see what you want to do with it on the day?

Yes, it grows between 3/4 inch and an inch per month but until the beginning of October it's only 4 months which is not enough growth to give me a long braid to put over my shoulder. I have only a 4 bumps (shredded, front hair is shorter than back) braid in the back, no way to put it over the shoulder so it's visible in the front... I would love an angular french braid starting on the top of th left side of my head, going down to my right shoulder and ending with a long braid I can put over the shoulder. And for that I won't have enough length because I have a very long neck so to make a braid lay on my shoulder needs at least 10 bumps.

May 31st, 2019, 08:45 AM
I've never used those personally but I think they are supposed to be pretty hair friendly. No pulling tugging anything like that but you might have some pressure from the band in front. Probably less so if you're planning an angled french braid, that should distribute weight very well. I am interested to hear more if you try it out!

May 31st, 2019, 09:19 AM
I don't know anything about that, but if you want to have braids, kanekalon should work well and it's hair safe.

I have tried it and only got tangles... :( I don't think I will manage to braid with it...

May 31st, 2019, 09:20 AM
I've never used those personally but I think they are supposed to be pretty hair friendly. No pulling tugging anything like that but you might have some pressure from the band in front. Probably less so if you're planning an angled french braid, that should distribute weight very well. I am interested to hear more if you try it out!

It's real remy hair and not cheap so, I will wait for more recommendations/answers... but if I decide to buy it I will post pictures and my review here :)

May 31st, 2019, 11:03 AM
This is the best video I have found. She is not sponsored, only 1000 subs.

Edit: She is. Sponsored. There is an off code. But it's a good presentation anyway.

May 31st, 2019, 11:22 AM
My friend's fiancee got one of these! She bought it from a local salon that carries them. She keeps her hair chin - shoulder because of bleach and she said it stayed put and was comfortable once she adjusted the elastic to her head size. It is about BSL on her. She has only worn it down so I'm not sure how braids would work with it but she said she was planning to use it for her wedding hair which is a half up with some braids.

I don't see how just wearing it for a few days would cause any kind of damage.

May 31st, 2019, 01:47 PM
My friend's fiancee got one of these! She bought it from a local salon that carries them. She keeps her hair chin - shoulder because of bleach and she said it stayed put and was comfortable once she adjusted the elastic to her head size. It is about BSL on her. She has only worn it down so I'm not sure how braids would work with it but she said she was planning to use it for her wedding hair which is a half up with some braids.

I don't see how just wearing it for a few days would cause any kind of damage.

Thank you :) That's good to know :)

May 31st, 2019, 01:52 PM
You could just make a paranda. Way cheaper and you can make it whatever color/length you want.

May 31st, 2019, 01:57 PM
You could just make a paranda. Way cheaper and you can make it whatever color/length you want.

Yep, good point!

June 1st, 2019, 03:28 AM
Yep, good point!

I never did that... Where can I buy it? Is it a special kind of yarn?

June 1st, 2019, 03:31 AM
You can just make one yourself.


June 1st, 2019, 03:42 AM
Would it work with this?
https://www.amazon.de/Manos-del-Uruguay-Silk-Blend/dp/B07S4B7BJ4/ref=sr_1_26?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C 3%91&crid=237UHVPWQYEU8&keywords=seidengarn+zum+h%C3%A4keln&qid=1559382039&s=kitchen&sprefix=Seidengarn+%2Ckitchen%2C155&sr=1-26
It's 70% merino wool and 30% silk. I don't want synthetic fibres in my hair...

June 1st, 2019, 03:44 AM
Would it work with this?
https://www.amazon.de/Manos-del-Uruguay-Silk-Blend/dp/B07S4B7BJ4/ref=sr_1_26?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C 3%91&crid=237UHVPWQYEU8&keywords=seidengarn+zum+h%C3%A4keln&qid=1559382039&s=kitchen&sprefix=Seidengarn+%2Ckitchen%2C155&sr=1-26
It's 70% merino wool and 30% silk. I don't want synthetic fibres in my hair...

I'm sure that would work very well for you!

June 1st, 2019, 04:05 AM
I'm sure that would work very well for you!

Thank you :) I will order it and try how it looks like :)

June 1st, 2019, 04:38 AM
You can try making them in different lengths to see what you like best.

June 1st, 2019, 04:52 AM
You can try making them in different lengths to see what you like best.

Yes. I will buy some blue and green too. :) To see how it looks with colors. I have found 100% silk yarn. A bit expensive but it's worth it. My hair loves silk the most and it will protect my hair perfectly. Cotton for example (scarfs, beanies...) dries my hair out a lot so it's not an option.

June 3rd, 2019, 07:10 AM
Okay, went to a wool shop, bought wool and it looks just awful. That's definitely no option for Oktoberfest. I think my hair should either be thinner (more tapered ends) or longer with tapered ends, then it would work. But this is just ridiculous :(


June 3rd, 2019, 07:17 AM
You might to try adding more yarn, one more paranda, somewhere there your own hair ends, to achieve thicker and more even braid, maybe... Just a thought, if you want to keep experimenting with this.

June 3rd, 2019, 07:28 AM
You might to try adding more yarn, one more paranda, somewhere there your own hair ends, to achieve thicker and more even braid, maybe... Just a thought, if you want to keep experimenting with this.

Thank you :) Yes, of course I don't plan to give it up... I like the idea of it. But it's very difficult... it took me an hour to figure out how to hold it with my hair and start braiding because the knot doesn't stay in the middle under the hair when you pull one strand and the wool tangles all the time... it's very difficult... and the results were always bad. It looks so easy in tutorials on YT but it isn't.

June 4th, 2019, 01:55 AM
You'll find it easier if you keep doing it. Have you tried it with the knot on the outside of the hair? That's how I do it and it doesn't show at all.

June 4th, 2019, 04:34 AM
I actually used Sarahlabyrinth’s YouTube video to learn and had absolutely no problem braiding my DIY yarn paranda into my hair the first time! I practiced a normal French or Dutch braid a few times first, just to get my head around the basics again before going in with that. I must say, mine might have worked better because my ends are much thinner than yours are. But a thicker paranda would maybe conceal the ends!

I started with my paranda on the top of the hair, as Sarahlabyrinth has said. What kind of yarn did you use?

June 4th, 2019, 06:15 AM
I actually used Sarahlabyrinth’s YouTube video to learn and had absolutely no problem braiding my DIY yarn paranda into my hair the first time! I practiced a normal French or Dutch braid a few times first, just to get my head around the basics again before going in with that. I must say, mine might have worked better because my ends are much thinner than yours are. But a thicker paranda would maybe conceal the ends!

I started with my paranda on the top of the hair, as Sarahlabyrinth has said. What kind of yarn did you use?

Glad it worked for you! :D

June 4th, 2019, 10:09 AM
Glad it worked for you! :D

I didn't know you have a channel :) Subbed and watching :)

June 4th, 2019, 10:13 AM
Glad it worked for you! :D

Congrats to 500 subs. :) What a coincidence, I'm number 500 :)

June 4th, 2019, 01:31 PM
Congrats to 500 subs. :) What a coincidence, I'm number 500 :)

That IS a coincidence - thank you! :)

June 5th, 2019, 11:11 AM
I was actually debating getting the Halo brand version of these for volume on date nights and what not (since I have length but not thickness) and as long as you’re careful they shouldn’t damage your hair at all! I could see the headband part feeling heavy after a long day, but other than that it should be fine. When I wore clip ins years ago, I always wore my hair under the extensions so when people came up to hug me and would rub my hair, they were only touching the fake hair

June 5th, 2019, 02:25 PM
I was actually debating getting the Halo brand version of these for volume on date nights and what not (since I have length but not thickness) and as long as you’re careful they shouldn’t damage your hair at all! I could see the headband part feeling heavy after a long day, but other than that it should be fine. When I wore clip ins years ago, I always wore my hair under the extensions so when people came up to hug me and would rub my hair, they were only touching the fake hair

I have worn clip-ins a couple of times and found them beautiful, easy to blend... but I get terrible headaches from them... really bad. Every time, after only half an hour. This could be a better option...